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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29687912 No.29687912 [Reply] [Original]

Fiat on ramp is coming


Imagine Uniswap had ability to buy crypto with your dollars. Imagine on top of that it had like zero fees. That's Zero Exchange except that it also has multiple blockchain inter-exchange with more being added rapidly.

>> No.29688240
File: 279 KB, 787x446, 6a01156e5d4ac6970c0120a69491e2970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing it the ZERO way!

>> No.29688289

500m mint & rug incoming

>> No.29688521
File: 223 KB, 1035x1280, photo_2021-02-20_17-25-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are working on time locking tokens. Next fud Pangolin faggot?

>> No.29689524

Pangolin stole ZEROs code so I am rooting for them. Matter of fact I swapped all of png for zero. I'm all in on farming it too.

>> No.29689690

>wake up, rub the curry out of your eyes
>walk to your favorite curb on the street for your morning shit
>take a shit on the street, and wipe with your right hand
>head out to breakfast, of which you eat with NO utensils, with the same right hand you wiped your shit ass with
>walk to call center for your daily job
>boot up 4chan on your shitty pajeet laptop
>clicks start a new thread
>ZERO EXCHANGE on the market! ZERO IS BEST, best money for ZERO, best ZERO because good money, Will invest all crypto for great gains
>finishes day at call center
>return home for another street shit/piss and curry with right hand

>> No.29690013

just rug already, congratulations you stole millions

>> No.29690265

ZERO are such a solid team. They are the most humble and deserve every good thing despite all the FUD. They deliver again, and again. #ZEROTOHERO #ZERO $ZERO