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29646290 No.29646290 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any shitcoin worth mining for a guy with only 1 computer?

>> No.29646902

RVN was decent a few days ago. Otherwise since you only have 1 GPU, you could just run an easy miner like betterhash/Nicehash.

>> No.29646997

I can't even make 1 dollar a day with both my CPU and GPU running at full throttle with NiceHash and the other miners.
Not even close to 1 dollar.

>> No.29647102

Mine money conventionally via a fucking job, and pour your beer money into Crypto. Far more lucrative, or are you work shy?

>> No.29647219

>or are you work shy?
Try living in faggotland Denmark and have your life ruined multiple times and all joy and will to live taken from you by faggots from faggotland and see if you have any desire to contribute to the state.

Rather sell drugs and risk jail

>> No.29647394

in the same boat.
mining monero with cpu, when i can find a couple gpu's that aren't marked up 2000%, dunno yet.

would mine the same shitcoin i want to buy but that's less profitable than mining something else, selling and buying said shitcoin, since we are talking 5-10/day i'm thinking of trying to catch coins on bitcointalk or something that aren't listed on exchange or super low volume and mining a billion of those for a day or two and sitting on them.

>> No.29647487

>in the same boat.
Was that meant for the OP or the post above?
How can you make any profit from this, how much do you make? Seems to me no matter what I try at most I can make 0.5 usd a day

>> No.29647521

really tho with the gpu markup i'm thinking buying gpu's is retarded right now and looking at mining investments.

new to the game, and i don't really game, didn't realize the current state of the gpu market is this bad. there are NO gpu's fucking anywhere unless i want to buy a 30% marked up rx 570-90 or 500% marked up anything else, which makes it not profitable at all.

>> No.29647576

Bullshit excuse. I grew up in Northern Ireland during the troubles. Been through drugs, breakups, shit jobs etc etc.

Your only barrier is yourself. Work, Earn, Invest.
And man the fuck up.

>> No.29647584

Oh just be arrested then and live a better life than 90% of the globe

Complaining about life in fucking Denmark, fuck off faggot

>> No.29647676

>Been through drugs, breakups, shit jobs etc etc
So you ruined your own life, faggot. You're dumb and impulsive and immature
I am not, never did drugs, never fucked around

>> No.29647717

was talking about OP not looking to be stuck in wagecuck land either.

you can look at mturk, but your not getting in in denmark and even americans have years long waiting lists now. does decent now but it can really get shit and now your talking literally working for 2-3/hr at worst. i would look at uber/doordash and don't be retarded with your car, save half for maint, atleast then you can work whenever you feel like and pause it for playing with crypto or w/e.

>0.5usd a day
ya, no kidding, i don't know how even chang is making bank doing this power isn't free in china. haven't looked into buying asic's yet but that may be where to go. like i said looking into buying farming contracts and going that route instead of my own miners with absurd gpu pricing.

>> No.29647745

You don't know Denmark you fucking idiot.
Most effeminate population on Earth.
The punishment for violence is so severe you can't even slap a guy who talks shit to your face.

>> No.29647773
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shit you not, banano is pretty good on a decent gaming rig atm. It uses the folding@home client to do protein fold simulations instead of typical mining so if you give a shit about a good cause at all its nice. I've made a few thousand BAN in a couple days just running it at night.

>> No.29647879

>So you ruined your own life, faggot.

No, I got it together, and as mentioned before you can too.

>> No.29647907

I never ruined my own life, never did drugs, never fucked around, never ruined my own life. Other people ruined my life.
Fuck North Western Europeans and fuck North Western Europe.

>> No.29647910

Why is this bitch orange.

>> No.29648014
File: 175 KB, 736x586, 3D9BE29E-760C-4F99-842B-2D1C944D5806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking life in Denmark is bad KEK

>> No.29648168

We have a welfare state that taxes over 80% of all income (when all taxes are combined), extremely shitty and depressing weather and the most asocial, cold, hateful and social status obsessed genderless faggot population on Earth who will do everything to fuck your life up and hate you because now you're at the bottom of the rat race.

And Mohammad is making thousands of dollars selling coke meanwhile he is fucking that beautiful blonde model from a rich family.

But now you can't get that fat ugly bitch because you're not good enough.

>> No.29648211

Oh this is your problem? You can't punch people in the face, and you would like to?

You should come to Brazil then, you would feel at home here with fellow stupid monkeys. Do you think life is unfair in Denmark? Life is unfair everywhere, Denmark and it's neighbors is as fair as it gets, you stupid retard

Fucking control your testosterone you piece of shit monkey ass faggot, or be thrown in the jungle

>> No.29648303

Little effeminate blonde faggot talks shit to me while I am grocery shopping and I can't do shit because this is faggotland where men are women and women are men.

Fuck you are the whole of North Western Europe and all its natives.
Eastern Europe or GO HOME FAGGOT

If life is shit in monkeyland you take a fucking towel, go to the local beach/river and lie down and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery and the nice hospitable and social people

>> No.29648312

Come to america bro.ill switch places with you. No takebacks btw...

>> No.29648375

you sound like a complete loser kek

>> No.29648389

Literally describing California except hot as fuck, money all goes to your landlords and bills, not even a chance to get out of the rat race, etc

It’s all fucked

>> No.29648436
File: 89 KB, 1702x828, whattochoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which option do I choose?
Thanks for the advice btw

>> No.29648510

I don't understand, why not just go to the parts of America with beautiful weather and let life take its course? Like, give up on the rat race and just enjoy the beautiful landscape and weather in miami.. panhandle if needed or steal or whatever

>> No.29648552

I just have it on any disease and make sure you switch your identity to match the info given to you on the banano miner site when you entered your receiving address

>> No.29648813

Thats a man

>> No.29648905

Thanks again. How many dollarinos do you think I could earn a day killing my GPU?

>> No.29648920

Are you danish or an immigrant?

>> No.29648985

I have Polish citizenship from my mother but Danes think I am ethnic Danish
Most "Danes" are a mix of NW Euro and sometimes Eastern Euro ancestry. Not even our queen is pure faggot

>> No.29649016

IDK it would depend but I have a 1060 and an 8700k nd make maybe $2-4 a day when I let it run. That isn't a whole lot but it beats mining anything else I have tried recently.

>> No.29649056

Yeah it's that easy, lying on the beach when things are hard

Until a monkey horde appears in said beach and takes all your belongings. Try punching one of them then, see what happens.

You wouldn't last very long somewhere else, so enjoy Denmark or off yourself loser

>> No.29649086
File: 26 KB, 190x194, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be IT guy
>Have miners running on all the servers
>Nobody knows or would ever find out

>> No.29649247

>complaining about life in denmark
it was over for you retard. never began.
keep blaming others for your failures but deep down you know what you know

>> No.29649300

>And Mohammad is making thousands of dollars selling coke meanwhile he is fucking that beautiful blonde model from a rich family

take meds schizo

>> No.29649443
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>You wouldn't last very long somewhere else
I'm a very big guy but I assume the monkeys would use a knife or gun because they are cowardly. In a fist fight I'd bash skulls and stretch rectums

You don't know how hard life is here, you've never lived here, the welfare state is a farce

My neighbor literally sells drugs, as does 2 other including one white guy I know

>> No.29649473

How much do you make that way?

>> No.29649857
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1613788233328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy this cant be real

>> No.29649897

How on earth do I calculate the amount of bananos I will earn in a 24 hour period?

It says estimated points 29858 for my GPU but that can't be real as that would be almost 300 USD which is too much.

>> No.29650395

points =/= BAN points are used by fold@home to track your contributions. You are looking for this https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=83ABB2A59E83435B!27699&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AP91opXS_WkUEHU it is a spreadsheet set up to calculate exactly what you are asking for. It was pinned in their discord server.

>> No.29650432

Hope you stay out of jail. Tough guys like you don't make it very far in lockup, at least not where I'm from. Spent 34 months locked up and I saw dudes like you get their teeth knocked out and then had to wrap their bloody swollen lips around 5 nigger's cocks. It doesn't matter how big you are or how much fucking tai chi karate jew-kun-do you know, when you've got five guys on you you are going down and you will get raped raw and bloody.
Don't do crime, little buddy. You aren't big enough to survive, I don't care where you're from.

And if someone is coming at you with a knife or a gun you should have a knife or gun of your own, champ.

Also, don't waste your time mining. Get a job, start researching, start buying crypto you believe in, and keep doing that until you understand what you're doing.

>> No.29650606

>I'm a very big guy
for you

>> No.29650626

Don't waste time mining, just learn to swing

>> No.29650861

Swing trade? How?

>> No.29650899


>> No.29650998

It is a dude

>> No.29651007

How to mine that coin and what are the earnings?

>> No.29651156

are you 14?
Also, I know exactly what you mean because I live in Sweden (myself not Swedish) and these people are even more effeminate and more politically correct than denmark, Welfare state here even more cucked, etc, etc.

That being said, life here in northern Europe is fucking easy, you're a faggot.

>> No.29651363

>life here in northern Europe is fucking easy
Suicide rate and personal experience would beg to differ
I am in my mid 20s you dumb twink

>> No.29651574

>Be IT guy for business small enough to pull this off
>Hardware is too shit to make it remotely worth

>> No.29651633

When its going to go up, buy it
when it's going to go down, sell it

>> No.29651670
File: 47 KB, 960x717, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide rate is affected by too many factors, not just how "shitty" life is. Different indicators show different things. Most of those indicators show the nordic countries with the highest living standards and quality of life. Consistently.
You are just depressed because no pretty blonde girl wants to fuck you aren't you??

hope you're not close to going on a murder spree because of it

>> No.29651755

The profit has to be absolutely shit. I can't see this working with BTC

>> No.29651837

Ok boomer

>> No.29651864
File: 6 KB, 231x250, 1613615363597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29652385

If you believe that Bitcoin is going to get to insane levels in the future then your priority should just be to stack and hold as many satoshis as you can. If that involves mining on a pc and pulling in a dollar of two worth a day so be it.

>> No.29652864


>> No.29652929

Anon wy u watching blacked?

>> No.29653781

I have a different philosophy about mining, in that short term profitability is secondary in the consideration of what to mine.
Miners should be more ideological, and mine projects that are practical and have good use cases. Supporting a network with good fundamentals is long term profitable, and more healthy for the overall market, which ultimately will lead to greater gains for miners in the long run.

If you want to make good short term gains, just buy shit. Mining isn't just about making free income, it's about making minable shitcoins viable.

>> No.29654416

It's hot

>> No.29654536

fuck that lmao you're not really contributing you're just being used. These researchers have almost an infinite amount of money to work with because wealthy families like Rothschild and Rockerfellers are supporting the scientific research

And much of this "research" is totally redundant, excessive. All of these diseases can already be cured.

>> No.29654643

read a white paper before you fomo into an expensive mining setup rather than just playing the market

>> No.29654855

I would never risk the mining rig route because just like nvidia and AMD hardware, all of the hardware has planned obsolescence and Nvidia and AMD drivers are proven to reduce their performance in mining
It's a rigged game
Big mining companies use in-house hardware and software because they know that the hardware they can buy is designed to not work efficiently

Why the fuck would a company sell mining rigs and not just do the mining if it was profitable to mine?
Selling the mining rigs couldn't possibly be that profitable unless the hardware of course is shit.

>> No.29654859

Buy klv and stake it. 10% yearly returns. You can increase this by reinvesting your daily earnings in your stake.

>> No.29655278

Fag just get flexjob i work 6 hours but get paid for 37 and nothing wrong with me took only 10 month on kontanthjælp

>> No.29655326


Future of crypto

Check it out guys.

>> No.29655327

>Why the fuck would a company sell mining rigs and not just do the mining if it was profitable to mine?
Selling shovels.

That's besides the point though. The economics of it supports what I'm saying, that mining is a long term strategy to back projects you think will be profitable. If you want large short term games you have to accept risk in the market. Companies manufacturing the "shovels" can't afford to not focus on the shorter term profits... That being said, there certainly are companies out there that are mining, and manufacturing/selling mining hardware.

Again, you need to read at the bare minimum the bitcoin whitepaper so you can understand these basic concepts. More miners means more success of the network, so people who are already mining have a vested interest in growing the supply of miners... Kindof like a pyramid scheme, but it's not a scam.

>> No.29655340

How much?
Jeg får 11 tusinde før skat, 8 tusinde efter

>> No.29655361

Check NEXT Chain. Guys are widely discussed. NEXT.chain allows anyone to easily create and maintain their own digital asset, similar to Ethereum's ERC20 tokens. All assets are directly tradeable, since their goal is to provide transparent liquidity to new and existing projects. Is your business ready for a boost by incorporating digital assets? Join on Telegram @nextchain

>> No.29655440

Ja på kontanthjælp. Jeg får 155 i timen men min faktiske timeløn er omkring 500

>> No.29655540

Så du får 930kr per dag, eller 3000?
Hvorfor så bange for at sige hvad du får? dette er et anonymt forum.

>> No.29656089

It is known that some asic company mines for a while before selling it.

>> No.29656319

Astaghfirulloh. Naudzubillah

>> No.29657053

>Everything is the world's fault
Fuck off

>> No.29657102

That might be your situation but certainly not mine lmao