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29691829 No.29691829 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss coins that are at minimum 2+ year holds
Absolutely 0 food/anime/bsc retarded ponzi's allowed here.
A few examples

>> No.29691864


>> No.29692162
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asbolute shitcoin, fuck off ranjesh, I specifically made this thread to avoid retards like you plaguing it with your sewage

>> No.29692392
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UNN will benefit with the evolution of defi becoming more available to retail and business
PNK needs a solution to gas prices which should be solved by summer, and also their marketing position hopefully being filled by then

>> No.29692418

33% of my portfolio.
33% of my portfolio.

Great choices anon. The rest of my shit is in Tezos, and I keep a few bags of HBAR around in case Oprah blows it up one day.

>> No.29692451


>> No.29692463

BTC/ETH/Chainlink. Don't trust anything else.

>> No.29692583


>> No.29693267

link is an eternal hold

>> No.29693504

dead ponzi
decent bets, but I am staying away till there's some proof they have a real future

>> No.29693639

HBAR is going to at least top 15 coin with all the institutional support behind it

>> No.29693751

I plan to put most of my profit from other shitcoins in MONERO


>> No.29693813


Alt season in 2022 is going to be fucking insane for any DeFi alts

>> No.29694057

Crypto is going to be over in two years, retard.
>t.quantum dev

>> No.29694964
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>> No.29695234


Based. YGMI.

>> No.29695680

Any particular reason?

>> No.29696507

Best risk/reward for long term hold is Centric(CNS) right now but you must also convert your CNS into CNR for monthly %20 (atm) yield, there is no lock-up period so that's good.

>> No.29696751

I'm holding, from biggest to smallest, LINK, AVAX, GRT, FTM, algo, iota. More then half of nw is in eth and btc tho.

>> No.29696772
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>Another blatant chink ponzi
seriously why do you chinks keep doing this? This will die in less than a week

>> No.29696854


>> No.29697091
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It's been on exchanges for like 8 months now and huge Q1 announcements are coming, Going into tier 1 exchanges this year too, so just getting that juicy yield that is paid hourly until we get on new/better exchanges and project grows with announcements.

>> No.29697272
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>Centric Cash (CNS) was first conceived in December 2017. CNS is a TRON-based toke...
And I stopped reading right there. Fuck off

>> No.29697475

LTO for me. The UN just set up its node.

>> No.29697561
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Actually it was first on ETH but retarded gas fees and shit made even simply converting CNS into CNR and vice versa ridiciliously expensive and slow. Centric's own blockchain is being developed anyways, lots of things to come since you asked for long term. Throwing 50$ couldn't hurt

>> No.29697569

Smart move

>> No.29697802


>> No.29698012

RSR and ID are two that I would feel comfortable holding for about 5 years to see if they can accomplish what they're trying to do based on who is backing them.

>> No.29698327

Link btc ubt eth everest (risky but unironically long term potential)

>> No.29698541

Zoomers love it, and it has been growing bigly.

>> No.29698631

I like AMP it has a lot of support and a working product already. Once normies get into crypto in 3 to 5 years I think it will really take off because they'll actually want to spend their coins instead of hoarding them like us

>> No.29698723

maybe SNX

>> No.29699487
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A discussion about long term holds and no one mentions HBAR the Google backed coin with widespread institutional backing?

>> No.29699511

Are people honestly planning on holding through a bear market?

>> No.29699657

i havent seen anyone mention uniswap token
any reason why?

>> No.29700063
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>> No.29700088

U think it will be around in few years? Something new will emerge, that will let u swap for free - dexg or something similiar

>> No.29700457

good point anon

>> No.29700597

I've been reading threads about peoples' regrets and almost all of them are selling during the last bear market when they didn't need the money. The only amount I plan on selling any time soon is initial investment + $1000

>> No.29700630


>> No.29700837

team has been pozzed by pink-haired Progressivism ®, they will be adding a 10% tax for black homeless transgender muslims by year end

>> No.29700941

vechain (VET)
Yuge longer term potential. Actuallygot their shit together since 2017. Partnered with PwC, DNVGL, BYD, and others. Quietly working on actual use cases for smart contracts while Charles makes the ADA sub reddit fellate him with no mainnet. Under NDA with coinbase. Capable of up to 10k tps. Big PoA consensus update coming late Q1 early Q2. 2-3 year target price 0.50-0.80.
Buy now or fomo in at 0.20. Your choice.

>> No.29701062

LGCY still has 2 more years on it's road map
RSR has 20 more years until mainnet. Probably 25 until Coinbase listing

>> No.29701064

also an "alt season" coin that has outperformed BTC in the last 90 days and is close to outperforming eth. This alt season will be about fundamentals. Don't miss.

>> No.29701448

UNI and Algo for sure, maybe XLM.

>> No.29701759

>no bao
>no rubic
eyyo was wrong with yall niggas

>> No.29701875

Stx. 4 year minimum, supply is halved. 1bn market cap currently

>> No.29701891


>> No.29701954

Fully backed by sec. winklevoss wieners deep

>> No.29701975
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>no [rugpull]
>no [rugpull]
>"eyyo was wrong with yall niggas"

>> No.29702094


>> No.29702117

They're not rugpulls you assnigger

>> No.29702153
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For me, it's Hathor

The lowest marketcap "eth killer"
I see no reason why it couldnt make its way to the top 50, or perhaps top 20/10. I do have a small bag and rarely watch the price

>> No.29702223

Stx has its own wallet which you can stake your meager stx and still be rewarded in bitcoin. Every fourteen days.

>> No.29702346

kek shitty 2018 chink coin that has barely moved during the bear market and you expect it to go up naturally in the next few years.
To answer OP I will say look for tokens which are being adopted there is one token which I am eyeing which is an Oracle blockchain partner just like LINK but I won't go further into it to come across as a shill.

>> No.29702478

damn i'm gonna have to steal this one from you assnigger

>> No.29702636


Then a little of each of these, probably only 1 or 2 will survive but its a good hedge:

>> No.29702673

bao definitely is

>> No.29702742

It must definitely is not

>> No.29702834


>> No.29702964
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 4z98k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely check out Earnbet casino project. Top crypto casino dApp. Biggest list of cryptocurrency. Multiple games and improved gaming system.

>No hiccups
>No limitation on withdrawals
>worth the hold

>> No.29703084
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>> No.29703176

I don't know shit about fuck but I'm holding:

Link (only have two)
and a little bit of BAT and FTM

>> No.29703406

Only ones I can't see posted in this thread that I would add are VSP and Everest ID

>> No.29704501


>> No.29704650

Can you read? It's outperformed BTC since November/December. Your choice though. I'm sick of trying to tell biz about this coin. Biz prefers bubble coins that do nothing. What does link actually do. In practice. What the fuck does it do. Nothing.

in 2-3 years only projects with fundamentals will be left.

>> No.29705436


>> No.29706064

Crypto bull markets never last 2 years, this one has tops 8 months left in it

>> No.29706225

When is algo going to dump so I can buy some more?

>> No.29706287

NuCypher is a good long hold

>> No.29706702

Algo & xtz
Stress free life

>> No.29707153

LTO? Real future? have you done any research into it at all kek. literally one of the only blockchains actually being used in the real world

>> No.29707191


>> No.29707284

>quantum dev
Someone take this retard out back he's too far gone.

>> No.29707347


>> No.29707394

singularity net looks nice

>> No.29707423

Really... lmao. Really.
>dev and early backers own 80% and can dump anytime
>devs randomly dump millions of coins without warning
>devs randomly lower the hodl APY without warning
Algo is a scam lmao.

>> No.29707438

XRP for schizo hedge.

>> No.29707561

is it too late to buy LINK if it drops to $20?

>> No.29708365

They’re not dumping coins fren, they’re “gradually diffusing tokens.”
Wait.. is the just a euphemism for dumping?

>> No.29708708


>> No.29708728

Yeah I tried to be optimistic about Algo but the tokenomics are super fucked up. there's a graph somewhere about it but Even when all the coins are released in 2030 [although i guarantee they won't make it that far] Algo foundation and early backers will own like 70% of all coins, but until 2028 or so the will own 80% of all coins in perpetuity.
The fact they can randomly cut APY gives me a really bad vibe, and under no circumstances is it a good idea to hold a coin where a handful of whales hold 80% of the entire fucking supply.
GRT revealed themselves to be a bunch of jews earlier today so i'll cash out of that one the next time it moons. Overall pretty pissed as I had high hopes for these 2 coins, but they showed their hands and retail buyers aren't even a fucking blip on their radar.

>> No.29709012

Lol you actually fell for that GRT FUD? Ngmi

>> No.29709149

I already made it by not buying into retarded shit that is easily FUDed. I look forward to your pink wojaks when GRT takes another shit on your face this weekend.

>> No.29709234

Honest question, what should I look into aside from algo and grt? I was looking at ada possibly.

>> No.29709244

This is a 2+ year hold thread and you are going to try and shit talk grt about weekend performances? How stupid are you?

>> No.29709607

This anon is in LINK, GRT, XLM, XTZ for his decade-long holds.

I would add ADA and ALGO if I had the resources, but for now this will do.

>> No.29710474

I also have XLM but i'm probably not going to buy anymore

>> No.29711174


One of the rare few projects with real contracts. Iqiyi CDN contract, and 3 top NAS vendors already utilizing NKN. This has been severely undervalued. It has legitimate growth on the business side that will only increase. Its going to be slow and just pop off one day.