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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2964732 No.2964732 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2964736
File: 211 KB, 1843x565, bancor worthless jewcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice these stupid niggers always remake their pointless spam threads once I BTFO them.

You jew loving faggots deserve to be permabanned.

>> No.2964738
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>> No.2964740

this is a goyim board, you're not welcome here

>> No.2964751
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>> No.2964760
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>> No.2965166

BANCOR is a 100 billion $ coin period. Im loving the shilling here cuz it allows me to just keep buying more.

Once ethereum dominance is diluted by other successful networks Bancor will take on a much more prominent role and will likely move into the 2nd place spot in terms of market cap.

>> No.2965180

Of course it is. It is THE kike coin

>> No.2965185

.0090 Eth, wew.

>> No.2965210
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>> No.2965224

Bought at $4 fiat and it's $2.32 now... fuck off.

>> No.2965261
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>> No.2965285

I wanna buy.


>> No.2965394

Tel Aviv

>> No.2965510

Here we goyim

>> No.2965554

The moon is also reflected in the ocean...do you mean that moon?

>> No.2965613
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>> No.2965631

Oh god this crypto currency dollar is segwitting me so hard

>> No.2965669

Strapped in at 70k and mission confirmed.

>> No.2965674

Damn son, you're one of the top 60-70 holders. I'm trying to get to 10k.

I envy you.

>> No.2965694

Misread you. I'm drunk.

You got in at a good price

>> No.2965702

The optimal time might be running out.

>> No.2965712

I think so yes. Seems it's recovering from it's low.

>> No.2965725
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bancore price and future$

>> No.2966355

Old chart. 0/10

>> No.2966430

When? Tell me when.

>> No.2967128

okay now I want to buy it

>> No.2967270

I am not saying exactly when to buy Bancor, but once these partner ICO's start on the Bancor protocol it will be insane. 150+ partnerships are in the works, Stox is just the beginning. They will start dropping ICOs and apps so hard it will fucking make your head spin, market cap will in fact skyrocket.

>> No.2967348


LOL I'm never buying this scam token. Stox had zero effect and Bancor's still nowhere near even digibyte. In fact it's about to fall out of the top 50

>> No.2967349

But isn't Bancor based on Ethereum?

Literally how is that supposed to work?

>> No.2967446

I bought like 47 dollars worth of bancor. I made a 15 dollar profit so far lol. The next big dip will be the best time to buy bancor and I will surely buy at least 150 dollars worth..

>> No.2967568
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>> No.2967576 [DELETED] 

Etheroll will kill bancor

>> No.2967585

>a dice game
>killing anything

>> No.2967597

Smart contract not even launched yet you fucking impatient imbecile

>> No.2967612 [DELETED] 

Etheroll will kill bancor

>> No.2967674

I r8 your shilling 1/10. Try harder Rasheed

>> No.2967688 [DELETED] 

Your bancor is dead. Etheroll has ruined you

>> No.2967779

jewcor will rise again!

>> No.2967787

Bancore hardcore!

>> No.2967808

>going to the moon when everything is going to the moon at the moment

still a shitcoin without future.

>> No.2967819

So I can trade my 70+ bancors for 70+ bitcoins?? Fucking awesome

>> No.2967882

is this cryptorebecca?

>> No.2967955


But for real, I can trade any banc for any one, full token? Good, cant wait to unload these guys

>> No.2968037

you won't get rid of your bags so easily lolz

>> No.2968479

Look ahead ....into the crypto future....Do you believe? Massive 10Trillion crypto ecosystem with multiple main platforms with hundreds of Dapps all with native tokens?

If you think this is what will happen and your not holding the Bancor then your a blind imbecile who doesn't deserve to be rich.

Because Bancor could easily be the No.1 token and at least No.2 behind Bitcoin (if its use case is fully realised). This is one of the only projects out there that could ave the same ROI as buying bitcoin/ethereum in the early days. They have first mover advantage, a sack of money to execute, now its just a waiting game. If they could do it today (with todays market cap) theyd be a 20bln cocin.... but in a more diverse 10T market cap environment - Bancor will be a 2T project ....

Seriously idiots - see when all the pros in this game are making comments like..." in a few years a single token will have a higher market cap than the GDP of a top 50 economy" theyre talking about Bancor ! Not ethereum which will continuously be diluted by copy cats .

>> No.2968492

Not selling under $100.

>> No.2968517

the retarded level of delusion of bancucks is always hilarious to watch.

>> No.2968531

The real reason I bought it is to get some skin in the game. If Bancor is successful the flippening will put this board on meltdown :)

Im just gonna be skipping about posts putting beta nazis on suicide watch... Gonna be fucking glorious!

>> No.2968542



>> No.2968550

Not selling my Bancs under $200usd.

>> No.2968578

absolute madman

>> No.2968589

I understand that your comment is meant to be read sarcastically, but I can only spend like 100-250 dollars each month on crypto and I started like 1,5-2 months ago

>> No.2968613

>increasingly nervous nobanc

>> No.2968664

top kek - just bought another 200 bancs! lel

As anon said - its gonna be worth it to see biz implode and the nobancs cry

>> No.2969068

not selling for anything less than $300 brah

>> No.2969080

I won't sell until the marketcap is 35 billion usd, whatever price that is

>> No.2969190

this pathetic kike shilling is hilarious


still not buying, never will.

>> No.2969229

you are free to stay poor anon, becoming rich is not an obligation, someone has to clean bancros' toilets

>> No.2969265

Why would we do your job for you?

>> No.2969273

what job? Bancbros need no job unlike salty nobancs

>> No.2969290

Cleaning toliets,don't tell me your amnesia is triggering again after you lost your entire bank account in your silly shitcoin

>> No.2969302
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>mfw the absolutely pathetic state of nobancs banter
your comebacks are just as bad as your portfolio

>> No.2969318

It's not even a comeback anon,its your future you are laughing at.
That's alright,laugh your sadness away,I'll give you a sat or two

>> No.2969330
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>I point out nobancs can only clean toilets because poor
>"n-n-no you"
wow I am so BTFO, how will I ever recover

>> No.2969375

Nobancs can be poor,just like how literally anyone can be poor.
The difference is the Bancholders will be poor due to holding this shitcoin

>> No.2969385
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>The difference is the Bancholders will be poor due to holding this shitcoin
says increasingly nervous nobanc for the 30th time this week.
Bancor will never be as cheap as it is now, buy now or buy my bags at 1000x, it's your choice ;)

>> No.2969398

Bancor bags are very heavy,but I'll pass on your generous offer that will rupture my bank account

>> No.2969402

I am sure your 5$ dollar account will be fine, enjoy your povery ;)

>> No.2969403
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>mocking others' portfolios when his coin has hardly ever stopped sinking since it hits the market

>> No.2969423

>Bancholders,not even once

>> No.2969425
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>he buys high and sells low
>he doesn't accumulate bottoms and patiently waits for his coin to go x100
As if we needed any more proof that nobancs are poor and low-IQ virgins

>> No.2969438
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>hurr durr you made a typo so I win
nobancs confirmed for r*ddit

>> No.2969488
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I accumulate bottom in coins that have actually a future. Not in blatant pajeet scams like bancor.
I'm gonna laugh so hard when it goes sub-1$ and you tools are reduced to beg others to buy their bags like a band of retards
Oh wait you have been already doing just that for the last two months. Topkek

>> No.2969492

>goes down 20%
>raises 7%


>> No.2969512

>increasingly nervous /pol/cucks
Your tears are going to be so fucking tasty. BNT has not mooned yet and you're already crying lmao

>> No.2969532

>we need tokens to trade for other tokens because this is impossible to do already with literally every other crypto in existence

Why are Baccuks so delusional?

>> No.2969547

>Oh wait you have been already doing just that for the last two months. Topkek
Literally this

>> No.2969548

Maybe because bancbros have enough neurons to understand how BNT works, instead of making up a lousy strawman out of ignorance.

>> No.2969562

It is ok anon, you will buy my bags when Bancor is in the top 10, I don't mind at all if you don't buy now

>> No.2969566
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>> No.2969567

>Muh no spread or slippage

Yes and communism/price setting works, kys retard.

>> No.2969584
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EVERY-fucking times

>Bancuck get BTFOed
>MUhhh antisemite, poltard, neonazi etc

Holy fuck how is it possible to be as fucking pathetic as you guys? Don't you have any shred of pride?

>> No.2969596

Why is it up? Is the Stox ICO finally buying their 4% reserves?

>> No.2969625

>S E E T H I N G poorfags
I can smell the favela coming out of your shitposts

No, not yet

>> No.2969638

Do you know when they will? Hasn't Stox already been issued so shouldn't they have bought?

Any new coins coming down the pipeline?

>> No.2969659

Probably within a couple of weeks they will buy BNT. I think with stox and GNOBNT they will be overly cautious before releasing anything to the public.

>> No.2969664

I am not following that ICO closely but they have not deployed the contract yet so no, they have no bought any BNT yet. Should be in about a week I think.

>> No.2969668


>> No.2969675

I refuted your assertion that I didn't understand the concept of this shitcoin and you replied with me being a poorfag. So as it turns out I probably know about your shitcoin than you do.

Really makes me think.

>> No.2969708
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you didn't refute shit you fucking brainlet. The slippage or spread are not solved through communism, like your small moronig empty head would have you believe, because the solution they found is still based on demand and offer. What they came up with is so genius that some have already advanced the idea before the ICO that, if successful (and they will be), they will very likely win the Nobel prize for economics.

>> No.2969766

Communism/price setting doesn't work, that was the point of the post you dense fuck! That's what Bancor is setting out to do, which is why they are getting rekt because in free markets like crypto that shit doesn't fly.

Get out now before you lose the shirt on your fucking back, goddamn.

>> No.2969777

You are actually retarded

>> No.2969782
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>Communism/price setting
>That's what Bancor is setting out to do

>> No.2969802

Literally the only way to prevent spreads in a market, but you guys are either too stupid to realize that or just shilling for people to buy your bags.

>> No.2969827
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>Communism/price setting doesn't work, that was the point of the post you dense fuck!
I agree, and Bancor doesn't set prices or applies communism at all.
The Bancor mechanism works on demand and offer you fucking moron, that is the complete opposite of setting prices.
>That's what Bancor is setting out to do
>Get out now before you lose the shirt on your fucking back, goddamn.
anon it will never get as cheap as it is now again, your FUD won't work

>Literally the only way to prevent spreads in a market
It was, until Bancor was created. That is why it's so revolutionary you fucking brainlet

>> No.2969848

The spread is the difference between the highest bid and lowest ask. BNT has no bid/ask so it doesn't have spread. You might be thinking of slippage... either way you are actually retarded

>> No.2969887

Fucking this.

>> No.2969901

How will Bancor avoid spread in the event of someone dumping one security/crypto for another? How in the fuck is this a function of a market. Saying demand and offer is an empty statement.

I'm aware of what spread is. These variances exist for a reason. For what they are proposing would require more liquidity than current financial markets and also rely on their platform/currency not changing price literally ever.

Again they aren't offering anything bitcoin doesn't already do, accept bitcoin is based in reality and excepts market forces. You can enter BTC via USD and exit with BGP but there will likely be some variance either up or down, which will already decrease overtime as BTC gains more liquidity.

Bancor is fucking retarded.

>> No.2969924

>How will Bancor avoid spread in the event of someone dumping one security/crypto for another?
It's explained in the whitepaper, learn to read and you'll find out.
>How in the fuck is this a function of a market. Saying demand and offer is an empty statement.
It's simple. The price depends on demand and offer. The only thing that is overcome are the limitations of traditional bid/ask orderbooks and the cronic lack of liquidity that small assets suffer from.
Again, stop being a brainlet and you'll get it

>> No.2969940

Empty statement is empty, now with magic liquidity.

>> No.2969943
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>nobancs trying to drink water

>> No.2969957
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>now with magic liquidity.
stop it anon, you are embarassing yourself, you clearly don't understand how Bancor works

>> No.2969968

HURR DURR I don't understand so you are all wrong.


>> No.2969981


Great and you don't understand how markets work, which is why you bought Bancor and down >50%. Bancor is the antithesis of free market systems which is why nobody takes you faggots seriously. Stay poor.

>> No.2969990

If someone dumps then the price will adjust accordingly... spread exists because buyers must be matched with sellers. BNT contract is a permanent seller that always has the token in reserve available for purchase, therefore 100% liquidity

>> No.2969996
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>Great and you don't understand how markets work
I do, that is why I have kept buying Bancor all the way to the bottom, and now I am locked and loaded for the moon mission.
>Bancor is the antithesis of free market systems which is why nobody takes you faggots seriously.
Except you have already been refuted on this, there is no anti-free market system in the Bancor protocol.
>Stay poor.
stop projecting anon, it's not healthy

>> No.2970011

on the off chance you are just retarded and not trolling, watch this

>> No.2970024
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i know its not a lot, but its what i have
not everyone promoting bancor is a salty bagholder...
if you're not buying now.. i feel bad for you
you will be very mad at yourself for such a missed opportunity.

>> No.2970032
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>therefore 100% liquidity
Typical tricks.

>> No.2970056
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>bancor doesnt work because muh jews

>> No.2970108

>those salty /pol/acks in the comments crying about "da joos"

Hitler would buy Bancor

>> No.2970612


>> No.2970905

EVERYTHING! about Bancor is top fucking kek. Every time it goes up/down half this board is gonna be on suicide watch! Love it! And also a small 500 Banc bancbro! :) Just to keep my interest

>> No.2970969
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mfw over 10k bancs and knowing ill be rich

>> No.2971000

may our dark Lord curse you with cervical cancer long before bancor moons, roastie.

>> No.2971004
File: 2.53 MB, 192x333, 1488332067480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting sick of being reminded about your 10k bancs. GIVE THEM TO ME YOU FUCKING DIRTY PURDEEP


>> No.2971179

how embarrassing is it that you remember anons based on how many shekels they claim to have?

>> No.2971182

I'm getting real horny thinking about bancor

>> No.2971374
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>tfw only 3k BNT

>> No.2971420
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>> No.2971553

From what I've been able to see anons have between 3-8,000 BNT. Some guy said 10K, another guy even said 30K. But most have under 1000. who cares.