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29658098 No.29658098 [Reply] [Original]

peak reddit faggotry

>> No.29658200

Trader here. Honestly this whole GME situation is really funny.
1) fuck melvin
2) fuck citadel and point72
3) fuck retail traders - yes, we hate our rivals but we hate retail more lmao, bunch of idiots

>> No.29658319

It's called bargaining

>please god let GME stocks hit 800 so I can tell me wife I managed to get back our life savings after I lost them all on GME last time! I will do a tik tok dance and everything I swear!

>> No.29658345

you think anything is gonna happen with snp because of this?

>> No.29658556

Good question. Last time there was a sizable impact on the S&P due to VIX (and VIX futures related) options buying, institutions trying to hedge fallout risk. This time round the effect is less. Market has been down recently but not because of this.

>> No.29658564

The fags who bought high are getting a 2nd chance to get out. How many do you think are going to blow those opportunity and hold on to some bags with their "diamond hands"

>> No.29658688


You need to go back

>> No.29658792

it will crash on open, count on it, how can you fall for the same shit twice

>> No.29658886

Most of them. They literally believe the "short squeeze" may may and think it's gonna get over 2000k $. Others literally think Melvin will bargain with them and give them any amount of money they ask for.

What they don't realize is that this is another PnD. The GME hearing went viral and a lot of people started buying again.

>> No.29659036

Buy a house is the only non-cringe thing on that list.

>> No.29659138


>> No.29659265
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>> No.29659873

are you aware that most of your profits are from outplaying retail? some people are dense

>> No.29660225

Why do they all want tattoos?

>> No.29660303
File: 39 KB, 539x298, 6F8A54B0-AB0A-491F-B64D-95492FFC2417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redditors are subhuman

>> No.29660353

Because they’re degenerate filth.

>> No.29660475

Any of this likely?
I was told 1000 easy last time and tht shit didnt happen

>> No.29660613


obviously not stop being rarted

>> No.29660872
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>> No.29662085
File: 239 KB, 917x1082, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who believes at this point Schiff doesn't hold a shitton of Bitcoin is an idiot, It's pretty clear what he is doing

>> No.29662365

>u/-einherjer- will get a Valknut tattoo and dedicate their life to Odin at 999
Found the sole based redditor.

>> No.29662466
File: 133 KB, 400x307, op loves the d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, everyone knows they're retards.
But no need to clog up the board with even more shilling threads, you cum-gurgling pissmonger, fuck off back to whatever shitting street you came from

Keep your nose in the appropriate thread, thanks

>> No.29663689
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>I will do a tik tok dance and everything I swear!

>> No.29664982

whosse a faggot now bitch?