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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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294953 No.294953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People that should leave:

>wage slaves
>people studying to be a wage slave
>NEETS and losers
>negative naysayers

People allowed to stay:

>ideas guy
>self employed
>day traders

Wage slave means anyone who is depending on a single person/organisation for a weekly/monthly pay check.

We don't care >>>/adv/

>> No.294955

nice b8 m8 id r8 it a 8

>> No.294962

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

The clue is in the sticky.

>> No.294967

Well you just made a thread that isn't discussing any of that, this thread is merely you trying to make yourself feel better.
peseant pls go

>> No.294978

I'm a NEET trying to jew the gov out of some cash... halp :3

>> No.294981

>People that should leave:
>>wage slaves
>>people studying to be a wage slave
>>NEETS and losers
>>negative naysayers
>People allowed to stay:
>>ideas guy
>>self employed
>>day traders
Speak for yourself, bro. Most of us started as "wage slaves". Nothing wrong with honest work for honest wages, it by itself seldom leads to much long term prosperity. That is why it is important to start the saving/investing process asap. Better to be on here thinking, looking and discussing /biz/ than to be thinking of crap to spend your money on. I could do without some of the "big shots" who are on here only to tell us what big shots they are.

>> No.294984

can I get some shekels from you, or do I just vote democrat?

>> No.294985
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>Nothing wrong with honest work for honest wages goy

>> No.294986

It's annoying having the board polluted with wage slave nonsense.

>derrr which college degree give me the most jerbs

Why are those people here? This board is for businessmen and investors.

>> No.294989

>This board is for businessmen and investors.
No, This board is ABOUT business and investing. One must have some money TO invest. Most earn it from working at a job.
>can I get some shekels from you, or do I just vote democrat?
I do have an opportunity for someone to earn some of shekels. It requires physical labor beyond moving a mouse and typing on a keyboard, so few on here are qualified.

>> No.294991

I forgot to include tripfags in that list.

>> No.294997

Is /biz/ just /pol/ lite with stocks now or what?

>> No.294999

>I forgot to include tripfags in that list.

You must mean THIS list:
>People allowed to stay:
>>ideas guy
>>self employed
>>day traders

Most of the tripfags are self-appointed Big Shots who THINK they are entrepreneurs, ideas guys, self employed or day traders.

>> No.295004

I like the people who are genuinely interested in learning.

>> No.295014

>I like the people who are genuinely interested in learning.
Me too! I'd much prefer those threads to the bragging threads. And there are lots of /biz/ topics I don't know shit about, so I occasionally learn something from those threads.

>> No.295021

>not understanding the difference between namefags and tripfags
>coming to /biz/ so you can roleplay as a 'businessman'.

Give it a rest kiddo. It's not some kind of shameful secret that a lot of people coming to /biz/ start out not having a lot of money/knowledge, just like you wouldn't except everyone on /fit/ to start out as an elite powerlifter.

>> No.295026

>day traders

nice try

>> No.295045


Nothing wrong with being poor. You can be poor and still be an entrepreneur. It's the wageslave mentality that needs to leave.

>b-but m-muh profession...m-muh jerb at a bank

No. Lawyers and accountants are employed by entrepreneurs and businessmen. And if you work at a bank you are a salaryman cog in the machine. Unless you are starting your own law/accounting firm then get out.

>> No.295252

Implying this thread isn't full of people who are rationalizing the comfort and delusion of their wage slavery.

I left the thread without regard.

>> No.295273
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>working for a business is not related to a business
>being so unsuccessful in your entrepreneurship that you take it out on college kids

>> No.295287


If you want the board to be entrepeneur focused then surely you want as many lawyers and accountants around as possible, since they're two groups of people in the best possible position to give advice to people thinking of starting their own business.

>> No.295291

So if I have a retirement account that's generating decent returns, but I'm not drawing from that and still relying on working for all of my income, do I still count as a wage slave?

>> No.295322

People that should leave:
>Wage slaves that circle jerk about how bad their job is

>Liberal Arts Majors

>NEETS and losers circlejerking/echo chamber acceptance

Fixed that for you OP

>> No.295347

xcoiners should die in a fire.
Or at least limit their bullshit "pump and dump" ponzi-shemes to only one thread.

People who should be invited:
>actually competent businessmen without any trace of NEETing
>people that are not professionals but good at explaining complex stuff to average people.
>sucessful ppl in any way or form that are willing to share how they got succesful so we might learn.

>> No.295352

People that should leave
>People who use the term "wage slave"
>Should I major in accounting or finance
>Shitcoin collectors
>Day Traders

>> No.295358

Friendly reminder that MOOT of all people has more net worth and entrepreneurial experience than 99.9% of this board

>> No.295382

Looking that way. If you work a job, you're playing the Jew overlords' game. No matter what. CEO or other executive? Wage slave. Work a job to gain investment capital? Wage slave.

Don't worry as it's mostly NEETs thinking that abolishing everything on the board not pertinent to cryptos or business schemes will leave them with a goldmine of "get rich from my computer" opportunities.

>> No.295402

what if i am a wage slave but also make money buying things from old people who don't know about ebay

>> No.295439

I feel ya op. I've been here from the beginning and it hasn't gotten any better. It's possibly worse, because at least /b/ would swing by occasionally.
>how do i turn $ into $$$
>which degree will give me superpowers

That's it; that's the whole fucking board. It's not going to change.

>> No.295447

all these small business retards cant into economies of scale

>> No.295453

People that should leave:


>> No.295461

give it a few years.
Take /fit/ for example.
At first it was all "Oats&Squats" and other Broscience, but they seem to get their shit together now and provide actually good advice.

>> No.295466


>bunch of no gf and pua shit

nah thanks im good

>> No.295518

Oats Squats is not broscience you fucking dumbshit

>> No.295521

>ideas guy

These are worse than NEETS.

>> No.295535

It's insane how much people have to work just to live reasonably in a modern society.
Fucking diabolical even.
Anybody who thinks this shit is normal should just go to hell because this is not how America was supposed to turn out, maybe every fucking country in europe, but not America.
This god damned system is slavery and if you can't see that then, I don't know, you just think differently.
Some people look at the monetary system and think it's evil, some people just see nothing wrong with it, somehow.
Fucks sake I just want a farm, work is so easy when there's nature around.

>> No.295545

>I just want a farm
>work is so easy
Being a farmer is extremely hard work. It's one of the hardest and tiring jobs there is.

>> No.295568

You really don't. I was working 40 hours a week at a great job as an entry level employee with nothing more than a high school diploma. $1,500 a month was plenty to support myself. I have no clue how you people have such a hard time with this shit.

Fuck, I just left a 72 hour a week job that had no overtime pay. That sucked, but it wasn't horrible.

I would prefer both of those to living on a farm. Have you ever done farm labor? I have. Fuck that shit so hard.

>> No.295573


I support this. Sticky it.

>wage slaves
>muh jerbs
>muh 'career' that I need to EARN first because etc. etc.

Fucking lel. Winners only in business, kiddies.

>> No.295578



This board was never and will never be intended for wage slave faggots who are looking to

>live below muh means
>derp retire as millionaire by the time i'm 40 after working 20 years and saving ___

Fucking despicable that these people would even come here, don't they get it?

There is nothing to being a wage slave. Literally nothing. You are not "managing muh money" when you earn shit money. It's not difficult to manage money when you barely fucking make any.

I just don't get why wage slaves even want to rub elbows with us self-employeds? Is it sour grapes? Because they obviously don't want to join us, they just make endless excuses.

Ah well.

>> No.295579
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> title of the board is Business and Finance
> people who work in Business aren't welcome

>> No.295582

>Most of us started as "wage slaves".

Yeah and most of us had hairless balls the size of little marbles and we used to be unable to walk and speak, some of us used to be incapable of running or even walking, it's called infancy and it should be behind you.

What I see on this board (and it should be expected, this is a new board and we need more self-mades here) - is a mass number of business babbies, many of whom are just rationalizing their own inability to walk, to run, to speak for themself etc. To be men.

If you're still wage slaving, you don't have any place here, period. Unless you're looking for inspiration, or to move up.

It's really simple, this whole topic.

>you're just trying to make yourselves feel better

Wage slave niggas, please, don't you comprehend the irony in this?

>> No.295583

Oh believe me I know, but what mental obstacles would you have to overcome if farming truly was your livelyhood and your work was self-evident.
I either want to change the world or have nothing to do with it, any space in between is sure to be filled with ambiguity vague uncertainty, which I think is the sign of a dying society.
Not that I'm complaining or making excuses, I'm pushing forward unto my goals with zeal, but I've seen truly intelligent and good people hit rock bottom simply because they could not compensate for this unfair monetary labyrinth most call a government.

>> No.295587


how did you make money?
get it from yout parents?

>> No.295588

I do want to join the self-employed. How do I start, what do I do, I'm fucking broke and cannot find a job.

>> No.295590

There is a difference between being a wage-slave and working a job.

>> No.295595


Can you explain it for me, then?

"minimum wage burnout" is still "working a job" I think, just depends on perspective

>> No.295598

protective ignorance at its best

>> No.295603
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lol no there isnt.

>> No.295605

I don't support it. GTFO, aspie who thinks he owns this board and this site and he makes the rules.
What exactly is a "wage slave" ? I work for a pretty good company, and make far more money than all these self-employeds ever will.

>> No.295614


I have clients who I earned by not being a social retard and having skills I developed in my spare-time form the ages of 13 until now, I put myself out there because I have balls and I'm competent, I learned the ropes of charging what you're worth and make 3x more per hour than I did at my highest paying "jerbs" and I'm not the only one.

Step it up fagbreath.

>sniveling intensifies

>> No.295618

>form the ages of 13 until now

And the truth is I've been into technology since I was 10 or earlier, who can say. I was born with it and saw the first computers with mice and I remember them being wooden, I was around for it all, and so were most people in my generation, but not all of us are riding the waves, and a lot are just standing on the beach being assholes about themselves instead of going out and having fun and giving it a shot.

The worst that can happen - you wipe out. This may kill your finances but it can't kill you. Some people actually go into activities that can kill themselves, adrenaline junkies, but you can have the thrill of this with your money and you don't even die, it's not life and death, it's money (although you have to be aware that your life is money to many people and they'd gank you if they could get away with it) -

The best that can happen?

Every once in a while (and I'm not a surfer, everyone - I hike and mountaineer etc., but this is the picture) - a surfer catches a wave in front of everyone on the beach and rides a true monster, someone films him, he is eternal now, he is the man. You catch this wave in business terms and you are what the 99% will call a wealthy piece of shit who is filthy rich and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.295628

>GTFO, aspie who thinks he owns this board and this site and he makes the rules.

I do own this site. We own this site, businessmen, people who make their own money on their own terms.

Wage slaves are literally not supposed to be here, which is why I support the OP even if he's being an asshole. Fuck your feelings, faggot.

>I work for a pretty good company, and make far more money than all these self-employeds ever will.

You imbecile. You don't even understand the fabric of the Universe you're trying to lay claim to. Business is fucking liquid. You think you can state that you're making more than a freelancer or self-employed ever would? What happens when they're involved in a million dollar buyout you fucking retard?

Do you even capitalism?
Do you even CRONY capitalism?

Do you know what the TECH INDUSTRY EVEN IS!? I wish I could spit on your shoes in real life bro I really do, but they're probably cheap, and shit, like you.

>> No.295631

I'll say it again

> moot creates a board called "Business and Finance"
> OP the mighty faggot declares that people who work in Business and Finance aren't welcome here

Lets look at the rules.

> www.4chan.org/rules
>"All discussion should pertain to business, finance, and economics related topics"

Here's an idea OP. If you don't like the threads where businessmen discuss design techniques for enterprise data management, fundamentals of supply chain, client management and relations, techniques for demanding a bonus or merit increase, tactics to successfully interview for a job, resume tips and so on .... and if you'd rather just circle jerk over your crypto wallet ....

Then stick to the cryptowallet circle jerk threads. What I'm saying is, apply a bit of self censorship instead of demanding the world cede to your hyperinflated sense of "m-muh feelings".

This is a Business and Finance board. Business and Finance is bigger than your shitty tech support garage or drug coins.

This isn't /r9k/ and you can't kick out the normals.

>> No.295633
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>You imbecile. You don't even understand the fabric of the Universe you're trying to lay claim to

Spat my water out. Fucking lost it.

>> No.295637

Some people find it easier to work and save up for business expenses.
Some people will continue to work and make themselves miserable and take it out on others because they are so depraved that they do not the discipline to live without having to pay off some debt.

>> No.295639

You own this site as much as I do. In other words, zero. You sound like a teenager who is dreaming of one day setting up his own business and has THE BIGGEST IDEA EVER but in reality has zero money and can't even get a fast food job. Meanwhile, us adults are earning money and living the life. Some of us working for a company. Some of us working for our own company. Regardless of where we work, we're here to discuss business and finance. But we're still adults, unlike you.
Yep, OP, is yet another faggot who thinks "waaaah I only want people who are exactly like me and agree with everything I say on this board."

>> No.295640


Someone sure is butthurt about not working for themselves, 'mirite guyz?

>> No.295641

>Meanwhile, us adults are earning money and living the life

which is why you're on 4chan trying to put people down, right

If you're such a "winner" who's "going places" why waste your time here

>> No.295642
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It's just how I talk. It's how everybody should talk.

>> No.295651
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you gonna wake up from your fantasy yet or keep shitposting?

>> No.295652

Like an autist?

>> No.295656

You sound butthurt because you can't get a job, and have to try to talk down to people who are doing far better in life than you. There are other joys in life, really. Why right here in /biz/ there are some threads that could help you. There's threads about picking what to study, resume critique threads, job interview threads... there's plenty of opportunities to pull yourself up from the hole you are in. You just need to seize them.
Actually I am going places. And I am wasting time right now, you're right, because I'm bored.
>It's just how I think. It's how everybody should think.
One day you will learn the world doesn't work that way.

>> No.295659
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>which is why you're on 4chan trying to put people down, right

This is another reason I agree with OP. Naysayers are cancerous because they are losers, and nothing is more cancerous in business than a loser. There is such thing as tactful discretion which allows businessmen to dodge ideas and pitches they know are retarded without offending people, because offending every person you come across is like tossing water on your fire in business terms.

Every once in a while someone comes here with a shit idea and gets rightly laughed at, but more often than not we have mouthbreathers and simpletons, civillians, losers telling everyone else that even the prospect of working for themselves is grandiose, or that self-employment is a myth or unattainable because

>muh nepotism
>muh lack of privilege i swear
>muh gap in employments
>muh no degree because mommy sucked peepee for pennies pls donate thx

Losers are cancerous and aren't welcome here, and unfortunately the wage-slave mentality is that of a loser, that of a bitch, that of someone's whore who knows they are giving daddy the majority of the money that their work (and the work of others) is bringing in, but would rather live with daddy and be safe under his roof than go out and be their own man.

There is no argument, self-employment is for the real man, there is no owner of any business, no man who has made it who is not self-employed - and until someone has been hired to CEO a multi-million dollar company they can never claim to have made a shadow of the potential of a self-made man through the interview process, they're a cheap slut and a silly cunt who has no place in business.

>> No.295663

>You sound butthurt because you can't get a job

I get it, I'm typing too much so I'm butthurt. I just want people who have a chance in life to read these words and understand that the wage slaves really are wrong, and sad with themselves.

For instance:

>You sound butthurt because you can't get a job

How many times have I been told this?


>Your parents gave you money, obviously


>Wow great job you're probably some nepotism faggot



Get a grip, you limp-wristed faggots, you.

I've had countless jerbs. They fucking sucked. I had a few great programming jobs full-time in house with multiple firms, guess what? It fucking sucked. Working for other people sucks and I make more money now on my own, not sure how a person could put it more simply, and just because I'm feeding, clothing, paying for my own things on my own money doesn't mean I'm some fucking hotshot "mr. hollywood" - that's the attitude wage-slaves throw at self-employed people and it's pretty hilarious if you think about it. Sour grapes as fuck.

This board has been embarrassing up until recently now that there are more self-employed 4channers aware of it. Now I'm having fun.

>> No.295671

The amount of role playing on this board is almost on /vp/ and /mlp/ levels

Anyone who uses the term "wage slave" unironically is just shitposting.

>> No.295676
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>> No.295679

You're seriously frothing so much buttmad your mouth is foaming. This is the most pent-up anger I have seen this week on 4chan, which is saying something.

Seriously, all you are doing is rabidly lashing out at everyone who is not exactly like you. You claim to have loads of money and clients, and yet here you are assblasting angry aspie rants left and right. Why, people might even think someone with such extremely low self-esteem and zero connection to reality would just be lying about his accomplishments.

>> No.295683
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I agree with almost everything you've said above, but you need to take your NEET ass back to reddit too, along with the losers you're attacking

Pic related. It's you giving business advice

>> No.295699

how about jew get a job or start a /biz/ness

>> No.295705

I'm looking for inspiration, currently a wage slave trying to save money out of fear. I dream about my own business but don't have the balls to make the plunge, too scared of never getting a job again and living with my parents forever.

>> No.295730

>too scared of never getting a job again and living with my parents forever.

how much money are you going to use for your startup? I'd recommend only spend half of your money on it

OR you could consider "how much money could I lose and still be alright"

>> No.295734

I have everything I need for a startup already, I'm a programmer. my only expenses would be setting the legal stuff up I suppose and finding clients if I choose to go that route

I'm just scared of risk and an employment gap

>> No.295740


Why can you not work part time at another job while you're working on your own business?

This smooths out the bumps of a new business starting out slow.

You're going to have to find a balance between the two until it becomes apparent that one has to go.

>> No.295773

>software dev
>part time

You what

>> No.295793

I don't really care about anyone posting on this board except for the people advocating the NEET lifestyle. That's only thing that has actually gotten me pissed off on 4chan after years. I guess I don't understand it, but only having ambition to be a bigger loser than you already is trivial to me.

>> No.295794

what about gold bugs?

>> No.295800

Your posts remind me of this one time when I tried to lick the ass of a cow that suffered from particularly severe explosive diarrhea.
Although back then I dont think that I ingested even half as much bullshit as today.

>> No.295813


You are a purple dildo.

>> No.295816


>lel you're so mad lel
>you do __ and __ and I don't approve


>> No.295820


>I licked the ass of a cow with explosive diarrhea
>you suck by the way

Woah save that shit for the roasts bro that's some A+++ material there.

>itt spergs accusing spergs of being spergs

I could care less if I were autistic, aspberged out, or not. I'm successful which makes life fun for me. I notice wage slaves accuse people who are having fun or intense in life of being "worked up". It's sad if you recognize what's actually going on there.

>> No.295824

>I'm successful
You're posting on 4chan, with raging assmad autistic aspie buttfroth. I somehow doubt you even earn minimum wage from your "own business" making websites.

>> No.295828


Well, you're also not allowed to be self-employed or successful and on 4chan at the same time either. That's the go-to-argument for many of the perma-slaves or NEETs here.

>lol whatever you suck because i suck and if you're here and i'm here then we both suck
>everyone getta loada this guy he thinkz hez better den us innit m8s


>> No.295830


$2,000/month isn't min wage? Inflation is fucking insane then.

Stay mad pleb

>n-nuh YOU'RE mad


>> No.295834


Should note, that's 20 hour weeks if I feel like it. I bill for projects that are supposed to take 3 weeks, get them done in 1. It's all uphill for me, what about you wageslaves?

>> No.295836

Here's a hint: being super negative and only posting buttmad makes you look like an insecure aspie loser faggot. That's what you are doing. You could just post about things, you know. But instead you make every post of yours be extremely negative, bitter, and hateful. That tells everyone that you are in fact an extremely angry person who is failing at life.

>> No.295837

>I'm successful
>You're posting on 4chan

>Well, you're also not allowed to be self-employed or successful and on 4chan at the same time either.
>That's the go-to-argument for many of the perma-slaves or NEETs here.

This is the point at which the mic is dropped or someone does something niggerish. I'm just gonna stop posting.

>> No.295839

>dat image
Now I feel like I can't win

>> No.295841


Keep crying, purple dildo. Hope the boss treats ya well this week, wouldn't that make your lil cunny just tingle?

>> No.295845

I'm the boss, actually. My boss is on another continent. The way you type is just showing everyone that you are in fact 15 and have no experience in real life. In a few years, I might hire you to make coffee for me and shuffle papers, but that's about it. Someone with severe personality disorders like you would never be hired for anything serious.

>> No.295847

>allowed to stat:
>ideas guy
>day traders

Excellent troll. 11/10, would rage again.

>> No.295853
File: 11 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the golden age of /biz/tanbul is long gone and over with!

now the sneaking /pol/arization creeps in...can you smell that rotten disgusting fragrance of decomposing brains filling the air? that's the /pol/ish invading this board, attracted b the death of what was once a blossoming and prosperous board

get ready for antisemitic and racist shitpost and say good bye to the few true enlightened entrepreneurs that still are left from the golden age of /biz/tanbul

>pic related it's OP

>> No.295854

seriously, 25$/hour.
And you call yourself successful and "above wage-slaves"?

Im really curious: if you are self-employed, what do you do that pays so shitty.

I develop Software and do consulting and rarely go below 200EUR/h.
Granted the subject is a bit niche, but still, I am by far not the highest paid consultant.

>> No.295861

I know that there is no limit downwards, but calling this a "prosperous, blossoming board" is simply delusional.
I am here since day 1 and it has always been about shitcoining, daytrading, borderline-illegal businesses and 1001 get-rich-quick shemes.

>> No.295868

>I'm the boss, actually. My boss is on another continent.

>I'm the boss

>but MY boss is also

Cmon, guy.

>> No.295872

that's just my type of humor...
you make half a million just as a consultant?

>> No.295877

You're not even trying. You earn $2k a month doing websites. And you certainly don't understand how multinational corporations work.

>> No.295885

>seriously, 25$/hour.
>And you call yourself successful and "above wage-slaves"?

Read the thread before posting.


Depending on what projects I'm involved with or billing for I can be making $50-$120/hr.

I made $300/hr. on my last project because it literally took an hour.

Examine yourself, friend. Examine why you would see the world this way, that you would overlook my post and jump on me with the assumption that I work 40 hour weeks... that's not what a self-made man does.

A self-made man makes his own hours. This is the life, I don't say it to upset you but because it's the truth and I know it.

It's up to me to expand, nobody else will give me more money, I can literally choose to work more and make more. I'm at equilibrium now and have chosen to expand, yet I look around and see you stick-in-the-muds shaking your fist at everyone for even trying to get started. Why?

Am I self-employed and making more than I did with my jerbs? Yes. And that's what you commie liberal faggots


who have never done anything with yourself and are what we would call 'aggressive losers' in that you aggressively pursue failure in life, are missing out on.

It's also what wage-slaves who have some modicum of talent or ability but are afraid to become their own entity are missing out on.

>> No.295894

not exactly, there is always dead times between projects where I dont earn anything.
Also I have to do my own accounting and taxes during which I cant work either.
But its well in the 6 digits.

Its probably because I refuse to get paid "upon completition" of the project, this is too risky for me.
Might be nice if you know exactly what will have to be done, but this is only when the project is ridiculously easy, see >>295885 most of the time the client himself does not exaclty know what he wants.

So I insist on getting paid by the hour, much safer IMHO

>> No.295902

I really have to get to work but hope the lurkers out there see something in this thread -

the future of this board is up to you.

>> No.295904 [DELETED] 

>'aggressive losers'

as opposed to
winners like you?

the only thing you have ever won was an std

>> No.295908

just so you don't have to ask later: I do in fact want fries with that!

>> No.295926

>ideas guy

You want biz to be a retard containment board? You can have the place.

>> No.295934


Well by that criteria self employed people who pay taxes support the illuminati or what ever tin foil hat or racist shit you want to spout.

Even if you work for yourself you still are playing a part in the economic machine. Sure you get to set your own hours and who you work for, but in the end you still are a cog in the global economy which is dictated by the big players.

In fact those big players only allow you to run your business out of the kindness of their heart by not litigating or raising the barriers to entry of whatever you happen to be making money on. Don't forget that civil society and government that builds your roads and legislates your infrastructure in some way allows you to enjoy the ability to earn income.

Anyways... Even if you own a business you still got to buy shit for yourself unless you live off grid and grow your own crops and make your own clothes. So in turn you are dependent on corporations and the machine to live.

Anyways, the real money in this world is usury. Whether than involves you running a business or not is a moot point.

>> No.295993

Well NEETs are literally the most worthless people in the world, they are right on par with people with down syndrome so I don't think it matters. Both get government support, don't contribute to society in any way and have no value. Actually nevermind, there are people out there that will help retards. So NEETs are below every other type of human on the totem pole.

>> No.295998

>Implying shitcoin shills aren't NEET losers

Neckbearded NEET loser detected

>> No.296052

>There is a difference between being a wage-slave and working a job.
Truly being a "wage-slave" means being stuck in a job, fearing losing that job and becoming unable to pay your bills should that happen. Most people were at least somewhat close to that point at one time.
Again, this board is ABOUT business. There is no requirement that participants be at a certain "level".

>> No.296064

You "self-employed" people who are shitting this board up just like niggers in college who are hot shit just because they are in college. You faggots who make websites or think you're so special or smart cuz you write code some 11 year old Indian could write are fucking hilarious. You're slaves to your clients as opposed to wages because one wrong move and all the actual people with any clout in business will run you into the ground you little shit.

>> No.296074


So an investment banker or doctor making 400k is unable to come to this board seeking financial advice because....?

Kil self

>> No.296077

I recommend everyone here watching some Brian Tracy or Jim Rohn. Both advocate making a living AND working on making a fortune until you can quit. Both are very successful and came from nothing. The average person stays broke because they think 8 hours is enough work for the day and that's it.

>> No.296080

Just stop posting you autistic fag.