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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 509 KB, 1022x1016, Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 12.08.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2949722 No.2949722 [Reply] [Original]

about to finally top 400k again boys!!!

>> No.2949726

should I fomo buy or go to sleep I don't think its going to break 400k desu

>> No.2949733

in order went through at 398 like 5 min ago. its gonna happen

>> No.2949746

Once news of the fake news spreads expect it to drop like your wife's panties when her boyfriend shows up while you're at work.


>> No.2949755


This isn't going to happen. This isn't the reason the price went up. Good lord.

>> No.2949773

Pretty sure people went long term into this coin with the expectation of the China government shit, its all over for Neo

>> No.2949782

Just put 50% of my portfolio into ANS at 395k. Expecting 500k within 6 hours.

I hope I did good anon!

>> No.2949787

No one going long term on NEO cares about government shit lol.

They are going long term because the technology is leagues above ETH and they are creating their own space in the blockchain as well as doing everything very securely and professionally.

They LITERALLY just said they didn't have have a partnership with the government in their AMA and in the recent interview.

Stop spreading useless FUD.

>> No.2949794

I missed the moon plane.
Aaaaaand I'm out. Damn it's not a good feeling. Stupid lengthy processes to get approved to finally convert fiat into BTC.
BTC is way too high anyway.

>> No.2949799
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even at 395k nobody is dumping..

>> No.2949801
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Thanks for this pump, /biztards. Managed to get in earlier today @ 300k. Literally flipped a coin between this shitcoin and OMG. Fake news didn't hurt the God Emperor and it sure as hell won't hurt ANS.

>> No.2949811

Are you me? I did the exact same thing.

>> No.2949827
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.2949832
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is now a good time to enter lads?

>> No.2949834


It means we're going to the moon anon.

>> No.2949848
File: 36 KB, 1207x304, ans1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell now. it will dip hugely then get up to 400k eventually in the coming weeks.

>> No.2949856

lmao this graph

>> No.2949861

They just deleted the gov tweet how lame wtf

>> No.2949865

>Bought at 32
>Sold at 39
>Bought again at 35
>Sold again at 39
Doubt it gonna break 40, gonna put a buy order at 33

>> No.2949870

good boy.
screen cap this post: >>2949848

>> No.2949871


>> No.2949874


Once again it was stated in the AMA they don't have any partnership with the government.

The spike was going up long before that tweet.

>> No.2949878 [DELETED] 
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its gonna break 400k.

>> No.2949894

There is some major whale activity on Bittrex right now

Buying and selling ANS near the 399k mark

>> No.2949895

Too risky for me personally. I can always re-buy in if it doesn't drop in the coming hours, but i have to go to sleep and don't want to chance it. I'm just a minnow so I'll take my guaranteed money and watch for a bit.

>> No.2949927


bro its just TA its high level stuff

calculus, radius, linear regression

>> No.2949936

>I drew a line and an arrow
>high level stuff

>> No.2949938

>whether people buy and sell is based on muh calculus and math equations and shiet


>> No.2949945


Sounds like a good strategy.

Always go with your instinct.

>> No.2949959

Thank you for the encouragement. I might be crazy because I'm a nucoiner, but I'm pretty sure there were a few whales trying to keep the price down today as well. I think bad news also has a much bigger impact than good when it comes to these markets. I'm also just focused on small short term profits right now to grow my portfolio, so this pump today was absolutely huge for me. Bottom line is I'll be able to sleep good tonight and not have to worry about this shit, and just buy in on the next dip.

>> No.2949980
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>> No.2949994

The ole buy high sell higher strategy? Good luck with that.

>> No.2950003

What do you think it'll be worth by the end of the month? Can we expect 15$?

>> No.2950007


>> No.2950008

And even more

>> No.2950015

God damn it! Good thing I waited to buy in more. My gains are comfy, but I'd be surprised if this doesn't make it dip at least a bit today. A lot of people did panic buy last night because of this, and more than likely they haven't woken up to the bad news yet.

>> No.2950018

I'm gonna dump more money into it
Lambo awaits

>> No.2950027

I want to participate to the hype train too, but I don't have any neo :/
If anybody could help a lost friend

>> No.2950031

I put in a buy order 3 days ago for $7...

Never went though and had to buy back at $10.


>> No.2950041

You're going to really kill yourself if it dips on the fake news tonight.

>> No.2950050

it will dip lol, it will go back to 300k

thx for buying my bags

>> No.2950070

Sell @ $11 and rebuy after dip???

>> No.2950079

That's what I did. I made a post about it earlier in this thread. Too risky for me at the moment. I don't think the Chinese thing is what caused the pump, but I have a bad feeling about this one. I'm taking my gains out while they are guaranteed.

>> No.2950084

Can't sell at $11 anymore. Dumped below that.

>> No.2950095

Or just HODL

you'll make $$$ even if you bought at 500k

>> No.2950096

Literally just went though...

Patience my young pandawan.

>> No.2950099

Tempted to sell and buy more omg but both risky at this point think I'm just gonna hold and hope bcc dumping increases price

>> No.2950125

Im only $100 above break even when it's $11+, and I've been holding for about a month and a half. What do, anon?

>> No.2950131

I switched all my ANS to OMG. I've never bought anything at ATH before, but it's looking exactly like ANS did before it shot up to 12 dollars.

>> No.2950161

Sold at 391k and set buy order at 310k. Sound about right?

>> No.2950165

310 sounds a bit low. id spread between 320 and 350, but i have adhd and like quick trades

>> No.2950214


i doubt it will even touch 350

>> No.2950232

I did it, I sold all of my remaining ANS at 395 and got out at +$1100, even though I originally bought at ATH.

Currently sitting on 4.56BTC waiting to go all in once this dips again.

I...it will dip again, right guys?

>> No.2950237

I sold my ANS like a nigger at $9.30 yesterday

>> No.2950312


I fucking hope so my man, got out at 387, rebuy @ 355.

Pray friendo.

>> No.2950325
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>> No.2950326

I sold really early, how could this have pumped so much on fake news?

>> No.2950332
File: 75 KB, 1080x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news but still not dropping?! Are whales done accumulating? I need a dip guys srs

>> No.2950387


>> No.2950398
File: 49 KB, 196x246, 1498283087934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hesitate buying at 9
>surely it'll go down, sell the news
>it just keeps going up
>and up
>and up


>> No.2950405

i just called china and told them that i sold. it will go down any minute.

>> No.2950414

Thank you

>> No.2950418

>neither btc nor ans is dipping


>> No.2950424

sell now?

>> No.2950433


>> No.2950454

yea its over go out!

>> No.2950458

>I bought at ATH, please hold my bags: the post

>> No.2950492

alright, I'm holding

>always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.2950500

desu I believe ANS will have a rebound to levels closer to ~350 before the weekend is over, since;
Fake news + Moon = Correction

>> No.2950504

i sold, not even kidding, and just jumped on the XEM-train, which will get powered by BCC. later this weekend i'll go back again to ANS, there will be a nice dip when gravity kicks in.

>> No.2950578


What's the correlation between XEM and BCC? I like smart investments.

>> No.2950644
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>> No.2950645
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I'm not saying I'm ATH, but yeah, I'm thinking I'm ATH.

>> No.2950673

yeah, it's over

>> No.2950724

No stop I was having a good day thanks you cunt

>> No.2950728

fucking finally, fall to 300k you shit

>> No.2950747

G-guys when do we rebuy?

>> No.2950763

Be patient.

>> No.2950765


>> No.2950776


>> No.2950785

Dumb chinked retards deserve to get dumped on. This was pumped because the chink scammers know that btc is going to moon shortly and they're swapping their shitcoin for btc as quickly as you FOMO mouth breathing spazzes are buying it.

Enjoy those bags, bitches. Get nice and comfy with them because you'll be holding them a while. Hopefully you'll learn to discern who is on your side here and the kikes and gooks who want to relieve you of your btc.

>> No.2950797

Well arent you a pleasant person

>> No.2950798


Yeah, this is doesn't mean anything. Besides, check it out again: it's nothing like that...

Good try though!

>> No.2950806

>bought between 26 and 30
>sold between 33 and 39

Eh I'll take it

>> No.2950814
File: 339 KB, 3182x1246, Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 12.53.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it actually looks like right now.

>> No.2950819

Still above $11 on yunbi

>> No.2950823


I bought at 26 an sold at 37. I'm waiting to buy back in at 33 more or less.

>> No.2950862

It's literally diving right now

>> No.2950867

4k wall at 37 removed in bittrex. Are we freefalling yet?

>> No.2950872

I don't see this going that much lower to risk selling and having less in the long run. Probably wrong but too hard to say anymore

>> No.2950874

of course, the price of bitcoin is goin up fast

>> No.2950882


>> No.2950902

too late, it's already going back up

>> No.2950911
File: 65 KB, 552x670, 20376161_1640965235947707_5419092534074354082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will recover no question about it but if you want to buy in the time is now, pre 8th per 8th it will go 500k

Ont; going up again, buy now. Will hodl for atleast 6 months

>> No.2950923

>Rebought 200 at 365000 after selling 100 at 390000


>> No.2950973

I would also like to know this

>> No.2951005

Its a dead ant bounce

>> No.2951072
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>> No.2952252
