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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29566835 No.29566835 [Reply] [Original]

SingularityNET's Founder on Cardano:
>the first infrastructure with the potential to be capable of supporting large-scale decentralized AI systems
>Ethereum launched something, but it doesn't have the sophistication or scalability of design to support [the world computer] vision
>Cardano with the Plutus smart contracts being released is a much more credible infrastructure for a world computer...
>a secure privacy preserving democratically governed world computer

>if you have a private chain
>e.g. if a bank wants to so some blockchain stuff internally, but they also want to interoperate with a public network, then you can have elegant isomorphisims between a Private Cardano network and a Public Cardano Network
>if you're trying to do that with Ethereum or EOS or something, the mapping of private to public is more awkward and requires more work

>Haskell language has the ability to set up mathematical mappings between smart contracts in an automatic way
>A Cardano Haskell program is its own mathematical formalization
>An Ethereum Solidity program is not (in a useful sense) its own mathematical description.
>A Haskell program is closer to being its own mathematical description
>if you need to map between a contract in a private subchain, and a smart contract on a public subchain - those contracts are very close to knowing how to describe themselves to each other, so you can just map between the two in a formal way
>it's quite elegant
>you can't build those isomorphisms (structure-preserving mappings) between two Solidity contracts in any practical way
>isomorphisms = a mathematical term for a structure preserving mapping
>you can map one contract into another in a way that preserves all the key properties
>In Cardano's Plutus: you can set up these mappings automatically between smart contracts
>In Solidity or WebAssembly: you cannot do this

>> No.29566874
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>all those things are going to be much nicer with Plutus
>Financial Services Industry will see that because they're always early-adopters of technology
>They're also early adopters of AI technology
You're going to see a big payoff for Cardano and SingularityNET:
>as DeFI Mainstreams
>as DeFI Merges with Traditional Finance
>then you have large traditional finance organizations that want blockchain inside
>they're going to be increasingly dealing with public blockchain markets
>they're going to want nice interoperation between them
>they're used to software that is less crappy than Ethereum or WebAssembly
>their software frameworks are not as good as Cardano, but they're better than other blockchains
>they don't want to take a step backwards
>they will take a step forwards

This could be what turns Cardano into a 100 billion dollar market cap
>Cardano is going to become the engine of DeFI
>Then being the engine of DeFI... when DeFI merges with traditional finance...
>Then as AI gradually takes over Finance, and Singularity NET is jumping in there
Within a few years you can have 10's of trillions of dollars of financial transactions being coordinated by:
>machine learning algorithms running on a combination of public and private Cardano blockchain
>if you look at the logic of it, it's something that almost has to happen

>> No.29566924

so wen mun?

>> No.29566956
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This could be what turns Cardano into a 100 billion dollar market cap
>Cardano is going to become the engine of DeFI
>Then being the engine of DeFI... when DeFI merges with traditional finance...
>Then as AI gradually takes over Finance, and Singularity NET is jumping in there
Within a few years you can have 10's of trillions of dollars of financial transactions being coordinated by:
>machine learning algorithms running on a combination of public and private Cardano blockchain
>if you look at the logic of it, it's something that almost has to happen

>> No.29566967
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such a great project. $5-7 end of this bull market.

>> No.29567061
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This amount of Cardano shilling make me uncomfortable

>> No.29567155

cardano is a huge project... getting that info out in bite-sized chunks means more threads. but as you notice, most Cardano threads are created by fearful dipwads to spread FUD and disinfo. not gonna let that shit stand

>> No.29567284

this is huge, not sure if /biz midwits can comprehend what this means

>> No.29567994

AI services taking over the world economy in the next 5-10, years. A chunk of those running on SingularityNet on Cardano infrastructure. Imagine not owning as much of that as yoi possibly could. there will be those who saw this early and claimed their stake, and there will be those living on baseline UBI.

>> No.29568130

Cardano will kill us all via AI.
But not before I get some sweet gains from it.

>> No.29569093
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>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at $1.01 just like this is still CG #1
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Gene Simmons, the lead drummer of Rolling Stones shills this (a Scientologist trance music group)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29569195

How hard would you ADA fags be shilling if the literal CTOs of Intel and Dell were going to spend 75 minutes shilling Cardano? Because that's what they are doing for IOTA today. Cope and seethe

>> No.29569294

>No smart contracts still after 4 years
building things correct the first time vs launching with garbage. Smart contracts live in April. Retard-tier-fud.
>No projects being developed for it.
Lie that has been pointed out before, yet you keep posting it.
~100+ projects being developed for Cardano.
Public projects include, SingularityNET, DNATags, Celsius Network, Beefchain, AgeUSD Algorithmic Stablecoin and the list will keep growing.
Project Catalyst round 4 fund for DAPP developers at $1,000,000 in funding is going live now. Keep cope-posting this retardation though. It's quite bullish.
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5)
Cardano is already 150 TPS and with tuning it'll be 1,000 TPS on the base layer before scaling. Scaling beyond that is simply NOT NEEDED AT ALL right now on any chain.
Ouroboros Hydra development is already underway and will take Cardano into the 1 million+ TPS range. like all your fud, another great meaningless point.
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
Governance already up and running. Cardano is ALREADY OPERATING THE WORLD'S LARGEST DAO through Project Catalyst. Get your basic facts straight retard.
Governance will continue to evolve going forward, but it's already more successful than any other project in crypto history, and larger than any DAO on earth ALREADY.
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million
and smart contracts are not even live yet, what a stupid-ass comparison. are you retarded?
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility
Rank #2 in on-chain activity behind Bitcoin... without native assets (tokens) or smart contrats. TOP FUCKING KEK.
>Almost certainly a security
More mongloid-tier-limp-fud. Launched in Japan, Most decentralized project in crypto.
Sorry you're priced out anon.

>> No.29569359

good for you anon! perhaps you should create a thread and see if anyone cares

>> No.29569426

Fantom is the real ADA, cardano had plenty of time for development

>> No.29569653
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>Cardano will kill us all via AI.
Not if you hold ADA and AGI

>> No.29569886

Do they do peer review? Is it built using functional programming and formal verification?

>> No.29569941

based anon gets it