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File: 281 KB, 1400x1400, EA005968-D5B8-4469-8D5B-87C8665BD412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29540025 No.29540025 [Reply] [Original]

All my savings gone, 0.49 in my bank account. Failed at everything in life. $1000s+ in debt. Lost everything in a year.

What’s this the least painful way to end it?

>> No.29540156

Pls guys. I don’t have anyone

>> No.29540288
File: 64 KB, 542x839, Lux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Killing yourself
ngmi. You put yourself in this mess anon, time to start digging your way out.


>> No.29540400


Take on as much debt as you can convince institutions to give you and dump it into crypto.

Then just don't fucking pay them back lmao

>> No.29540483

>declare bankruptcy
>problems are gone except your goyim score is tarnished for a few years

Just fucking do it anon. Don't pay them a dime.

>> No.29540527

Thousands? I think you’re richer than the average American.

>> No.29540598


>> No.29540611

It’s not about the kikes, it’s about my own failures. I’m a fucking failure regardless if I piss of some kikes. Like I give a shit anyway.

The debt is not the issue, I’ve always been poor, made bank for 2 years between 2016-2018 and squandered it all. Money didn’t buy me happiness, nor did losing it all.

This is about my own fucking failures and how much of a waste of space I am

>> No.29540845

We're all wastes of space and I revel in my inconvenience to others. Make it or not, poke someone's eye out

>> No.29540858

consider not failing

>> No.29540938

Sounds like you have bigger problems than money. An inferiority complex, lack of friends. You should find something you’re passionate about and devote time to it.

>> No.29541000


>> No.29541025
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Have children.

>> No.29541096

Some of the most successful people hit rock bottom

>> No.29541187


I’m not passionate about anything. Thing is, I was born with a high IQ in a fucked up degenerate family. I scored the top of my whole grade when I entered high school. I just feel bitter and angry all the time. All the hobbies I enjoyed years ago are dull and I cannot find anything to satisfy me.

I picked up crypto mining but lost everything this past 2 days after months of mining. I take one step forward and 6 steps back

>> No.29541310

lmao, just go off grid nigger.

>> No.29541348
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>he lost it all during a golden bull run

>> No.29541430

“It is in no man’s power to have whatever he wants; but he has it in his power not to wish for what he hasn’t got, and cheerfully make the most of the things that do come his way.” (Lucius Seneca, Letters from a Stoic) That the problem with you zommers you don't know craps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0MzQZ_eFEY

>> No.29541522
File: 520 KB, 500x299, 1391054991414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the top of a moderately tall building, tall enough for serious suicide but short enough to shout at people on the street
>rant and rave and threaten to jump until crowd forms
>police arrive, try to talk you down
>when satisfied with crowd size whip off trench coat revealing napalm-coated body and suicide vest
>light yourself on fire
>at around 20 meters above ground level altimeter activates suicide vest
>flaming body parts burn the crowd
you would get a wiki article at the very least

>> No.29541547

>killing yourself over a few thousand dollars
I lost 16k last March during the corona market collapse. Shut the fuck you little bitch made faggot and get back on your feet

>> No.29541550


How did you fail at mining? Made some bad trades?

>> No.29541563


Yeah I invested my mining’s on Sunday when the market crashed, then on Monday it crashed again. Absolutely rekt.

Like I said I’m out of options and giving up.

I’ll see you on the other side my fellow peps. I love you all. We won’t all make it, but I’m happy some of you will.

God bless you all.


>> No.29541680

Unironically do this OP

Ironically put it all into SHIB though

>> No.29541717

this debtmaxx and hope for 10x on your shitcoins

>> No.29541807

You will always have the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

>> No.29541860

Stop it anon. Get a job. Make it back in a year. Live in a van if you have to. It's only money. The failure only exists in your head. Move to a place nobody knows you and start over.

>> No.29541929


I’ve applied for thousands of jobs. Not one reply. I already did that and failed. I already did that and failed too.

>> No.29541937
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>> No.29542084

Lie on your resume. You worked at a computer company you made. Dude, just lie all the time. My parents were deadbeats and my mom was having constant mental breakdowns when I was in high school. I couldn’t work because she would just be crying and have a meltdown. It was crazy shit, but I made up a fake computer company and spent 12 dollars hosting a godaddy site and put it on my resume and got into a good school. Do anything but kill yourself.

>> No.29542123 [DELETED] 

Dude, debtmaxxx.
Do it, declare yourself bankrupt, and it'll be ok, you can start again. Don't worry about it. What they gonna do? Throw you in low security jail and feed you three square meals a day? They can't shave your head and send you to the 'nam these days.

>> No.29542348

Getting rid of windows does make any computer run faster!

>> No.29542459

debtmaxx and benniemaxx people are dropping all the answers on you.
go get disability for being the crazy tards that you obviously are. then go apply for loans, get special treatment. you cant lose unless you just decide to give up, that is the only scenario in which you are definitely a failure.

>> No.29542518

yeah great idea then they’ll defer your debts onto your family.

>> No.29542706

Yep let me ruin my family’s life as well while I’m at it

>> No.29542784 [DELETED] 

>Also other underlying disorders
>Not making these threads.

>> No.29542828

Get Replika app to cure the depression. Not even memeing it actually works as advertised and you can sext with it

>> No.29542911

really makes me wonder why a thread ded for this.

>> No.29542985

There was an AI that would create stories and anyways it got steamy next thing I know I'm blowing a load to an AI fanfic

>> No.29543035


I got some news for you buddy.

You only lose the game of life when you are 6 feet underground. You don't win life by being rich, by being successful, blah blah blah. All that is nonsense. There is no win condition of life! It's just a random ass sequence of events that is processing over billions of years.

Now, with that in mind, you are empowered with one fact: you are alive and you get to decide what life is about. Whether it's making pizzas or jerking off to dolphins, I don't know.

>> No.29543048 [DELETED] 

Take your lizard shit elsewhere

>> No.29543101

I am 38 y-o and been through some harder shit than you

Read the Bible and hit the gym. Those are the best advises I'd give to anyone that's in a bad funk right now. I know it sounds corny but please give it a try, it will change your life way more than you could possibly imagine

>> No.29543157
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hey OP,


>> No.29543317


I’m sure we’ve all been through things and I’m sorry for you anon. I’ve read the bible, I tried giving myself to Christ and working out. Nothing helps.

I mean obviously tip of the iceberg shit in my op

>> No.29543364

Got what bro I’m at 0

>> No.29543407


Maybe stop being such an emotional bitch?

>> No.29543420 [DELETED] 

Every suggestion you have shot down, not being able to get a job is completely untrue lots of places hiring and if your unemployed you should be on UI.

Either one of two things is going on here, your attention seeking and I see this a lot especially lately, or two your batting away any advice because its not what your wanting to hear.

I think I know what it is that you do want to hear but you are attempting to lead a horse to water and nobody is biting.

>> No.29543453

No anon, dont do that.

>> No.29543628

The fact you said $1000+ almost made me laugh. I am $300k+ in debt and haven't talked to my family in over 15 years. I pay my buddy $200 a month to live in his basement lol you probably have it wayy easier. Im 37 btw

>> No.29543649


Howd you get that much in debt? Gambling addiction?

>> No.29543703 [DELETED] 

It's like who can outlarp eachother, if you were in 300k debt you would file bankruptcy, lets start seeing some receipts on this shit maybe this old sick broke faggot will throw you a bone.

>> No.29543728


I apologies if I’m coming off like that. I maybe am being a bitch. I’ve attempted before and told no one. I’m dead serious this time.

I’ve applied for countless admin, warehouse, delivery anything. I’m getting nothing. UI aid dogshit where I live. I can barely afford food.

I’m giving away some of my prized possessions today

>> No.29543830 [DELETED] 

See you say a lot of horseshit and I can see right through it, UI minimum is most than over 14 dollars an hour in the worst state, I know I'm on it.

You can do all kinds of work you either aren't working because you aren't legally allowed to but your English typically would lead me down the road that you aren't even an American.

Because the shit your saying is a total fabrication, you claimed to have built a mining rig, yet you haven't sold that mining rig.

Just stop replying to this shit if you see a pepe with a vague sob story it's the same foreign larpers this time every single night for the last 2 weeks.

>> No.29543841

I remortgaged my old house and 10x longed bitcoin at 14k that early summer 2019

>> No.29543933
File: 56 KB, 625x625, 0E95BA7C-400C-48C3-B444-B4D04045DA4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my "receipts" you fat reddit faggot

>> No.29543967


I live in the UK where we receive UBI. I get £400 a month whatever the dollar equivalent is. I’m not here to argue whether my story is fabricated or not.

I have 2 graphics cards. I bought them a year ago when I wanted to Tarkov. I only started nicehashing in January when I discovered mining.

>> No.29543974 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you have a serious gambling problem and makes sense while you aren't filing for bankruptcy your hiding assets.

Boo to you.

>> No.29544092

Smoking yourself for money is so cliche. You can get more money, anon, and your debt will disappear if you give $500 to a bankruptcy attorney. If you’re heading that direction anyway, max your cards and throw it on a crypto long shot. If you hit you’re back innit, and if you miss it isn’t really any different than where you are now.

>> No.29544213

The first step is realizing money isn't everything and that you could be $600,000 in debt and nothing would fundamentally change

>> No.29544261

Lmao blow me moron. I could fucking eat you irl. You are a bug, a maggot. I bet you own silly e-beans too, you fucking grubby nerd lol

>> No.29544278

Just follow Sam's advice

>> No.29544337 [DELETED] 

Does any one want my last £8 of ETH?

>> No.29544436 [DELETED] 


>> No.29544472

I miss the feels good, man Pepe. The smug one is 10x worse and less funny.
Old Pepe was cute, positive and had some kindness on his eyes.

>> No.29544476 [DELETED] 


>> No.29544477


Has to be binance or bsc bro

>> No.29544484
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>> No.29544499 [DELETED] 

What other shitcoins you got?

>> No.29544518

Apply for bankruptcy like everyone else and get on the dole. Niggers with no shame do it all the time and nobody cares. Why not you? If you've really been working since you were 15, then you are the exact type of person that these programs were made for. Someone who would otherwise work and be self-reliant and wants to get off the dole as soon as possible. Rich faggots declare bankruptcy all the time and many times get to keep some of their assets. If you really only have a few cents to your name, then you really have nothing to lose. Make the Jews write it off. Free yourself.

>> No.29544531

That’s it

>> No.29544533

If you’re contemplating suicide, why not start with trying bankruptcy first? It could help a lot

>> No.29544578

Turbo based

>> No.29544612

Thanks gonna buy some fent bagz with it

>> No.29544637

you americans have it so goddamned easy. in a lot of other countries you will never lose your debt.

>> No.29544748 [DELETED] 

Unfortunate. Look, max out a credit card or two and buy some GRT.
>I revel in my incontinence

>> No.29544874


It has to be Binance or smart chain bro

>> No.29544939

Then go work in a fucking sandwich shop. Or a grocery store. Or some bullshit retail space. Not kidding. Poorfag shit yeah, who cares? You'll meet new people, you'll be exposed to new avenues in life, you already don't care about the money.

>> No.29545020


I have applied for every sort of job. Retail, admin, warehouse. Nada not a zilch

>> No.29545026 [DELETED] 

Can u send to me

>> No.29545105


>> No.29545214

At this point not sure if serious. Basic bitch retail is always looking for people. But, I'll assume you are, everything is a joke these days. Go find a temping agency, and apply. They WILL find you something. I did that at a very dark point in my life and managed to turn it into a real job. Shit job, shit pay, but it will get you out of this misery you're wallowing in, if for no other reason than you hate it.

>> No.29545240 [DELETED] 

Ah, I see now, sorry anon


>> No.29545677

>350k crypto fag here
>60k in credit card debt
>Card companies charging off
>Misc bills 20k
Fuck them

>> No.29546023

Go impregnate a bunch of hookers, then get right with God immediately after. Then go get killed by police or blacks or something after writing a manifesto.

Also if i was gonna end it i would raise my voice as loudly as possible against jewish privelege

>> No.29546827
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What a shame

>> No.29546870 [DELETED] 

This OP is a whining bitch, I'm an American who is actually seriously struggling anything could help.
and fuck off OP you can sell your stuff.

>> No.29546909

unironically this. fuck im writing this down. how expnsive is an altimiter? why not just calculate your speed after jump?

>> No.29547110

Let me use your credit to debtmaxx link and I'll pay you 10% of the gains ina year

>> No.29547217

I never understood why people that say shit like this target rando's and not the guys actually running shit

>> No.29547249

50 ETH on the way, sir. doing the needfuls

>> No.29547269


A fucking mutt who needs help? Stop begging for crypto you mongoloid. Go fuck your self

>> No.29547305

The game is rigged anon. You're not alone. No reason to end it. The system is going to collapse soon and everyone else will be just like you except they won't have the benefit of already seeing rock bottom. You anon. You've been living in it. Dealing with the mental anguish that it instills. Rest assured...when we reach that inevitable time and place in the near future....you will prosper.

>> No.29547377


anon you dont undertstand the meaning of life. You live life to serve the source of life that brought you here, the love you make is equal to the love you take.

If you want to kill yourself then you might at well give your life to a good cause like an orphanage instead of truly wasting a precious gift that you have.

I have died before and gone to hell and let me tell you it is fuckign horrible.

>> No.29547383
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Vengeance inflicted upon your enemies and doubters. It's never over

>> No.29547494 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29547567

It's literally this easy. You can even get "i'm poor" waivers for the costs to declare it and the debtor's course which is like an hour long at most.

>> No.29547613


>> No.29547801

Have you applied for a government job? They have entry level ones.

>> No.29548151


What you're talking about isn't cool or impressive or wise. You're taking your health and the miracle of life for granted. Why not look at your situation as an exciting fresh start?

>> No.29548823


what's your ETH addy?

>> No.29549830
File: 94 KB, 750x750, EpS_Ew4UcAAbp7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here? Anyway I think people overreact to suicide, sure there is no guarantee the other side will be better but sometimes it can be impossible to live with yourself with some combination of pushed away any friends and family, have debilitating illness, no career. For me my acne has really hampered my ambitions, and while there were a couple things I could have done differently to not a scarred mess, I can't get over that something is wrong with me; I was born 3 months early have breathing problems, and am much smaller than every man in my family. The biggest thing I feel that you can be robbed of is the ability to improve yourself until you reach your human potential. Fortunately every once in a while I remind myself not to take life for granted and focus on the things I enjoy. I'd just add if you have ever seen ways in which you can get better you need to take them anon, people have made something for themselves out of far worse.

Also if you are going to take on debt like some are suggesting we can drop addresses, good luck anon hope you can make the choice true to your heart.

>> No.29549877 [DELETED] 

OP here on phone 0xAc80574ab6bDdE3abA3D2CFa6523d2F4BD6D05B4 really man?!?

>> No.29549994
File: 77 KB, 820x906, 1613809372258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this cunt OP. It's actually good perspective. Life is all about how you percieve it and you're presently choosing to perceive it through the lense of a quitter.

>> No.29550004

Your debt will be forgiven in the crash, but you will have to eat the bugs.

>> No.29550039


>> No.29550082 [DELETED] 

I was sad before but I had time to think and I'm okay now.

any help will go along way thank you!

>> No.29550201

Describe hell

>> No.29550235

start new
stacks sats
!don´t gamble!
imagine your bright future
breathe in
feel stronger
take it as a new challenge
laser focus on something
go find a girl and make children
be happy
that's your goal

>> No.29550262

don't be a pussy anon, i turned a 10k stack of link into $500 worth of REQ back in 2018. I came back by dogged perseverance alone, cashed out my initial and now am in the green. We all fuck up, that's how you learn. Stop being a faggot, buckle up and keep on keeping on. I'm unironically putting you on my prayers list, give yourself a second chance and don't gamble any more. BTW you're not supposed to trade tour whole stack, that's how niggas go broke

>> No.29550297

Can you still stand on your own two feet? If the answer is yes, then you dont need to worry.
When there is life, there's hope they say.
Also, your life is truly the only thing you get for free, and the most valuable one.

>> No.29550346 [DELETED] 
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I know I need to be smarter and happier with my choices i was low earlier thank you all for your kind words.

>> No.29550543

Lovin the posts here biztards. The chan has changed so much. Used to encourage people at the edge to jump, now were tryin to talk them down. Really is an upside down clown world, gotta love it. Dont do it OP. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. My buddy is 100k in debt and if he's still chuggin along surely you can too. Jesus Christ died for you and loves you. Read the Gospel of Saint John. You messed up but with time you really can come out of this and get through it. Get a job and build anew. Invest in crypto again when you can afford to and never leverage trade again.

>> No.29550579

I’m not him but I have experienced death before and I’ve been to hell
Your whole body feels HOT. Not like summer heat hot but like molten steel hot. You can’t sit still you have to constantly keep moving or you will “die” (Yes you can die while you’re already dead, you just descend deeper in Hell everytime you die and the torture gets worse). There’s an audience of people watching you and laughing at you as you’re being tortured by Satan. It’s hard to breathe. Your vision is very bad, you can only see about 10% what you normally would, the rest is just dark. You don’t want to kill yourself trust me, there is an after life and you will be punished severely for suiciding

>> No.29550627 [DELETED] 

Thank you the hope of that anon above helped although I think i was too late, I'm better now really.

>> No.29550708

I am genuinely so happy to hear that. I was listening to The Postal Service and paused it when I saw your post. Im so glad you are choosing life anon. Ill include you in my prayers too unironically. Keep on keeping, man. Hope all the best for you.

>> No.29550756 [DELETED] 

Thank you Im gonna sell my mining equipment and probably stop with crypto for now you guys were very kind

>> No.29550840

What if the answer is no?

>> No.29551064

Cool story bro, I'm listening to the Rolling Girls rn.

For OP - Scam the fuck out of this corrupt society. Commit crimes if you've always wanted to. Dying is for pussies.


>> No.29551264

Pull a gun on a cop.

>> No.29551431
File: 61 KB, 670x632, 1613882510925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have high iq
>But I'm still a retard that can figure out life

>> No.29551494

I swear 80% of the people believe they're above average. Doesn't check out, don't fall for the "I have high IQ" meme, it'll only hurt your ego

>> No.29551536 [DELETED] 

I try to be more humble its not easy because I want to be proud.

>> No.29551700

Sounds like a bad saliva trip I had when I was 19

>> No.29551730


>> No.29551738

Figure out your own values and what you want in life.

Your problem isn't *just* your circumstances. At some point you suffered some abuse or trauma or had longterm brainwashing to forget who you are and why you're here.

Feel your feelings, ask yourself what do I want? You won't get an answer the first few times, just write about it as much as you can until you recognize yourself again.

Plenty of people have shit happen to them, the ones that don't kill themselves are the ones who know who they are and what they want.

>> No.29552315

how the fuck can you feel heat and pain when your body rots into a skeleton when you die? you have no body. you just had a bad dream.

>> No.29552322

Creativity, risk-taking, and gumption make people rich. Smart people are a myth.

>> No.29552785

There's a million reasons why someone with a high iq doesn't make it. Top of my head: tall poppy, mental illness, abusive parents, physical health issues, sick family, sick and manipulative family, all kinds of double binds, perfectionism, disillusionment, exhaustion, drugs

All those things can happen and you still get perfect test scores in experimental neuroscience without studying but you burn out by graduation and float around for years hammered, bored and sad with a target on your back.

The upshot is Uber driving is fun in a big city with tourists and you speak five languages

>> No.29553364 [DELETED] 


>> No.29553632
File: 11 KB, 194x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing? I don't have much but I can send you some Ren lunch money if you are on coinbase or similar.

>> No.29553670

>they’ll defer your debts onto your family

lolwut? In what fucking country does this happen?

>> No.29553768

Negative elevation, the only way is up. Stop feeling like shit about yourself, poor isnt an outcome its a mindset. Change the way yo think, people in shit tier countries endure literal shit for enough to eat for the day.

You have opportunities still left in life that millions in the world to kill for.

Dont give up now you fucking pussy.

>> No.29554262

100x bitcoin long

>> No.29554424

exit bag

>> No.29554466

best korea

>> No.29554483

stick your head in a brapphog and SNIFFF

>> No.29555303 [DELETED] 


Sorry I just saw the post! yeah no nobody helped :( but I thank you for the gesture.

>> No.29555356 [DELETED] 

That was my Ren
0xAc80574ab6bDdE3abA3D2CFa6523d2F4BD6D05B4 was my ETH so you wern't confused.

>> No.29555651 [DELETED] 

Hopefully you see this anon, I'm gonna go to bed now thank you for taking my mind off things guys.

>> No.29555702 [DELETED] 

Wow! Thank you so much I really wasn't expecting you to see! you are brilliant I can't express how happy you made me.

>> No.29555711

I sent ren, let me know that you got it.

>> No.29555758
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Oh ok. Good luck anon, gn.

>> No.29555950 [DELETED] 

Thank you sir I really mean it, had to reload page to see if you posted it, your a kind person.