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29511558 No.29511558 [Reply] [Original]

This is my first time buying crypto.

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.29511689

You actually bought the dip and not the peak? As a beginner you got what it takes. Welcome!

>> No.29511874

yes, you bought the dip

>> No.29511999

you bought eth, yikes ngmi

>> No.29512061

You're off to a better start than 99% of us. Back in 2017, I bought every peak and sold every dip. Don't be like me, Anon.

>> No.29512072

Yea you'll make it.

>> No.29512147

That's a winner portfolio but only if you can hold for a long time.

>> No.29512238

Good choices, now hold for the next few years. Don't get involved with shitcoins until you're in five figure hell at least

>> No.29512441

Nice trips, friend. Everything I've read suggest ETH is a great investment. What's wrong with it?

>> No.29512511

>ETH, Link

>> No.29512562

Thanks frens! I saw all the pink wojaks on /biz/ and thought it might be time to really look into crypto and made the jump. Looks like it might dump some more though, so I'm still a little concerned.

>> No.29512639

No. Buy algo grt

>> No.29512678

Pink wojaks and bobos are usually a strong buy signal

>> No.29512790

I have a question though, should I move these coins to a wallet? Apparently the transfer fees are pretty expensive and as you can see there are not a lot of coins here...

>> No.29512809

is 200 bucks good enough for a poorfag like me to enter

i dont wanna wageslave anymore

>> No.29513035

No, but you will afford a ps5 end of year

>> No.29513168

Why these two coins? I see them shilled a lot but smells like shitcoins.

>> No.29513299


You probably just bought from the bags of a panic seller, congrats op. Just don't become one of them, crashes are always imminent but so are bullruns. YGMI.

>> No.29513444
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>Lunch money into 3 projects in the top 10

Why do people do this? What's the point?

>> No.29513549

he's just memeing, or a bagholder. every other shitcoin wants to be eth, so it's a common target

>> No.29513575

Swap it for BNB, ETH is kill

>> No.29513655

>buying ether
>sub $1000
anon you're gains will be pathetic and eth shits the bed often so losses will be more pronounced. get off eth and put it into atom or some other staked coin on coinbase basic

>> No.29513682

for 600 bucks it's not worth stressing too much over having your own wallet. like you've seen, we're currently in high congestion times, so fees would be prohibitive for you

they are indeed shitcoins

>> No.29513725
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>smells like shitcoins.
So why are 2/3 of your portfolio shitcoins?

>> No.29513729

Bro eth is kill, try making a transaction without sacrificing your unborn son.

>> No.29513847

>muh gas fees
Why are faggots like you acting like this was a new thing?

>> No.29513871

Based. I almost bought at peak myself because of FOMO but held off, so goddamn happy I held off.

>> No.29514040
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Did the same with 300eur on the exact same coins, 5 months ago. Eventually bought more and dabbled into shitcoins, probably put down 3.5K. Was comfortably riding this to 15K before the crash. Barely 12K now but holding for the future. You will make it, anon. Wagmi, frens.

>> No.29514155
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>you bought eth, yikes ngmi

>> No.29514193

Use the ETH to buy shitcoins, retard. Gas fees were always a thing.

>> No.29514289

Safe choices + bought the dip. Good job

>> No.29514300

Maybe because if this guy >>29511558
tries to move his shit it would unironically cost him 20% of his folio ?
Thats new fucking faggot

>> No.29514350
File: 136 KB, 644x632, 1613982602926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is a shitcoin.
Sell it.

>> No.29514724

are you actually a nigger or something? he can't invest into any potentially good coin because he's a poorfag?

>> No.29515136

pick one lower market cap project you think is solid once you want to get riskier and start making power moves. what u have us fine but it’s not going to 10x or something, imo

>> No.29515507

no XRP


>> No.29515720

>you're gains

>> No.29515856
File: 250 KB, 1080x942, eth bagholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ETH: please pay $400 to move coins to wallet

fuck off with your kikery, I'd rather pay the cheap fees that chinks offer than your kike coin

>> No.29515895
File: 82 KB, 640x640, 1597211170342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good for your first bit of crypto. Ignore any more dips if they worry you. It's going back up.

I hold weighted highest to lowest.


Do your own research and see where it takes you. Everything I hold is solid. Except Student coin that is an absolute meme I bought cus fuck it.

>> No.29515898

you're better off YOLOing it all into something like ADA for better gains. buying shit like BTC or ETH sub $1000 is retarded

>> No.29515936

Then don't move your fucking folio brainiac, it's really no rocket science. There is literally no reason to do so if you haven't even invested five digits. Just wait until ETH fixes this shit

>> No.29516061
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Buy this. Play games and take some break. Search BET on coingecko. You should be good with your bags

> https://twitter.com/ACEcool101/status/1364190172733128704?s=19

>> No.29516222

>buying shit like BTC or ETH sub $1000 is retarded

>> No.29516495

you're not going to make shit and like many others have said you will be getting raped by ETH gas fees. just put the $200 from ether into ADA or BNB

>> No.29516599

You literally need more ETH. Dont listen to these shills. Most people here are bag holders of some ETH copy cat so they shit talk ETH for no reason.

>> No.29516671

I put like 4k in gains from bull run in BTC, and im pretty sure is going up so you're going to make money, just dont expect to be a multimillionaire unless your willing to buy full coins. BTC is a neat passive income for the next few years.
Ethereum on the other is getting increasing competition from altcoins and its slowly growing and eth2 complications are making it more obvious the project much more internally troubled and it might not be able to compete with altcoins in the future if rate of project progress stays the same and projects like DOT and ADA take off (which they most likely will)

>> No.29516731

desu I don't mind paying $50-$80 per transaction to make my swaps but when I was more of a poorfag it really hurt my soul