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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 377x286, Cardano_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29527424 No.29527424 [Reply] [Original]

Make it stack for ADA? Also what does suicide stack mean?

>> No.29527555

Cardano is special.
Just buy and feel comfy.
Stack size doesn't matter.

>> No.29527711
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 1610492414688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your stack and ill tell you what your future holds fellow ADA chad

>> No.29527733


>> No.29527762

suicide 10k
make it 100k

>> No.29527797


>> No.29527808

I'm also in the process of staking ADA

>> No.29527847

I'm currently just under 100k, should hit 100k with staking this year. Will I make it?

>> No.29527859

Sure thing, dicklet. I bet all your girlfriends used to tell you that

>> No.29527884
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, 1612383258907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no stop it

>> No.29527890

utter despair and depression

>> No.29527902
File: 613 KB, 1024x768, 1613000222688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, sitting close to 65k myself, trying to get to 100k by next year if I can

obv this is the best answer

yes, especially when we hit 50$

>> No.29527928


>> No.29527931

I only have 1000 but I’d like 2000

>> No.29527938

How many Raspberry pi do you have for your own stake pool?

>> No.29527950

>already has $100,000
I don't see why not. Kinda irrelevant for six figure portfolios, unless you want to make it in a short timeframe.

>> No.29528021

Hate to break it to you but this is a biz scam
Better off holding hbar my friend, global partnerships

>> No.29528025
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> Buys bitcoin at $1 or whatever and becomes a billionaire
> Co-founds ethereum which becomes #2 Crypto
> Says that Africa is the next big opportunity for crypto

/Biz response - Charles you don't know what you talking about.

Was everyone on this board always retarded or do you just hate money?

>> No.29528102
File: 211 KB, 1242x1242, 1613068043014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ you cannot be serious, nice one pajeet

Its like you joined Crypto in the last 6 months, hush the adults are talking

>> No.29528810

Checked and wholesome

>> No.29528841
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1613852972489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any ADA stack is a make it stack, no suicide stacks here ADA Chads, look forward to march pumping threads

>> No.29528839


>> No.29528973

Fuck off you less than human Indian piece of trash.

>> No.29529275


>> No.29529485

Can staking save me?

>> No.29529737

tfw 6000 ADA stack and sitting comfy on it

dont forget to stake on daedalus and register to vote on Fund 3 blockchain projects anons!!!

>> No.29529857

Suicide stack is 45k, only 1,000,000 can hold that much

>> No.29529977


>> No.29529980

If there's a full crash then i'll aim for 100k, otherwise will sit tight and keep getting staking.

>> No.29530149

You guys think it will dip big again this week? I just got funds in my kraken account, hoping to buy a nice stack if it drops enough. Currently at 2.2k ada

>> No.29530347

Is it worth having your own stake pool?

>> No.29530465


cant wait for it to hit 2 dollars and more in the coming weeks

>> No.29530469

Fuck you pajeets fuck your Ada

>> No.29531133


>> No.29531318

So when does this shit turn green?

>> No.29532542


>> No.29532787

I think it's going to dip to 0.7
What I would really like is a function to automatically buy at a certain increase after a certain decrease. Like, if it falls below 0.7, I want to wait until it goes up by .05 before buying back in, so if it's just falling off a cliff at 0.7 and actually goes down to 0.1 before going up at all again, I don't want to buy in at 0.7 but 0.15, if that makes sense. Does anywhere do that?

>> No.29533171
File: 163 KB, 960x960, a25evg9juwg61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy at 4 cents
hurr two more weeks r-r-right?
>didn't buy at 7 cents
it's goin' back to 3 cents bros hahaha
>didn't buy at 12 cents
charles is a known scammer 4 cents tomorrow watch!
>didn't buy at 16 cents
imagine buying the biggest scam in crypto hahahaha
>didn't buy at 30 cents
bros its going back to 12 cents, 50% retrace is inevitable
>didn't buy at 60 cents
why would i buy the top haha you guys are gonna get rekt
>didn't buy at 70 cents
this thing is about to crash any day now.
>didn't buy at 80 cents
you saw that dip to 70 cents? it's all gonna crash soon you'll see
>didn't buy at 90 cents
1 dollar ADA is never gonna happen
>you are here

>> No.29533327

Priced in

>> No.29533791

Only if you have an actual interest in running one

>> No.29533900

back to the dollar, $3 by end of march

>> No.29534620

Redpill me on native tokens bros.
Why should I care about them?

>> No.29534667

>download app
> minimum amount of 2950 ADA

maybe next time bros aha