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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29509616 No.29509616 [Reply] [Original]

Why do seemingly normal people always go so fucking weird as soon as they become extremely wealthy? Young pics/vids of people like zuckerburg, bill gates etc. all make them seem pretty normal and average. What happens when they hit a certain level of wealth? Do the lizard people come and pay them a visit? Are they initiated into some weird money cult?

>> No.29509747

Bill Gates still seems normal to me. I saw him jump over a chair once

>> No.29509894

zuck was literally never normal. pretty much the proto-incel, he created facebook to stalk and harass and gossip about girls at his college who never would have known he existed

>> No.29509935


They need to do initiation rituals with the existing pedo elite in order to go from millionaire to billionaire.

>> No.29509994

so he is /ourguy/?

>> No.29510014

once you reach a certain level the distinction between personal and professional life blurs. you are always "on camera" or "at work." i've had several gay corporate jobs and i've noticed it around manager level in professional services or senior manager/director level in corporate. this is when you turn into a weird robotic shell of a person.

>> No.29510054
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Mmmmh yes

>> No.29510201


>> No.29510272

It's a bit like political power. It is very socially isolating and people will immediately start treating you very differently.

>> No.29510314

Honestly a good question. Bezos seems almost likeable back in the early 2000s.

>> No.29510379

Zuckerberg came from a relatively rich family.
He's not a self-made man.

Same for Bill Gates

>> No.29510382

He so nearly fucked that up on live TV

>> No.29510588

They get replaced by drug-dependant genetically autistic clones of themselves

>> No.29510591

The look on Bill's face reminds me of a Simpson episode where Krusty is eating and praising one of his burgers on camera only to spit it out and call it poison as soon as he thinks the camera is off.

>> No.29510594

I now want to take the vaccine.

>> No.29510779

I would assume that if you were a billionaire and had friends in high circles that instead of getting your info from /pol/ you’d get it straight from the source and then your weltanschauung would change dramatically

>> No.29510818

i assume your perspective on how you perceive things changes once you reach certain wealth threshold
>what do you mean i can just buy that thing
i wouldn't know since i am not rich but i guess its like that

>> No.29510831

A fair risk to take to get laid after that

>> No.29510859

Zuck is a fucking troglodyte automaton and his net worth will never change that.

>> No.29510917

You are inducted into a satanic group. You either do what they say or die

>> No.29511052

They escape the matrix and stop pretending to care about norms and etiquette
9% of what people do and say is pure bullshit to fit in
You don't need that anymore when you're truly independent

>> No.29511384

Great response, anon - makes sense.

>> No.29511509
File: 659 KB, 1080x1079, 1570968435343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do the lizard people come and pay them a visit?
Literally this.
Look the story of Kyle Odom

>> No.29511730

it's the blood transfusions from adolescent boys
it DOES something to them

>> No.29511761

You get a unique perspective on a lot of things. I'm feeling it now as I build more and more wealth and I'm no where near Zuckerberg or Gates. Locally I have more money than everyone I know though and the path that got me there undoubtedly changed me because to get there bare minimum required a reorganization of my priorities. You have to stop sweating the bullshit because as your time becomes more valuable sweating the bullshit can actually have a significant negative dollar value slapped on it. If worrying whether a girl likes you or not distracts you from your business, then worrying about this can actually cost you several thousand dollars (or more). The end result is you have a financial incentive to deprioritize your concern for that sort of thing. That isn't how most people function though.

Meanwhile, at the level those guys are at, I imagine it works positively as much as it does negatively and everything is amplified. They probably become hyper-fixated on building a legacy to humanity. Choosing one decision over another carries with it millions or even billions of dollars in ramifications, so they become more machine like. Most people's time is functionally worthless and so they don't have to be particularly careful about their time. They can not only stop and smell the roses, they can roll around in them, pick them, and dance all around them. As your time becomes more and more valuable, smelling the roses costs money, so you become incentivized to optimize the shit out of your time, philosophy on life, and so on. This is very unusual to most people. These guys aren't thinking about or focusing on the same things you or I are.

>> No.29511782

Whats so bad about this? Hes just showing off water reclamation. It would be pretty hypocritical to shill the tech without drinking it yourself

>> No.29511932

Nothing wrong with that. It's just goofy out of context. I'd rather phrase it to show that it was feces infested water that has been cleaned for drinking, but that loses the wow effect.

>> No.29512111

Yeah your right. I wouldnt start with "i drank water made from human feces". Sounds like a drunk story

>> No.29512468

Probably the best comment here. At billionaire level, you're an "organiser" of money/resources at a global level, shuffling it efficiently around to get either more of it or to prove the point to others that you're better handling their money instead of themselves.

>> No.29513389

aye, even the name gives creeper vibes: face book -- a collection of dossiers

>> No.29513792

They have to start managing lots of teams which means less flexibility, less erratic behavior, less random mistakes, less errors, having to be more careful with your words, conveying "leadership" and so on

When you start taking responsibility of other people you start realize you can't just act however you want even if you wanted to

>> No.29513998

>feces infested water that has been cleaned for drinking
that's not what it was
it was water extracted from human feces
not feces infested water

big difference. one recycles fucking shit while the other cleans water

>> No.29514102

gates and zuck are beta autists. The problem is when they control so much wealth and power they are put into the public spotlight and they just cant handle that sort of thing

>> No.29514230

Stillsuits when?

>> No.29514491


I work at a startup (early employee) that has now fully launched to meme tech status (>$300M valuation) and it’s funny how early on, I could talk and make jokes with the CEO and other founders and it was a great time. Now every conversation is robotic when I talk to them. I was actually reprimanded for making a benign comment about office arrangements in a meeting by the CEO, because he felt like as an early employee I should show more support for lower our structures and systems.

It’s basically just people shifting from how they act to how they THINK they should act. It’ll happen to you too if you ever make it and have to engage in an outwardly facing role.

Make a joke about a competitor? Your stock will get affected. State a vague prediction about the future of your industry? News will come for you.

That being said Zucc is a fucker and he deserves the scrutiny people put on his behavior because all of his actions and words are a show for the camera.