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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29490075 No.29490075 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready?

>> No.29490194

I'll be a 40 years old virgin by then and when the goverment sizes all my money and properties I'm just gonna an hero.

>> No.29490458

I'm fine with that. Problem is that I will hold nothing and be sad

>> No.29490567

>You'll be getting pegged and you'll be happy.
This is what they mean.

>> No.29490897

Why do you want to own physical assets when the future is digital? People completely misinterpreted that quote. Wouldn't you rather have a $10 Netflix subscription than buying DVDs for $20 each? Going to a digital subscription based model for the future helps everyone. Also allows you to declutter your life and live minimalistic which helps for mental health. Remember the things you own end up owning you.

>> No.29490992

>People completely misinterpreted that quote
No they didn't, that shitty video clearly shows that (((they))) expect you to rent a fucking saucepan

>> No.29491036
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Why do people bother adding unfunny garbage on top? Just leave the original as is, it already speaks for itself. It's not some ebin fucking meme collage.

>> No.29491585

Renting is fine and can outperform owning a house as long as you invest smart and understand opportunity cost. Investing the house down payment alone will make most renters end up ahead of home owners. The reason this doesn't happen in practice is because most people don't invest. Imagine buying a house 5 years ago and putting down a 50k down payment. Now imagine instead renting and buying 50k of Bitcoin 5 years ago. Who came out ontop?

>> No.29491731
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I can't wait.

>> No.29491779
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You are the greatest fucking goy I've ever seen dude. Imagine if you lose your job for whatever reason and the end of by that month you'll be instantly homeless without clothes or anything, not even a fucking sauce pan because "owning nothing will make you happy"

Fucking lol

>> No.29492077

I wouldn't be homeless because I could live off my investments. The real goy is the person that takes a mortgage on a home shackling them to a safe and crappy 9 to 5 job. If you had instead invested a $50,000 down payment 5 years ago into Bitcoin you would have $6,000,000 now. Renting seems pretty smart and based to me.

>> No.29492287

anon you either already made it or you're a goy with no job security and soon no home security or even car security because you love to use guber instead

>> No.29492361
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>> No.29492726

A $50K down payment is incredibly large and out of reach for almost the entire population. Most people can scrape 2-4K a year and that’s enough for an FHA loan on a house. Then they can sell that in 5-10 years while paying less for their mortgage annually than they would pay renting. They also then have credit and collateral to leverage to get a decent loan to drop say 50K into an insanely risky investment such as crypto. If it were such a sure thing everyone would jump in constantly and never get out. Hindsight is 20/20. Can’t tell if you’re poor or just silver spooned but either way your over simplified view on this topic makes you look like a retard

>> No.29493245

>Just house flip every 5 years bro someone else will buy your bags

>> No.29493605

Am I stupid to wanna buy a house full in cash with no mortgage? Am I gonna get fucked anons?

>> No.29493608

Absolutely, if the value appreciates enough in that time. If not then sit on it. Either way you are paying less for a mortgage payment than a rent payment so you can invest just as much if not more while also leveraging a real asset and having all the legal and financial perks that come with ownership. Imagine not having authority in your own home

>> No.29493895

Yeah the goal is wealth extraction, and if they can't extract wealth from you, you'll be punished.

>> No.29493957
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>> No.29494797

>Remember the things you own end up owning you.
of course, lol! i should have know dad, selling my hard assets now

>> No.29495455

If it’s anything like Blockbuster, I just won’t return the saucepan

>> No.29496756

>Remember the things you own end up owning you.
Yeah we all enjoyed Fight Club when we were 15 but this is an adult discussion, please fuck off

>> No.29497689

There is a big difference between owning a few but valuable things+assets and trash heaps of consomer garbage.

>> No.29497775
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why is Hitler laughing? he tried to stop this

>> No.29498730

People like you should try to understand how it's like to live under fascism, where your neighboors or family members denonciate you for wrongthink and you end up with a bullet on your head, into the mass grave. You think this is the garden of Eden when it actualy was daily paranoïa.

>> No.29499036

Anon... we live in that world now. Unless you want to prove we don't by talking about niggers, jews or trannies in public and see what happens.

Only difference is our governments are more sadistic now, they won't put a bullet in your head, they'll force you to live and if you are lucky enough to reproduce with someone of your own race they will rape and mutilate your children.

>> No.29499815

we're living under fascism now

>> No.29500111

so they use capitalism to create communism?

>> No.29500345

>where your neighbors or family members denunciate you for wrongthink
wish I had the webm of Catboykami saying some shit about george floyd on omegle and the chick he was chatting with began screaming like she was possessed.
You can't talk shit about a dead nigger pornographer and criminal who died of a drug overdose without NPC's activating attack mode but somehow this is the good ending?

>> No.29500494


>> No.29500643

Yes and no. What you said is true but haven't you seen the innumerable subversive movements around you? The "tiny house" movement? It's gross.

>> No.29500721

fuck how did it get this bad

>> No.29500870

>Defend capitalism to the day I die
>”capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with”

>> No.29500893

>a world in which your government doesn’t kill you is “fascism” because ou suffer from racially charged persecutory delusions
Bucko, if this isn’t post-modern neo-Marxism, then I don’t know what is.

>> No.29500991

I’d play minecraft instead if that happened to me.

>> No.29501135

My hapiness can only go down.

>> No.29501318
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reminds me of that Rofschild GLP thread from 10 years ago. Been in the works for some time.

>> No.29501373

So the billionaire elites that own everything are slaves to their possessions and we that own nothing are free?

Sounds like cope to me

>> No.29501594

Do you NEED to own a saucepan? Think about the resources required to create one. And you only use it for an hour or two per day. 12 households could easily share one saucepan.
The future will be fabulous. You'll see.

>> No.29501664

the tiny house movement is a result of people not wanting to rent everything
tiny houses are freedom from the rent jew, the property tax jew and the development jew
owning a real house on your own land is better, but owning your own trailer is better than renting

>> No.29502044

>Buying house bad because they is always a risky investment out there that will outperform.

Imagine being this fucking retarded. By your logic Btc is a bad investment because you could of bought a shitcoin that 100x. It’s called diversification. Real estate is a different asset class and anybody who has money should include it in their portfolio.

>> No.29503103

>"Diversification Is For Idiots" - Mark Cuban

Show me your billion dollars, anon?


>> No.29503693
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Always have been