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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29701758 No.29701758 [Reply] [Original]

7 figure hell is absolutely the worst. you already have life changing money (if you young), but it's also not really enough to live the ultimate neet life. and the worst part is being so close (for me only a 4x away) from making it, but it feels so far away. and i'm afraid i will never get there.

>> No.29701911

3M is my number. I hit 1M on Saturday but now it’s crashing back down. Sucks dick but a 3x is almost guaranteed. We’re gonna make it bro.

>> No.29701946

Go live in third world shithole for a few minutes months.
When you return you will have a new appreciation for your funds i promise.
If you want 2.5 world shithole that is very safe come to Serbia.

>> No.29701978

Wait until you hit 9 figure hell. Almost made it, but can't really play with the big boys yet. A series of natural and economical disasters could still get you. I just need another 10x, going all in on the next pokemon token for this one.

>> No.29702258

Lol 9 figures.
Asteroid could hit earth and kill everything.

>> No.29702345

Oh please I get so sick of these threads, if you have half of the money you claim you shouldn't be on this forum, I'm only here to try to get money to get the fuck off this place.

>> No.29702344

>3x is almost guaranteed
you mean 3x on your initial because you're shorting, right? you do realize the bullrun's over, right?

>> No.29702432

nigger I'm a neet at high end of 4 figures and haven't even started investing yet and mostly lurks here. idk what you think you got to bitch about.

>> No.29702553

3m is my first goal....i need a 30x for that. After that my final monetary goal is 8 figures. Its starting to feel unlikely, the 7 figures. Worst part is this is the money i need for expenses.

>> No.29702571

You’re wrong, btc will reach 100k-200k this cycle. Even if I have to endure another 4 year bear market, it will be worth it.

>> No.29702672
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NEET myself, we need to guild up and over take these rich fucks portfolios so we can bitch and moan about 13 figure hell.

>> No.29702777

I dont get it. At 7 figures id be quitting my job and just scraping off $50k/y to live on. You could live like a king in a shithole country

>> No.29702888

I got a feeling these are some weird kind of emotional stroke off and they aren't anywhere near that, the sad thing is we are probably richer than they are with our shit jobs.

>> No.29702965

Hey we're triplets!

>> No.29703212

Seethe and cope.

>> No.29703718

Yah. I'd have cashed out if not for the wife. She'll have me ride it to zero then we'll divorce I guess.

>> No.29703772

The cycle is already over.

>> No.29703850

mate im at 8 figure hell. i feel like only another 6x and im done with this shit. then I can live the ideal NEET life

>> No.29704058

I'm in 12 figure hell. you don't know suffering unless yet

>> No.29704225

Neet life has its perks, especially if you're antisocial.
But if I made it to seven figures, I'd probably just work part time on some kind of job that's fun to me.
There are so many activities that you can get money for but not enough money to make a decent living.
Just pick one?

>> No.29704331

but i don't want to live in a shithole. im thinking about moving to amsterdam this summer

>> No.29704424

Serbia is based, I love it there

>> No.29704696

It hasn't even begun newfag.

>> No.29704866

>You do realize the bullrun's over, right?
Shhh, it's gonna be funny when he does a 10÷

>> No.29704994
File: 1.07 MB, 170x180, what_the_fuck_shatner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 year bear
>This cycle.

>> No.29705151

7 figures on a 3rd world is bliss. pick a good vacation country then you'll achieve nirvana with that figure

>> No.29705296

>first world country
7 figs will get you very far in a third world country

>> No.29705471

I'd argue 8 figure hell is much worse because you have "fuck you" money and can live in luxury for the rest of your days, but you can't really do anything epic like build a 1km tall citadel-like castle or fly to Mars or buy up all LINK free float. I think even 9 figure hell is pretty bad, though it is getting closer to 10 figures, where you can finally start living.

>> No.29705832

in recent weeks i bounced off 1.7m, back down closer to a round 1m with eth/btc/link pullbacks.
Link has not done me wrong, but it definitely has not kept pace, i die a little inside everytime I see something like fucking uniswap, a literally useless shitcoin, went from 3 to over 30 in less than 40 days....

>> No.29706044

I won't because I'll get rich here and I'm good looking and tall already so I'll just post pictures of me fucking 10s for free, I'll become /Biz gigachad and you'll be getting leg extensions to catchup.