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29654206 No.29654206 [Reply] [Original]

Price predictions for this bull run?

>> No.29654511

the coin that ruined me late 2019...

>> No.29654659

I sold because it stresses me out too much. Mistake?

>> No.29654713

1 cent before Lent

>> No.29654782

Nope. The chick that runs it spent investor money on a bdsm gym.

>> No.29654818

this is why it will never moon
fuck this scam coin

>> No.29654826
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big mistake bro

>> No.29654865

Hot is trash, wish i would have researched it more before i bought 2 years ago. The moment this shit pumped a bit a few days back, i sold... thank god i'm finally out of this dumpster fire of a token

>> No.29654894

Good luck :) Just don't make the mistake of checking the price in 1 year

>> No.29654895

Thanks. Feel better now.

>> No.29654902
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>> No.29654957
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>> No.29655026

>takes 3 years to release a product late
>only released because they couldn't pay the warehouse space to hold the ports
>because they spent investor funds on a leatherfucker playhouse

>> No.29655142
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>> No.29655216
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better version

>> No.29655270

the elite are into that kinky stuff
this is why it will moon

holy based

>> No.29655317
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>> No.29655341

Doesn't matter, still going to Jupiter

>> No.29656102
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>> No.29656299
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While this thread is active, I'll do a PSA for all the newfags.

Holo is one of /biz/'s early calls. Basically turboautists found about this even before the ICO and many bags were filled during the ICO. Unfortunately, like all of /biz/'s calls, they were super early and the reward is very long term.
Chainlink had to be hodled for almost 3 years until people got their 150x and made it, and the hodl was not easy. Watching your shitcoin moon 5x while everything went 50x was not easy. The ones who held were rewarded this year.

The good news for you newfags is that the worst part has passed. As I said, Holo was discovered back in 2018 and we've been holding since then. These fucking boomers rewrote the entire project in Rust and it delayed the moon mission for at least 1 year. The good news are that all that shit is over now and everything is working great. We're months away from a launch. The price today is not much higher than it was at its previous ATH. Price-wise, you newfags are still early, but bag-holding-wise you just in time, meaning that if you buy now, you don't have to go through all the shit that we ICO buyers went through. This is at most a 3-6 months hold that will easily 10x-50x from here in this bullrun and 100x in the next bullrun.

You have been warned. This is not your flavor of the month shitcoin. If you don't see too many threads about it is because it has been discussed to death here already and anyone who wanted a bag already bought a bag. Some are even buying now cause the price is still decent. Nobody will bother to spoonfeed you about this project and trust me you will need spoonfeeding because this shit is complicated as fuck.

The mentality around here is that you need to FUD the projects that you invested in so that newfags buy as late as possible. I don't agree with that and I believe one of the reasons why Chainlink took so long to pump was exactly because people went overboard with the FUD. Let's not repeat the mistake.

>> No.29656515

What are the chances that Mary does a live show for us if we hit $1?

>> No.29656682
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that degenerate bitch probably has hundreds of millions of HOT. If it goes to 1$ she can open as many rope studios as she wants.

>> No.29657062

The only thing that matters is execution.
An idea without delivery is worthless.
After someone has proved their inability to deliver only a gambler would continue to expect something from them and support their spending spree.

>> No.29657354
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What the fuck are you even talking about? The refactoring in Rust is god-tier. The is probably the most uniquely architected project in crypto and what they have been doing for the past year has been superb. If you're still butthurt about that 1 year delay cause they wanted to rewrite Holochain in Rust, you better look more into it cause it was totally worth it. It's just a matter of time until everyone realizes this.

We're so close to an operational network that I'm getting hard even thinking about it.

>> No.29657500

>1 year delay
yeah its just a year bro it's not like other tokens did 200x in a day or anything

>> No.29657993
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>chinks market making and manipulating the price is the way to go, bro
Listen man, I personally am not touching any of these chink coins with or without their 100x moon missions. I have more than 2 braincells to understand that it's just wash trading and they can pull the rug whenever they want. If you think you are smart enough to spot these scams early and ride the fake pumps while also having the presence of mind to get out before they pull the plug, by all means do that instead.

My questions is why the fuck are you bagholding Holo instead of riding the chink scams if you are confident enough you can outsmart them? You should have sold your Holo bags as soon as they announced they will rewrite the entire project. The chinks need liquidity.

As I said, I don't give a shit about that because I know the chinks will BTFO me if I try. Holo is my ultra long term bag. Probably gonna sell some in this bull market, will rebuy some once it crashes, but overall this is my infinity hold. I'll ride this shit until 2030.

>> No.29658150

>My questions is why the fuck are you bagholding Holo
I'm not though
almost bought until the leather dungeon debacle happened

>> No.29658282
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>almost bought until the leather dungeon debacle happened
Mary will sell you some rope after this bullrun kek

>> No.29658488

it can't even break half a cent

>> No.29658805
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top kek

>> No.29658921

Since when did this boomer start wearing a Sergey shirt. Pretty based of him. Two years ago he thought holochain won't need oracles tho. Has he bent the knee?

>> No.29658987
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5-10 cents in this bullrun
1$ in 2025
screencap this

>> No.29659075
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he's been wearing Sergey shirts before Sergey was a thing.
Holochain doesn't need oracles indeed cause it's agent centric.

>> No.29659496

Had a stack since 2018. Just swapped my $500 of VET into HOT. Got a nice 500k bag all up

>> No.29659600

So everything I've read says that the goal is to switch to holofuel which will have dynamic supply to keep the value stable.

I really can't understand how this thing will increase in value, someone with high iq explain please

>> No.29659762

this is where all my FTM gains are going
>tfw i turned $100 into $1000 and am going to turn $1000 into $10,000 and so on

>> No.29659879

see pic from >>29656102
scroll to chapter 4

>> No.29660066

This is in the far future ( ~ 2 years). The token will be free to appreciate until then. Meaning: No need to worry about it either way (maybe it works, maybe it doesn't) unless you plan to hold that long.

>> No.29661076

because that's not how that works, tokens in this case are only debt bonds until a transaction is settled, once the transaction is settled the token is burned thus shrinking the supply.
new debt bonds (tokens) can be emited but here's the thing, they're locked to only two parties, so unlike regular fiat/crypto in which the supply expanding causes inflation, in holo and other mutual credit currencies, you can only expand the supply when two parties have already agreed to conduct a transaction and have committed themselves to delivering the underlying assets.
what that means is that you can't really have inflation because no new tokens can be issued unless they're backed by assets entering the system, and deflation won't fuck over productivity because producers can trade directly in whatever asset they're producing to ensure liquidity.

>> No.29661239

Ok that makes a bit more sense, it's still hard for me to grasp the concept of valuing something in computational purchasing power and how to translate that to a more relatable value (usd)

>> No.29661493

If I want to make an API call for my financial contract how can I make it securely without secure oracles?

>> No.29661592
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let it raisin

>> No.29661887

You have no idea what this is.. It would be undervalued at 20 Billion

>> No.29663657

in case you guys missed it

>> No.29663886

choose agents appropriately, it helps to think of holochain more like a distributed notary system than a ledger system.
you can have trusted agents feeding data into the network because you know who they are (it could be banks, weather forecast agencies, ratings agencies , whatever, that are subject to consequences if they fuck up

>> No.29664164

Every agent in the holo network is technically an oracle. The gossip protocol automatically validates the data and checks if the DNA of the app has been tampered with. If there is fuckery involved, the agent gets forked from the network. Obviously it's hard to discuss specifics about how you would architect your app for something like this. The approach is up to the developer. You could use as many agents as possible and average the result in case you don't trust that the data hasn't been tampered with or the gossip protocol shit the bed for some reason. You could implement a reputation system and require some staking from your oracles. Fuck if I know. I haven't thought about it in depth. The point is that holochain already does most of the work for you. You only have to think about the proper game theory you want to implement and how to design the best DNA for the app so that it best serves you and your oracles.

>> No.29664374
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Okay I will buy more

>> No.29664909

This is actually the best episode they've done to date. Eric is the lead architect and a no non-sense kind of guy.

>> No.29665812
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the best episode was the one with Matthew Schutte where he explained the tokenomics and talked about how this shit is designed to moon like a motherfucker, while at the same time trying to play it safe for the SEC so they don't classify it as a security.

>1 holofuel can buy you between 10k and 1 million times more computational power than 1 ether, but we're not promising that it will appreciate in value that many times *wink wink*

>> No.29666100

some other gems from that episode
>this is a stable currency guys, you shouldn't buy this to make money (except for the scenario where it stabilizes in price at 1000x the current value) *wink wink*

>> No.29666917

1000x would be 500 billion marketcap... I'm bullish on HOT but let's be real.

>> No.29667178

I'm sorry you're late. The ICO marketcap was around 20 million, friendo. The videos I'm referencing are from that time.

>> No.29667274

CEO is a sexworker. DYOR

>> No.29667445

This is shitcoin vaporware that can't scale. If you were actually holding this garbage before the pump, congrats, you got lucky, but you really need to seriously consider your position.

>> No.29667516

Not really, she was just into recreationall bondage and may have owned a studio at some point

>> No.29667577

>can't scale
Of all the things, you picked the least credible point you could make.

>> No.29667646

How to get in?

What bags you guys are making?

$MCM mochimo good or not?

>> No.29667831

Binance if you're not American.

>> No.29667922

RIP Skycoin

>> No.29668210

The banking system runs on COBOL.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
It doesn't matter if you code you blockchain with Prolog or Ocaml if you make it work.
But behaving as a moody woman who changes her mind every second certainly won't produce any useful result and show a bad ability for decision making and planning.

>> No.29668910

Midwit: the post

>> No.29669011

Most of you brainlets still can't grasp the bigger picture it seems, laughable taking into account that you had 3 fucking years to get familiar with the project, this can and will still do a 100x from here in the long run and it would STILL be undervalued

>> No.29669026

lmaoing @ delusional bagholders.

Good luck shilling this garbage to newfags

>> No.29669122

Who knows about valuation, but anon was correct by calling out your shitty take regarding scalability

>> No.29669150
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The power of projection...

>> No.29669740

Okay so holochain applications have brand based guarantees like banks and blockchain applications have mathematical guarantees. I'm not sure why these boomers are seething so much. Just use the damn oracles

>> No.29669821
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Rust wasn't even around when they started developing Holochain on Go. I think they are allowed to rewrite their framework after a decade if the improvements are major (which they are) and the security is better (which it is). You make it seem like they've been developing Star Citizen when in fact this was a well thought out decision and it paid big time.

I don't know even know wtf are you complaining about anymore. It's a done deal. The rewrite in Rust is over and we're less than 6 months away from Holo going live. Yeah, our bags got fucked for 1 year cause this market has the patience of a 5 year old, but that's water under the bridge. Now it's not the time for bitching about stuff that happened over 12 months ago. Now it's time to prep the bull.

>> No.29669856

Okay this makes more sense although I'm clearly not knowledgeable enough about the technical details. I like the idea. Have to wait for more apps to roll out

>> No.29670355

The project failed to deliver.
No language rewrite or new framework will erase this failure.
Even worse in the best case scenario when multiple miracles would happen and something is finally released in 1 year it will be too late and miss the current bull run, without attracting new customers.
It's already getting left behind by competitors with working products.

The one who wins is the one who can get the network effect growth early as seen with ETH.
They failed.

>> No.29670695

Can't believe I almost sold my SENT for this

>> No.29670735

>The project failed to deliver.
But they are currently delivering
>It's already getting left behind by competitors with working products.
Who friend? Who is setting out to do what holochain is attempting to do? You could argue fantom I guess, but even then there are differences.

>> No.29670958
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I wasn't sure until this post, but now I'm convinced you're actually retarded or intentionally FUDing. Another anon called you for retardation but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Eat shit and cope harder when in a few weeks when you check these bags.

>> No.29671431
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>in a few weeks when you check these bags

>15,671,509.38 HOT
>Value: 15.67 usd

>> No.29671697
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we'll see

>> No.29672059


>tfw only 2mili stack
i-i don't feel so good

>> No.29672137

I got out before it was too late lmao
I almost pre ordered one of their mining machines/nodes too

>> No.29672914

Sorry for your loss then.
It's easier to think that someone saying the truth is stupid than to recognize a mistake.
You chose to feel good in your self perceived superiority over the truth.

Unfortunately the truth doesn't care about your feelings and reality will catch up sooner or later and impose itself on your incorrect beliefs.
With some courage you may learn from this and improve your mindset to not let people deceive you in the future.

>> No.29673306 [DELETED] 
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OG fantom/holochad here, held both for years never sold, just HODL and you'll make it... I dont even care about the tech anymore I think both will pump no matter what

>> No.29673601

all right Mr.Fudder, spill the beans, how much are you holding?