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29509322 No.29509322 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29510370
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, RubicEVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic 200usd eoy

>> No.29510414


scam coin

>> No.29510433

you made me look

>> No.29510534
File: 129 KB, 327x240, LAMPOIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29510593

you're getting scammed out of your time on this earth by browsing threads on 4chan that don't interest you

>> No.29510621

Fudders eternally BTFO.

>> No.29510668


fuck off pajeet

>> No.29510760

Are we winning boys?

>> No.29510850


>> No.29510872
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>> No.29511070
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You heard the man nocuber, gtfo now.

>> No.29511996
File: 1.27 MB, 826x834, norbic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norbic spotted.
thats slang for "no rubic" or "no cuber"

>> No.29512152


>> No.29512222
File: 186 KB, 264x354, Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 21.35.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am becoming RIIIIIICH

>> No.29512244

Literally fucking dumping

>> No.29512375

$10 eoy

>> No.29512477
File: 83 KB, 2400x1256, rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29512687

Please tell me no real people are falling for such an obvious second rugpull on the same coin. Will it be 0.80 again? Or will it go a little higher before the crash to jackshit.

>> No.29512748
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>> No.29512777

There’s literally no evidence this is a scam, it got chosen for a pnd by MCDCers

>> No.29512909

It's going to dump a few times in the climb back to 80c as people who fomod in cash out.
But the project is solid and it's likely to go beyond $1 in the very near future.

>> No.29513161
File: 708 KB, 803x803, RubicRei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong chads, we're gonna make it

>> No.29513186

i think its better this way. it will be more spread out and give people time to accumulate. i just feel bad for that guy who bought 400k at like 80,000$ and tried to swing like a retard and eventually sold at a loss.

>> No.29513300
File: 1.91 MB, 1200x976, 1613842390363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said the same thing about link didn't you pajeet. Pour my fucking wine pajeet.

>> No.29513355
File: 1.43 MB, 1444x1053, rubicdevil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving upwards, standing strong, very bullish, always cubic

>> No.29513485

seriously though wtfwthat 32 eth buy...

>> No.29513616
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>> No.29513662
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Very nice

>> No.29513711
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>> No.29513755
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>> No.29513757
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>> No.29514017

Don't. He was warned about swinging, and swingers get the rope.

>> No.29514082

Sweet Vishnu the amount of doubles here....

>> No.29514130

I never doubted Rubic btw. Also check these numbers.

>> No.29514138

i didnt mean accumulate by swinging. just more people buying in at a lower price. i only swung once and it was too stressful. with my luck ill swing and some ultra mega chad whale will bring us to 10$ overnight.

>> No.29514222

Watching him dump for a 10% gain in an hour.

>> No.29514239
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Rubic Looking Cubic

>> No.29514425


>> No.29514480
File: 140 KB, 768x522, 1614019808681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taste of success fren

>> No.29514500


>> No.29514524

They will never learn.

>> No.29514563
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>> No.29514620
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>> No.29514914
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Rubic Staying Rubic

>> No.29515075
File: 126 KB, 360x450, gokurubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based dear sir

>> No.29515392

bought even more at the 26c dip, thnx dumpers

>> No.29515443


>> No.29515803

Good job anon... The red is parting and making way for the green to come

>> No.29516218
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>> No.29516482

lol these organized shill threads are so fucking pathetic, even moreso at the end of the bull run

>> No.29516559
File: 631 KB, 1280x720, D38EF6C1-EAC6-4036-8616-08A43B5DF99F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic = cubic

Everytime it dips, i buy 1K more

>> No.29516635

Nigger it just took a hard dip and barely recovered and it's still lower than yesterday at this time calm your tits

>> No.29516854
File: 341 KB, 795x600, 1613947999750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great original content
Keep it up
Rubic Still Cubic

>> No.29517221

Well done

>> No.29517329
File: 406 KB, 900x519, 914273CE-7300-443E-BBFB-55CD0E954C08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8,

Still cubic

>> No.29517375

Look at the whole market, bro.
This cube is performing well.

>> No.29517435

You’re going in the pink collage

>> No.29517448

How many of you faggots are there colluding to shill this shitcoin?

>> No.29517535

My Rubic stays pubic (hair)

>> No.29517537

none, you're just mad you missed out

>> No.29517690
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20210222_165358_524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, you're just a linear thinker and can't tell a fuxking winner.

>> No.29517711

Fuck off dumb nigger. Why do you think someone would shill a currency they're holding? Perhaps because they like to see their investments increase in value?

>> No.29517747
File: 1.77 MB, 860x818, 66B5222D-7602-414A-9816-58F0FF93C9A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits to begin a rubic thread... seems like its every fucking time

>> No.29517755


>> No.29517791

we're all God anyway

>> No.29517818

it's literally organic growth lol

>> No.29517829
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>> No.29517910

Absolute Chad coin

>> No.29517913

I find that really hard to believe, nothing about this seems organic.

>> No.29518012

maybe you're just a midwit

>> No.29518046

Don't spend your money on it then retard. Your retarded ass would sell at the first dip anyway.

>> No.29518076

It’s over...

>> No.29518142
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, 1614093725605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say the same thing about link? I hope you realize that rubic is biz coin.

>> No.29518436

Calm down m8, I'm just sus as fuck about this whole thing, and I talked to a guy yesterday who was talking about offing himself because he felt he put a bunch of money into rubic and feels like he got scammed from it.

I can't be 100% sure but my guy feeling tells me that this shitcoin is being colluded by a group of people to be shilled with all these threads and memes popping up. Nothing about this seems organic.

>> No.29518545

What do you mean your gut? Are you fuxking dumb? Dyer on the project you fucking moron. Holy fuck stay poor.

>> No.29518739

>what do you mean your gut?
You honestly telling me you don't know what it means when someone says their gut feeling?

Also I bet I probably have a much better portfolio then you do. I just invest in real stuff, not shilled shitcoins.

>> No.29518875
File: 274 KB, 1200x800, 1614039525145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You invest off your gut you fucking moron? Holy fk, you missed link, you'll miss RUBIC.

>> No.29518971

That's not true, there's too much personal emphasis and spirit in these threads, and they don't follow a 'line'. It just branches.

>> No.29519075

Dude think for your fucking self and do your own research. no one gives a shit if you buy or not, you don't matter. neither do I, but I do hold Rubic. I also did my own research.

>> No.29519166
File: 36 KB, 600x375, 54000249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake and Gay
Things that never happened for a $1.00

>> No.29519208

I never said that I invest off my gut you retard. I said that my gut feeling tells me that rubic is being colluded to be shilled by a group of people, I've heard other people speculate the same thing.

>> No.29519275

seriously, think about your life
is this what you want to do - scam people?
I do think there's karma

>> No.29519466
File: 42 KB, 517x508, 1612132458757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Coiner
Fud Faggot

>> No.29519532

Nothing ever happens does it? I was actually in a thread with some guy that said he put a bunch of his cash in Rubic, and he said he's made no gains since he's done it and after it crashed yesterday he said he felt like he may have been scammed by the memes. Don't care if you believe me, it really happened. Why the fuck would I make that up. How hard is it to believe some guy who put a bunch of money in this shitcoin and felt like he got scammed yesterday after the dip would be really pissed off?

I really don't care about your shitcoin to make up lies, do what you want I'm just saying I personally think it's sus as fuck.

>> No.29519880
File: 201 KB, 1280x960, 1614017945098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen motherfucker I'm going to break it down for you. Rubic is a 40 million dollar market cap. Compare it to uniswap or pancake swap which are in the billions. All these other swaps are for singular chains, like eth or bsc. Rubic on the other hand also does cross chain so it's going to be the epicenter for all chain swaps. This will be the fuckint amazon of shopping, literally a one stop shop. These transactions will also come with an anonymized and L2 for quick and near zero fees. You wanna fucking make it? DYOR and accumulate a nice stack for the next few years. Rubic will dethrone Uni, mark my words.

>> No.29520017
File: 28 KB, 500x601, 1613926001269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spoke to a pussy who bought high and sold low and he tells me this is a one
What poor hands typed this?

>> No.29520083

Pnd you spastic paraplegia

>> No.29520168
File: 10 KB, 194x259, 2f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Reddit Faggot?
People post pink wojacks with guns to their head and a noose every single day in plenty of threads. In addition a sob story of being financially ruined
Do you think they are actually going to kill themselves?
They do it for the lolz
It's not real

>> No.29520177

Anon, people say that about every coin.

>> No.29520313


>> No.29520333

Obviously I don't think he was actually going to kill themselves retard. I'm just repeating what he said.

>> No.29520564

The first pump was coordinated, MCDC faggots and Comma did it.
No way to know about this one.

>> No.29520591

If he's afraid of the price falling 40% overnight he should stay the fuck away from investing in crypto. Even Bitcoin does that shit. This is a 38m marketcap defi project with ambitious goals. There's going to be a lot of bumps on the road to success and this is coming from someone that has 6 figures invested. I was euphoric at 80c and borderline suicidal at 25c, but I held on to my stack and kept buying the dip since I have faith in Vlad and his vision. If you're just here to ride a pump and sell after doubling your money don't come crying if it goes down and you're forced to HODL longer than you expected.

>> No.29520729
File: 8 KB, 222x227, 986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Faith
Repeating what he said
Spreading lies about Rubic
You are a Fud Faggot
Get lost

>> No.29520968

your friend needs someone to hold his paper hands and tell him he did good in his investments.
is your friend you?

>> No.29521096

I haven't spread any lies about Rubic, I just speculated that I think the whole thing is sus, and is possibly being colluded by a group. If it's legit, great. Good luck. But the fact you guys get so damn defensive about this coin makes it seem even more sus.

>> No.29521111

isrubiccubic (dot) biz

>> No.29521256

>your friend
Random guy I saw in a thread yesterday. I wouldn't be friends with someone dumb enough to invest a bunch of money into a coin they know nothing about if their not willing to lose it.

If it was me I wouldn't be calling it a possible shilled shitcoin, I'd be praying it goes up.

>> No.29521268

wow it’s almost like people take offense to retarded FUD. How fucking full of yourself are you that you think a bunch of internet strangers should pay attention to what your gut says? Rubic is literally a working project, you can go to their website and exchange coins on it, you blithering idiot.

>> No.29521270

RubiChads, is it possible to buy Rubic with BNB or can you only use ETH?

>> No.29521286
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying and pretending
You know what you are trying to do
Use a made up sob story to tarnish Rubic
Spreading lies about it being a scam
Fuck off fud faggot

>> No.29521530

Not yet, but it will be soon.

>> No.29521552

I never said anyone should pay attention to me or take my advice, I literally just speculated I think this coin is sus. Like I said the more you guys get defensive over it, the more sus I think it is.
>stop lying
I haven't lied about a single thing, I don't want the name of the coin to be tarnished. I really don't care that much, the whole thing just seems weird to me. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.29521652

Rubic will implement WRBC, which you can use to buy on bnb

>> No.29521722

End of the bullrun >he is new, he doesnt know...

>> No.29521775

okay thats great! i already bought some with eth and i was trying to buy with BNB but now I see what the issue is

>> No.29521894
File: 420 KB, 1200x912, 1613957659108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative speculation is Fud
You are basing it off of this convenient story that you said happened, trust me
You continue to rationalize your bullshit
You are just a Fud Faggot
Be gone

>> No.29521929

>even more sus
You keep this stupid Among Us meme. Are you underage? From reddit? Nobody talks like this on 4chan.

>> No.29521962

>said he felt like he may have been scammed by the memes

Then he is objectively retarded. If you buy an investment that people are enthusiastic about and the investment goes down and you lose money, it doesn't mean you were scammed it means the investment went down and/or didn't pan out. Scamming requires intentional fraud. ASKO was a poor inveatment that didnt pan out, MCDC was a scam - these are two entirely difgerent things and if someone is literally too stupid to figure ot the difference and they are just one of those morons that feel like they were cheated everytime the big line goes down then he honestly should kill himself and improve the collective IQ of the species.

>> No.29522218

lol, sus is slang word that people have been using for way longer than that shitty game came out, it's not a meme word. It's been common slang for suspicious where I'm from since I was a teenager, and I'm in my mid 20's now. I've probably been using 4chan way ;longer than you have.

>> No.29522286
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>> No.29522311

Okay, can anyone shill me on Rubic? I like invest products that I can use or have a good use case in the DeFi sphere, so why would I use this exchange when it's only cheaper than Uniswap sometimes, but still not as fast or cheap as Pangolin or Zero Exchange?

>> No.29522342


>> No.29522474
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>> No.29522477
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>> No.29522537

go play in traffic

>> No.29522598
File: 406 KB, 1694x1416, LUAvsRBC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy LUA instead, backed by TOMO, much more room for gains

>> No.29522626

one stop cross chain swaps, limit orders on dex (not an order book) coming, l2 coming, anonymizer coming, doxxed team, relatively small mc, not listed on cex's yet

>> No.29522710

Guys how do I stop checking the price?
I just want to set it and forget it, come back to a few ten thousand.

>> No.29522758

Nobody cares about your shitcoin get fucked pajeet

>> No.29523031

Okay, not bad.

>> No.29523052

It doesn't do shit because it is a pajeet scam. When you ask a shill about real life application they're just gonna say some bullshit like "huh, it's 'coz it's the future, just believe"

>> No.29523106
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>its a scam

>> No.29523194

I mean I know, I'm up almost double, but still you niggers act like it's mooning

>> No.29523567

It's a working exchange that will link both bsc and eth chains seamlessly what more application do you need weatherboy

>> No.29523644
File: 160 KB, 1641x859, 16140530463055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUA Faggot Bag Holder

>> No.29523702

I don't think you understand what the word scam means bud
stay poor lmao

>> No.29524137

I went to the LUA website and couldn't immediately see the dev team listed anywhere.

Good luck with that

>> No.29524518
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He probably thought he was getting in early on an ico or presale too

>> No.29525089

It's not finished yet. Hopefully next month.

>> No.29525122
File: 773 KB, 1032x1080, 1613655728891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Almost back to eth local top. The perfect hedge against eth and btc atm

>> No.29525312

I fomod into rubic and I’m starting to feel like I should have bought more ftm instead.

>> No.29525315
File: 2.28 MB, 2690x1372, pangolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all time lows:

$18.85 -80.5%
Feb 19, 2021 (4 days)
$0.04093934 347.3%
Feb 02, 2021 (21 days)
$0.00334879 11123.0%
Oct 26, 2020 (4 months)

>> No.29525396

im sorry. that was the all time high of pangolin.
the all time low is from here.
All-Time Low $3.60 2.1%
Feb 23, 2021 (about 2 hours)

>> No.29525950

I fomo'd into rubic at .25-.26 and the next day it went straight up haha

>> No.29526652

Forget about his fool
Probably goes to lesbian chatrooms and says abortion is wrong for the lulz.

Pribably one of those LUA turds from yesterday.

Just dont pay any attention

>> No.29526898
File: 188 KB, 1012x674, 1613121281009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me anon? Top 50 wallet reporting in

>> No.29527011

sign up for coinwink and set some email alerts on RBC.

>> No.29527092

into the 2022 seethe collage you go you fucking nigger

>> No.29527856

I've been collecting Rubic fud for a while now. I don't care if I have to wait 2 years, I'm going to be so fucking smug when it happens. So many /biztards are going to rope.

>> No.29527933

i hope you've been collecting lots of screencaps for the collage. i've definitely missed some big moments so far