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File: 176 KB, 450x337, C6047077-3586-4F8C-B313-2A32F7E0558E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29497421 No.29497421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the populist trifecta
The holy trinity of populist retardation

These cunts will make you think they are helping you but they are only helping themselves

>> No.29497485

Don't know who the nigger is. Would have included Joe Rogan desu.

>> No.29497515


>> No.29497528

These are men that already made it, and decided to go on a crusade after the fact. You should be more wary of poorer people with something to gain from deceit, like most politicians middling around a net worth of $1-10m.

>> No.29497586

rogan is just a dummy, there's no ulterior motive

>> No.29497685

>lowering my taxes and protecting the constitution isn't helping me
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.29497946
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imagine being this retarded

>> No.29497953

TRUMP 2024 with Kanye as Vice President. Can't trust Elon, he's a simp.

>> No.29498064
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Jogs for brains

>> No.29498251


If conservatives were smart they wouldn’t be conservatives

>> No.29498305
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go ahead and hold your hat out, faggot

>> No.29498376
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My two fave men and some other wanker who keeps fucking with my coins

>> No.29498447

okay now do race

>> No.29498527

guarantee you're a cuck living in a red state that is mildly emboldened by a blue president

guarantee you are seething because you thought you were big brain and mad to see yourself be wrong


>> No.29498535

what would they be?

>> No.29498550

Kayne is a retard but seems out of place here

>> No.29498585

>The Constitution is there to protect you
>The document written by Masonic pedo WASP slavers to ensure regional control remains unthreatened as a monopoly is there to protect you

Go back 2016 newfaggot

>> No.29498613

>tfw i didn't pay attention to any of this and got psyop'd into voting dem
i mean, i'm still retarded ofcc but damn. i need to pay attention to monetary policy in the future

>> No.29498639


I don't think he wants to point out that the stupidest people in this country vote 90%+ Democrat, anon

>> No.29498657

How is Kanye doing that?

>> No.29498664

>three men who are incredibly based.
hmm idk op you might be full of shit here

>> No.29498699

Imagine being so deluded by culture war that you think not falling for zion don neocon tactics automatically makes you a democrat (aka the same thing)

>> No.29498733


It's hard to peer through the noise and discern truth from it, anon. But being on 4chan should help, that's the whole point of this site. Ignore the chaos, zero in on the truth.

>> No.29498842

No ““monetary policy”” is real they are both on the same side >>29498733 this guy is a fucking retard 4chan is a giant CIA honeypot

>> No.29498854


It is incredibly hard for a black man to go against his entire community and say "look, maybe the Democrats aren't on our side, and maybe at this point voting Republican or 3rd party is more in our interests." They're a full blown blue death cult and you literally get pariah'd if you go against it. That's a crusade in my book. He got heat these past 5 years and stuck to his guns.

>> No.29498867

You don't like them because they're popular?

>> No.29499046

i live in a nice comfy blue state
why would i live in red third world state?

>> No.29499076


Some kind of authentic third position- NatSoc, reactionary, Tedpill, etc.

>> No.29499091

>muh WASP
You will never be a woman.

>> No.29499142

one of these doesn't belong
>a man who is sending people to space and bringing the electric vehicle to the masses
>a man who is the best musical genius of our time who arguably has the best discography of any artist
>a failed president who was impeached twice and his only accomplishment is getting a photo op with the north korean president

>> No.29499151


>making it easier for niggers to get out of prison

Based Trump. Black unemployment!

>> No.29499160

This is what mental illness looks like

>> No.29499161

You realize you can’t undo deindustrialization, right? All labor has already been exported since Carter. Those jobs the recent administration spurred growth in were all middleman middle class dealership managerial positions. None of the factories were brought back.

>> No.29499210

This. All three of them invited hatred, persecution, and a risk of ruin into their lives that was not there before to do and say the things that they did. I don't agree with all of them all of the time, but I trust their sincerity and authenticity infinitely more than the kikes in Congress and Banks

>> No.29499234
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imagine not wanting to freeze to death to own the libs

>> No.29499236
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Why are MAGAtards so antithetical to the things the proport to uphold?

>> No.29499239

Imagine being so mentally ill you think anyone who disagrees with you is a tranny. Take your pills schizo

>> No.29499294

But didn't he admit last year he no longer likes Trump?

>> No.29499319

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.29499334

You have no future anymore.

>> No.29499352

this fucking jew didnt even have a plan for covid
he want you and your family dead
he pocketed billions while being a president

he single handedly killed crypto with taxes

>> No.29499391
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>How is Kanye doing that?
Called out the Democrats
Bought a ranch in Wyoming
Said his kids will never be prostituted by hollywood
Made 1 billion selling shoes
Tweeted literally every page of his record label contracts
Then threw his grammy in the toilet and pissed on it
Never made music glorifying gang violence
Made one of the best christian albums ever
Started a christian academy
Building his own settlement of tube houses

>> No.29499441

For me it's a fun meme, meanwhile you're all still seriously upholding Marx's tenet of calling everyone who stands in your way a Nazi, and you're dumb enough marks to actually believe it now, too.
>the goal of socialism is communism
t. Father of both

>> No.29499489
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>plutocracy is wrong
You're like... 5000ish years late though.
Its objectively the best and only system for fomenting human advancement.

Politicians should be paid more honestly, but so much of American politics is wrapped up in
>Hey that guy is rich and fucking you!
because of how nobody went to jail in 2008 and the message was an easy way to score points.

>> No.29499571


Elon Musk literally wants to put a chip in your brain.

>> No.29499605

Why is populism bad exactly? It's just policies that help the majority of the people.

>> No.29499766
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I hate the guy but so what?

Why are you all so fucking pozzed by alarmist sci-fi Hollywood writers that you are unable to take a step forward as a civilization?

When has microchipping everyone's brain ever affected society negatively?

>> No.29499846

Marx famously wrote about calling everyone nazis in the 1800’s. Hang yourself suburban mongoloid

>> No.29499916


>just embrace the singularity goy!

Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.29499994

No its pandering to the majority of people and acting as a mouthpiece for their perceived qualms.
Newsflash, the majority of people are uncivilized morons that don't know why they're unhappy or suffering. Especially in the Internet age.
That's why therapy and mood altering drugs exist.

Decisions should be left to people who spent the last 20-50 years reading and analyzing policy and economics, philosophy and sociology.

>> No.29500001

Also, the founding fathers you worship would fit you into a cock n ball torture device and work you to death because it fit under their WASP conception of rights. Very free.

>> No.29500029
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>orangeman will say anything you want to hear to get more money for his towers
>musk will say anything you want to hear because he is raising money to BTFOd earth and setup an infrastructure for Grimes and himself on mars; think sophisticated batteries, cheap space travel, reliable sattelite internet, solar power that actually works. Musk doesn't give a fuck about a couple of inbred retards in the midwest getting access to the internet, he wants to shitpost on Twitter while on Mars
>Kanye will say anything you want to hear to get attention so you can buy his shoes
>pic rel are all selfish niggers
If you fell for any of those idiots words, you are a gullible naive fagot and deserve everything taken from you. It was so obvious Elon was testing the waters with $DOGE first, seeing if any moralfags object his actions. Personally I thought he would've shilled $ETH not $BTC. Because $ETH would have at least 3xed.

>> No.29500033


"populism" is a scare word for anything the establishment doesn't like (doesn't benefit them directly and may even harm them)

>> No.29500136

Go suck Raybradbury's dick. If it doesn't work out we can just stop and say
>oh boy never again
Good job keeping us tethered to this stinking rock until religious zealots find out how to make nukes and destroy us all.

>> No.29500140
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why are you all so mind-numbingly predictable? Your brain is a literal program.

>> No.29500191

It just means the elites don't approve, when they do approve its democracy

>> No.29500197

>doesn't benefit them directly and may even harm them
this tbqh, they'd call you a nazi if they could get away with it so they call it "populist"

>> No.29500218
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Wrong. The killer blow did not begin until the late 90's. You're parroting more propaganda. Yeah anon, it was totally a slow burn and automation!!!! They can never come back!!!! A nation of uber drivers and nurses, so sustainable

>> No.29500293

The irony of this statement and having infographics saved to do this on /biz/. You are an NPC.

>> No.29500307

No offence lads

If you sincerely believed that trump
>is anti corruption
>cares about the military and second ammendment
>loves America and sacrificed money to help it

Then you are drop dead dumb as a fucking rock.
I mean Shockingly shockingly stupid.
No question. No arguement. The jury is in.

>> No.29500390
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There's a reason why they're called "elites" anon
>Hey everybody, lets have a society ruled by the leftmost part of the IQ curve because they compose 51% of the population.

>> No.29500543

>It’s CHINA’s FAULT American oligarchs exported all of our cheap production labor to them in favor of a service economy of Uber drivers!!

Hello Chaim, don’t you have a FOXCONN factory to contract?

>> No.29500566

Well that's really based. Kanye does the best rap btw especially "Graduation" is probably the best music album I know. Kanye is someone who makes you one degree less of a rascist

>> No.29500596

remember when he said
>maybe we should just take the guns when they're not looking?
>we might have to take the guns
after that one mass shooting. That was fucking hilarious.
Seeing those genuine off the cuff cracks of common sense before they're covered by his ego and rw talking points

>> No.29500659

imagine being a magatard in 2021

>> No.29500705
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Democracy was a mistake. The common man is a fucking moron that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a voting booth. Just because your mother queefed you out of your cunt doesn't mean you have your full rights as a human. You have to earn those rights. Voting should only be allowed for individuals who maintain a to p 10% capital net worth within their age group, eliminating lowlifes. niggers and females. This is already happening by the way. Thank god for lobbyists.

>> No.29500728

You’re retarded

>> No.29500795

this is literally THE most retarded take I've ever heard.
>rich people have no interest in continuing to fuck you over to achieve more wealth
lmao you are a fucking delusional autistic moron

>> No.29500822

Nah don't have it linked to the monetary system, that's an obvious monopoly.

Something like an ever-changing intelligence test created and curated by super advanced AI would be neat tho.

>> No.29500827
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>> No.29500958

imagine not realizing what an NPC you are, you literally all sound exactly the same. No arguments, no independent though, just regurgitating the same sound bites over and over. Please kys.

>> No.29500961

So you watch CNN and have black dildos lying around, what else is new?

>> No.29501008


can’t wait for based Xi to put amerilards who protect cheesecake factories in camps

>> No.29501141

magatard here. Made $180k from BTC and $40k from ADA so far. Also going to profit from Bidens shit economy over the next few years. Will probably play a few holes at one of Trumps golf courses soon.

>> No.29501230
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Maintaining and growing wealth over decades requires a certain mix of intelligence, self discipline and cunning, dont you think? More than any IQ test can deliver. The nation doesn't need autists, it needs a bunch of cutthroat merchants exploiting shitskins globally. Fuck poor people. If you are so high IQ, you can escape poverty in less than 5 years.

>> No.29501244

Trump lost, you don't need to keep shilling him for free anymore. Time to move on

>> No.29501279

>happens to have an infographic pertaining to the topic at hand
Do you understand what an NPC is or are you literally going “no u”? Answer the question you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.29501445
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i think its funny that people think his batteries are sophisticated

they are literally hundreds of 18650 batteries connected together

any dumbass with some electronic knowledge can put these together

vape fags have been using these for years to make vape boxes

>> No.29501494

Yeah but the rich people can legislate the barrier of entry to such an extent that its insurmountable.

Eventually new technology development would let some poors enter the arena but the existing rich families would react and enact anti-new money laws like the French Nobility did leading up to the revolution.

>> No.29501531

gve some source, the hell is yandex?

>> No.29501821

pick your poison:
> actively minimizing your capacity to speak and think freely
> cancel culture tools after any tantrum
> gibs for everyone under the sun
> moral decay
> hiding their moral superiority with deep canyons of degeneracy, lies, and other bs
> don't think, we will for you

> dgaf about anyone
> muh country (you live in it. benefits you)
> full of shit morally but at least an anchor of some spiritual system
> openly problematic, easy to detect and call out
> tells you to help yourself

>> No.29501952


What even is this response? I hold all parties accountable, it's not their fault for taking advantage, is our "leadership's" fault for opening the floodgates. Stupid fuck

>> No.29502040
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You are dumb. You are poor. You are mentally ill. When the TV says "remove orange man" you say "yes sir." When the TV says "give me your money" you say "yes sir." When the TV says the state is truth, the state is love, the state is salvation, you will eat bugs, you will live in the box, you say "yes."

>> No.29502075

Trump is big gay

>> No.29502121

Can you guess what these three have in common? None of them delivered

>> No.29502130
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His ideas are not dead. American nationalism is not dead. It's actually just the beginning, he planted the seeds, a more powerful candidate will take up the mantle and blow through the globohomos and restore Pax Americana.

Or this country will rot, I will take my bag and go at some point. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

>> No.29502562
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>muh gubment should protect me
What are you, a nigger or woman?
I repeat again. If you are smart you can circumvent this barriers. Rich people get BTFOd all the time, because they start getting lazy and retarded, you just don't hear about it. Government should only enact contract law and protect individuals freedoms from both internal and external threats. Voting should be done by only those who have a substantial stake in the economy. Anything else is free game.

>> No.29502565
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Libs are genuinely easier to navigate
>He touched a booby!

>"Hey guys I used to be a neo Nazi but I've seen the error of my ways, this is why neo Nazis are bad:"
>Hey this guy is pretty cool

But I could really get on board with the whole RW fascism thing if they weren't just so GODDAMN DUMB. Like jfc. I like autocracy but do I really have to ride the short bus?

>> No.29502727

>I repeat again. If you are smart you can circumvent this barriers
Not if you can't
>Rich people get BTFOd all the time
Not if they can't

Yes eventually it will decay and collapse... in like 2000 yrs, but you'll be dead and have missed your chance

>> No.29502906


They are "dumb" because the owners of mass messaging (media/state/schooling) deliberately only show you the stupidest exemplars of their rival ideology while hiding, or castigating, the best ones.

Imagine if they showed you stupid nigs every single day as the only example of a Democrat. No, instead they go out of their way to find some shilly scientist or professor, while driving to a trailer park to find the Republican representative.

This isn't fascism anyway, it's classical liberalism with a nationalist bent.

>> No.29503030
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Let's agree. This is a waste of time and move on. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Not everyone deserves to live and be artificially sustained by protection and assistance from gubment. The world is overpopulated anyways.

>> No.29503037
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Wignut or leftists shill? Makes no difference. Both sound the same when you attack men who suffered loses because they went against the system for your interests. President Donald Trump was the best president the US had in a while, anyone with a brain sees it. Notice how that guy attacks Red Texas because of a once in a lifetime weather event, while hundreds of atrocities are occurring in blue states across this country? Leftists allow someone like Cuomo to murder people to own the Trump and then expect you act like Ted Cruz is too blame.

During these posts, I see another disgusting attitude that exists among white people. You retards believe that "left wing politics" are the default. Wrong, left wing politics are not the default. RIGHT WING POLITICS ARE THE DEFAULT. Not just historically, but objectively, the science says the same thing. They used to be the default in European politics. The American revolution can be seen as the culmination effects of right wing enlightenment values. The American revolution has many similarity to the National Socialists revolution. Some intellectuals even say National Socialism could be seen as the final conclusion to enlightenment values, but you westerners killed it and its no surprise that 1945 was the last gasp of western civilization before it died. Ever since 1945, a "left wing politics is the default" has poisoned ever sector of European civilization and race. Left wing values pollute the Republican party and that can be seen by the fact that the Soviets did a better job at conserving their values then the conservatives of the US. By the fact that in the 60s-80s, a bunch of Neocon former TROTSKITES took over the Republican party, got rid of white interest Republicans (the type who would have opposed free trade and less taxes for the rich and less immigration), and millions of White Americans have been duped to follow them. Trump changed that.

>> No.29503141

Marx liked the founding fathers, you faggot. He tended to like the USA and if I recall correctly, he wrote for a newspaper in New York.

>> No.29503165

Kanye never acted like he gave a shit about anything other than himself though. I agree on the other too

>> No.29503317
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>being a retard who denies the left-right spectrum.

Don't be fucking stupid you moron. The left-right spectrum is an observable scientific phenomena. Have you ever wonder why AI and computers can unintentionally become right wing despite the fact that no one intends AI to be political? There is a reason for this. Have you ever wonder how the fuck something like Lysenkoism and Sluggish Schizophrenia can emerge from leftists? How the fuck does "caring about the working class and defeating the rich" lead to "geneticists are evil". Its no coincidence.

>> No.29503408

Imagine letting mainstream depictions of proponents of an ideology, an ideology which is hated by the mainstream, influence your ideology, , that is what stupid people do. You can probably best estimate the average IQ of a political ideology by looking at the IQ of those that have been arrested and had their IQ tested. All of the right wing extremists who have been arrested and had their IQ tested have been far above average, with almost all of them having IQs above 120.

>> No.29503758

Classical liberalism is for low IQ Sargonites. Classical liberals claim to be objective critical thinkers but they ignore facts and statistics that make them feel uncomfortable or that contradict their worldview and therefore aren't objective critical thinkers.

>> No.29503815

keep idolizing your slave masters cuckboy

>> No.29503921


I don't mean it as a strict dogma but the basic framework from which modern American "conservatives" operate. I'm not sure who you're comparing them to either, your "objective critical thinkers", it's quite objective compared to most mainstream ideologies.

>> No.29504015
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I'm in tears. Just imagining some soiboy typing this out from his cuckshed after his daily 4 hour dose of neoliberal conditioning.

>> No.29504093

generally agree with you
my biggest problem with die-hard libs is their clouded morality leads to shit like the chaz. but when you look at these chaz soldiers, you can't help but have contempt for them. because deep down you know, when they're alone, they're the biggest wacko looking pussy. only strong together and only morally sound when someone is watching; secretly wishing to be the tyrants they claim to hate. very much reminds of me nietzsche's slave morality

as far as the RW, there are people on the shortbus on both sides of the aisle

and yes i'm very well aware of the spectrum
but retards like myself and others need to dramatically showcase differences in stark duality
for them to see the err of absolute ways

>> No.29504600

National Socialism is literally the only true ideology and the only ideology that white people with any sense should be holding. A National Socialist society would be an ideal society, or at least as ideal as possible. Furthermore, National Socialism understands the importance of race and understands how genetics and race impacts society in a way no other ideology does, it is political biology.

>> No.29504881
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I don't, obviously. As you can tell by the almost dead center ideological compass.
I just find it more sensible to live in a libshit society and do the boilerplate
>ooga booga good
in public than do whatever the fuck the right wing is doing...
I like how the Democrats have basically sidelined their radicals by ghosting them with this administration too. Obama admin was my jam, I made so much money trading.

>> No.29505215

>jannies deleted these threads because they're too /pol/
please don't. I can't imagine having a conversation like this on whatever the hell /pol/ has devolved into
nationalism ruined the world, unironically.
I'd rather be living under the Ottomans, Brits, etc than forced into thinking that every single culture needs (or can even function) underlined by a governmental framework

>> No.29506386

Are you pre or post op?

>> No.29506813

That's not what I believe, I think we need a pan-European Aryan superstate as all Europeans have common ancestry, and we can be allied with Arab superstates and Asian superstates.

>> No.29507250

as long as people keep wanting to fuck other races, eventually human races will cease to exist though.
Ethnostates aren't sustainable with progress in transportation technologies.. At best you get eek out maybe 2000 yrs before we're all grey'd out mutts.

>> No.29507383

is that really true?
there are stark differences in culture, behavior, etc. between Swedes, Germans vs Greeks and Italians. Divisions can easily be drawn over time

>> No.29507405 [DELETED] 

This but unironically. Imagine being on /biz/ and trying to get people to shill for Bill 'dim the sun' Gates. But then this is a fucking bait thread.

>> No.29507636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29507670

Literally a retarded take, not going to happen, that is NEVER going to happen while humans still exist. Miscegenation rates are too low.

>> No.29507868

Nah it'll happen. Its literally probability.

Well it won't even matter once genetic engineering is perfectly since we can created olive-skinned 220 IQ adonis'.
Thats why I think all race politics is barking a horsedrawn carriage while Henry Ford is building a car behind you.

>> No.29507951

Not really, there are some minor differences, but most actually white people have pretty similar mannerisms and ways of approaching things, also it is true that we are all of the same ancestry for the most part, most people in Europe descend from the indo-Europeans, the Aryan race. I believe a European superstate is possible and it is necessary if Europe is to become a dominant global force once again.

>> No.29508074

That's a man.

>> No.29508095

leave kanye out of this

>> No.29508094

You're a literal retard living in fantasy land that has literally no understanding of anything. Olive skin is gross anyway.

>> No.29508120

If anyone thinks billionaires are good people, those people need a bullet in their head.

>> No.29508210

>You're a literal retard living in fantasy land
Yet I bet you own crypto
>Olive skin is gross anyway.
Yeah but the zoomers will love it.

>> No.29508263

You know who he is

>> No.29508419

Half of the zoomer generation is going to be dead before they're 40 years old, AT LEAST, and a new aryan global order will emerge from the ashes. Also, I actually don't own any crypto right now.

>> No.29508509

I'm into Asian and Lebanese chicks so I cant say I'm psyched for that.

>> No.29508634

Hapa twinks get me off too, and when I'm dictator of the European world I'll have entire harems of them alongside armies of aryan beauties.

>> No.29508702

not an expert but you can let me know
white americans and white europeans don't always seem to mix well
and for europeans, is the approach to things the same because of some shared framework like the EU? without it, i mean how likely is it that it all returns to the same problem of wars between neighboring nations?
and then what of eastern europeans?

>> No.29508907

Not true, anything can happen in the future. The same chain of events that freed blacks can be undone by a new chain of events that leads to a mass slaughter. Jews will NEVER race mix en masse. Their history proves it.

>> No.29508944

wow yeah trump really helped himself

>> No.29508992

>only helping themselves
Just what do you think you are doing? Saving the world by throwing shade at people you would love to trade places with?

>> No.29509011
File: 952 KB, 2500x1667, SHADOWPREZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.

All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements wI'll be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.29509169

>ews will NEVER race mix en masse
Jews look nothing like jews anymore.
Like those nazi-bait charts of all the media that are jews are just a collection of generic white people.

Real jews literally look like rat-italians

>> No.29509190

It's only the most ignorant American whites that are opposed to Europeans, otherwise they mix relatively well bar a few minor differences in temperament which are cultural and can be sorted out within a generation. Also, with a large superstate governing Europe any cultural differences that caused conflict in the past can also be ironed out within a generation. As for Eastern Europeans, they are also Aryans for the most part, there are a minority of them which have Asiatic admixture, but that is about it.

>> No.29509249

For real he’s just a crazy celeb

>> No.29509269

>Like those nazi-bait charts of all the media that are jews are just a collection of generic white people.
No they aren't.