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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2960422 No.2960422 [Reply] [Original]

>started buying crypto 13 days ago
>already up 700$
how do you faggots lose money?

>> No.2960445

fuck you

if you had entered around mid june or july you would be fucked

>> No.2960444

>invest all my btc in some hyped shitcoins
>yeah baby, 3x easy win
>was a scam
>bankrupt immediately
and fuck you

>> No.2960452

yes, that's me

>> No.2960455

Me. Down $660 from eth up $660 in neo. Just can't win

>> No.2960460

How? What were your big trades and strategy? How much did you invest?

>> No.2960465

>enter with €7k in june 2016
>worth around €120k rn

Only bought and held, most painless gains of my life

>> No.2960467

>how do you faggots lose money?
FOMO fags buying high and then selling out of panic when it drops. Many FOMOs will be buying now.

>> No.2960473

except for bitcoin. slight increase, plus free bcc.

>> No.2960487

Neo baby. I would have more but transfers from my bank take goddamn forever.

>> No.2960492


>> No.2960504
File: 5 KB, 200x200, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throughout this afternoon into later on this evening, I feel another pump coming. Who feels the same? $5 before monday screenshot this.

>> No.2960506
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Here's my sad story
>enter around the time eth and btc ath in mid june
>buy eth at 360, 340 to put into cfi
>buy btc at 2800
>put 8k worth of eth into CFI (biggest mistake of my life)
>eth goes down, cfi dips to hell
>lose on both sides
>tfw portfolio value around $3-4k

I put money all on Tierion, Stox, and still have those 2k worth of CFI's, hope I make it by hodling till december at least

>> No.2960544

>being a day trading poorboy
pick a good coin and hodl boys

>> No.2960547

put 5k in on eth at 420. should of put more in ANS when my portfolio dropped to 2.5k but ANS saved my ass. Then with BTC I'm about to break even. What a bitch but we are stronger for it

>> No.2960571

Seriously? $700 please tell me more about your investing genius. How did you do it? I mean buying in a bear market and riding that bear into a bull market. Law of averages couldn't possibly apply and you should never assume that you happened to buy in at a good time. You should assume everyone else is a stupid faggot and you're incredibly intelligent.

>> No.2960590

>how do you faggots lose money?
Eth drops 60%

>> No.2960603

We went threw hard times fuck off . I am up 2k tho lol

>> No.2960613
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, the best pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how do you faggots lose money?

This is where you're wrong. I can't lose.

>> No.2960677

Probably if you were doing a lot of trading in July. I stopped looking at crypto for a few weeks then last week I opened up my dgb wallet and found that it was completely blank. I lost 50k dgb with no way to recover it. I haven't lost money based on my original investment but I did not have a good July

>> No.2960713

I entered June 13th, I'm up to about $15,000 from $100. June didn't sour until the end, only most of July sucked. August has been crazy.

>> No.2960724

Bullshit, with what?

>> No.2960737

Yep, bullshit, what did you buy?

>> No.2960761

How? WTF? What were your trades and strategy?

>> No.2960766

You've entered just in the dip and now everything went up from there. If you had started a little bit earlier you could be fucked.

Don't cry victory yet though.

>> No.2960794

>15.000 % gains in a bear period

make your lies belieavable at least.

>> No.2960813

post trading history please. This would be amazing for a nub like me.

>> No.2960868

I have no idea
I startet 2 months ago and thanks to smart trades and good P&D's I'm up 8000%

>tfw nocoiners brag about their 6% annual returns

>> No.2960874

/biz/ made it sound like day trading was both easy and a good idea.

>try margin trading
>every time I try to short the price goes up
>freak out and sell at a loss
>try to go long and the price drops
>stick to my guns, it'll turn around again
>wait hours, the amount I'm losing goes up and up. Every minute I'm losing another $20
>finally sell before I lose any more
>price immediately moons

People can't predict this shit, it's extremely volatile. Those who claim to be making a profit from day trading are either lying or temporarily lucky.

The only way to make money is to buy and HODL without looking at the price very often. Just come back later on and sell when the price is higher. If you notice the price has crashed, buy some more. It's that easy, but the key is not to monitor the price constantly and try to predict exactly what will happen. Over long time periods (HODL) you will always win.

>> No.2960886

how have you been finding the pump and dumps?

>> No.2960895

I'm not smart or terribly lucky, I just recognize patters in coins. Barring anything unusual (which, correct, cannot be predicted), the price of something usually fluctuates by 1-2% every couple hours. On Bittrex the transaction fee is .25%, so you can make consistent small gains as long as you don't get greedy, and, again, as long as nothing unexpected shows up. At that point you're just as screwed as everyone else if it goes down.

>> No.2960905
File: 93 KB, 258x258, Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 16.21.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started crypto 4 weeks ago
>up £4k
>thx CHC kek
>come at me fagcuck

>> No.2960910
File: 69 KB, 875x465, asdfasdfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go m8y

>> No.2960914

You have to find the one trustworthy of more than 1000
I probably got lucky to find a good one, but it fell apart before the hardfork

This one looks very promising

>> No.2960920

Meant >>2960886

>> No.2960940

thanks, anon
where do you look for these? are they just randomly on /biz/?

>> No.2960955

How do you find them?

>> No.2960967

Friends of friends started the group
Idk what else to tell you

>> No.2960970

lol this group is a scam, it pretends to be a randomised coin but infact the original owners have coded it so they know the coin beforehand. It's a meta pump n dump. The noobs in the group become the bagholders.

>> No.2960985

many thanks eurobro, what exchange are you using? Kraken? Also how did you manage to withdraw your gains without the government bothering you?

>> No.2960990

how do you know?

>> No.2960997

I and many others looked through the source code, feel free to do so too
Also if you look at the last chosen coin it was absolutely clear that there was no prepump.
Don't know why you would FUD here.

>> No.2961002

Obv he doesn't know
He's paranoid, because almost all pump groupsbare run by Pajeets

>> No.2961005

Bull market must confirmed be back if the pajeet discords are starting to pop up again.

>> No.2961051

Well last pump looks like it lasted a bit more than those 20 seconds it took the bastards to dump on me and others the last time I tried. I guess I'll try with a couple of dollars

>> No.2961061

I started asking about why they wouldn't post the source publicly and they banned me, so it's definitely a scam. they could falsify the code anyway.

>> No.2961347

How do I decide a good coin to start daytrading with

>> No.2961370
File: 792 KB, 662x708, 1498483015097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made 10k in the last five days alone

>> No.2961378

>first hand of blackjack
How do you guys lose money?

>> No.2961390

I entered early may, but I'm only up 10% because I bought digibyte late june after selling my massive profits. The worst feeling is having made over 300% and losing it all to digimarines.

>> No.2961414

Don't do it.

>> No.2961566

I wrote my own bot, I don't watch all the trades. I'm not selling the bot or divulging the strategy, but it isn't one I've seen published... and I've looked at every bot thread here over the last 3 months. I suspect that if BitConnect isn't a scam I'm doing what they are. When I hit 10 btc I'm planning to write a bot for /biz/ which will be perhaps the first legit btc "doubler" - I don't want competition, that doesn't mean I want /biz/ to be poor.

>> No.2961630

Same. Already made like $400.. only regret is I didn't buy more eth. I will sit on LTC until it moons to $200 as well.

How long will making money like this last? It's too easy.

>> No.2961692

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Can't you FUCKING FAGGOTS stop FUCKING LARPING for TWO FUCKING SECONDS on this fucking board?

Death to LARPers, Pajeets and chinks on this fucking board. D E A T H.

>> No.2961845
File: 43 KB, 1412x633, whatever2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a white male and I'm not pretending, my gains so far are less than $300/day. If I were pathetic enough to lie I'd claim to make an average of $3000+/day. Here's the graph of my log, it isn't perfect - withdrawals show as sharp drops and it gets a little fucky when the exchange goes down. The weird bit before 7/18 was me moving to v3, the weird bit around 7/25 is me withdrawing .5 to test how the bot performs when competing with a 2nd instance of itself (and then stopping that experiment and depositing those gains back into the single remaining instance.)

>> No.2961970

learn to spot a bubble then

>> No.2962004

Yeah yeah I thought I was hot shit when I made over 1000 my first week too. Everything will change once you experience your first major dip and watch all your money evaporate

>> No.2962114

>Make mad gains
>hahaha I'm so smart money money money
>Crash from 3 weeks ago
>all the alts I made money from stayed down
>now at 20% loss

>> No.2962119

hahahahah bullshit nigga you just got lucky you cant 'spot' the crypto bubble

>> No.2962125

asians give me the creeps

>> No.2962129

Same. I was dumb to fall for HODL! meme.

>> No.2962141

>Everything will change once you experience your first major dip and watch all your money evaporate

>not buying dips and hodling

>> No.2962154
File: 21 KB, 400x399, 1447479212605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here
850 now lads

>> No.2962167

Well, I'm impressed anon.

Would you mind sending the bot to an anon who would keep it for himself? I only got my poorfag word to give you.


>> No.2962218

>bought when entire market is moving up
>wow why's it so easy
looking forward to pink wojak posts in 4-6 months

>> No.2962224

you are the person giving money to everyone else btw
jesus dude... just stop

>> No.2962303
File: 39 KB, 500x333, joker_costume_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give /biz/ the opportunity for some easy gains once I prove it works well enough to take me from .05 btc to 10, I'll make a thread if that day comes. Faggot.

>> No.2962556

This, man.
I was up 120% on my portfolio but threw WAY too much at NMR... now I'm up ~40%

>> No.2962668
File: 598 KB, 1080x1298, 1498472304191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started buying crypto in mid-April
>up 3.5k but it used to be 9k on June 12th

>> No.2962719

i know you. saw you in another thread. which library are you using with python or just plain python? i tried to use a lib with python but i stopped working on it because low confidence and lazy.

>> No.2962739

also. do you have computer science or finance background or self-taught?

>> No.2962757

dont release the bot to biz thats literally the group most likely to overuse it

also do u run it on multiple exchanges and currency pairs?

>> No.2963193

I'm just using the Requests library for API calls, hmac for auth. Did all the coursework for my MS in CS, slacking off in my thesis. No finance background.

I won't be releasing the bot, I'll be letting you invest... probably for a "quick" 10%.
I don't expect anyone actually will, but it's easy enough to track deposits and return 1.1x to an address.

>> No.2963217
File: 163 KB, 550x297, summerfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't seen nothing yet!

>> No.2963251

Wait till the market plummets and you start panic selling. The losses can come as fast as the gains.

>> No.2963288

ive been planning on writing a bot myself also yea unless ur planning on getting .001btc investments noone is gonna send u anything

do u use some mix of common indicators or do u use custom stuff

>> No.2963410


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

>> No.2963427


>> No.2963439


Spotted the tard

>> No.2963463

Coinbase, haven't cashed out yet, everything is stored on my nano s rn

>> No.2963520

your bot made x10 in one week but couldnt make another x10 in another 6 weeks despite being upgraded twice?

>> No.2963541

oh. yeah. i do the same. iv'e got that part down, just struggling with the actual make money part and buy when memeline is here, sell when memeline is there part. im just lazy really, and the markets were so shit lately i gave up on it(and i secretly hate trading and are embarrased to mention i do it).

>> No.2963550

All custom, I've read a little about what others use and it's very different. I'll need some logic to ensure it doesn't return less after tx fees.

>> No.2963670

>first 10x easier than next 10x
Unfortunately that is true, I'm also still not sure how this scales.

>> No.2963693

I'll pay you 0.5 btc for your not mane

>> No.2963801

Go all in on SpasticCoin

>> No.2963869
File: 11 KB, 237x300, trump-pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send the .5 to my bot, get .55 back, simple. I will make sure you all make it, /biz/.

>> No.2964373

Someone explain the kneepads meme to me.

>> No.2964390

If you released this bot on /biz/ wouldn't that mean that the bot would effectively exist everywhere and no longer be effective because it'd be competing against itself?

>> No.2964424
File: 218 KB, 300x366, 2fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in last week, up about $400.

>> No.2964470

I know who you are, your brother's a lad

>> No.2964625

Right, I'm not selling the bot. When it hits 200x my initial investment I'll add the logic to make it function as a "doubler" and give /biz/ the address - you'll be able to send it btc, it will invest that btc and send you back your amount + X%. I'm thinking 10%. It's such an obvious scam that the idea of it working but everyone avoiding it makes me chuckle.

Someone with a brother is definitely not me.

>> No.2964639

I owned 1 btc back in Feb. I sold for litecoin while BTC hit new ATHs and light coin tanked from $38 to $25.

I sold and made a few dumb trades losing more money. Eventually bought lightcoin back at $54.

Fuck this shit. I don't care anymore.

>> No.2964674

Ohhhh. Gotcha. Hell I would try it. But then again I guess there'd be nothing stopping you from disappearing to the keys with all my shitcoins...

>> No.2965114

Just hold BTC. On average, so far, it gains around 0.3% per day. Treat it as a long term thing and just hold.

>> No.2965190

>buy high sell low