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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29626149 No.29626149 [Reply] [Original]

Will be be surpassing YFI's TVL within the next 24 hours. Are you buying the dip...? Easy 10X lay up Your welcome Anons

>> No.29626367

fuck should I switch over from YFI to VSP?

>> No.29626611

Yes and I literally do not understand its price right now, you are getting the bargain of a lifetime, it's undervalued at $50, $25 is unthinkable

>> No.29626919

Honestly I would Anon if it passes it's TVL I would consider it a better asset to hold.

>> No.29626922

The timing of Vesper’s release is impeccable. Literally made to moon

>> No.29626995

its value performance is terrible and it keeps dipping hard. wish i hadnt bought

>> No.29627280

if it passes YFI what's the price prediction ?

>> No.29627329


>> No.29627771

My extremely conservative prediction is $100 is the near future. This is factoring in a completely diluted Market cap and still pricing VSP less than YFI. I think $150 first week of March attainable.

>> No.29627808

I worked out the math, at YFI's price:TVL ratio (after accounting for the increased supply of tokens) each VSP would be worth $1000

But this does not account for VSP's superior tokenomics and utility

So all I can say is, if you bought at or near the ATH, just HODL FFS and DCA down if you can... and if you haven't bought yet, these are firesale prices on a blue chip DeFi

>> No.29627891

shit alright. I might actually pull the trigger on this

>> No.29628028

this one is huge. People are sleeping. god damn I might be finally in time for good one

>> No.29628130

quit buying anon coins.look into the team. these guys are kings.

>> No.29629014

brainlet here. how do the pool fees work? If I stake 200 VSPs, how do I pay the fee upon withdrawal?

>> No.29629083

I think VSP is the only pool with 0% withdrawal fees
While the other pools have a 0.6% withdrawal fee

>> No.29630225 [DELETED] 

I'm on my phone otherwise I'd ask for your ETH address to send you enough for gas. So I guess my genuine well wishes will have to suffice for now. Hang in there anon, YGMI

>> No.29630346

i am staking and feeling commited. bought day 1. i give it a month or so. hopefully we will see some movements.

>> No.29630674

How are tokens being released when will the total supply be circulating?

>> No.29630750

Depends entirely on BTC. We were on our way to 100 next week but it shit the bed.

>> No.29630783

I also bought and have been staking since day 1. 1 month is a little soon but I think what's happening right now is short sighted people are taking advantage of the 1000% APY or whatever on GYSR and dumping their reward tokens, just like the airdropped tokens for beta testers dumped the price right after release. It's annoying but the price should stabilize once the GYSR pool finishes in a few days

>> No.29631228

I just bought in after doing a quick read, this shit looks solid, I am in love.

I had a question tho, with staking whats difference between the GYSR and onsen? what the fuck do I do with my VSP, I think this will be a good hold until EOY

>> No.29631271

SushiSwap onsen for VSP is up. Please move your LP tokens over there and leave the GYSR for me, thanks.

>> No.29631486

>whats difference between the GYSR and onsen?
Both require LP tokens. The former gives you VSP but is competitive (and trust me, whales have a MASSIVE advantage), while the former will give you consistent yield in the form of SUSHI.

>> No.29631629

GYSR is competitive farming, basically its a mind game where you have to guess when other people are going to unstake and try to stay in as long as you can before someone else unstakes and takes the lions share

Onsen is noncompetitive, you get rewarded in SUSHI as well as VSP. You can stake your VSP in either of those LPs for maxx gains at the risk of IL (and having your liquidity tied up), or you can just stake it in the vVSP LP on the app and get good but not utterly insane rewards with ~zero risk (this is what I am doing)

You can have it bro I am quite content with the regular vVSP pool APY

>> No.29631767

think, I'll do the same, I am gonna stake on the app, with zero risk. Thanks based anon for the spoon feeding

>> No.29631824
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>> No.29631943

You are welcome fren WAGMI