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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29606078 No.29606078 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29606173

seethe harder brainlet coinfag

>> No.29606397

>business and finance
Maybe our friend the janny will pay this thread a visit

>> No.29607308

must be hard holding all of your bags huh retard? farming easiest 10x of my life

>> No.29608654

Before crypto this board was about investing and careers. Just roll with it. If you're not having fun online log off

>> No.29608840

I thought it was a containment board from the 2013 bubble when /g/ was flooded with crypto posts, or is that just a meme

>> No.29608906

it's true and plebbit invaded it and should gtfo

>> No.29608962

you're wrong but kekked

>> No.29609162
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some stocks now a days behave exactly like crypto in terms of volatility. I've seen multilple stocks pull 10x in a couple of days (sometimes 10x in a single day) over the last couple months. If you're not exposed to both crypto and stocks right now, you're missing out.
We truly are in a golden bullrun, enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.29609453
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Zoomers need to fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.29609500

I bet there was probably more overlap back then. But I get the hate for current leddit since they banned all the good subs and drove everyone that isn't a bot here. And no, I won't go back since I deleted my account that I made in 2013 specifically for bitcoinmarkets.

>> No.29609600
File: 473 KB, 220x224, NOD_BEARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw plebs get stuck holding the bags, again.

>> No.29609803

Lol no
I used to hate cointards too and ran a /sbg/. Now I have a $20k portfolio of obscure shitcoins. Get out of here while you can...

>> No.29609953

It's funny because their stock gains are making us look like faggots. We can only pull 200% gains in 3 or 4 figure ponzis. These fuckers are making it left and right while we slowly transfer our cash to CZ for another round.