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29630109 No.29630109 [Reply] [Original]

Burger here who lives in a high CoL urban shithole on the coasts because I need to work for a living. I need to find a good state in the US to fuck off to in the event that my holdings do a 10x and I have $3m+

Here are my criteria
>low CoL
>rural but can drive to a city within an hour
>minimal natural disasters like hurricanes, landslides, volcanoes, tornadoes, etc
>at least 75 miles away from a major target in the event of WW3
>low crime, not dominated by democrats.

I was thinking some place in Appalachia like Tennessee or Kentucky. Maybe WV but it’s very poor and I’ve heard there are problems with random drug addicts everywhere.

Not too familiar with places out west since I’m an east coaster. Is Montana any good?

>> No.29630348
File: 67 KB, 375x500, strategicrelocation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read picrel. TLDR is Idaho, Montana and Wymoing are where it's at. Califags may have changed that in the past couple years though.

>> No.29630450

I'm leaning towards Montana unironically because of Far Cry 5 and taxes...and minimal niggers and spics like here in California

>> No.29630561


Thanks Anon that book title sounds familiar to me I’ll check it out. Isn’t Idaho pretty much Commiefornia 2.0 at this point?

>> No.29630645

Tennessee, New Hampshire or Montana/Idaho/Wyoming

>> No.29630799

New Hampshire is nice but it’s not low cost of living by any stretch of the imagination. My house appreciated over $80k since I bought it in 2019. There’s a huge demand and no supply for housing.

>> No.29630801

Seconding New Hampshire, I live on the East coast and it is the only escape from taxes and insane leftists. Still plenty of libs but beats any other part of new England.

>> No.29631036

One of the last places in the east that hasn't been absolutely ruined by urbanization

>> No.29631118

That's the rumor but I've never been. Other people are the issue when SHTF and less so natural disasters. You're way more likely to get killed by desperate people. Something to keep in mind.

>> No.29631487

Colorado is right fucked. Its a beautiful state and offers good oppourtunity but the secret is out and they are rolling out california 2.0. I thought it was sooooo great that we legalized weed when I was in college but all these stoners came here to get high AND FUCKING STAYED. I am now in a race against time to make enough in crypto to buy a god damn house before they all appreciate another 15% this year and it looms toward pricing me out forever.

The interest rates being so low actively encourages retards to flood the market with their cheap money and baloon the prices. I hope sleepy Joe says fuck the eviction moratorioums and a flood of reposessiojns hits the market from idiots that bought a $350k house they couldn't afford with their fuckass 3% down. Dude is shaping up to be a right kick in the nuts for all the mongs that voted for him and im laughing all the way.

>> No.29632122

Agreed, Colorado got Californicated. Great weather, but this place will be shitholed in a few years. Already zombie hordes of homeless starting to fill up denver. The dems will take away everyone's civil rights, it will be East California. I'm waiting for housing to inflate next year then selling out spring of 2022, buy a few acres in a gun sanctuary state with low taxes. Trade meme stocks and fart around in my garden

>> No.29632183
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The obvious answer is the midwest - its boring as fuck but low CoL
I recommend MO, KS, IA, NE or SD
Close to airports and other needed infrastructure
I WFH and bought a 3/2 in Oct 2020 for $160k - mortgage payments less than rent
I live in the suburbs outside the capitol city