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File: 14 KB, 480x398, Ubishit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29567421 No.29567421 [Reply] [Original]

Time to redpill you fags on how Ubisoft has been investing into blockchain technology and how to profit from it

>> No.29567552

Buy DLCs from cryptos

>> No.29567797
File: 107 KB, 1080x632, IMG_20210224_153332_973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you can see from this link here is that Ubisoft has been investing into a bunch of "decentralized gaming" and shit like that projects, but, there's more

>> No.29567798

plz elaborate qcanon

>> No.29567904
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>> No.29568060
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if you go to https://account.aleph.im/#/ you can notice a node with a name UbiStratLab

>> No.29568134
File: 240 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210224-153926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is coincidentally called the same as this shit https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/company/start-ups/station-f.aspx

>> No.29568278
File: 364 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210224-154033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asking the dev brings

>> No.29568369
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keep the thread bumped for me niggers

>> No.29568438

soooo how to profit?
we are all watching you patiently

>> No.29568459
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>> No.29568473

bump i need that ez stack

>> No.29568730
File: 306 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210224-154052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by looking into the projects that are linked in this >>29567797 article
or buying aleph which I've been shilling last 3 replies or so

>> No.29568839
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>> No.29568993
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what happened here?

>> No.29569217
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>> No.29569421

anyway, the reason why I'm shilling aleph and not the projects listed in the article I've linked is the following:
-Aleph will be participating in the upcoming Exodus CS:GO tournament (Exodus is using aleph tech, this should garner aleph some attention)
-Aleph is a multiblochain coin - and there's a gaining trend of crosschain bullcrap, you can move aleph from bsc, eth, neo, nuls https://swap.aleph.im/#/
-Aleph has use cases in defi and nft crap - which has a shitload of hype behind it
-The ubisoft partnership is very recent, node got uncovered and hour or so ago
-Aleph has been working a lot on Sol integration and is one of Key components of the Serum DEX - which i believe will gain a bigly of traction, just look at the SOL chart and the tech behind SOL

>> No.29569541

look at the chart, aleph got pushed from 30c to 60c in a short amount of time by some frog buying 800 eth worth of aleph, gimme a sec to find his wallet

>> No.29569778

Never trust the french

>> No.29569818

he bought 2 times with 400eth if i remember correctly

>> No.29569906

I'm not a fan of Ubisoft, but i like them when they pump my bags

>> No.29569979

cant wait for decentralized microtransactions

>> No.29570143

Kucoin got hacked last year. Fucked quite a few tokens over

>> No.29570166

>from which you can profit

>> No.29570227

Qt NFT gfs decentralised by aleph.im fucking based

>> No.29570461

So fucking comfy just staking my aleph and knowing it’s the coin to retire me

>> No.29570690

You wanna profit off of ubisoft?
Buy their stock.
Put 10k there in 2013, sold in 2018 for a x10, bought back the dip in 2019, sold everything in january 2020, all'd in nvidia, sold at x3, waiting for an entry point.

>> No.29570798

Aleph adds a new partnership or announcement like every week lol. Been watching this closely.

>> No.29570828

>goy jew id

>> No.29570944
File: 56 KB, 1080x210, tfwNoAleph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Qt NFT gf
why isn't this a thing yet

>> No.29570990

>Exodus CS:GO tournament
There is no such thing, the last one was 2019

>> No.29571135

>we're so early for nft pussy
Probably meant exeedme (next week)

>> No.29571214
File: 51 KB, 316x339, StayPoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lead dev is a Jew

>> No.29571332

that, or whatever the fuck is on March 3rd
I'm very autistic with names

>> No.29571399

Hahahaha the nose knows oy vey. All in on aleph. Once we reach $100 I will buy a copy of the talmud

>> No.29571825

I'll sacrifice my foreskin for the glory of Moshe when we reach 10$

>> No.29572694
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Wow the aleph community is really comitted

>> No.29573107
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insider here
ubisoft will acquire nitendo, they are going all in Catluigi

>> No.29573277

Everyone on 4chan too poor to buy with gas lmao

>> No.29573633

If valve announced some sort of partnership or their own thing that would be something. Only normies buy Ubishit games and could care less about defi gaming.

>> No.29573723

Aleph is also the hebrew letter a. Not buying Moshe's jewcoin

>> No.29573983

only degens that get off of findom would pay 500gwei for a uniswap transaction
if you wanna buy aleph, buy it on pancake, kucoin, gate or mxc
or on Serum

>> No.29574014

What’s the use case of the token?

>> No.29574116

do what you want, but jews are usually where the money is

>> No.29574383

to sum it up, decentralized aws, but works for blockchain as well
link related

>> No.29574414

Token is used for fees in the aleph ecosystem. They are used for storage ect, commercial customers have to buy/hold for services. Someone can probably explain better im a phoneposter cuck

>> No.29576620


>> No.29577403

Is goyjew ID bullish?