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29688830 No.29688830 [Reply] [Original]

I got hired by my dream job. The problem is they are demanding that I take the vax. Should I take the bargain with lucifer or give up my dream?

>> No.29689029

you will acquire retardation if you vax

>> No.29689074

Just see if you can get your hands on a proof of vaccination card without actually being injected. This is no different than slipping a mechanic some cash to get him to pass your car during inspection.

>> No.29689090

Tell them its against ur religion and call them racist

>> No.29689158

remember all those censored posts about "i can't feel god anymore"

it will fuck your mind and turn you into a good npc goyim with no gut feelings

>> No.29689176

Be careful Anon the vaccine might cure your autism

>> No.29689203

you are a schizo if you don't honestly
how many vaccines did you already take, how many times has your dick fallen off?
>muh mRNA

yeah it's a new way to produce a viral protein that has no way to actually change DNA instead of injecting the protein itself

now watch the /x/tards (you)ing at me

>> No.29689217

im assuming since you’re posting here that you’re invested in crypto, in which case you’re already branded with the mark of the beast. A little jab won’t damn your soul anymore than it already is

>> No.29689344

found the freemason

>> No.29689374

The anti-vax stuff is genuinely fud. The objections on a political-philosophical level are legit, but no, it won't cause you medical harm.

>> No.29689375

Also this if you can pass as a Jehovah's Witness.
The Mainstream Media spent the entire 2020 election cycle saying Trump was lying and vaccines wouldn't be out until summer of this year at the earliest. They literally started shipping vaccines the day after he lost. I'm not trusting that glowshit as far as I can throw you.

>> No.29689398

this honestly

>> No.29689414

>changes your DNA
>has no way to actually change DNA goy

>> No.29689436

go back to /pol/ then shoot yourself in the face

>> No.29689549

start the job when they ask you about some proof tell them yoou'll bring it in tomorrow.
repeat until they forget about it.
all this while beeing the best wagie they have so that HR will happily ignore

>> No.29689556

Congrats and what's the job, OP?
Good thread btw, serves as a rough litmus test for knowing the % of retards/schizos on this board

>> No.29689567

You will have many opportunities for jobs. You only get one you. Say it is against your religion. If you have allergies, say you can't risk it for that reason and if it doesn't work, don't work there. Not worth it prion diseases.

>> No.29689600

Jokes on you the mark of the beast is bitcoin.

Why do you think Gates has been developing a patented 666 digital wallet?

Institutions are a sign of teamwork and common good. The problem isn't our institutions to remove through decentralization the problem is who runs them.

>> No.29689674

My body my choice
Fuck >>29689203
>terrify me
>impoverish me
>gag me
>destroy everything I enjoy
>house arrest me
>do this globally to everyone
it's just a vaccine, no two, no two every year, it's just a buttplug, I don't understand why you won't take it, so schizo like omg
Fuck >>29689203

>> No.29689679

get some science juice there for the team OP

you have to do what the normies say!

>> No.29689723

freemasons are the good guys.

>> No.29689861


>> No.29689921

Are you retarded? They really fucked up hiring you if this is even a question in your mind.

>> No.29690043

Other vaccines have decades on proven safety and efficacy behind them. This one hasn't even passed the initial trials. It's been approved for emergency use and we have no idea what the long-term effects are. Look up what happened the last time we rushed through a vaccine in a panic (swine flu). Narcolepsy everywhere.

>> No.29690048

Yes, they did, because OP questions things and people who don't submit to authority aren't good workers.

>> No.29690108

Ah yes, you're not a brainwashed retard at all. Remember that conservative narrative that the virus would miraculously disappear after election day? How'd that pan out?

>> No.29690189

The Devil whispers sweet nothings into your ear to validate your ego, but you know in your heart what you must do. Follow your vibes.

>> No.29690241

>opening things up now
The fakeflu has outlived it's usefulness

>> No.29690267

But do you see how OP is then just submitting to the anti-vaxxer authority? Critical thinking isn't just saying no to everything.

>> No.29690348

Fuck no. Dont ever take that vaccine. Its jewy and even then it was hastily made and it modifies your genes like wtf thats gross.


>> No.29690400

Things are safe now due to Biden somehow beating the virus in a few months of nothing.

>> No.29690469

>Ok anon, did you get the vaccine

What the fuck man? Just lie about it like you lied on your resume. No one really gives a shit. They just need to tick a box. It won't even be mentioned again.

>> No.29690502

I don't think it's ""gone"" just yet. They are publishing articles of "new" and "mutated" strains of this scam, which means they are prepping to reuse this hoax in the future down the line even if nobody will believe them anymore.

>> No.29690590

Just take the vax what fucking retard board has this become it's fucking pol

>> No.29690619

How does one “feel God” in the first place? Serious question.

>> No.29690620

>Remember that conservative narrative that the virus would miraculously disappear after election day? How'd that pan out?
No because I told my family to get masks and be caution in December of 2019 after a business college in China said something was going down and a novel disease was rumored to have popped up. I expected the government to fail us, though I didn't expect our current president to call travel bans racist or the WHO to say it can't spread from person to person or the NY governor to BTFO the elderly by intentionally putting contagious people in nursing homes.

>> No.29690680

By just doing it. First step is you praying. It's easy. Nobody is watching and you lose nothing to do it. Try it tonight.

>> No.29690711

who the fuck cares you're gonna die someday anyways, just take the fucking thing and get on with your life. can anyone in this thread provide an ounce of evidence that the vaccine is going to take your soul and sell it to the devil himself?

take your meds, jesus fucking christ

>> No.29690795

My evidence are my vibes.

>> No.29690845

You retards can take an untested vaccine first.

>> No.29690901
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If working for someone else's company is your "dream job," then your dreams are shit.

>> No.29690950


>> No.29691039

already have, no side effects and feel fine

go ahead call me brainwashed, the real brainwash is whatever hogwash you faggots read on this god forsaken website

>> No.29691051

You mean good goys

>> No.29691169

>implying people skeptical of the vaccine are "anti-vaxx" as a general concept
>implying "anti-vaxx" is an authority to appeal to lmao. As opposed to Government/mainstream media/major corporations all saying to get the vaccine.


>> No.29691223

Say no then take them to court. It’s breaching your human rights to need a vaccine to do a job.

>> No.29691241

If you say no to much that is modern, you will be right more than not.

>> No.29691243


>> No.29691292

this but unironically

>> No.29691444

pick one

>> No.29691542

Do you want to take the vaccine? If not, don't take the job. It really is as simple as that. Don't be a fucking slave lmao, why do you need other people to tell you this?

>> No.29691547

You've never worked a salaried job in your life, have you? They need documentation.

>> No.29692412

What is Crispr.
What is gene therapy.

>> No.29692543

You’ve been ignoring Him all this time.

>> No.29692752

just prayed when i saw this, havnt prayed all week. felt good

>> No.29692855

Nice one, brother.

>> No.29692863

That's... exactly what I'm saying though. I'm not even implying it, it's explicit.

I'm not saying to get the vaccine, but make sure the decision is yours alone and not from either camp.

The problem I have is being skeptical of the vaccine just to be contrarian. There's more to life than just swimming against the mainstream.

>> No.29692924

>I'm fine because I wore the mask
I haven't so much as washed my hands never mind worn a mask since April at least. I leave the house every day, I go wherever I want, been to house parties, poker games and barbecues. I went to visit both my 96 year old grandmother and my 70 year old step father with a heart condition dozens of times. I'm fine and everyone I've interacted with is fine. The virus literally does not exist lmao.

>> No.29693099

This is true, many of the things we consider modern are products of opportunity and not authentically human.

At the same time, this is a vaccine against a fairly serious virus. Of course, if the vaccine is genuinely bad, don't take it. But I think this vaccine needs to be examined and not just rejected on the basis of being modern.

>> No.29693341

>resorting to whataboutism
yep, kys stupid kike

>> No.29693384

I honestly think examination is a bit of a meme. I know, I know, schizo. But we're in dream-like, worrying, and gaslighting times. I don't think much can be examined, because they have control over the examination itself.

>> No.29693553


there you go baby. fight for your dreams and never get the vaccine.

>> No.29693598

your skin is not meant to be broken. needles are abhorrent and no one should ever be injected with anything

>> No.29693683


>> No.29693785

I mean, if vaccine works you win
if vaccine kills you, you also win

winwin scenario

>> No.29693797

Just consider it a way to re-up on the autism the last vax you took gave you. Just top off on autism bro.

>> No.29693814

what do you expect to happen to you if you take the vaccine

>> No.29693917

Interesting. Can you dismantle the master's house if the tools are DMCA'ed?
I guess to readjust my stance, make peace with whatever decision you take. Regret isn't profitable.

>> No.29693988

have you never taken a vaccine before? fucking idiot lol

>> No.29694086

Nice pic op very based
a damn shame youre a complete faggot!

>> No.29694131


go to vaxxing and tell the nurse she can keep the vax shot for herself if she doesnt vaxx you. 99% of the time nurse will fill your form, keep the vaxx and sell it at blackmarket.

win-win situation.

>> No.29694634

In all honesty. I know a lot of people that feel god, have been touched by god. Me not so much. I work in a very autustic field and I explaned to a fellow autist. Many all people have an assortment of mental abilities and disabilities, we really don't have the tools, man power and willpower to discover, understand and define them all.

>> No.29695018

They changed testing protocols so there would be less false positives the day Biden took office and cases have been plummeting ever since.

>> No.29695349


>> No.29695405

Tough choice. I'll never take the vax. Some hills are worth dying on.

>> No.29695555

Find a non white immigrant doctor to do the vaccination and bribe him to just say you had it. I guarantee Dr Poo-in-the-Loo takes the money

>> No.29696307
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just wait for the JNJ vaccine. it's only one shot and it's not that mrna shit. it's basically like a regular flu shot.

>> No.29696730
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I am thinking it's about 60%

>> No.29697190

Why sell your soul when you can make it with one?

>> No.29697230

I don't see any mark on my forehead or right arm anon

>> No.29697343


>> No.29697413

>6 months Vaccine is safuuu
>says the biz doctor
Well it's settled now, I'm pro Vax now

>> No.29697974

Loud and clear on those racial realist quads.

>> No.29698002

Q thread

>> No.29698611

No, it doesn't change your DNA, however proteins (spike), translated from mRNA acquired by vaccination, get integrated into membranes of your own cells, meaning your immune cells will recognise them and attack them. While mRNA will not enter a large amount of cells, leading to direct destruction of very few, it might lead to unforeseeable autoimmune response. Hypotheticaly, for example, spike gets integrated into your pancreatic beta-cells and due to unfortunate turn of events your immune system now recognises their membrane composition as that of an antigen, leading to their destruction and you developing diabetes.
This can't happen when using classic adenovirus vaccine as the target protein is integrated in membrane of a weakened viral particle
Also what >>29690043 said.

>> No.29698815

Do you dumbfucks realize how easy it is for organizations and companies to acquire the vaccine and study it? We don't live in an oppressed shithole despite what half this site will tell you. If companies in hundreds of industries can acquire competitors production units to reverse engineer using relationships they've built with vendors anyone can do it in any field outside of some shit like acquiring US military technology.

This constant fucking fear and paranoia over modern science is such a fucking cancer. If literal doctors with decades of experience (including IMMUNOLOGISTS) are taking this shit in droves it's fucking safe. Medical professionals aren't fucking stupid and aren't all brainwashed controlled cattle. Start believing in fucking science you morons. Everyone is a fucking expert on everything all of sudden. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.29699025
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ugh, you just had to bring out all the christcuck npcs didnt you?

>> No.29699198

This is what there was a /pol/ thread on leaking EU docs. Their test showed the production batch had only 50% of the mRNA they were expecting, which meant the rest of the vial was stuff that may, or may not, bind somewhere else.

>> No.29699272

Which religion is specifically against this?

>> No.29699635

OP has one post associated with his ID. Good b8 m8.

Anyone who is pro-vax, just save your energy. I'm vaccinated, I work for the govt. and it's largely futile to try and convince those that don't want it.

Americans are retards by and large. I've just resigned myself to that fact.

>> No.29700352

This is the only way OP, follow this Anon's advice

>> No.29700448

Why not both?

>> No.29700670

>Technique has literally been in development since the late '80s
>iTs a NeW tEchNoLogY

Are people really this dumb?

>> No.29701053

Imagine missing out on your dream job because you didn't want to get a vaccination to a disease that may otherwise kill your or debilitated you lmao

>> No.29701192

go die sheep faggot

>> No.29701702

are you a fucking caveman or someting? it sounds like you just hate anything that's modern go die in the wild fucker

>> No.29702647
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it can be physical it can be felt in your mind, its like a thought is implanted from outside your mind. Its really paranormal, for example i was baptized 2 days ago and on my way home i saw a lady carrying some bags and looking tired, usually i do help people but i felt a strong urge to go to her and help her, weird thing is i told her to not thank me but God for he put me in her way and she started crying telling me she has been asking him for help and that she was just fired that day and that plus some of her family from another country dying from an "damn disease" which i assume is covid she could confirm through me that God is still with her. So before we parted ways we prayed and felt that same sweet emotion you'll feel when the time comes. Take the Christ pill anon, you'll enter a whole new world where you're no longer yourself but a tool for God to bring blessings to this earth.