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File: 14 KB, 1280x172, 1280px-Nano_Cryptocurrency_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29547774 No.29547774 [Reply] [Original]

Fun fact :

If you had 1 nano at the beginning of the space and time (13.8 billion years ago) and started spending 1 raw (its smallest unit) per second, you would still have 0.9999999999995648032 nano in the year 2021.

435196800000000000 transactions for zero fees.

And all of them sub 1 second confirms.

>> No.29547842

so.. its not free. okay. iota ist better.

>> No.29547869

Nope I bought Fantom and now I’m 90x richer.

>> No.29547908

Fees are nominal issue

>> No.29547918

Try Reddit. It is this Reddit coin after all.

>> No.29547940

spending crypto is boomer shit

borrow against your assets for stablecoins and spend those on a credit card accepted by literally every merchant in the 21st century

>> No.29548030 [DELETED] 


Shhhhh that NANO fudder might be still up

>> No.29548185

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suite, hm? Nano has 30 decimal points. You can send 0.000000000000000000000000000001 nano

>> No.29548231


>> No.29548265

If you sent this amount out every second, from the start of the birth of the universe to now, you would have only spent a small % of that single nano. Not that hard to follow.

>> No.29548288 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 640x400, The Nano Van looking for New Investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a scam and you know it.

Pic. Nano scammers looking for new paypigs aka "investors"

>> No.29548317

Whatever you say, brother man

>> No.29548326

yeah so its NOT free. in IOT trillions of transactions will be sent per second. transaction fees are not possible for these scenarios

>> No.29548329
File: 604 KB, 895x501, Nano Backdoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is not decentralized.

>> No.29548368

Nano is not "free". You have volunteers taking all the work and costs for nothing. A completely insane business model that only works now when there is virtually no load on the network.

>> No.29548444

Yes it is free you retard. Do I need to explain it to your dumbass a third time?

>> No.29548458

in iota you can send 1 million coins per second for 1 trillion years and still have all coins.

>> No.29548490

1 != 0.9999999999995648032
am I missing something?

>> No.29548519
File: 58 KB, 640x400, The Nano Van looking for New Investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a scam and you know it.

Pic. Nano scammers looking for new paypigs aka "investors"

>> No.29548581

This. You just need to figure out how the nodes are making money and you'll understand why Nano is a scam.

>> No.29548624
File: 143 KB, 681x592, Screenshot_2021-01-22_at_14.30.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Nano scammers have is criminal and lying devs, plus a horrific shitcoin of a tech trainwreck Nano isk is wide open for spam attacks, due to your feeless transactions, i.e. volunteers taking all the costs for no reason. No wonder Nano's hysterical core dev Colin is threatening to sue anyone who stress test or spam test Nano. Pic.

>> No.29548690
File: 65 KB, 930x113, 45c per hour Nano spam saturation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is wide open for spam attacks. The last attack to crash the Nano network had basically no costs. Pic.

>> No.29548732

Begs the question, why doesn't someone do this for a week straight while leverage shorting Nano

>> No.29548740
File: 321 KB, 861x755, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking seethe. It's a centralized shitcoin with no incentive to secure.

>> No.29548761
File: 48 KB, 956x214, Nano Node Operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes only a mild 200-300 tps spam to crash the Nano network. After that, Nano Foundation must send around zip files to node operators to "update" the transaction history.

>> No.29548775

you all say this and yet I can still move my nanos back and forth.
When is the network going to crash?

>> No.29548794
File: 286 KB, 461x462, daggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are. If you sent a single .000000000000000000000000000001 units of nano, every second from the start of space and time, you would still have 0.9999999999995648032 left. What is deducted is what is sent, and will be found wherever it was sent, the value in whole equaling that of a single Nano unit.

If you subtract 1 by 0.9999999999995648032 you will be left with how many seconds have existed since the start of space and time (as far as we know)

Nano transactions have absolutely zero fees, just like IOTA.

>> No.29548884

oh.. i get it. your example is pretty confusing. my bad

>> No.29548895

Fun fact:

If your mum gave me a cookie every time I sodomized her on the way home from school, I'd have consumed 86,433,329 calories of biscuit by now

>> No.29548906
File: 332 KB, 945x656, Nano 5 USD Hour to saturate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is a sociopath as you Nano scammers. They produced computers for years without virus problems. Using your crashed pseudo-logic, it would never happen, because it did not happen before, even though the opportunity was there.

One longer attack that totally crippled Nano was a little bit more "expensive". 5 USD per hour. What a joke.

>> No.29548922

someone's pretty mad about not getting their, currently, $10,000 airdrop lol.

>> No.29548953

no worries I should have clarified it better, literally was phone posting and am a bit sleep deprived due to the bears

>> No.29548960

Again, there is no load on the system. I can have free bus tickets, where all costs and work by volunteers if nobody is using my services. However, to claim that it's a viable business model is insane.

>> No.29548979
File: 55 KB, 900x810, 1590939590255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no such thing as a free lunch
if you aren't paying for the transaction, other people are, with their hard drive space/networks/etc

>> No.29549000
File: 151 KB, 1080x1920, poorfolio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, sure am seething

>> No.29549062
File: 270 KB, 1075x1240, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which would be an impediment for something like Bitcoin. Not so much for novel technology and consensus mechanisms, however.

No inflation either, and fully distributed as well. It literally is what BTC was supposed to be.

>> No.29549224
File: 127 KB, 642x739, 43243244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason why anyone has heard about Nano is that they lied about Nano having 7000 tps (reality was 1% of promised tps) when BTC network was clogged in late 2017. Worse Nano has the absurd business model that they can get suckers to run the network for free, zero compensation whatsoever, and thus have zero fees. Works well when NOBODY is using the crashed tech network. However, if you ask how much it will cost in CPU, IO, bandwidth, hardware etc to run a global network on their plebbit page, /r/NanoCircleJerk, you will be banned within seconds. Same if you ask anything related to their crashed tech, cost analysis for a global network based on volunteers taking all the costs, swindle, corruption and scam. Nano provides zero real-world transparency.

>> No.29549270
File: 104 KB, 670x708, Nano 75 TPS Aug 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad reality behind the vile 7000 tps claim from Nano scammer devs, Jewish grifters and Italian swindlers, was 75 tps. Even today, two years later, Nano scammers can't even muster 10% of what they claimed in 2017.

>> No.29549304

>me on the bottom right
you literally can't though. Any blockchain with trillions of transactions is going to be impossible for a normal person's computer to validate.

>> No.29549337

Are you shilling this alone? You're like in all the nano threads. Kek. Sounds like you are sweating while you slowly realize it's a trash. Unless you plan on selling all of it at some point not because you care for the coin or it's tech.

>> No.29549356
File: 98 KB, 700x737, 23532432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was well known in the community that Nano devs and team were lying through their teeth. Vitalik even tweeted about it

>> No.29549362

btw, user oU/abQKk (>>29549224) starts up his spambot anytime he sees a nano thread. You can search his posts, some of them are dated back, verbatim, to 2018.

He has been doing this for 3 years.

>> No.29549439
File: 9 KB, 600x400, ct224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a block lattice. Same tech that Avax is built on. Nano was the first fully decentralized and working dag however. I am bullish on Iota and Avax as well, but right now all eyes are on Nano.

>> No.29549476
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1535251885709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It literally is what BTC was supposed to be.
You mean wide open for spam attacks.

With a dev threatening to sue anyone who tries to stress test the network

And BTC central must send around zip files to all node operators to "update" their transaction history? >>29548761

>> No.29549486

I have been shilling Nano on /biz/ for 3 years. I fully believe in the project reaching $1000 and higher. I dont fuck with shitcoins, only projects that actually offer value or perform needed services.

>> No.29549497

As someone who did well with Nano, I don't think the network is proven rock solid. You may want to diversify.

>> No.29549523

No one bothers reading the lies you spew, retard. Keep bumping the thread though, you do serve a purpose whether you realize it or not.

>> No.29549533

No, you Nano scammers, however, have been spamming the same lies for years. You Nano sociopaths just don't care how many times your lies have been exposed.

>> No.29549569

What lies, Nano sociopath? Show it to me with documentation. Do it.

>> No.29549574

I am pretty much beyond confident in significant gains this year, and even this month. MasterCard + Wirex + Nano is a very possible reality. Even without, we recently picked up WSB attention, so much so that the native Nano community is being culturally enriched.

>> No.29549588
File: 417 KB, 1016x702, pfXHFbP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29549591

>perform needed services.
And what service does nano fill exactly? If currency then it's one of the worst and least secure currency coins out there.

>> No.29549634
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano's claim in their whitepaper about unlimited scaling is absolutely rubbish. It's just as crazy as me stating that I will go the moon using my bicycle, proudly claiming that my speed is unlimited, only restricted by my muscle strength and I am getting stronger and stronger for each day, and very soon I will be strong enough to get such a high speed that I will jump to the moon. Ridiculous. Do they have any written plan for 100 000 TPS? Any cost analysis? ETH and other competitors will roll out 100K to 1 million TPS in a matter of months/year.

Nano has done zero cost analysis for 100 000 TPS bandwidth, CPU, and IO. Random volunteers are supposed to take costs involving millions of USD each year, working on the network 24/ with no downtime, holidays, Christmas etc. Nano has done nothing to provide how it is feasible for Nano to reach 100 000 TPS within the next years. However, imagining it's possible, Nanoids admits that Amazon and large operators like them will take all the costs and burdens of operating the system. That's a clear and open single point of failure (SPOF) and is the very reason why people choose crypto currencies over banks and centralized payment systems. That Nano is not able to identify a clear and basic SPOF in their system is worrisome on multiple levels.

Pic Nano hodler getting assraped since January 2018 by the Nano Devs, Italian scammers, and the market, buying some more, while screaming:
"2 da moooOooooooOooon!!!"

>> No.29549706
File: 68 KB, 998x708, Pathological Nano Lies BoA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MasterCard + Wirex + Nano is a very possible reality.
Oh, yes, just like your Bank of America pump and dump scheme.

>> No.29549736

I got into crypto due to the business I ran being blocked by every credit card processor in the US. When dealing with overseas processors, not only did I have to pay 10% in processing fees and provide a reserve amount, after 3 months my account was closed and the reserve amount was stolen from me. This was done by a large payment processing company (Skrill). Paypal does similar, but regardless of the theft, a business needs to be able to have an easy way for customers to purchase products with a simple UI.

Lightning network is what I was originally looking forward to, as well as Litecoin, which I profited off of in the 2017 bullrun, holding it for similar reasons as I do Nano, but it has become quite obvious that the base protocols cannot scale, and that lightning network is not exactly secure or decentralized either.

In a way, Nano is the real lightning network. Simple swap BTC for it, send Nano, then redeem in BTC or USD. Or you know, just keep the Nano and bypass trading fees altogether.

>> No.29549772
File: 143 KB, 1635x329, Nano PayPal - last warning 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MasterCard + Wirex + Nano is a very possible reality.
How did it go with the "PayPal will use Nano" pump and dump, Nano scammer?

>> No.29549849
File: 130 KB, 835x803, Deepa Mardolkar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MasterCard + Wirex + Nano is a very possible reality
What about the "Nano hired an Amazon leader because Amazon will use Nano as only currency" pump and dump? And in the end she was not an Amazon leader, and nothing but another expensive Nano woman in tech diversity hire. Her LinkedIn page looks like a radical feminist blog.

>> No.29549933 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 474x374, 191f8bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone use Nano and not Solana? Nano is wide open for spam attacks due to no fee. Your business model is totally broken as no one has any incentive to run nodes/the network. Nano can only do some hundred of tps before it crashes, i.e. useless as a currency. Visa can do 65 000 tps.

Solana can do 50 000 tps and the average fee per transaction is $0.00001. Fees are not a problem.

Disclaimer, I have no Solana as I did not like their distribution.

>> No.29549991
File: 92 KB, 400x400, mom-i-posted-it-again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29550067
File: 184 KB, 609x884, Nano scammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Nano scammers too stupid and sociopathic to even try to debunk anything said.

>> No.29550161
File: 201 KB, 1068x784, Even Zack Shapiro has no faith in Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even former Nano core dev Zack Shapiro has no faith in Nano. Pic.

>> No.29550195

You are intellectually dishonest. Why should I bother wasting my time giving you any of my attention, or answering FUD that has already been disproven, time and time again? Sound debate requires both parties to be civil. You have shown yourself to be anything but.

>> No.29550197

Well, all power to you, but there are also significant gains to be had with bitcoin.

I cashed out my rai when it was at about 22 dollars, and bought back in about 3. I sold at 5 this year but I think astronomical growth is behind us.

As much as I like the currency, I personally would limit exposure. Best of luck to you and be safe.

>> No.29550246

Thanks m8, I appreciate that. Something tells me the you came to crypto for similar reasons as myself. Oy vey.

>> No.29550302
File: 70 KB, 640x458, reddit faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUD that has already been disproven, time and time again?
Give link, Nano faggot. You are a liar. Back to /r/NanoCircleJerk, liar.

>> No.29550323
File: 90 KB, 718x621, nanogirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$6.00 within the hour, calling it now

>> No.29550400
File: 70 KB, 474x682, reddit go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano will be sub 1 USD when /r/NanoCircleJerk learns the truth about Nano.

>> No.29550432

2 more weeks, right?

>> No.29550443

You're choosing unproven tech for overseas transactions. Literally Bitcoin for this situation if you dealing with a large sum of money. Seriously just use Litecoin, fees are already very low and has proven uptime and security. If you don't want Litecoin you can go down the list of all the pow or bitcoin clones. I have no doubt that you're going to be even richer than before since everything pumps in an alt season but DAGs are flawed for currency.

>> No.29550455

If you 1 nano at the beginning of space time, and kept it until now, the price would still not have pumped

>> No.29550519
File: 41 KB, 1089x613, 1535205024990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither can do microtransactions for IOT and both have fees which inhibits the types of sales one can make. My business was killed by the jews anyways, now my goal is to do to them what they did to me. Decentralization is the arm, and Nano is my sword. I am of course, bullish on Avax for these reasons. But won't be investing more until it crashes to single digits or close.

>> No.29550569
File: 276 KB, 1767x962, binan224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignorance is bliss, eh?

>> No.29550622
File: 454 KB, 1068x1030, Zack Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My business was killed by the jews anyways, now my goal is to do to them what they did to me.
Hello there, I am Nano dev, Zack Shapiro. Hope you Nano fans enjoyed me dumping my million heavy bags on your heads, while Nano was crashing, the very bags I got out from Bitgrail while you were stuck and tried to get your "KYC" from Bomber (lol). We were on the phones the whole day with bomber to get those 1.5 million Nano out, right before the "hack" and BitGrail was officially insolvent.

In addition, I had to tweet like crazy to the small people, the ungrateful Nano "investors" that were pestering us all the time with their, *whiny voice* "I have 8.3 Nano and I am so worried Zack, please help me". The worst part of living in America is dealing with white people. They will never be winners. He, he, he, he...Take that as a lesson schmucks, don't listen to guys on the internet, like me, when doing financial decisions. Pic is me before you gave me my millions of $$. Aaaah, life is gooOOooOod. L'chaim!

>> No.29550667
File: 356 KB, 1125x2436, 35D413B4-F31D-48F9-B4A6-6FE11D8D9120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it truly is

>> No.29550668
File: 126 KB, 890x903, Nano Supports Globohomo Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My business was killed by the jews anyways, now my goal is to do to them what they did to me
If you like Nannis, you like Jew Ginsberg.

Support Nano so Nano can support radical feminism, Jews, ultra-liberal anti-racist anti-white politics.

Powerful pic, Nano Celebrating Ginsburg

>> No.29550749

Ironically Digibyte for EVEN LESS FEES and has some history and security. It's older than nano and pow.

>> No.29550768
File: 217 KB, 890x712, nvsltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that chart almost looks like LTC in 2017. Thanks bro.

>> No.29550769
File: 192 KB, 1402x898, Colin LeMahieu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For many, Nano Foundation dumping Nano worth 300 000 USD on Nano bagholders each month sounds insane. Well, not so much when Colin is using funds from Nano Foundation to fight private messy divorce and slander accusations in court.

Has Colin completely lost it? Insane statement in a legal document:
> (In layman's terms, at present, it [Nano] is the Cadillac of cryptocurrency.)
>On 28 January 31, 2018, the periodical Medium declared that it "is objectively the best pure cryptocurrency"

After dumping like a madman, Colin claims to have only 5-6 million Nano left.
Colin is angry that confidential information were leaked from this lawsuit and confidential settlement agreement:

From Nano Foundations/Colins lawsuit:
>They tell their customers 'if you really believe in Nano ..... go to this small exchange in Italy that we don't know anybody and we have nothing to do but we completely vouch for him and he's running a legitimate exchange', we're gonna [sic] give him the Nano, he's gonna [sic] give us money every time he sells a Nano, he's gonna [sic] take half and we're gonna take half, we're gonna [sic] get rich and then one day there's gonna [sic] be an exit scam and then you're gonna [sic] be out $150 million."
> Mr. LeMahieu and the other Nano developers face the prospect of a jail sentence in a current Federal action

>> No.29550839

Why would nano follow another coins pattern ?

>> No.29550845

Nano has zero fees retard. Read the thread.

>> No.29550855
File: 667 KB, 1539x2048, Jew Zack Shipiro, left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Uhhhhh Nano, the CEO and the head guy at Nano [guess he is talking about Zack Shapiro] who holds 90% of the Nano at like $15 it was worth $1.4 billion, I think it's down to like $4, so I think it's only worth like $400,000,000 now. Uhhh, he got divorced from his wife last year. He decided that he was ready. He deserved better because he was now rich. She took all the money. And then, the financial affidavit, she, they, argued about how much the Nano was worth and what the Nano was. But I will tell you this: he said it had value and he said that he believed it was going up and he believed it was a security cause [sic] he put it on his security side of the affidavit."

Coline whined and demanded this information not to be made public. However his claim is absurd:
>Mr. LeMahieu is a private citizen.
A CEO of a foundation that at one point in time had a multi-billion dollar market cap and hundreds of thousands of "investors" is not a "private citizen".

>> No.29550885
File: 173 KB, 1172x716, cln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, maybe because both are more fungible versions of BTC and people unironically want a crypto that they can spend without fees or delays

idk tho fr

>> No.29550956
File: 168 KB, 789x778, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how large a portion of the initial Nano distribution did Colin and his friends have? 60%? 70%? Any question regarding hard data related to Nano's initial distribution will get you insta-banned on discord, plebbit etc. They moved millions around on Bitgrail, both before and after bankruptcy. Colin refuses to answer any questions and giving empirical data regarding distribution, and he and his friends have been dumping Nano into oblivion since Jan 2017

Colin said he would release a financial statement for Nano Foundation some months ago. Of course, he lied. At least he now is saying a big fuck you to the desperate and moronic Nano community publicly. He is using Nano Foundation's money in private lawsuits, slushing money to George Coxon - buying her crashed companies and paying corruption money to Espen Enger, so he would protect them from any lawsuit from the Bitgrail Victim group.

>> No.29551008

You're so fixated on no fees not realizing that would mean the tech is shit you fucking retard. If nano was so good it would literally have more volume than at least Litecoin by now and on every exchange. Except, it's not and over 30% of it's volume is literally on fucking Binance.

>> No.29551048

Anon even if I pay you a grain of gold dust for your house, I still technically paid you something.

>> No.29551079
File: 212 KB, 2048x1167, igzx3ialwnf61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit, lol

>> No.29551122

I should have written the post out differently. Nano has absolutely zero fees, period, whatsoever. Not even fractions of a cent, not even fractions of a percent of a cent.


>> No.29551387

KYS, even Dogecoin is more secure and a better currency than nano.

>> No.29551492
File: 385 KB, 588x576, 1558497216036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same core codebase as BTC

>> No.29551660

Let’s not start sucking each other off gentlemen!

>> No.29551757
File: 377 KB, 390x478, pzv2k8hp8xg41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano and Iota bros might be on different sides of the fence, but we both appreciate the same concepts, even though they have different applications.

I do like fucking with them from time to time though.

>> No.29552167


>> No.29552189
File: 139 KB, 1136x840, Lunatic Left - Limousine Liberal George Coxon COO Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American NANO is not even under consideration for Coinbase. Nano has zero institutional adoption or cooperation, plus they have been burning through their dev fund and will go bankrupt within the next 2-.3 months.

Great job by woke Bikini Blogger George Coxon, COO of Nano, with zero experience, connections, or tech knowledge, - a rabid hard left open borders feminist.

Her LinkedIn likes include:
>Muslim invader and Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
>World Economic Forum
>IMF's Christine Lagarde
>Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
>and more pure globohomo and hard left persons/organizations

#WomenInTech #BLM #OpenBordersNOW #Diversity

>> No.29552393
File: 105 KB, 1244x956, tre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, faggot

>> No.29552533
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1471396034785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still more used than nano. It's better to send to exchanges with Doge over nano to. Talk to me when nano is at least over BSV's volume, kek.

>> No.29552583
File: 828 KB, 3024x3366, 1613761836662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya at $100

>> No.29552586 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 700x467, 3243243243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep running, Nano scammer.

>> No.29552635
File: 135 KB, 718x783, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing says "open borders" and "progressive leftie" as a trip in your private jet.

>> No.29552737
File: 126 KB, 1222x675, silence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29552738

NANO consensus mechanism does not work.
NANO consensus is centralized just trust the devs db.zip file.
dd dyor newfags

>> No.29552773
File: 255 KB, 1418x746, Bitconnect moved to Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tragic that you Nano scammers constantly flag my comments. That's all you sociopaths have, defending your scam and utter tech trainwreck of a shitcoin. That and your usual ad hominems and mudslinging of course. Nano scammers are by far the worst community in crypto, pic.

>> No.29552905
File: 260 KB, 892x494, btctime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like my work is done for the night. Same time tomorrow :)

>> No.29553170
File: 329 KB, 760x400, Nano is Bitconnect 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you repeating your debunked lies about your Nano scam, again and again, spammer?

>> No.29553227
File: 1.32 MB, 680x847, 4ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29553646
File: 123 KB, 719x785, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Nano's Chief Operating Officer showing Colin, Nano findom "investors" and all the "misogynists" in the tech industry her...ahem.. "job qualifications" as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for a 4,5 Billion USD ATH Mcap crypto project.

>> No.29553747

Everytime nanofudder posts, price go up, kek


>> No.29553992
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2942, Weiss Crypto Ratings - Nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole market is going up. Nano scam has crashed from top 15 on CMC to #76. When the newfags on plebbitor, that you scammed, learn the truth about your scam coin, Nano will be sub top 100 CMC.

>> No.29554145
File: 38 KB, 858x460, 759rep1pqaf61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what this means in terms of adoption and potential growth, hmm

>> No.29554266

>I wonder what this means in terms of adoption and potential growth, hmm
About the same as Bitconnect. They had far more comments and interaction with their community.


>> No.29554340
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1514955049955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole market is going up retard. Should stop filtering him because it makes you look weak kek. Can't argue against him or what?

>> No.29554348

Hmm, so are you suggesting, that Nano is going viral? Based.

>$6.50-$7.00 tomorrow

>> No.29554407

What is that quote about arguing with morons again?

Or the one about not feeding the trolls?

Can't recall for the life of me...

>> No.29554495

Seethe and cope, you never debunk any legit posts about how garbage nano is. Just admit you just want a pump and dump coin kek, which you could have chosen better coins for.

>> No.29554529

zoom zoom

>> No.29554540
File: 236 KB, 1007x527, 2019-07-26_18-39-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people will not associate Bitconnect with "going viral". Maybe that's a Nano scammer thing.

>> No.29554582

You are the most dedicated poster on this board and I salute you. The people must accept the truth about nano.

>> No.29554622
File: 174 KB, 720x809, egf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor :)

>> No.29554649
File: 9 KB, 192x192, Reddit Gold Award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy escape route for the Nano scammers; run the hell away from documentation showing Nano is a scam and a tech trainwreck from hell and just whine and bitch something about trolls. That will surely convince potential investors, ryte Nano scammers?

>> No.29554670
File: 26 KB, 332x1024, 1602026381076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, can't out argue (1) guy. You had to filter him kek. And then pretend that you were retarded thinking 4chan could pump a coin with already a 792mill market cap.

>> No.29554692

Thank you, fren :)

>> No.29554726
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 1541414355197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29554760
File: 535 KB, 903x912, 1613733718922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Never follow the advice of angry people. They are angry because they are generally poor and miserable.

>> No.29554884
File: 123 KB, 790x910, Colin WomenInTech EU Diversity BLM Fight systemic racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikini blogger and Nano COO with no tech knowledge, business experience or education, contacts etc, telling EU how difficult it is for women to enter tech and have a career in a male-dominated tech industry.

#WokeNano #paypigs #WomenInTech #GenderQuotas4TopJobsNOW

>> No.29555387
File: 64 KB, 775x377, Annotation 2020-02-06 121333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any criticism of Nano hiring a bikini-blogger with zero relevant qualifications, and Nano's feminist/woke founder and CEO, Colin LeMahieu, goes hysterical.

>> No.29555490

> t. incel

>> No.29555854
File: 3.87 MB, 3456x4608, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Not even close. Men with high IQ prefer high-quality women with integrity and intelligence, besides looks, and not three years female solo traveling (we all know what that means) bikini bloggers. And we certainly will not hire them as COO for multi-billion dollar mcap projects like horny scammer Colin.

>> No.29555906
File: 389 KB, 482x319, colin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this picture make you feel? Can you show me where he touched you?

>> No.29556133
File: 81 KB, 626x998, 414sbBCdE-L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this picture make you feel? Can you show me where he touched you?
Are you having flashbacks again to your last Nano UK meetup where Colin aggressively rammed his Nano into your well-used "Nano wallet" after he violently made you drop your pants?

>> No.29556427 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 799x599, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a scam.

>Worst anti-white globohomos in crypto

>Team is insane:

Here are some links:
>Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

>Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

>Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

>Team NANO - Sex, Fraud, Corruption and Satanists

>> No.29556785

Holy shit how the fuck did you even find this board LOL

>> No.29557252
File: 159 KB, 852x857, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desperate Nano scammer boiz keep whining that pic is not Bikini Blogger George Coxon, COO of Nano, with zero experience, connections, or tech knowledge, is a rabid hard left open borders feminist.

It is. Pic is directly from her instagram account that got shut down for months. Scrubbed and re-emerged. Every one of her followers from that time can confirm that the pic was on her instagram. Photo is taken by London based photographer Sarah Bahbah using London based George Coxon as her model. George later posted the photo on her instagram.

>> No.29557871

Pathetic. Nano scammers and paypigs are flagging my comments documenting their scam and crashed tech trainwreck, and having them removed.

>> No.29558991


>> No.29559253

2017 taught me not to have paper hands im in for the long moon shot

>> No.29559888
File: 29 KB, 805x725, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B U L L I S H ! ! ! !

>> No.29561043

The butthurt spammer is here kek
Imagine getting scammed by an unemployed Shitalian programmer and still seething on /biz/ three years later

>> No.29561090

Fresh out of reddit.

>> No.29561689
File: 9 KB, 187x250, images.jpeg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally maxed out as a reddit token for some yuppies to play around with and make the founders rich despite their lies and scams. You are better off sending payments with DOGE, let alone likely dozens of other projects that are solving the digital cash problem with legit tech and true scalability.

>> No.29562070
File: 166 KB, 880x818, Colin and Women in Tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine getting scammed by an unemployed Shitalian programmer and still seething on /biz/ three years later
More lies from the Nano scammers. I knew about the TPS lie from Nano pre-Bitgrail and got my assets/profit out. When the scam/crash happened, I had to watch people losing all their money, some talked about suicide and some very likely did commit suicide. I tried to help as many as I could and many wanted to organize donations etc but we got zero help from Nano Foundation. They kicked all discussion about Bitgrail from their plebbit page and refused to do anything to help the victims. There are numerous ways and technical solutions they could have done to help the victims and offset their losses. They did nothing and instead jumped into an orgy of hedonism, woke hard left hypocrisy and pushing hard for feminism/BLM/womenintech/globohomo etc. I am so disgusted. After that, the Bitgrail victims got scammed again by Nano Foundations dirty deal with Espen Enger, only to have Bitgrail victims scammed a third time when Espen Enger exit scammed with their donations.

To have these dirty Nano lefties running around lecturing other people about decency and morality is just disgusting. Pic.

>> No.29562821
File: 75 KB, 500x661, 1582252953130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fresh out of reddit.
We have no word for reporting comments here on biz, as NOBODY is doing it, except for you butthurt. plebbit Nano scammers, of course. Pic related.

>> No.29562862

Why should the Nano foundation help you?
If you get scammed, it's your fault.

>> No.29563049
File: 297 KB, 1404x819, Champagne breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How stupid are you? I just stated that I did NOT get scammed. >>29562070

>Why should the Nano foundation help you?
>If you get scammed, it's your fault.
BOTH Bitgrail and Nano Foundation scammed Nano investors.

>> No.29563421
File: 122 KB, 1105x576, Nano Heading for Disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano’s relationship with BitGrail, their main trading platform, was incestuous and dirty from the very beginning. However, after “Bomber”, CEO of BitGrail found out that his exchange had been hacked for 80% of their Nano assets in October 2017, close to 10% of total supply of Nano, the relationship between Nano devs and BitGrail became criminal.

>Insolvency of BitGrail and missing 10 million nano, discovered and made public by the Nano community [1][2]
>Missing transactions on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [2][3]
>Single transactions replicated multiple times on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [4][3][5][6].
>Millions of Nanos moving out from BitGrail, when the exchange was closed for withdrawals, discovered and made public by the Nano community [7].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to alleged ‘maintenance’.
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to ‘KYC’ excuse [8] [9]. Hundreds of thousands remained unverified [10].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks, due to alleged ‘pending withdrawals’, which were never processed [11].
>Nano withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to node problems.
>Customer support ignores tickets - not just for days but for weeks [12]
>Bomber increasingly unhinged and psychotic. Insults his customers on social media for asking legitimate questions [12]. Nano community expressed concern to the Nano devs.

>> No.29563471


>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano, do arbitrage between exchanges. [13][7][14].
>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano move assets to safety. Just one of these accounts handled 50million USD [13][7][14][15].
>Insider trading on BitGrail done via accounts connected to Nano Devs. Traded tens of millions of dollars [15].
>Nano dev team used incestuous relationship with Bomber to get instant KYC verification [16], impossible for standard Nano investors.
>Ordinary Nano investors accounts blocked from doing arbitrage, moving assets to safety or doing insider trading, unlike Nano dev team. Stuck with coming 80% loss [17].
>Zack Shapiro (Nano dev): Everything under control. Just too much work with KYC. Not insolvent. (statement made 4 days before BitGrail insolvent) [18].
>Zack Shapiro: No reason to worry, BitGrail doing normal KYC, “scams don’t do that” [19]
>Zack Shapiro: “Yes, you can [trust BitGrail]. I talk to Bomber every day and he’s a good guy. We’ll get it all sorted next week. Just hang in there” [20] [21]
>Zack Shapiro: Confirms BitGrail is a serious business. “Opposite of an exit scam actually” [22]
>Zack Shapiro: BitGrail is “Legitimate. Complying with the laws of their contry” [23]
>Zack Shapiro: “Funds are safe on Bitgrail…Again, funds are safe” [24][25]
>Mica Busch (Nano dev): ‘‘funds are safe, [BitGrails] representative account does not show any suspicious activity’’ [26]
>Nano: “Be assured that your funds are safe” [27][28]

>> No.29563534


>Person who discovered and exposed 50million USD account being connected to Nano Dev team, got later banned from Nano subreddit [13].
>Nano community member who discovered/reported that nearly all nano on BitGrail was missing, was forced to delete initial post titled; ‘10 Million XRB Possibly Missing XRB From BitGrail’ [2] and repost under different headline ‘I need some help with tracing funds’ [1].
>Nano team systematically deleted threads of investors’ concerns and the sharing of new information regarding BitGrail [4].
>Nano dev team confirmed knowing about all BitGrail problems, told investors to relax, and promised a thorough investigation [29][30][28]. ‘Developers are taking care of that’ [31].

>> No.29563571

Shhhh the paypigs hate it when you bring up their findom habit. Granted the ginger is tasty but all that money gone and no pussy! Cogdis! Gotta throw more money after it otherwise you have to admit that you’re an idiot.

>> No.29563604


>Nano Dev team claimed to do all they could to investigate and find missing Nano. No update since. Nothing done. [32]
>Nano community did all the work, themselves researching/investigating. [33][34][35] [32][41].
>BitGrail victim group representative, Espen Enger met with Nano lawyer Josh Kleiman in Italy [36]. Details of the deal made with the Nano team is not made known to the BitGrail victims.
>After meeting between Enger and Kleiman all criticism of Nano Dev team became banned on BitGrail victim discord [37].
>Change in BitGrail victim group management. Protection of Nano Dev team and suddenly non BitGrail victims used as hostile mods on BitGrail victim group discord [38].
>Don’t be surprised if Enger gets millions, and/or cushy job at Nano when all this is over. As a big thank you from the shady Nano team.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano foundation and Nano team members. Outside the original BitGrail victim group, now Discord BitGrail/WebCoin Lawsuit [39][40].

>> No.29563667

>I just stated that I did NOT get scammed
Repeating it won't make it true. How long have you been spamming /biz/ with the same copy-pasted posts?
This is not something people do out of goodwill, this is a scam victim trying to cope with the fact that they got scammed, and it's entirely their fault. Scamming shouldn't even be illegal.

>> No.29563715

Footnotes to the above Nano -BitGrail Crash (and Nano dev team involvement) –1 of 2

[1] https://archive.is/8mMEU
[2] https://archive.is/LUN33
[3] https://archive.is/V30nG
[4] https://archive.is/pk03o
[5] https://prnt.sc/ilv1gl
[6] https://prnt.sc/ilv0p6
[7] https://archive.is/Wkgvn
[8] https://bitsonline.com/raiblocks-nano-bitgrail-epic-fail/
[9] https://archive.is/CKs1V
[10] https://imgur.com/a/rOn3Seb
[11] https://archive.is/RW944
[12] https://archive.is/DM6Nl
[13] https://archive.is/acLnr
[14] https://imgur.com/a/Owlui
[15] https://archive.is/pC3vC
[16] https://imgur.com/a/mJMhlx3
[17] http://archive.is/86eDr
[18] https://imgur.com/a/aFYpDyk
[19] https://imgur.com/a/KNg2src
[20] https://imgur.com/a/o8lIwDz

>> No.29563763

Footnotes – part 2 of 2

[21] https://imgur.com/a/urpgzwv
[22] https://imgur.com/a/G7fgqWV
[23] https://imgur.com/a/4YcVEji
[24] https://imgur.com/a/IWP2thd
[25] https://imgur.com/a/rFV6BJy
[26] https://archive.is/bfd0Y
[27] https://imgur.com/a/ql0cjLP
[28] https://archive.is/dykfh
[29] https://i.imgur.com/ddzQlVw.jpg
[30] https://i.imgur.com/7xwM1Lx.jpg
[31] https://i.imgur.com/e8n7fWo.jpg
[32] https://archive.is/lTCkP
[33] https://archive.is/o1BmU
[34] https://archive.is/8Md3N
[35] https://archive.is/f4Q8E
[36] https://youtu.be/40aufi9oJno?t=10m16s [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
[37] https://imgur.com/a/gQmoQv0
[38] https://imgur.com/a/d8xG4QL
[39] https://archive.is/MbWv1
[40] Google: silvermillerlaw com 2018/04/2018-4-6-DE-1-CLASS-ACTION-COMPLAINT-1
[41] https://archive.is/0R8Qe

>> No.29563827
File: 49 KB, 512x512, Colin LeMahieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

While both Nano and Bitgrail leaders told nano investors that Bitgrail was safe and not compromised, http://archive.is/dOMVA, they themselves took all their assets, over $100 million, and moved it as fast as hell away from Bitgrail, hiding their assets, while telling everyone that Bitgrail was OK and perfectly safe. This is why neither Nano dev team, nor Bitgrail, have done any kind of investigation who stole the money, where are stolen Nanos now, where are the thief. Firstly they just don't care, they are now rich, secondly there is too much criminal activity from both sides that none of them want to be investigated and exposed. They prefer darkness, secrecy and that all their crimes will just fade away. This will not happen. Multiple lawsuits are pending and coming. Nano tech is flawed and does not function under pressure, http://archive.is/Vva8Z, Nano is Bitconnect 2.0

>> No.29563888

Colin dumped millions of xrb in May from private wallets when there was Nano Binance Competition (100kk+ USD VOL.)
He chose a good moment for send to Binance. Who gives a dam about Nano and Bitgrail's victims who suffered a stolen.
Guess they had some special developer donation account before actual one which exists now.
I'll explain you so maybe you'll figure out.

Old developer donation account:

The first address that recieved a nano from Old Developer Donation was this:
(Colin's account)

(Colin's account connected to the old developer donation account)

2. https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_11iaqa1oppdxzawrbuzh4m5y78i9zngnhwp8urpup97fsf7k8e84gf61ei75
(Colin's private wallet)

3. https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_31kxdcjafw5k5w4u3h9uo7yctkawcjkegnwaqjr1jqq3tanu8bp6m4obru7a
(Colin's private wallet)

2. and 3. are connected to the 1.

This is the first transaction when old developer donation account sent to this account back in 2016.

Picture is from 02.12.2017

>> No.29563933

Nano is a joke

Its bagholders are cult like and have an ability to conjure up fake ass news every other week about mastercard or visa...the reality is these companies wouldnt touch nano

The entire project is a joke.

>> No.29563988

Xmr maximalist here, haven't dmor on nano. Does it have any privacy features?

>> No.29564084

what do you pay back with?

>> No.29564266
File: 53 KB, 571x618, 1405786213491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do... It's "reporting". That's the word we've always used. Nobody has ever said "flag" on 4chan except reddit tourists who've been here for less than a week, it's reddit lingo and even you've admitted it. I don't even hold any of this shitcoin, the only coins with any use case are BTC and XMR for darknet markets, but calling out redditors is my duty. This is beyond pathetic.

>> No.29564473
File: 109 KB, 854x470, Espen Enger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tragic Story of Espen Enger

Nano Foundation and Espen Enger have a very shady and dark history before Espen Enger decided to exit scam with the Bitgrail Victim's money:

>Nano's core dev Shapiro, despite knowing about Bitgrail's problems did multiple times publicly endorse Bitgrail and encouraged people to invest and convinced them to stay in, to not sell their Bitgrail.
>Tens of thousands of people who would have got out ended up losing everything because of this.
>There were people who committed suicide as a consequence of this
>While key Nano dev Shapiro was telling concerned investors not to worry (as normal investors had their accounts and ability to withdraw frozen) the Nano devs and their friends were withdrawing and funneling out tens of millions of dollars, both before and after the "hack" was publicly known
>These are the people Espen Enger sold out to and banned Bitgrail victims from criticising.

Espen Enger
>Enger promised 100% transparency and to fight for the interests of the Bitgrail victims
>Very soon he had a meeting with Nano foundations lawyer - the outcome and contents of the meeting remain a secret to date.
>Soon after the meeting with Nano Foundation, he got non Bitgrail mods to monitor discord and ban/silence any actual Bitgrail victims who were critical of the Nano devs and the Nano team’s involvement
>Espen Enger said that he just "knew" that the Bitgrail victims had no legal case against Nano Foundation, so he decided to protect the Nano Foundation
>Nano foundation still won’t answer questions regarding (a) what the meeting with Espen Enger was about (b) how much money they paid him and (c) what happened to the money

>It is now clear that Espen Enger had a dirty deal to protect Nano Foundation, exit scammed, lost 100 BTC due to bad trades, and then committed suicide
Espen Børke Enger site:https://jolstad.vareminnesider.no/

>> No.29564605

I can see how no mining fee might be a problem, but I don't like this argument. For example lot of software is really free for the end user, even if some people are using their resources to do it.

>> No.29564912
File: 174 KB, 800x596, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. The super-cucked Nano "investors" and findom plebbit perverts don't even know that George owned 100% of Appia, and then Nano Foundation bought shares from Appia and the holding changed. thus, Nano Foundation (Colin) bought shares from George for £100k. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/e10hkd/nano_foundation_and_appia/

Luckily, Nano "investors" can easily identify the whales dumping on them. And that is at least something, r-r-ryte Nano boiz? Pic is Nano Foundation in Monaco. Text on Instagram: Casual breakfast overlooking abramovich's yacht

>> No.29564974

Let's put aside the technical criticisms for a moment and just assume for a moment that everything is perfect. Convince me why Nano is not redundant. IOTA does feeless too, but it also has (a) much larger team (b) more impressive backing (c) far more partnerships and patents (d) valueless data transfer (e) smart contracts...

>> No.29565752
File: 81 KB, 700x700, Colin LeMahieu BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repeating it won't make it true
Except I knew. See pic. >>29549356

>Scamming shouldn't even be illegal.
OK, Colin.

>> No.29566512
File: 201 KB, 1555x748, biz ban by Nano scammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is "reporting" comments here. Flagging is from YouTube, as faggots like you are more than happy to flag "insensitive" comments. I have no clue what they are saying at plebbit. That you run around pretending that it's normal to flag comments on biz is absurd.

Pic is just another example of how insane and dishonest you Nano discord trannies truly are. Go back. You have to go back.

>> No.29566729
File: 183 KB, 955x412, Nano Satanist RockmSockmJesus biz spammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, the insane ban was lifted within hours. This is how slimy and dishonest you Nano psychos truly are. Go back. You have to go back.

>> No.29566800

Nano consensus is developers distributing a database.zip file to any node runners.

you fucking retard newfags

>> No.29567133

i heard the send it by tying a usb stick to a carrier pigeon

>> No.29567330

pay him no mind. he is the resident NANO fud'er. seen one thread by him, you've seen them all. he spends his time searching keyword 'nano' in the biz catalog to complete 60 capchas for his copypasta fud

>> No.29568167
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, Nano 7 000+ to infinity tps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your comment and Nano's model functioned, there would be NO dead torrents, ever.

Nano is a crashed coin with a broken system. The very basis for Nano network is that people will run the whole system for free, for all eternity, all the time, with no downtime, or the Nano network will crash. Can any of you nano "investors guarantee that? The integrity of your network is solely based upon people that will work for maybe thousands of hours for free and pay tens of millions in costs for nodes, bandwidth for free, for all eternity? How insane, delusional and away from real life is that?

1. For a global currency with micro-payments, 100 000 TPS is the very bare minimum. What's Nano's current TPS? You claimed 7 000 TPS in DEC 2017. Pic. Is it now not a little over 10% of what you promised in 2017? Nano is such an obvious scam.

2. What are the total costs of Nano network with 100 000 TPS (CPU, IO, and bandwidth) , that you believe people will do for free for no reason. How many tens of millions? You have no clue, do you? Same with Nano Foundation. Zero cost analysis. How amateurish and pathetic is that?

>> No.29569018
File: 178 KB, 800x800, Triggered Redditor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is not responding to any of my comments. Tragic to see that you crazy Nanoid death cult nuts don't even try to defend your scammer team/devs and utter tech trainwreck of a shitcoin.

>> No.29569521
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1513951766853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>61 posts by this ID

>> No.29570146

Wow someone came up with the idea of adding more zero's.
Big Brain!
Be right back, gonna by 100k.

>> No.29570495

well it's running right now and it's more decentralized than BTC so I don't see your point?

>> No.29571518
File: 128 KB, 859x106, Nano always open to spam attacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well it's running right now
Only because there is zero load on the network.

>more decentralized than BTC
Are you kidding? When was the last time BTC core shut down nodes that tried to stress test BTC, through a backdoor and/or exploit plus threatened to sue anyone stress testing BTC network without the permission from BTC core?

>> No.29573033

>Only because there is zero load on the network.
then spam it, and prove it's trash. why not?

>Are you kidding? When was the last time BTC core shut down nodes that tried to stress test BTC, through a backdoor and/or exploit plus threatened to sue anyone stress testing BTC network without the permission from BTC core?
probably never, just like NF. RPC port was open and anyone could take that node down, you don't know who did it, but are so desperate to fud this 70 ranked coin that you will fill the blank with NF. sorry you lost all your money on bitgrail, stay poor

>> No.29573330

>Nobody is "reporting" comments here
It has literally always been reporting. Good job outing yourself as a social media newfag.

>> No.29574098
File: 849 KB, 804x767, le reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I reported your comment for hate-speech" is something never seen here. Go back to /r/NanoCircleJerk, faggot.

>> No.29574357
File: 87 KB, 816x293, Saturation 200 tps, high bandwith costs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then spam it,
It's been done multiple times and you Nanoid bagholders are too stupid to notice or even care. Even Nano discord mods admit that the network gets saturated at 200 tps. Pic.

>then spam it,
Read the conversation, moron. Nano Foundation said that they did it but they didn't tell in detail how they did it.

>> No.29574669

They are not comments, they are posts, newfag. Go back to your social media site.

>> No.29574686

I'll never understand why people are "THE INFRASTRUCTURE ISN'T FREEEEEEEEE REEEEEE" yeah.... we know.... neither is healthcare in many countries, neither are national parks, neither are police, blah blah blah. If adopted by a government imagine how much they'd love to just say, "gimmie more tax dollars pwees"

>> No.29575145
File: 95 KB, 612x788, Nano-boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I said it's never seen here Nano faggot. Back to your discord boomer.

>> No.29575234
File: 131 KB, 1467x1000, 1606315390688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29575479
File: 225 KB, 949x602, Nano Discord Trannies Flooding BIZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The daily flooding of biz by Nano discord trannies. Pic related.

>> No.29577175

Really struck a nerve didn't I? Indeed, nobody uses "flagging" and "comments". Nobody except for you:
The truth is, there are no Discord shills because actual shills know better than to engage. There are only newfags like you who can't go one post without giving away their newfag status while using social media terminology. Don't worry, once you've been here longer than one week you will learn to fit in.