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29708675 No.29708675 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone use the Algorand wallet, the official one? Does it automatically do the 7% APY? Also, general discussion.

>> No.29709044
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I've used it before, but I'm a poorfag with only a couple hundred ALGOs. I like the steak.

>> No.29709104

Fucking hate this piece of shit, moon already nigger

>> No.29709186

Same, but plan to buy more. Hoping for a big drop. I went to test it, but it said I have to send at least 0.01, I thought you can just send 0. Also, I have none in there just yet, want to get an opinion and information first.

>> No.29709211

Automatically does the 7% daily but you need to make a transaction for it to compound.

>> No.29709221

Yes, I have it and it gives you rewards every 6 minutes or so. It doesn't compound though, so you have to do the math to see when you should update your wallet value as it costs 0.01 algo to update

>> No.29709301

Need to go to bed. Moved all my BTC into algo for the night. Can't watch the tumble while I sleep

>> No.29709350

I saw someone yesterday talking about the equation to figure out the best time to compound, but I didn't save it. Do you remember it?

>> No.29709491

Why contribute when you have no idea what you are talking about? You can send 0 and it costs 0.001

>> No.29709515

The current APY is 6.97 but yeah.
this is really kind of a shitcoin though, a high dividend ETF gives you the same or better gains without the risk of whales shitting all over you, token dumps, and all that.
I guess in 10 years Algo could be worth 10$ USD per algo, that would be nice, but there are coins right now that could earn you 10x in a week.
Just seems like a weird thing to hodl, the type of coin someone buys just to say they're "in crypto"
maybe time will prove me wrong.

>> No.29709548


Seems like every 2 days of over 1k

>> No.29709700

APY actually fluctuates between ~6.2 and ~7.8 depending on current circulation. Their wallet is great though. Exodus also handles Algorand staking very well, with compound interest via manually claiming, and it doesn't skim off the top. These are the only two wallets I would ever trust with my Algos.

If you're all in on ALGO, it makes more sense to use the official wallet for sure, as you don't have to manually claim interest, and there's some neat Algorand platform stuff integrated with it. ALGO is in my top 3 holds, with the other two being ADA and XTZ. I also keep a stack of HBAR just in case it violently moons one day.

>> No.29709874

this, gonna kms if it doesn't go to $2 soon. What do you suggest? shill me on something

>> No.29710095

ADA has more price action and trading volume, and is similarly priced right now. XTZ is more expensive (not by too much), but sees more significant fluctuations in value, and might be more exciting to you (without risking terrifying dumps). Both can be staked easily in a number of different wallets too.

>> No.29710104

What’s your EOY prediction? At this point I don’t expect much, I’m just holding still in case something happens. I can’t really see anything happening for awhile though

>> No.29710266

This is a slow and steady gainer when market conditions are better. I can easily see it getting to 3.50 or a bit higher by EoY, if we don't get absolutely raped by bobo.

>> No.29710456

As long as it’s consistently above $1 I won’t be worrying to much short term

>> No.29710676

Do you think I’m better off grabbing an Eth for $1,500 or 1,500 algos for $1,500 if I’m looking for. 2-3 year hold?

>> No.29710822

Cool thanks, I'll check them out. I don't mind having a separate wallet, I just want to make sure I get the full amount. >>29710095
Also thanks, I'll check them out too.

>> No.29710899

Keeping your Al Gore &s on an exchange means you get an auto compound every time you buy more.

>> No.29711050

Consider that Silvio has already delivered a proof of stake platform. Where is ETH 2.0? And you are in an ALGO thread... consider the source.

>> No.29711147

Yeh I know. I’m already sitting on a 10,000 stack of algo. Just hard to consider.

>> No.29711421

roger that, I'm a space booty boss too. i'm scooping up some cheapies on bittrex right now.

>> No.29711575

yeah sadly my exchange does not support Al Gore staking yet

>> No.29711662
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>bought 1500 ALGO at 1.55
>never recovered back to that price
what a fucking waste but I'm holding for years so it doesnt matter even tho I could have just waited

>> No.29711890

i'm right there with you bro holding my bags - i guess I just won't look at this wallet for a long long long time to forget about it even existing and maybe one day stumble upon it and hopefully be able to turn a profit

>> No.29711981

You'll get the full amount in both Exodus and the official wallet for sure. Try 'em both out. I only use Exodus because I like having all my stuff accessible in one interface and being able to easily sync my assets between devices (also because other official project wallets are nowhere near as slick as Algorand's).

I thankfully got in below 0.6, but yeah, this is definitely a long term hold. We'll all see significant gains eventually.

>> No.29712008

Well a major dip is happening and I might average my shit out since its less than a dollar now

>> No.29712022

Just write the money off as a loss and move onto other shit.
Its what i did. Liberated me from worrying about this shitcoin.

>> No.29712049

just use the algo wallet.
you can send 0 algos to yourself
and collect the steak on the transaction..
its easy.

>> No.29712319

also you can just add your algo address to your contacts list on the algo app, and just click the contact to send it to yourself, so you dont have to keep copy pasting the address.

>> No.29712798

Ahh, thanks.

>> No.29713004

it works easy.
i didnt figure it out for months.
ive been manually copy/pasting it all this time..
then i added the algo adresses from different exchanges to contact to..

coinbase algo wallet
binance algo wallet
crypto.com algo wallet
my wallet

its sweet.

i wish i set it up earlier..
copy pasting gives me anxiety, cause my thumbs/phones dont mix.

>> No.29713477

Awesome, thanks buddy.

>> No.29713578

This coin would be the dream if it wasn’t for the: “token infusion” (basically dumping tokens into circulation when price drives up above 30 day MA to “decrease volitility”)
And can’t forget about the fluctuating APY that’s goes down as more people are staking so they can slow down inflation. Them lowering the apy really makes this coin a hard sell IMO.

>> No.29713852

How low are we going? What's the bottom. I have buy orders through the 80's but thinking about pushing some to the 70s. Trying to get a nice 25K stack this weekend. Then work my way up through trading to a 30K

>> No.29714196

If you are looking for a get rich quick, this is certainly not it.

I have some and plan on holding it for some time, I imagine that most of the people claiming this to be a Shitcoin are in their early 20’s and have no concept of long term investment.

>> No.29714206

This coin literally made a 12x from bottom to top. You fell for disinformation.

>> No.29714280

I have a pretty medium sized bag (5k) so no FUD, in my experience it mostly hovers between .8 and 1.4 and it's going to take a couple years before the project gets off the ground and they stop doing this >>29713578 where they artificially deflate the price to keep pnd-ers out

>> No.29714337

Honestly I wish I sold at $1.5 and then bought back in around now

>> No.29714392

I did a calculation on my stack. At 2400 algos, its every 4.5 days. If you're at about 5k+, its about every 2 days. If you've got a really small stack (like 100), then every 2 weeks.

>> No.29715535

This my game plan, buy and hold for years. Just try to get a 1k stack, maybe even keep it in shitbase since it adds automatically, even though they are skimming off the top.

>> No.29715714

Get the Algo wallet for fuck's sake. Its not hard people.

>> No.29715813

Go back to ylilauta

>> No.29715968

This. The official wallet is great and you get the full staking (coinbase shaves off the top and keeps some for themselves) + Algo fees are insanely cheap and insanely fast. There is literally zero reason to leave it on coinbase

>> No.29717031

>zero reason to leave it on coinbase
Yep. There's no good reason to leave anything on Coinbase or any other exchange, except for maybe ERC tokens that you might want to swing trade, what with the gas and all.

>> No.29717277
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WAGMI, Algo's gonna hit $3 by April after the upcoming announcement. See you then, Algochads!

>> No.29717418

Just moved my ETH onto my ledger. Just following NYKNYC I guess.

>> No.29717520

Meh I'm waiting until it hits $100 or more if it can even do that. I ain't selling, but I'd love to live off my steak if that's possible.

>> No.29717529

checked I’ll buy more next payday
t. 100 algolet

>> No.29717766

algo doesnt have gas

>> No.29717880

Yeah I just transferred some algos into it.

I really like it. I was reading you can get air drops on it and you can transfer your algo via Bluetooth to a ledger nano x.

I really like this wallet. You can have multiple different algo accounts open names whatever you want and you can transfer between the two.

One of my biggest gripes with managing money in banks is not being able to cheaply open new accounts so I can keep my budget straight.

10/10 this will help dumb people not be so poor. I really like this coin it’ll go places. Especially if they’re holding back their Dapps due to the SEC pending regulations with Gensler set to come in. They’re treating ALGO as strictly cash product because they’re bros and they’re already aware if what the regulations might be and already prepared.

When it’s all set and done and they air drop anything meaningful it’s going to get a nice little bump to a higher average.

>> No.29717966
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>> No.29718011
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>> No.29718143


>> No.29718354

Waiting for 0.5 to buy more

>> No.29718709

I have a humble stack of about 5% ALGO in my folio. But personally I'm still DCA'in into ETH just because I believe in it long term and would rather use than sell. ALGO is more a medium-term play for me. I like the staking