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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29655615 No.29655615 [Reply] [Original]

i give up
this makes zero fucking sense
just give me the next scam shitcoin that is going to x10

>> No.29655672

>he's gonna fall for the bulltrap

>> No.29655688

They're all shitcoins. None of them have utility and none of them are being actively used to accomplish anything except BAT.

>> No.29655783

it doesn't matter they moon insanely
just look at bitcoin, it literally and unironically offers no function besides the promise that it will go up and it does lmao

>> No.29655850 [DELETED] 

>just give me the next scam shitcoin that is going to x10
get involved in an organised pump group
invites just opened on this one - they pump this saturday
discord gg/SNqPpk5Pjw
we hit some low marketcap coin, pump it, organised shill, sell. It happens all the time here - everyone shilling their shit they bought, why not try an organised version of it

>> No.29656585

wrong, there are several good altcoins with real product and use case, just look harder

>> No.29656672

>except BAT.
BAT doesn't solve a real problem either. There are plenty of normies who will always watch internet ads AND be influenced by them.

>> No.29656769

Bobo don't give up...

>> No.29657137

they are manipulating the price to make it look less bearish on TA
you can't win against this ponzi scam it will never dump because they can print as much fake stable coins as they want
if you can't defeat them then just join them, i just gonna scam people like they do
fuck this clown world

>> No.29657788

lol scammers baiting with bobo memes now.

>> No.29657920

>t-there's tons of coins with utility!!!!
>can't name a single one of the 3,000

Agreed, but at least it is actually being used to do something original that is related to the technology. Can you even say the same of BTC?

>> No.29657984

what am i shilling?

>> No.29658036
File: 217 KB, 2764x1839, 1614207723601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APU coin:
>honest shitcoin
>only three days old
>hasn't pumped yet
>liquidity locked
>spammed everywhere by autists
>huge meme potential


>> No.29658132

>it makes no sense that the bullrun that has so far followed every models established and is on schedule after last halving is still not going full Bobo
I swear at this point I stopped thinking Bobo posters are LARPers and genuinely wondering if you're not just that retarded

>> No.29658443

>just give me the next scam shitcoin that is going to x10
That's not how this works. To really make money on crypto you first choose what shitcoin YOU want to see balloon and then shill the fuck out of it.

The only way you make money in crypto is by scamming some other retard out of his.
>You could sell a the peak because some retard bought it.
>You could buy in at the dip because some retard sold it.

>> No.29658490


these 2 have utility AND they pay tokenholders a share of revenue

>> No.29658637
File: 74 KB, 1080x821, Screenshot_20210225-080632~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peps, bobo. Just gotta pick your spots better next time

>> No.29658682


>> No.29659135

What do retards mean when they say shit like this?
Bitcoin function is being digital money that's hedged against inflation because of locked supply.

It's not hard to understand.