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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29489112 No.29489112 [Reply] [Original]

-38 nodes (centralized)
-One node costs $1.5 million yes that’s $1,500,000 KEK
-DAG (unproven bullshit tech i.e Iota)
-the more nodes join the network the slower it gets
-Andre Cronje distanced himself a long time ago hence no tweet from him about this scam
-Only sand niggers from a country of goatfuckers will use their shit tech
-Staking is 14% apy which is a ponzinomics and unsustainable remember bitconnect?
-pumps and dumps constantly

-Charles Hoskinson
-Already coming out with smart contract functionality this year.
-Staking already out
-millions of African niggers are
unbanked and will use Cardano as their official jew bank
-at LEAST 1000 nodes
-Staking is ~5% apy and sustainable
-Will only go up from here

Sell your Fantom and join us ADA chads. Notice how these Fantom fags ignore all my points?

>> No.29489425


>> No.29489935
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>> No.29490697

Over 1,600 nodes.

>t. Cardano wagey

>> No.29490825

> -Andre Cronje distanced himself a long time ago hence no tweet from him about this scam

holy shit this is some low-effort fud

>> No.29491065
File: 71 KB, 828x612, 1611961567100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38 nodes (centralized)

Stopped reading here. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.29491406

I am depressed and want to yolo my $16k I have from stocks into a coin. am heavily leaning towards ada. I already hold 10k of it from 2017. It’s the only crypto I hold other than ETH and have some old memes like siacoin and funfair. Do I do it

>> No.29491458

no ones buying youre fucking autistic nerd coins fuck off. i guarantee youre all fucking fat bald nerds

kys fucking losers

>> No.29492863
File: 98 KB, 875x689, Ouroboros Hydra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 1775
>~1 775 000 tps

>> No.29494100

>38 nodes (centralized)
>One node costs $1.5 million yes that’s $1,500,000 KEK
Nodes will eventually require a lower amount of FTM, there will eventually be a vote on it that will pass very hard.

>DAG (unproven bullshit tech i.e Iota)
We're literally proving it right now

>The more nodes join the network the slower it gets
Literally just a lie

>Andre Cronje distanced himself a long time ago hence no tweet from him about this scam
Andre talks to the Fantom team daily and has been tweeting about Fantom almost daily this past month

>Only sand niggers from a country of goatfuckers will use their shit tech
Nah, soon we'll see a lot of western partnerships, hell, we even have the Ukraine partnership, those sure as fuck aint "Goatfuckers"

>Staking is 14% apy which is a ponzinomics and unsustainable remember bitconnect?
APY has been steadily going down as it should be, untill it stabilizes at a much lower %

>Pumps and Dumbs Constantly
It pumps and crabs, doesn't really dump anymore

Also you're a fucking retard.

>> No.29494905

Imagine actually believeing all these lies. Just buy Cardano. You know ADa is the superior blockchain.

>> No.29495478

Oh so you get disproved on literally EVERY SINGLE POINT of fud and you can't come up with anything better than that?

Yeah I'm thinking you're NGMI.

>> No.29495604

Cardano is die

>> No.29495693

FTM has much much more room for growth. Fucking cardano with its 30bil market cap

>> No.29496714

Lmao everything you said is proven wrong turd.

>> No.29496886
File: 289 KB, 980x742, 1612782740857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh mcap
>b-b-but it's already 30bn!!!
>doesn't know the global crypto mcap is going to 10 trillion+ in 5 years

>> No.29496904

>Charles Hoskinson
Fantom is shit but next time leave this part out of you want people to buy

>> No.29497131

Vaporware scam. It doesn't exist outside of Charles' head. Buy something that actually works.

>> No.29498240

AVAX btfos both

>> No.29499245

In how many failed, bugged, rugged was this Cronje guy involved till now? lel

>> No.29499960
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>> No.29500116
File: 45 KB, 395x796, FTM Validators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even have to scroll to see out-of-house validators. Kill yourself Sanjay.

>> No.29500336

>not buying AVAX