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File: 148 KB, 1080x1244, 1520747067841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29565980 No.29565980 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be wise to take an extra 30k$ loan from Aave to buy more Link? i have a 50k$ loan from there already. My liq would be around 7$.

>> No.29566134


>> No.29566203

How does a degenerate backwards shithole like Russia produce 10/10 women?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.29566223

Stay poor.

>> No.29566262

That's a man?

>> No.29566267

evolutionary pressure produces fit specimens
no pressure produces niggers

>> No.29566407

Aave liquidations are pretty forgiving are they not? You don’t lose your entire deposit, just a chunk of it as the bonus to the liquidator, correct?

>> No.29566501

This bitch actually looks hotter as pepe

>> No.29566596

Do it faggot

>> No.29566904


Because we don't worship faggots and niggers.

>> No.29566922


>> No.29566983

high evolutionary pressure back then when it was cold nothing grew and you could die from freezing and hunger. lazy niggers never had any pressure because warm weather and abundant resources.

>> No.29567652
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1614003671395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well hello little lady, would you like to watch farscape with me? My mom can make pizza bagels

>> No.29567700
File: 670 KB, 1080x1244, 1518911892839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen her posted here in a while.

>> No.29567742

Man try some other alts as well.

Check out $MCM Mochimo

I have seen it

>> No.29567771

"She" kinda looks like Edward Norton.

>> No.29567821
File: 96 KB, 1556x836, EnXZmRIW8AQHY3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is cute but i wish she was black and her space buns were afro puffs

>> No.29567950
File: 44 KB, 750x801, d4463e312aecccc243032806cbc3d0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of these are cultural appropriation of Asian hair styles.

>> No.29567987

i dont care because im black and i like black girls but she is still cute they are all cute

>> No.29568016

ok bros, now that is literally a man

>> No.29568024
File: 134 KB, 1068x1700, depositphotos_254595352-stock-photo-charming-asian-woman-hair-buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm just shit posting anyway.

>> No.29568066
File: 181 KB, 489x404, 4f99dc2ed33b2fc2de01b09fe322b1ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all good bro

>> No.29568105

You worship kikes though

>> No.29568255
File: 67 KB, 453x753, 1516771504128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at one point this meme was spammed all up and down this designated shitting board

>> No.29568338

we feed our women with cummies.

>> No.29568362

I want to fuck this exact slut so bad!

>> No.29569070

Being sexy is 2/3rds about your personality. Russia is a harsh as fuck place and women there have to work with other women and men to make it. In the USA and other places women are incentivized to backstab each other and treat men like shit. This leads to women who are stressed and petty, not fucking sexy at all.

I will admit though, those women in the west that do rise to the top tend to be on an entirely other level of desirability, but they are few and far between. The average russian girl is leagues ahead of the average westerner for the reasons stated above.

>> No.29569325

Mia Bandini

>> No.29569505

>degenerate backwards shithole
You're posting from the US right? lmao

>> No.29569529

Can someone explain how loans work in a decentralized app that’s completely anonymous? Do you offer something as collateral?

>> No.29569633

Yes, dumbass that's what everyone is doing. Link isn't going back to single digits.

>> No.29570484


She literally has a manface, like a lunchlady's. The only reason you want to fug her is because she's not fat and you're probably a burger (where half the women are fat).

>> No.29571738

I just did it to buy more Fantom.

>> No.29572226

Hahahaha being sexy is 9/10 about genetics

>> No.29573504

Who is this semen demon

>> No.29574036

what are you talking about she can be fucked from all sides! by me aswell!

>> No.29574466

you wanna know another secret kid? 90% of your hot supermodels and actresses come from canada and europe. burgers do not breed hot women.

>> No.29574861 [DELETED] 

Pajeet hands typed this post.

>> No.29574880

lmao this fucking retard thinks russian women don't backstab each other and treat men like that. never stop being this dumb, burgers.

>> No.29574914


damn i havent seen this thot since 2017

>> No.29574941

damn, prime slampig

>> No.29575179
File: 137 KB, 938x1172, 1523975588176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, this is a proper 2017 throwback

>> No.29575289

I’m gonna give you an honest answer. My opinion only.

I think WWII and Stalin ended up killing many, as an a majority, of men. Females out numbered men by a large margin during this time.

So if your a man, what do you do? Marry the hottest women you can find and have kids with them. This led to hot children, and now we have what we have today.

>> No.29575396

that bald asian guy who predicted BTC crash 2 days before it happened said link will go to $700 so I sold all my aave for 100 link last night

>> No.29575607

Females outnumbered males 100 to 60 in Russia during 1950. As you can probably imagine, having a nearly 2:1 ratio lets you be very choosy. Even the faggots on biz could have gotten laid in this scenario.


>> No.29575864

Same thing goes for Eastern European contries. A lot of the male population was decimated during World War II.

Only the hottest women were able to procreate. Survival of the fittest in action.

>> No.29576375


>> No.29576913

Yeah its like 70% collateralized, like a pawn shop or Lombard banking

>> No.29577070

That doesn't explain why slavic men look like shit.