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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29722395 No.29722395 [Reply] [Original]

Hello to all of my fellow DeFiat chads, and welcome to any newcomers!

Here is some spoonfeeding material for any anons who have not found this gem yet.

>Testnet was released a few days ago, with mainnet and AnyStake coming within 1-2 weeks.
>AnyStake will allow users to stake up to 16 different assests, such as LINK, AAVE, QNT, TRB, and many more.
>16 assests released is just the beggining as they will be releasing more the week after AnyStake launch.
> DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
>Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
>As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.

Initial assests to be able to be staked on AnyStake launch - $WBTC, $USDC, $USDT, $UNI, $YFI, $LINK, $MKR, $CEL, $SNX, $AAVE, $CORE, $AMPL, $QNT, $LTO, $UOS, $TRB and a few more.

Did I forget to mention that they will be reducing gas fees with staking on top of all of this?
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Look up the github and DYOR.

Apparently something big coming tomorrow. ;) ;)

Medium - https://defiat.medium.com/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DefiatOfficial

>> No.29722850

These threads read exactly like how Asko threads used to be before the big pump and dump. I’ve got a bag of this but please keep the shilling to a minimum.

No generals, and no Pepe/wojak memes

>> No.29722922

Picked up a bag the other day. Not safe to sleep on DFT much longer, this isn’t some forked defi bullshit, it’s revolutionary for real, or at least has the potential

>> No.29723073

Definitely not a pump and dump frend. DFT has the strongest low cap community i've ever come across.

that being said, I hold a bag. why?

because this project is novel in every aspect. The ablity to put assets to work that we all know and love without risking them is unreal.

On top of that, all that liquidiity fud being spread around proves that this project is not only legit, but the team is actually here to build a unique product and deliver it to the DEFI world. No rug pulls (liquidiity locked until dec 31) and no pump and dump ser. Naturally profit takers will take profit and I don't plan on even taking my initial out until $100.

you choose, anons

>> No.29723211
File: 48 KB, 612x408, dft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck Pepe the stupid fucking frog. However, I did come across this beautiful meme

>> No.29723249

Good time to accumulate, once BTC and ETH stops shitting the bed, DFT won't be staying in this price range with it's deflationary tokenomics and mainnet release.

>> No.29723363

why does the white paper not say anything about AnyStake

>> No.29723585


Check out the medium article on AnyStake

stay anon, anons

>> No.29723915

I like how the threads don’t get much traction though. We might have an actual gem. Most meme threads get 300 replies then they rugpull. We’ve got some time. $100 is only 20 mill market cap. Tons of shitcoins get there.

>> No.29724028
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Whitepaper is going to be updated after main net release. Stay around for tomorrow because they'll be making an announcement that may involve a marketing plan as well. Big things are on the horizon anon

>> No.29724160

don't make me gush my panties

>> No.29724311

DFT is going to explode just like ASKO and RBC did

>> No.29724365

> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks

You are here

> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks
> just two more weeks

>> No.29724499

I’d rather we get a slow sustainable climb. I actually don’t want 4chan memers getting in with this shit. It’ll ruin it.
Yeah we’re stuck in limbo.

>> No.29724736

Man, this a fuckin gem right here. Even at 10mil we hit $50 and more, what a fuckin joke.

If AnyStake actually works, my kids kids gonna be set lmao.