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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 691x378, Screenshot 2021-02-24 082131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29575727 No.29575727 [Reply] [Original]

you all hate redditors but we have more similarities than differences

>> No.29575819


>> No.29575832

They won't name the jew though.

>> No.29575844

they just copy the content and water it down so its retard friendly

>> No.29575895

they dont say nigger enough so i dont like them

>> No.29575985

said >eggo


leave this board

>> No.29576077


>> No.29576086
File: 791 KB, 1106x1272, 1612303561259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly browsed reddit from 2012 to 2016

>> No.29576261

go back

>> No.29576358

Tendies lol!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29576361

what's different about this pepe? it looks a bit off

>> No.29576371

/biz/ knows no borders. We need those faggots to buy our bags sometimes too.

>> No.29576401
File: 151 KB, 640x942, 16010118775870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twittors and tumblors are worst/

>> No.29576418

Every trannygram channel or discord group I join are fucking great resources but when it comes to naming the enemy they suddenly turn weak

>> No.29576483

Yes we know frogposter

>> No.29576543

I felt that too
I can't put my finger on it
Different hairstyle maybe?

>> No.29576688

>you all hate redditors
Some of this is irony.
Some of this is divide and conquer from shills.
Some of this is sibling rivalry, or just playful banter.

>> No.29576739

>name the jew
>name the nigger
>name the bugman

this is why i am coming here from now on. im moving on from newfaggotry into oldfaggotry.

>> No.29576851

I feel sick.
What are all the emojis about ?

>> No.29576905

and now it's time for you to leave

>> No.29576932

I went to a reddit meetup in 2012

>> No.29576945

Those are awards. They cost REAL MONEY

>> No.29576995
File: 36 KB, 600x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're emojis that you have to pay to use and you can only use them once.

>> No.29577023
File: 461 KB, 350x232, 1614159129846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that Reddit is a retarded politically correct police state without dignity.
Basically England, but more faggoty.

>> No.29577359

hand on heart the bronie invasion days were preferable to having to share the site with you shameful brainlets

>> No.29577495

that makes a lot of sense because you're a flaming faggot

>> No.29577648


feels good.

>> No.29577657
File: 92 KB, 640x438, 1613397166531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridiculous... Its true, there really is a market for everything. People will spend their money on any old shite.

>> No.29577690

it's ok anon you'll be selling your newfag ass on the corner once bobo gets through with you

>> No.29577756

Lmao does the poster get any of that money?

>> No.29577806

I browse Reddit but I don’t like their śóÿ attitude

>> No.29577862

we share 99% of our dna with a banana that doesn't mean I want to see this board filled with bananas

>> No.29577888

you get premium from some

>> No.29577912
File: 79 KB, 700x700, amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one good thing that reddit ceo did was completely remove this amerimutt from existence.

>> No.29577998

the extremes always share more similarities than the median.

>> No.29578020
File: 58 KB, 600x400, h4j32tgiu32kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29578378

he's a chernobyl frog

>> No.29578384

I have 2 pet chickens as well

>> No.29578495


>> No.29578880


>> No.29579214

No and I'll tell you why. Besides the fact "tendies" is an /r9k/ meme which they've repeated ad nauseum to the point where it just makes me cringe when I see it, they also make shit like this.


Redditors are unironically autistic in a bad way.

>> No.29579367

Go back.

>> No.29579646

Fucking cringe. Kys Redditfags. I’ve been telling you r/wsb is to /biz/ what r/thedonald was to /pol/. All this gme shit did was cause an influx of redditors that will never go away. All they’ll do is bring down the quality of this board and bring along with them q tier levels of retardation. r/wsb even has 4chan in their fucking bio which is why so many of these retards have been flooding our board so much lately.

>> No.29579742

You follow NEXT Chain? A masternode is a securisation node of a decentralised network, from which transactions or tasks are realised 24/7. Becoming an owner of a node, just like with the miners: you will receive a commission in NEXT (currently at 10 NEXT/daily), proportionally to the service delivered to the network. Masternode holders have voting rights and vote on proposals suggested by masternode holders. Join on Telegram @nextchain

>> No.29579796

The ”””””””””quality””””””””” of the board has always ensured a lower level of discourse

>> No.29579927

They just copy us.

>> No.29579988

Go back and take your gme bagholder threads with you, fucking retard

>> No.29580062

that was before they banned all the good subs, it's no surprise the communist trannies on this board don't like early bitcoiners, goreposters, dnm users, ancaps, and trumptards though.

>> No.29580093

Death to all rebbitors and discord trannies.
Also fuck jews

>> No.29580113
File: 334 KB, 960x1235, 20210223_183356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors will never not deserve it.

>> No.29580194

You need to go back

>> No.29580199
File: 330 KB, 923x1253, 20210223_183358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29580218

hand on heart the bronie invasion days were preferable to having to share the site with you shameful brainlets

>> No.29580257

cope newfag

>> No.29580286

>6 years ago
Holy fucking hell I hate women so much

r/milliondollarextreme will be missed

>> No.29580363

This. It's literally stealing jokes like Carlos Mencia.

>> No.29580436

replace "chicken" with "niggers" and you got it

>> No.29580500
File: 31 KB, 251x395, Caspar_Milquetoast_Christmas_card[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just so milquetoast they take every thing fun clean it up for the masses and then beat it to death. The commenting system is horrible and all their mods are reset era trannies.

>> No.29580565

Imagine if he'd put his money into xrp instead. You're so fucking dumb

>> No.29580572

Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.29580717

I try using reddit but it genuinely makes me want to pull my teeth out with how smug and brainwashed they are. I can't help but see the numale wojak when I read everything on there.
I only use it for getting a straight answer to questions when google just wants to feed me copy written articles. That's all it's good for.

>> No.29580752
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easily the biggest faggots on this thread. go back to /hm/

>> No.29580791

Hand on heart you’re a fucking bitch.
I’m glad your here, you don’t understand the memes and will only go to make me money.

>> No.29580806

I bet half the posts on these boards talking about niggers and kikes are just psyop glowie chat bots anyway

>> No.29580844

Same goes for every group of humans that hated another group of humans in history.
Which is, sadly, the normie way.

>> No.29580865


>> No.29580893

This. I literally just took a look at r/wsb and haven’t cringed this hard in a long time. These people are so fucking pathetic it hurts. Now they’re flooding our board because of all this recent gme hype.

>> No.29580921

time for you to go back

>> No.29580936

Dont pretend you didnt buy tendie coin, Douglas.

>> No.29580977

You literally need to go back this instant. You’re not welcome here.

>> No.29580982
File: 42 KB, 871x654, 1614117516040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29580989


>> No.29581012

i just use reddit to find news about a few hobbies. don't try interacting with any community on there

>> No.29581022


>> No.29581070

go back

>> No.29581069


insufferable fucking nerd

>> No.29581071
File: 32 KB, 410x358, 1610673890328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor trying to pretend that hating reddit is uncool on 4chan

I didn't waste more than a decade on this website to be told to "go back" by a fucking newfag.

>> No.29581126

Reddit is 4chan if it were ineffectual but socially acceptable.
4chan is Evil Reddit that is competent instead of totally inept.

Two Schizophrenic halves of what is ultimately one internet meta-community.

>> No.29581223

What is wrong with these people?

>> No.29581324

yes is also run by jews.

>> No.29581334

parent comment is funny

>> No.29581372

>doubles down on his faggotry

newfags like me are here to stay nigger. *smirks as he types naughty word like nigger*

>> No.29581420

You’re mad that people on here are talking shit on your favorite website? Kill yourself fucking fag. You don’t belong here.

>> No.29581534

all you have to do is refer to them as the Man or capitalism or something like that and everyone knows who you're talking about. it's not worth playing these games with (((them))) when they've already convinced the world that everybody who calls them out is a neo nazi. everyone knows it means the same shit anyway. i never understood this obsession with them having to name the enemy

>> No.29581948

I use reddit for it's amateur porn and to literally tell ftm trannies that their ugly trash and togo fuck themselves (my fetish). Ftmpunished is pretty good for that

If you are going to reddit for information, then holy fuck, you're stupid

>> No.29582053
File: 503 KB, 770x578, 2AE9AA9F-36A7-4D3C-A8E1-B1B9316F71CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good reason to use r*ddit ITT.

>> No.29582170

that sounds hot but it reddit says the subreddit doesn't exist. i found some posts referring to it though. did it get deleted?

>> No.29582360
File: 77 KB, 1200x628, TAWLIRAJOAAHWEFZOEM5FEK3YI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you did

>> No.29582415


>> No.29582870

It's there. I told some hairy bitches to kill themselves this morning because no self respecting man would ever fuck with a fat freak like her

It honestly takes me back to being a teenager, making fun of emo kids and fake suicidal scene chicks

>> No.29582914

some of them gift you reddit gold, which gets you emojis to put on other posts

>> No.29583292

> Aaron and Rachel Halbert are missionaries and evangelical Christians. When they first started dating, one thing that drew them together was their desire to adopt kids. As Aaron wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Post, “While we were fertile, we were both deeply convicted that one of the ways to be pro-life is to involve ourselves in adoption.” And since there are many more non-white kids than white ones up for adoption, their first child was African-American.

> The second child they adopted was a biracial little girl. And while they hadn’t yet given up the idea of having their own child, they realized their plates were pretty full. (The Halberts are missionaries in Honduras.) But then another couple told them about embryo adoption. Noting that there are many frozen embryos in the U.S. alone–and many are destroyed or used for science–Aaron wrote: “If Christians–or others–really believe life begins at conception, it follows that we should respond by being willing to support embryo adoption and even take part in it ourselves.”

> So two embryos were implanted into Rachel’s body. And because the Halberts wanted the babies to fit into their diverse family, they chose African-American embryos. Once back in Honduras, a doctor informed them that one embryo had split in two, which meant that the couple was having triplets!

Lel they’re christcucks


>> No.29583376

I don't know why I imagine the "uh oh" as a 4chan poster grabbing a bag of popcorn

>> No.29583812

ah, i've found it. i was searching ftmpunished instead of ftmspunished. i've never seen clits so big before

>> No.29584285
File: 412 KB, 653x625, Retards are Creative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons why 4chan is becoming the new Reddit

>huge wave of newfags (me)
>/lgbt/ board??? lmfao
>/xs/ wtf lol

wouldnt be surprised if 4chan got a (((website layout change)))