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29598085 No.29598085 [Reply] [Original]

So I just bought Quick. Should I be staking? Providing liquidity? Holding? I paid $460 and am already down significantly so I need a way to maximize my gains.

>> No.29598330

How the fuck did you pay $460 when ATH is $430? anyway you can't stake it. you can provide liquidity and farm more quickies if you see any pools you like here: https://quickswap.exchange/#/quick

>> No.29598621

I must have bought the top of a flash pump like I always do that didn't register on the tracking software.

Anyways do you think it's better to stake or hold due to impairment loss? How many tokens are being dumped a day from the pools?

>> No.29599174

about a thousand tokens each day. I'm not pooling for the time being. it's not hard to avoid impermanent loss because of how good the rewards are, it's just better to be all-in quick right now. I might join the MATIC-QUICK pool when it cools down a little.

>> No.29599292

How much to make it?

>> No.29599506

Thanks for the insight. Hope we make it, the last four days or so have been brutal for me and I did buy high but hoping I'm still early and this gets the BSC money now that it seems most people are done with that scam.

>> No.29599663

youll be green in 3 hours

>> No.29599793

if Bitcoin shits the bed: 1000 QUICK
if Bitcoin doesn't shit the bed: 100 QUICK

>> No.29600029

10 quick at this rate if we hit $10K / quick

>> No.29600132

i'm just all in QUICK. liquidity pools look dank though

>> No.29600142

This won't go that high. It MIGHT hit 2K....screen cap this

>> No.29600320

2k is good with me.

>> No.29600507

Anyone think it's worth holding MATIC?

>> No.29600575

What's the difference between matic and polygon?

>> No.29600613

That's if it keeps momentum. Otherwise this will drop QUICK. Pun intended.

>> No.29600683

Ya Matic is great. You can stake it on Celsius for around 14% apy.

>> No.29600812

Matic rebranded as Polygon and will offer multiple scaling solutions for Ethereum. The Matic token is the native token for the platform.

>> No.29600826

$100k isn't making it anon...

same thing, they rebranded

>> No.29600832

I don't see why it wouldn't. Still seems a little early as people figure out how to use the platform and matic. Still early adopters imo.

Only hurdle is it Uniswap launches v3 then we're going to zero.

>> No.29600867

lol are u pajeet?
wat a’fuck ur talking about here?
I am not a pajeet who goes for shitcoins that they talk about here
longing for bot ocean pre-sale and their launch
wanna trade with top bot like an expert

>> No.29601000
File: 146 KB, 750x318, 70A316EA-C360-484E-AD44-9972303AC63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contemplated staking but unless you have fat stacks it’s not worth it because QUICK alone is going parabolic with no signs of stopping anytime soon. It’s the primary mover and you’ll likely be cutting that advantage in half (at minimum) when you pair it with another token.

>> No.29601109

>pajeets calling us pajeet
fuck me

>> No.29601552

Any info on v3? Is that coming any time soon?

>> No.29601642

"Any day now" since the token launched in November or whenever.

>> No.29601792

aka too late, quickswap will hit $1B in liquidity so soon at this rate.

>> No.29601989


> #24 in terms of daily user growth of all Defi DApps and growing in pace every single day https://dappradar.com/rankings/category/defi

> won't hit $10K

> more daily users that YFI, Compound, DYDX, MAKER, .... (insert $1B+ project here)

you are all literally to blind to see what value is because you cannot understand that just cause the price is big doesnt' mean the marketcap is big

>> No.29602744

Comfy af this will hit $3000-5000

>> No.29603188
File: 42 KB, 512x512, 1614048360482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The market cap is only 65 million. Fucking TINY for something that should have the market cap of ALL DOGSHIT L1 DEXs.

>> No.29603519

am I still early? someone redpill me, price EOM?

>> No.29603776

Price EOM is very likely to be $1000. Much higher if bitcoin recovers by then.

>> No.29604286


How much is bitcoin doesnt shit the bed do you think

>> No.29604339
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they're busy with other things anon. make no mistake, they will launch v3 and it will be over

>> No.29604349

its amazing how many people are sleeping on this

>> No.29604535

they will launch v3 and quickswap will hit the same valuation cause it's a same but better product with the same liquidity *

>> No.29604764

I honestly don't know. At the rate it's dropping it could go either way. It's currently at a drawback and I do think the bullrun will continue in the near future. It survived 45k pretty flawlessly with a double bottom bounce so I don't think all hope is lost.

>> No.29605170
File: 291 KB, 1080x1128, 20210223_104527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U need to buy NATH. Nathan's famous has developed new hot dog technology that is going to change the world. The hog dog bubble will never burst, just the delicious plump casing on the grill

>> No.29605217


>> No.29605363
File: 495 KB, 1225x1219, 1608758745764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sirs, pls buy the hotdog sirs. Moon soon do the needful!

>> No.29605845
File: 201 KB, 1080x976, 20210223_105528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathans famous to the moon. They have all of Japan hooked on hot dogs!

>> No.29606106

any listing soon? bilaxy seems kinda sus

>> No.29606264
File: 1.98 MB, 1771x2236, 20191122_071745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathans is unveiling the brand new frankfurter tech this July 4th at the annual hot dog eating contest in Brooklyn NYC
Rumors are that the new hot dogs will bring the stock to the blue chips
NATH to the MOOOOOON!!!!!

>> No.29606540

Just buy it off of quickswap? A new listing will probably happen as this gains more traction.

>> No.29608264

eth and the https://wallet.matic.network/bridge

there will be a fee unfortunately. but once you're in the network you won't have to worry about that til it's time to take some profits.

>> No.29608480

Is this shit worth it at current value or should I wait for a dump?

>> No.29608482


>> No.29608636

DYOR. If you think that 65 million mcap for a cheaper and faster uniswap is overvalued then shoo

>> No.29608924

it's a total gamble anon. I firmly believe this will go up if we really still are in a bullrun. The industry is acknowledging polygon's solutions. But there could always be a pullback. It's up to you man.

>> No.29608950

it's going to hit $100M liquidity in 2 days at $1B after that

>> No.29609018

I'd recommend sending USDC instead of ETH personally since it has the highest volume currently on quickswap.

>> No.29610007

send USDC to Metamask and exchange it for QUICK?, this also ignores the ETH gas fee right>

>> No.29610050
File: 105 KB, 743x1204, 2020-06-22 14.08.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be a little overvalued at present (speculative bubble) but it's potential is absolutely there. don't get shaken out.

>> No.29610392

no, you can't send directly to Matic mainnet wallets yet

>> No.29610615

It's not really speculative if the exchange is functioning and working. The only slight speculation would be that governance hasn't been implemented yet, but will happen very soon at the current rte.

>> No.29610646

im so confused lol, is there a way to exchange it without ETH tho? FUCK THOSE GAS FEES

>> No.29610800

You can use fiat with RAMP to purchase crypto onto the matic network immediately without needing to pay the move-on fee. It's only like 30-40 dollars currently to move your assets onto it.

>> No.29610824

I wish I was in HOneyswap bros

>> No.29611011

The hot dog is the most valuable currency on the market

>> No.29611013

if you have ETH in your wallet, you only have to pay for one transaction to bridge it, the simplest transaction with the lowest gas cost. personally, I'd not think twice about spending $100 to get off Layer 1 with how mindblowing Matic is

>> No.29611060 [DELETED] 

totally seems like a shill, stupid pajeet scum

> do u think we are dump retards here?
>I bought bot ocean tokens and wait for full system for dex trading launch

clever boy knows what tools to use for best trading

>> No.29611188

I payed 23 dollars to transfer all my efferium,. afte that there are literally no more gas fees

>> No.29611747

$1000 EOM

>> No.29612412

english please?

>> No.29612741

I bought at $460 and I'm financially ruined.

>> No.29613006

No idea why you didn't wait for a dip and bought in green. It'll be at 500 tommorow.

>> No.29613028

price is $460 now... just checked, so stop crying.

>> No.29613393

440 on uni 420 on quickswap
Is anyone arbing this? They have been way off consistently

>> No.29613447

tell me, what is the downside of depositing on aave, receiving aUSDC, moving aUSDC to matic, and adding aUSDC to the LP?

>> No.29613670

Gas is too shit to arb

>> No.29613831

What could you expect from pink unicorn token makers.

>> No.29614033

nothing lol. literally the free-est money in your life. I'm sure all the AAVE team members are doing it with how much they're tweeting about it

>> No.29614446

Pretty much. Some anon in the previous thread was mentioning that he was moving between pools to maximize profits and saved over $500 if he did it on uniswap instead.

>> No.29614615

tell if this would work:

i go on binance and buy $10K MATIC. send the MATIC to my metamask. then swap the MATIC for maUSDC. do i now own interest bearing aave tokens? i can just hold these on the MATIC network and exchange them on aave in a year for the interest?

>> No.29614691

>Pajeet copied uniswap to matic

Am i really not being bamboozled here? Please give me some hopium anons don't want to get rugged

>> No.29615162

how can it be a trannyswap clone if it has practically 9 fees and almost instant trade?

>> No.29615369

It is faster and cheaper on the matic network. Don't invest if you think muh poojeet rug pull. Matic has an insane amount of partnerships with all kinds of different cryptos and I don't think they're trying to list a L2 exchange that will rug everyone.

>> No.29615452

you can't send from CEX to Matic but if you replace Binance with Ethereum mainnet then yeah that works

that's the point... why would they try to fix something that's not broken? the only problem with Uniswap is the network it's on, so that's all they changed. honestly, if you're wondering whether or not you can get rugged, you didn't even bother doing the bare minimum of research which is honestly shameful. don't play with your money.

>> No.29615816

Or you guys could bank on Rubic improving their UX.

They have L1 swaps, L2 swaps, and cross chain swaps all available. The potential is there, but they need work on their marketing and website. Their aesthetic is dogshit, however.

>> No.29616077

Rubic is literally going to route through Quickswap. their team will even be adding liquidity for RBC pairs on the DEX. I tried to tell Rubic holders about it in one of their threads and they called me a scammer lmao. dumbest community on this board by far.

>> No.29616308

Hold until 1k+ or join the LPs. Rewards are crazy atm.