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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 250x250, Holologo_Profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29612885 No.29612885 [Reply] [Original]

are we not supposed to talk about this?

>> No.29613190
File: 17 KB, 374x301, koler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't talk about this here anon. keep accoomulating

>> No.29613328
File: 119 KB, 1280x950, 1614110102139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Keep the feet tranny fud going brainlets

>> No.29613507

thinking of putting my ftm gains here

>> No.29613650
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Dogecoin Millionaires Of Tomorrow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. Waiting on next check.
Please sell all shares until I am involved.

Cockballs Pajeet

>> No.29613877
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x8000, holoschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand it's retarded not to shill your shitcoins in bullmarkets. Just look at linkies. That shit never mooned in the last bull market because of their retardation and constant FUD. On the other hand, I understand why some of you fags would like to keep accumulating at these prices. It's still retardedly cheap. Barely 30% up from it's previous ATH.

My PSA for you is this: accumulate if you have to, but don't be retarded and never talk about it. Opportunities like this come once every 4 years. I suggest you start talking more openly about this if you don't intend to hold these bags until 2025.

>> No.29614159

suppression until its to late to get in cheap

>> No.29614323

why the Pisces symbol?

>> No.29614576
File: 36 KB, 882x758, 1614208106836 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked but holo is getting hyped everywhere else as well look at the chart anon. Its no longer our hidden biz gem, normies are aware.. fuck i need moaar time and gibs.

>> No.29614674

go back to your discord retards

>> No.29614684

Whats the make it stack? Also didn't know this was the pisces symbol

>> No.29614922

Sergey suppression or blockchain ..lol they spend whole budget doing biz monitoring ..I got a feeling holo is going to eat all crypto money, consume it all

>> No.29615484

For 1 holo = 1$ we are looking at a 334x from current price, dare I say not realistic? I mean anything could happen, but I'd honestly be surprised if we broke 1 cent per HOT.

>> No.29616091
File: 345 KB, 828x626, cxek6rw4wdhz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tokenomics for holo are very complicated. There's that anon who posts the same thread every day and he explains it there. Because Holo fuel is assets backed by computational power and because the hosts require a certain amount of holofuel in exchange for x computational units, it means that the price can absolutely go to 1$ without requiring moves in the market. For example if the interactions between hosts and developers decide that 1 hot = 1 $, this will create insane buy pressure in the market because every HOT that is below 1$ will be arbitraged fast. It's a lost more complicated than that, but the gist of it is that once the network is operational, nobody will give a shit about the price on exchanges.

>> No.29616238
File: 33 KB, 749x469, 1530529008887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related shows how the beast moons once the network is online

>> No.29616350

Ah thanks for the information, anon. So the holo token is both used as a currency and as fuel for the network. Is that kind of like eth then? Sorry I know its on me to do my own research, but honestly I find my life choices are more fun when made on whims. I actually bought a stack because of this thread (and the cashier near my house had a pisces logo (its pisces season apparently)). Cheers!

>> No.29616450
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x4362, Hologuide v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your financial prosperity, read this
It's long, but it explains almost everything and it's totally worth it.

>> No.29616511
File: 27 KB, 262x240, AD6FA89D-3D75-4F7C-9C52-19B98BBB6BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% centralized forever
1guy can pull the plug at any monent forever
>buying garbage like this

>> No.29616647

Oh so like BNB then

>> No.29616810

it's kind of like if amazon web services were distributed. you get paid for hosting something on the network in holofuel. you pay holofuel to have your site hosted. it's one of the best ideas in crypto but it has had pitiful execution. everything is delayed and the current pump is all speculative late-comers. the hardware was delayed so much its practically obsolete. i know the person who wrote the white paper. the idea is genius. the team doesn't inspire any confidence in me. i sold for a profit 2 years ago and dont intend to get more unless i see something real. yes i know about the rust app yea i know about the chat stuff

>> No.29616821
File: 26 KB, 428x368, 1614207221890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do u even try? Lying baseless faggo

>> No.29616833

>>Holo token HOT can be exchanged for holo fuel
So is there any chance this could fuck you over? I.e changing ratios 1:1 1:2 etc?

>> No.29617200

Sorry just did my own research, literally first result says it functions as an IOU for holofuel. Thanks again

>> No.29617211

Its 1:1

>> No.29617493

no. It's impossible to do that in Holo because holofuel is mutual credit. Its supply is always 0. It's complicated, but basically the Holo organization went into negative to generate the tokens for the ICO. We have 133 billion and they have -133 billion or something like that. No matter how many tokens there are in circulation, there is an equal amount in a negative balance somewhere (the holo foundation in this case). The total supply is always 0 as I said before. The conversation ratio will be 1:1, but even if they change that, the tokenomics of the platform dictate that they will have an equal balance in the negative relative to us (bagholders).

TL/DR: it doesn't matter.

I need to fuck off to sleep now and can't go into insane detail. I recommend you read about mutual credit on wikipedia. It's quite fascinating.

>> No.29617574

Sleep well friend, thanks to you and the other anon for spoon feeding me

>> No.29617643

Half my profits from my tranny stock are going straight into this son of a bitch. I suspect a lot of people will follow suit following the 1$ dump of FTM

>> No.29617972

>HOT + tranny holder
Are you me?
Dumping 10% @1.00 into HOT

>> No.29618514

OG holochad here, still holding $125k worth of HOT. Both are moon missions, can't go wrong with that plan

>> No.29618899

>OG holochad
I kneel, hot-sama
What does the timeline for HOT look like do you think?