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2968440 No.2968440 [Reply] [Original]

So there are MANY TIMES more people that have heard of cryptocurrency than people who actually own it. The owners had the genius to see its potential when the vast majority (including most wall street "experts") did not. What do you think is the average IQ of this community? I would put it in the low 130s as of now.

>> No.2968452

80 IQ avg they're all falling for a ponzi

>> No.2968461

whenever I mention crypto IRL to people all I hear back is
>oh yeah ive been thinking about getting into that
(2 months later)
>oh yeah ive been thinking about getting into that
(3 months later)
>oh yeah ive been thinking about getting into that

fucking idiots.

>> No.2968469

Fuck them. I only help those that ask me now.

>> No.2968496


140+ IQ reporting in

>> No.2969260

120 here.

That makes OP right so far.

>> No.2969276


holy shit ive been experiencing this same bullshit
i try to tell them, had you just fucking pulled the trigger and done it in January youd have made thousands, they try and compare it to picking a jackpot penny stock.......

fuck idiots

>> No.2969297

So much this. Have had multiple people in the past few months tell me every week that they're waiting for btc dip or something. I tell them the age old quote "best time to invest was yesterday, next best is now"

Still waiting...

>> No.2969306

260th percentile here. Im vitaly buteriks brother

>> No.2969310


Just a reminder that IQ isn't a great way to measure intelligence, just puzzle solving.

>> No.2969331
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140 iq here

>> No.2969341

Double digit on /biz/,>110 for non-biz traders

>> No.2969381

Started telling my friends to buy in to btc almost 2 years ago. They bought Etherium instead near its peak a little while ago.

>> No.2969392

Math is a puzzle.

Really made me think.

>> No.2969417

I can only talk about me and I'm fucking stupid.

>> No.2969430

Congrats. You will be able to retire from those DICE dividends.

>> No.2969469
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So true. This is one of many.

>> No.2969576

Borderline retarded. I guess I'm here because of the variance.

>> No.2969690

120 checking. i smoke weed al day and still make bank trading crypto and am redpilled af

>> No.2969696

21 here

>> No.2969699

Same, who /left of bell curve/ here.

>> No.2969704
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>dumbass can't comprehend the definition of a ponzi, so he thinks everything is a ponzi

>> No.2969712

Took an IQ test as a kid and got a 134 but I don't think that means much.

I justify my intelligence more by the university I go to.

>> No.2969737

>I justify my intelligence more by the university I go to.

Yeah, that test was definitely wrong.

>> No.2969742

Same here but I think I dropped at least 10 since I discovered alcohol

>> No.2969748
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A true retard would not know the word variance.

>> No.2969759

too many ETH holders here 105

>> No.2969761

I know

>> No.2969811
File: 173 KB, 710x485, 1500946016935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the IQ meme cancer is spreading
This IQ pseudoscience destroyed /sci/.

Don't fall for it /biz/.

>> No.2969962

I last scored in the 99th percentile on a stanford-binet test. That score is >129 but <145.
What's the average among crypto enthusiasts? I'd say probably greater than 110.
I don't think this is very significant. IQ seems a bit meaningless, IMO the reason why there might be higher scores among crypto users is that the technology itself is new and only enthusiasts are really using it daily. You can find this in most new technologies (ex. IT in 1985).

>> No.2970018

No idea what my IQ is but scored a 2200 on the SAT and a 32 on ACT.

>> No.2970072

Frig off rord

>> No.2970118

you a brown skin?

>> No.2970145

155IQ. I personally believe emotional constraint is as important in trading as intellect.

>> No.2970162

i'm not the smartest person, but i'm a mutha fuckin hustler!!! i've made over $200K in 6 months
with a beginning bankroll of $20K!! you don't have to be smart. You have to stay hungry and have some fucken BALLS.!!!!!

>> No.2970184

>i'm not the smartest person
kind of redundant

>> No.2970214


>> No.2970231

about 107...eh at least im not a sub 100 retard....im just a slightly above average retard.

>> No.2970432

and use drugs? i might take you up on that advice.

>> No.2971636

Whenever I talk to people about crypto irl all i hear is
>b-but i heard crypto is illegal
>y-yeah bitcoin is bad
>i heard bitcoin got banned by america

i fucking despise normies. i can't even keep a conversation with them for 5 minutes without cringing about their financial choices.

>> No.2971650

I had this same shit with weedstocks and crypto lately. Now the retarded plebs who think everything is constantly at it's ceiling, tell me they are waiting for a dip. The thing is that they don't have a fucking trading account in the first place. They might even see a dip happen, but they won't be able to do shit-all for at least one or two weeks.

Even if they had trading accounts I really think they would automatically start daytrading in some retarded fashion, so fuck it.

>> No.2972250

130+ here. OP is probably right. Not sure it's a good thing though. I'm used to being the smartest guy in the room.

>> No.2972272

mid 70's

crypto fags are subhuman

>> No.2972275

140+ here

>> No.2972351

Considering 80% of people failed friday's question on Bertnard's paradox, I'd say the average IQ of this board is 90-95.

>> No.2972386
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>mfw one guy I know told me a year ago to buy BTC since it will moon
>mfw it was 400$
>mfw was a poor uni student back then
>mfw still a poor uni student
>L'e gotta have money to make money or be extremely diligent and hard-working

>> No.2972392

Ive got 79 is better tan most of ya

>> No.2972415


>> No.2972445
File: 1.40 MB, 4602x3852, 1501624369916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that if you haven't taken an actual IQ test with an actual professional (e.g. a psychologist) and are just using a number from some shitty online test, you're an idiot for believing that shitty test and probably have an average IQ.

>> No.2972463

What is wrong with jousting as he puts it in it? The warriors will fight with arms and the intellectual with words.

>> No.2972469

>140 IQ

>enjoy SEC ride

>enjoy your scam coin without any developers standing behind

>> No.2972500

is it too late to get in on bitcoin?

>> No.2972503

Anyone else afraid to know what your IQ is? Tbh I have no idea where I would even go to have it done.

>> No.2972639

going to 10k by february

>> No.2972667

Not a ponzi but a pump and dump. Hodl is the only way to win. Also quality is king don't be afraid to overpay.

>> No.2972733

BTC is going to $10000 by early 2019

>> No.2972814

Im somewhere around 125-140+ probably.

>> No.2973633



>> No.2973878

Maybe not everybody is into passive-aggressive mind games.

>> No.2973971

I have perfect 20/20 IQ

>> No.2974047

136 checking in
got into ETH early

>> No.2974077

86 here just brought me a yella lambo

>> No.2974111

When asked what his IQ was, Stephen Hawking said "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers"

>> No.2974140

The best moment to buy Bitcoin was eight years ago. The second best moment is now.

>> No.2974189

so this cesspool of losers has an average IQ of 120 and above lmao

>> No.2974208
File: 66 KB, 604x402, The-First-Two-Things-I-Do-When-I-Get-To-A-New-City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

121 here

>> No.2974213

how much IQ do I need to get a girlfriend like this?

>> No.2974218

IQ is not so important as your ability to practically apply your intellect.

>> No.2974227

Tested twice as a kid, 137 both times. Though I've probably lost a few points since then.

>> No.2974240
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MENSA people can be faggots and IQ can also be a useful metric. Asimov was a damned gommie so he just didn't like his egalitarian fantasies fiction into reality land

>> No.2974559
File: 111 KB, 840x556, boxing-day-sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies love doing this, I'm seeing increasing chatter about buying ETH and for some reason GNT. The fucked up thing is the only thing that will trigger them to actually make the purchase will be price increase (almost certainly a new ATH).

What's even more fucked up is this in direct contrast to the normans primal urge to buy just about fucking anything that is at a reasonable discount. Slash a fucking juicer that they know as well as I do they will use fucking once ever by 50% and they'll buy 100k, drop a crypto or even a stock by half and they won't fucking touch it, bad investment they will tell you, buy property because it is at ATH they will say.

They just need the validation of other norman to do fucking anything, so I have no idea how their IQs work, but if we really do get our scam into norman households the moon will suck us up like a space station, be ready my friends.

>> No.2974618

>boxing day

leaf detected

>> No.2974669

>wrong again

pajeet detect

>> No.2974708
File: 257 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-06-19-46-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

131 checking in

In the back of my mind, something tells me that putting a third of my net worth in internet money is a bad idea, but I'm not gonna listen

>> No.2974710

IQ test taken as kid are all bullshit.
Take the adult one.

>> No.2974720


What a waste

>> No.2974802

I'm average IQ and I think the AVERAGE IQ of cryptocurrency holders is about average.

>> No.2975168

Im in Mensa if its worth anything. Yeah, yeah, I know, its the high iq group with lowest req, but Im in and you are not. Buy IOTA.

>> No.2975182 [DELETED] 

>naturally they were right-wing conservatives (refering to 170 IQ people)
My sides. Commies BTFO.

>> No.2975195

>here about Bitcoin millionaires in 2013 all over the news
>didn't get into it until this year
I'm sure alot of you anons did the same

>> No.2975216

Somethin' wrong with you boy?

>> No.2975245

Yep, this.

>> No.2975745

This this this. My norman friends could have been on the ship with me but they refused to buy until it has risen 10x. Now I just have to keep my mouth shut because I own 100x more coins than them and don't want them to be jealous.

Fuckin retards always saying they want to be millionaires so I hand them the answer on a silver platter and I get "ok anon that sounds weird I'm going to keep doing my sports gambling, I want to make this my full time job"

>> No.2975770

>What do you think is the average IQ of this community?

NEETs have below average intelligence.

>> No.2975846
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>> No.2976950

I have 80 IQ and you just told me. Checkmate, nerds.

>> No.2976957

Your IQ is directly equal to the number of BTC you are currently hodling

>> No.2976996
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.02 BCC :^)

>> No.2976999
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Lmao, but your portfolio says 79 IQ.