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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29675546 No.29675546 [Reply] [Original]


what happened?
Should I capitulate and jump on the MATIC train?

>> No.29676062

Bump ;_; i had so much faith bros

>> No.29676443

nobody want to talk about it?

>> No.29676881

just moved my zero avax to quick matic
quickswap has more transactions then all transactions on avax

>> No.29677115

>>29676881 selfpost
you know, buy high, sell low
anyhow i am waiting also for the rug pullers to show up on matic and hopefully buy some shitcoins , btw it was awesome to do 20 uniswap fork txs (quickswap) on matic and pay 0.01$

>> No.29677120

theres a dip on Matic right now, my targets are $1, $1,60 and leave the rest to ride to the moon, good luck!

>> No.29677557

i still have faith

>> No.29678699
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OP here

im down 50% on my portfolio from this :(
why the fuck is it dumping so hard?

>> No.29678927
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Badgertards have their heads stuck in their asses. You have to approve and deposit twice just to stake a fucking coin! It's even worse when you want to stake LP tokens. No one can afford this shit. They need to stop working on CLAWS and other bs and put all their money and time in Layer 2, there's no other way for this project to succeed in the short term.

>> No.29680335

it's just once now, you would know that if were following the project

>> No.29680408

I am following the project and that's not implemented yet? If I want to withdraw my Badger I still have to unstake my bBadger first according to the interface.

>> No.29680610

dip ended I hope you bought some anon

>> No.29681217

I don't get it. MATIC and Quickswap are getting no recognition on biz despite being the absolute best investments right now. The Matic network is easy to use with metamask and has instant transactions that are essentially free. Yet it's getting slept on compared to the pile of dogshit that is FTM which is failing massively right now.

I used to look up to biz but now I realize you're all clueless. Anyone know a forum not full of absolute dipshits who don't fall for zoomer marketing and trendycoins?

>> No.29681582


new general

>> No.29681928

Guess what a lot of these defi projects have native tokens which in now way justify their valuation .

It’s all a Ponzi, but low well high but DO ACTUALLY SELL AND TAKE PROFITS

>> No.29682734
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