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29645661 No.29645661 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX chads checking in how are you all doing tonight?

>> No.29646004

Is Pangolin stolen?

Here’s what’s alleged:

- Zero.Exchange submitted a proposal for funding a multi-blockchain DEX to Emin
- Emin loved the idea and encouraged them to provide all the info they could so he could appraise the project in full
- Weeks go by; no feedback from Emin
- Suddenly, all contact is broken off
- The next day, Pangolin is announced
- Zero.Exchange, fearing the worst, launch by building their own ETH-AVAX bridge
- AVAX team and Pangolin devs start gaslighting the community, by first lying that Zero.Exchange is a scam, then pretending it doesn’t exist
- Pangolin launches, taking down Avalanche and crashing the price from $60 to $30
- Zero.Exchange accelerate integration with Polkadot and other blockchains to mitigate the risk of being stuck with Avalanche and the apparent risk it now entails

Can anyone refute these claims? I think PNG holders deserve an explanation.

>> No.29646110


>> No.29646268

Retard do you have like a bot or something. Seriously I see this guy first posting every single avax thread.

>> No.29646391

God avax threads lately are insufferable, It's 90% pajeet fudders or zero bot shills

>> No.29646431

Which allegations are you refuting?

>> No.29646485

its honestly brutal, but wait for the FOMO when we start pumping, they will vaporize

>> No.29646552

It’s really unfortunate. Things started off so well but then the community was poisoned by the lies from the Pangolin devs about Zero.Exchange.
The situation was made worse because the AVAX devs refused to call the Pangofags out for their toxic behaviour.

>> No.29646612

Make a ZERO thread or fud in a PNG thread, this is an AVAX thread which both those exchanges run on, learn the difference

>> No.29646706

What the fuck does zeros building of its own bridge have to do with everything else. They could have waited till the official bridge came out. All the fud about zero was stemming from this single fact, and no one till this day has given me a straight answer as to why they need to use their own bridge. It makes zero sense, it isolates their dex because their shitty zeth can't be traded on pangolin and the rest of the network. Also drop your false concern for png holders, it's pathetic.


>> No.29646729

The AVAX devs have decided to promote Pangolin as the official AVAX DEX, despite it being inferior to Zero.Exchange and of questionable provenance.
This means this discussion is very much about Avalanche in general, and shouldn’t be swept under the carpet.

>> No.29646821

Instead of asking us to refute your claims, can you refute this first? If this is refuted I'll gladly engage in this discussion even though it's only peripherally related to AVAX


>> No.29646828

Anyone with half a brain can read those allegations and recognise why Zero.Exchange built their own bridge. They realised they had be back-stabbed by the Avalanche devs who they obviously could no longer trust.
Any competent dev team would have done exactly the same.

>> No.29646878

So you can’t refute any of these allegations, you’d rather change the subject?

>> No.29646954

I'd rather you prove your shilled exchange isn't out to drain all current LP's before even beginning a discussion about the possibility of piracy

>> No.29646977

Decentralized trustless networks don't require "social approval" in order to be used.

>> No.29647061

uh oh.. guys is this real.. I'm scared now

t. 5k AVAX chad who's never fucking selling

>> No.29647062

Ok, brainlet. Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.29647109

Which allegation are you disputing?

>> No.29647207



notice how he carefully avoided the raw facts and data exposed here that show how zero is not trustworthy by continuing to fud and spread misinformation. if png truly did take the zero code they would have this little loophole here too no? I guess we're just moving past that?

also the pango launch didn't cause the dump, the minting bug did

>> No.29647255

Can you dispute even one allegation from the list?

>> No.29647301

>- Pangolin launches, taking down Avalanche and crashing the price from $60 to $30
>also the pango launch didn't cause the dump, the minting bug did

illiterate and handicapped I see - a good look for your scam exchange. enjoy the rug

>> No.29647309

What? Explain how using the official bridge means that zero would get backstabbed? What could they even do, the contract can be called by anyone and if they fucked with the funds it would hurt pangolin too. I can ignore your lack of proof because your narrative simply makes no sense.

>> No.29647314
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Bros... Fantom isn't going to beat our Mcap ...r-right?

>> No.29647370

They were backstabbed before the official bridge was even a thing, Also, which allegation are you refuting?

>> No.29647373

it might for now, but there are big moves in store for AVAX when people start to realize just how massive the tech behind this thing is

>> No.29647389

go outside, breathe the air, read a book at a cafe, fall in love. live your life zero shill!

>> No.29647436

he literally got BTFO'd an hour ago by a true chad and is playing the "ignorance is bliss" card with a "fud to distract" kicker


>> No.29647449

Can you refute any of the allegations?
That’s the purpose of my post, to ask for the evidence it isn’t true.

>> No.29647485

Kek, I’ll take refutation of just half an allegation as progress. Care to contribute?

>> No.29647495


It's no use anon, he can't read, and he certainly won't acknowledge the raw proof directly under his nose that zero is a scam. He'll simply keep asking you to refute his baseless claims until you're exhausted

>> No.29647559

Big brother, where is jarjit????
They know, https://github.com/CodeForcer/zero-exchange-exposed
what we should do??
No boss sister pussy tonight!!!
what we should do???

>> No.29647588

>please sir PNG dropped the AVAX price its all PNG fault,,, now buy zero sirs,,, it safe and secure, all trustworth

provide support for your initial claims if youre going to make them, links please. in the meantime its not too late to read this


There's a reason people pretend zero doesn't exist - they can see the future

>> No.29647607

Well, sad to say no one can refute any of the claims. It’s just misdirection or more lame fud thrown at Zero.Exchange.
Ok, my fellow AVAX chads, looks like we have to accept this just isn’t a good look and the rest of the crypto community are probably laughing their fucking heads off.

>> No.29647668

function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: musthave minter role to mint");
_mint(to, amount);

>> No.29647691

there are no claims to be refuted, you just stated a number of random facts that could or could not have been pulled from thin air. where's the proof any of this went down? where are the facts to support your "allegations"? we're still waiting for links.

there is a link now that may be of interest to you, though:


these are facts, yours are nothing but words on a page with no backing whatsoever

>> No.29647732
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Avaxbros, hear me out. Buy Zero exchage promis to te mon...

>tits picrel

>> No.29647833

You niggers never answer me when I say I just bought 40 AVAX. People just laugh at me and tell me I'm gonna be poor for buying a scam coin.

>> No.29647859

Yeah. Well the fact they are claiming to be a Polkadot parachain was a major redflag. Anyone who follows dot knows that firstly it will cost millions to pay for a parachain (as if an anon team can afford the parachain loan for their copy-paste exchange), also Substate devs are extremely rare breed and it would be more likely to win the lottery than Zero exchange being able to afford and deliver a substrate product within 3 months. Also the amount of shills and bots in social media is a major turnoff for non-pajeets.

>> No.29647866
File: 38 KB, 1309x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at PNG, that shit coin profile reset on coingecko because their price drop from 13 to 3 dollars. What a shame
>tits pic related

>> No.29647886

>unverified smart contracts
kek. Don't even bother with this thing.

>> No.29647900

how does 20,000 EOY sound?

there is no use anon, he can look for himself. I can hear the gut wrenching screech from here

arguing with this idiot is a zero sum game, pun fully intended. he will simply bring you down to his level and beat you with experience

>> No.29647958

I grabbed some zero yesterday. Excited about the move to dot, while retaining avax cross bridge just in case avalanche can return from the dead.
I don't see a very bright future for avax because their launch was perhaps the worst in crypto history, and they did the only thing you're never allowed to do. I suppose if they work diligently for a long time, they can regain people's trust and optimism. Maybe a very very long term hold to break even, but if avalabs literally devotes EVERYTHING under the sun to fixing and improving. Guess we'll see.
Good luck avax holders!

>> No.29648012

Now we're talking.

>> No.29648063

he's mobilized his ZERO army now, take cover, the shit is about to fly

and if you mean a minting bug, other chains have experienced worse and recovered greatly, ex. oh I don't know, ETH, BTC

any zero shill instantly loses all credibility

>> No.29648097

Dude anyone can claim they are moving to dot. It wont happen. How are they going to compete with Web3 Grant recievers like PolkaSwap, PolkaDex, ZenLink etc. Its not. It wont win a parachain. The best it will do is use Plasm or MoonBeam parachains as an EVM, which is not the same as moving to dot (anyone can build on those parachains). Basically the whole Dot thing is a way to scam normies.

>> No.29648153

Shut the fuck up you benchod, you will regret if you no buyed Zero Exchange Coin

May ganga river reject your filth body

>> No.29648216

I'm just some regular dude, with a tiny 1000 token bag of zero. No huge stake in this at all, other than being mildly disappointed at how avax turned out. Exploring some other eth alternatives/ helpers presently which had most of my focus.
Good luck bro.

>> No.29648227

so this is what autism looks like, I like it

>> No.29648260

Jarjiiiittt where the fuck are you

>> No.29648264

you'd be wise to dump zero now and invest in a more legitimate project. I do smell a VPN though. In any case good luck to you too


>> No.29648285

The big brain play is to swing between AVAX and FTM.

At its peak at $60 to 0.11c, a small 25% swing to FTM from AVAX would have netted you about a 600% or more return.

The same is likely true now.

>> No.29648488
File: 122 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210225-053135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No vpn. Again, just grabbed some zero on the off chance of a gain if they successfully transition to dot.

I may grab some avax too, on the off chance they work their asses off, put a double spend behind them, and become a serious eth helper chain.

>> No.29648622

see, I know you're likely fudding since you reference a doublespend that didnt even happen, either that or youve been heavily fudded and are grossly misinformed now.

avax is poised to become much more than an ETH helper chain and it only takes a cursory bit of research to see that.

>> No.29648945
File: 110 KB, 765x792, 1613346652179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you are literally the least effective, most radically-negative shill I've see here fudding in what must be three years. And you're in EVERY thread (concerning Avalanche, of all things)...

I suppose it's possible you're ZERO team or dev (would stand to reason, though I sincerely hope not), but you really need to get a handle on the fact these aggro, a-socialized memeboard expulsions of yours will immediately sour everyone who might be thinking anything at all about the object of your shill (or your disdain, for that matter)

I'll ask you then: PLEASE Work on it, anon!
The socially-developed version of you certainly has the capacity to shill, fud or whatever (though with shit results); just imagine what the collected and calculating version of yourself might do!

Prayin for ya, bud...
-comfy Avalanche holder/indiscriminate AVAX DEX user who's made use of both ZERO and PNG

>> No.29649082

Fucking bots. This is getting to be a joke.
Yes its a bot. Zero devs are salty that their rug pull scam got bettered by Pangolin. Kek. Ill give them a clue. NO ONE EVEN CARES if its stolen.

>> No.29649199

based. also time to discriminate anon

>> No.29649566

Thank you for fill bag ser.