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29531855 No.29531855 [Reply] [Original]

i sold everything last night and now it's going back up
i feel so sick
i can't breathe

>> No.29531955
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>He sold cryptocurrency at any price

This was a correction, institutional money is pouring in, if you lose money while all this is happening then you deserve to suffer

>> No.29532056
File: 141 KB, 283x296, 1612666990071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got you bro.

>> No.29532063

Panic sold OP? Come on now

>> No.29532088

>institutional money is pouring in
i heard this in 2017 too

>> No.29532111


This. Live by the swing, die by the swing.

>> No.29532176

Yikes, you could try buying back into an alt that dipped hard against btc, hopefully it recovers faster than btc and you can claw some sats back

>> No.29532267

used to think like this but... nowadays wondering how true it ever was.
look at onlyfans. massive amounts of money for doing literally nothing but being naked and sucking dick or dildos. the "salary" of the average woman on onlyfans exceeds any entry level position she'd ever take, and for any woman that sticks with it and creates content even semi-often (i.e. 20 hours a week of actual work) will make more than 100k a year.
i just don't know how i can respect that. feminism, while gay as fuck, was supposed to liberate women from their subjugated roles, sex being a primary target.
now it's all "muh sexual liberation" is the supposed end of the oppression... except the oppression was their subjugation to sex in the first place.
the west is really fucked.

>> No.29532371

Some men can respect an immodest woman, but they are the type of men no woman would ever respect.

>> No.29532425

>selling the dip


>> No.29532532

how new are you?

>> No.29532684

my gf unironically does OF and was at one point top 5% of creators.
i love porn so maybe i'm a hypocrite, but god damn if it isn't starting to bug me. she told me she was spending $2000 every two weeks on useless shit like clothes for a while...
the powers-that-be are actively trying to turn every woman into a fucking whore.

>> No.29532716

Eh sold!?

>> No.29532788
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That's funny cause I bought last night lol thanks for the ez bag

>> No.29533332

what are all these coomerpics you coomniggers are always saving look at her body tell me she wasn't fed corn syrup oils and disgusting industrial chemicals. you are what you eat faggot

>> No.29534517
File: 65 KB, 634x601, 1614057248320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop taking fentanyl George.
Remember what happened last time ?

>> No.29535282

The fact that I have to share a board with you would enrage me if I was capable of rage.

>> No.29535425

Onlyfans is a very small portion of the female population. Less than 1%

>> No.29535505

Just wait two days. This is the token catching a knife pump after the first part of a sell-off

>> No.29535574

Some people such as myself will never respect a woman whom isnt modest.
So for me, yes you will need to be modest. However it is true you can get someone to lie to you they respect you.

>> No.29535665

I almost sold last night, then I remembered that's fucking retarded and I should hodl

You're fucking retarded. All you had to do is hodl

>> No.29535696
File: 672 KB, 600x600, D1E690AD-F658-479F-ADB1-E7BB3B9DF7D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a hypocrite and you're personally responsible for our world being like this. really much more so than she is for whoring because she's just a woman you're a man tolerating it

>> No.29535707

Because you’re a paper handed faggot

>> No.29535791

Dudes like you are the reason we have to deal with dumps like this. There are millions of you .

>> No.29535893

You will never be a woman. Go back to red it

>> No.29536204
File: 147 KB, 1024x1535, qoot_sloot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold $137k of BTC, ETC, LINK, and GRT to cover capital gains and free up some fiat. Might start a Fidelity account or just sit on it for a year while I look for an apartment to throw a down payment on.

>still holding 10k LINK, 50k GRT
>still no neurotic HAPA gf

>> No.29536709



>> No.29537652

>will make more than 100k a year
Median income of OF whores is 100 dollars a month. Stop falling for the kike propaganda

>> No.29538189

No shit.

>> No.29539142

pussy, i bought ether at 2450 CAD and held through this 600$ dip

>> No.29540029

shut up, good sir. if you had bene in AAVE you could have sat and relaxed.
I am captain hindsight and I say your dad made a mistake

>> No.29540092
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>> No.29540177
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>> No.29540386

Still time for Union pre main-net desu.

>> No.29540397
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>> No.29540476

She’s just stocking up on clothes she never had, probably will let it rest once she has enough

>> No.29540534

I can’t sneed

>> No.29540577

sorry but the bogs got you, fren

>> No.29540658

No Pussy Hands in the Citadel

>> No.29540677
File: 8 KB, 250x244, pepe worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok to sell shitcoins and hold on to BTC during uncertain times.
You are holding BTC at least, right?
Don't tell me you're entirely out of crypto and holding only cash?
Oh my God.
We need to call in a specialist, I've never seen this before.
Yes, doctor, he sold all his crypto. Yes, that's what I mean, he sold the BTC too.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
8OO 273 8255

>> No.29540719

Yea but this time we have sec filings and shit

>> No.29540828
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>>29532111 (checked)

>> No.29540874

What's wrong with you? Why would you sell? There was no reason to.

>> No.29541033

Cus you a stupid fucking cunt. Stop reading Musk's ass tweets.

>> No.29541355

Another perspective is that stuff like onlyfans isn’t turning people more sexual and whorish, it’s just revealing who was always more sexual and just too ashamed to be open about it. The less ‘trad’ women out there, the more likely the woman is actually genuinely trad and not just pretending to secure a marriage. It also helps younger people get shit out of their system early so they don’t feel like they missed out when they get older and married, and they know which lifestyle they really want.

>> No.29541452

You are unironically human garbage and i wish ill upon you.

>> No.29541838

checked but you should have done what I did and bought everything you wanted instead of selling. maybe next time.

>> No.29542163


There are Macro Funds starting to take Bitcoin seriously as an asset class...

Where do you people work?

>> No.29543001

its okay OP I panic swapped out of my shit bsc coins into better coins. Also panic sold my car money. I am well over just wanted to keep profiting but cant be too greedy in this game.

>> No.29543924

i made the same mistake and can say that my reasoning was past events like the numbers going from ~10k down to ~5k repeatedly. i didn't know where the floor was going to be and wanted to cut my losses.

im severely regretting panic selling.