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29487898 No.29487898 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.29488090

>Inflation? Unimportant
>Unemployment? Unimportant
>Housing market? Unimportant
>Women and niggers affected by some mysterious thing? We need more taxes

>> No.29488120


>> No.29488134

red hair gilf

>> No.29488149

poo poo pee pee

>> No.29488151

our congress is so fucking dumb.

"please answer my question about fiscal policies that don't relate to your mandate or expertise"

"sorry Im not going to answer that"
"I really think you should answer this"

Why are they so fucking retarded?

>> No.29488169
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>> No.29488179

>Talking about raising kids like its just an economic function of society


>> No.29488202
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>> No.29488233

FedNow is a subject they have touched lightly on. It will be Americas digital currency against the recently introduced China digital dollar.


>> No.29488316

I bought at what I thought was a dip. Pls tell me I'm not fucked

>> No.29488321
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>> No.29488334

They just admitted the game is over.

>> No.29488438

wagmi, jpow is going to pump the shit out of the markets for the foreseeable future, until at least summer when covid "ends" and people start taking flights
but once inflation slowly start seeping >>29488321

>> No.29488526

How does this account for all of the money flowing into other countries that are dumping crypto on us, and how will it account for us getting the money back when we dump it back?
I'm mostly curious if this metric holds up only in the traditional world before crypto was really a thing. I doubt forex was a massive factor to it then and now.

>> No.29488567

>dude in charge of making important decisions on things has no thoughts or opinions on anything
wow why is the world going to shit huhhh

>> No.29488579


>> No.29488605

inb4 minorities and women deserve more of the digital dollar's initial dispersement to combat inequality and enable us to build back better. white men deserve to start in the new economic paradigm at a disadvantage.

>> No.29488625

congress creatures desperate to blame someone else for their literal main responsibility

>> No.29488644

current status of implementation of cbdc payment system is 2022 - 2023?? is that what he just said?

>> No.29488655


>> No.29488713

>buy crypto
>market omegapumps bc of money printing
>gtfo a bit before the end of bull market
>buy gold
Why is life so easy?

>> No.29488718

fednow 2023, originally 2024, which means actually done in 2025

>> No.29488743

seriously this is what they'll do.

>> No.29488774

full employment is such a fucking meme

>> No.29488789
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see this website for updates on the future reserve coin. He just confirmed 2023 like the fed site says.

>> No.29488810

>buy gold
Low-IQ move. Gold just sits there. Put your money to work.

>> No.29488858

why do anons think gold is a safe haven to inflation, shouldnt you be buying tangibles like homes and cars, consumables and shit?
right on time for the next cycle, gonna spend the next 3 years accumulating algo

>> No.29488883

>There will be inflation
>Don't raise rates
Well shit

>> No.29488946

Just got here. What have I missed?

>> No.29488957

literally one of the worst depreciating assets in existence

real estate, especially land though, yes

>> No.29489012

It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.29489067

>Temporary sector-specific inflation burst due to pent-up demand
He is right though

Inflation chads, how do you see sustained increased economic activity happening?

>> No.29489071

jpow says they will not raise rates until inflation hits 2% and we are at near full employment. says inflation is nowhere to be found, this easy monetary policy will continue.


>> No.29489103

you dont understand my point, if inflation is so bad even your laptop becomes worth fuck you amounts of money if theres enough demand for it, some anons before recommended getting loans which also seems like a great idea

>> No.29489117

It’s fine, all the money flows back to us in the end

>> No.29489133


>> No.29489154

>Central bank digital currencies

>> No.29489180

>how do you see sustained increased economic activity happening?
black swan ~> stock liquidations ~> rich people with a shit load of cash and nowhere to park it but real assets/consumer goods/commodities ~> hyperinflation

>> No.29489219
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what do i takeaway from what he said? what do i do? all in spy?

>> No.29489221

a reliable vehicle is the best investment you can ever make. it's a shame americans had all their beaters scooped up in that cash for clunkers scam.
/biz/ has an unhealthy obsession with hating cars because /biz/ understands nothing about them.

>> No.29489243

we really need to just all move to Wyoming and tame the waste. mostly subterranean homes, endless wind energy. we can do it.

>> No.29489256

I'm a simple man. Does the golden bull run continue or not?

>> No.29489320


>> No.29489335

>Does the golden bull run continue or not?
it continues until fed hints at a rate hike/monetary tightening

>> No.29489417

Even starting at a steep disadvantage white and asian men would just naturally exceed their PoC and women compatriots within a year or two tops, perhaps even within weeks. Then they’d have to find new ways to rig the system again.

>> No.29489441
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>central clearing for treasury market
Jesus. Here we go again. "Central" as in "Private company" as in "Jews". Just like the DTC, DTCC, and Cede & Cneed in the equities market. Another vehicle to scalp off 1% processing fees at the taxpayercuck expense.

>> No.29489475


>> No.29489491

this woman is still based, she asks sick questions
>could faster innovation in payment instruments lead to a refocusing of monetary transmission mechanisms away from securities markets towards a bank focused mechanism
>do we need a central counterparty for the clearing of the treasuries

>> No.29489532

Yes until they release FedNow in 2023 then the regulations will come.

>> No.29489583

>Need to solve it globally
>Or will see echos, possibly next winter
>Clears throat and changes subject
Powel is worried about covid relapses bros. worry.jpg

>> No.29489586

>OMG so bullish guys, buy buy buy!!
Meanwhile crypto and stocks both crashing. Never change, permabulls.

>> No.29489604

I would argue that "Rich People" already own cash-producing assets - real estate, bonds, contract-structured products, etc. that guarantee their infinite income. Do you think they are going to suddenly start buying raw materials?

>> No.29489607

>sneed and co
kek and based
also this

those questions are for private calls though not for the hoi polloi

>> No.29489621

they will probably regulate shit way before 23
and thats GOOD
bitcoin regulation = more institutional buying

>> No.29489668

>crypto crashing
i dont think crypto gives a shit about this livestream, its been crashing since morning
idk about stonks

>> No.29489679

i just dont understand why the market isnt green right now. i get that traders expected powell to continue with QE/low fed funding rates/bond buying/etc., and it was probably already priced in--but why the dip? everything signals more money flowing into stocks/crypto.

are people finally losing faith in the federal reserve?

>> No.29489680

there are still people shilling gme
hope is a drug

>> No.29489767

This. Once FedNow is implemented they will begin removing cash from the system and be able to track incoming transitions from other assets to USD. That is the start of enforcement.

>> No.29489766

I think banks regulating cryptowallets for normies will be enough for now. Unless they really want to crack down.

>> No.29489770

>recommended getting loans
I'm debt maxxxed right now with everything in crypto/metals.

>> No.29489803

>retard congress members dont even show up to ask questions
government needs to end

>> No.29489827

my big fear is altcoin regulation. i can see them working and respecting bitcoin, but all those other coins? fuck em, rouge agents.

>> No.29489877
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>black and brown communities
They bring this up every
How is it relevant at all. Am I suffering from nigger fatigue?

>> No.29489881

>how can the fed help niggers more?

>> No.29489905

Because the market ain't falling for Pajeet rugpulls like the idiots here do.

>> No.29489907

anon you may be too early, like michael burry early, i dont expect inflation to hit in ridiculous amounts until the economy gets back to "normal" and as companies start booming and overinflating the money slowly leaves the stock market into the real world

>> No.29489969

sherrod brown is supposed to be one of the based non-IDpolfaggot dems too
why are they forcing this so hard, it's electoral poison

>> No.29490003

Yup. Open ledger. No more paying people under the table, big tax gains. You'll get your digital wallet from the post office. UBI is a possibility, having to use them before the end of the month or they will burn. Any dissent against the Fed aka jews you'll lose your spending rights.

>> No.29490025
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the kikes are winning aren;t they

>> No.29490064

how the fuck does climate change disproportionately affect black and brown people?

When hurricane ravages a city, the entire city gets billions to recover.

Tornado or flood through rural white america, crickets.

>> No.29490095

And when the economy get at a normal state, they will increase the fed fund rate which will decrease the inflation rate.

>> No.29490119

brown people are a class that Capitalists and zionists radicalize against Whites. they give them your money as a bribe. in exchange, they bash White people- the 200 million White Americans who could turn this entire thing around and bring back Nationalism and cancel Capitalism.

>> No.29490120

>Am I suffering from nigger fatigue?

No, but the issue is real. Blacks are a massive and disproportionate weight on the American economy and society right now. I would say even more so than in the past.

It's a real problem that needs to be addressed but I certainly don't think the Fed can do anything about it. So idk why he's talking about the issue.

>> No.29490226
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>when the economy get at a normal state

>> No.29490241

it's a part of their excuse to have 1 billion brown people invade the US and Europe. their system will crumble without 2 billion new taxpayers. interestingly browns take more than they give. the whole system is sinking.

>> No.29490249

>200 million White Americans
anon, i....

>> No.29490255

Why having a legit underground defi network down is crucial. Shits gonna turn cyberpunk real quick. Underground defi shops to hide from the fed and outrageous taxes.

>> No.29490331

the dollar is a currency, its purpose is to flow in the economy with as little friction as possible
the dollar is not money, its purpose is not to retain value over extended periods of time

>> No.29490353

>idk why he's talking about the issue.
to keep them on the side of the system. brown people are a class that Capitalists use to bash collective Whites.- the only group that can really challenge them.

>> No.29490354

I personally think that the stock and the housing market bubble is gonna pop before that but that sti the assumption that they make.

>> No.29490386

>it's electoral poison
clearly not, lobotomized whites eat it up

>> No.29490416

Poor people live on shitty land. Shitty land floods, erodes away, is toxic/dirty, burns in flames, or gets torn apart by a tornado.

Most people won't be able to do this. The banks have their number because they're deep in debt.

>> No.29490437

>Increased metal prices are a sign in confidence in a fast recovery
Does he honestly believe this and think that it isn't tied to fears of inflation?

>> No.29490462

>bitcoin and securities are pamping
>and thats okay
thank you based JPOW

>> No.29490477

Your comment is irreverent in this current situation. People have woken up to the fact that it's no more than monopoly money. It doesn't mean shit.

>> No.29490548

by all means the 2020 election should have been a blowout of epic proportions, but dems barely scraped by with the narrowest majority possible
it's clearly turning more people off than it entices

>> No.29490578

they will never raise rates. they literally cant, unless they want the US govt to go into a debt crisis/default and evicerate the stock market and every boomer's retirement. raising rates = game over, and they damn well know it.

>> No.29490600

until they flood the country with illegal immigrants who will only vote for them. Its literally over, dems will never lose a presidency again

>> No.29490656

Fuck those people. Those are the same retards that said crypto would never work. And the same ones selling right now.

>> No.29490696

non citizens literally can't vote lmao
also hispanics are starting to turn on them anyway

>> No.29490714

He will admit it 5 years after the crash.

>> No.29490768

>Implying the Republicans would ever do anything to help Americans

>> No.29490883

they will be given citizenship
true, same 2 sides of the same ZOG coin

>> No.29490983

>open stream again
>systemic inequality
>close stream

>> No.29490996
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>non citizens literally can't vote
Even if that were 100% true they'll just shit out 6+ anchor babies on the taxpayer's dime anyway.
Good thing voting doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.29491066
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It is so tiresome and you can tell Powell is just going through the motions on that script.

>> No.29491099

dude. both parties are the same. even when Trump won nothing fucking happened. NAFTA wasn't cancelled. 40 million noncitizens weren't deported.
all we got was a rich Capitalist whose daughter is married to a powerful zionist jew blabbering about Israel and black unemployment for 4 years.
he talked about ending "birthright" citizenship... did he? no.

>> No.29491169


>> No.29491171
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damn what a closure from the senile fuck he completely rekted him
thought this would go for longer but here you go

>> No.29491183

true. birthright citizenship.

>> No.29491277

At this rate, the republicans and democrats are going to merge, and a socialist parties are going to emerge

>> No.29491473

>a socialist party
bro what you have is Capitalism and Zionism. there will be no middle class and your masters will continue to use brown people to bash and suppress you- getting the target off of their back. they say White people rule the system but it's actually jews and the white capitalists whom intermarry with them.

>> No.29491484

Which is why I am putting my efforts into defi. Fuck centralization. You are a kike if you invest in any of these.

>> No.29491535
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>Getting the covid vaccine distributed is equivalent to a worldwide war.
These clowns are so fucking dramatic kek

>> No.29491974

Do they realize that half the country laughs at them?

>> No.29491980

>people out of work
>have the highest amount of expendable income

The fuck is retard talking about

>> No.29492437

No, the worst part of it all is that many of them actually believe their own bullshit.

>> No.29492884
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We're in the timeline where your American gov heads are openly talking about moving to a new digital currency, and despite the ability to look at history in eastern Europe and even Argentina to see how the common man got nailed by it, you're going to shoot your mouth off about things you don't understand.

In those countries you had a 1 month window to redeem the old worthless currency for the new, but at a ratio of 1 new dollar for every 100 or 1000 old, and each person/household had a maximum amount they could bring over into the new system. This was to wipe out existing cash wealth and ensure as many people were equally poor as possible. Outside of farmland, America has no producing assets that will survive this kind of shift. Storing value in physical hard money equivalents is the ONLY play right now, and to say otherwise is to reveal your ignorance.

>> No.29492981

do not come here unless you are bringing guns

>> No.29493222
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most likely not. Anyone who actually tells them they're retarded is instantly put into the mental category of "crazy/racist/nazi/non-serious member of society/luddite". When the inevitable crash happens, and all of the "nazis" are proven right, these people will just do mental gymnastics to "prove" the nazis wrong, just like 2008. This probably happens all the time throughout history, and when shit really hits the fan in terms of state secession/government collapse, these people will probably fade into history as everyone will be too focused on making sure they have working plumbing. Thus ensuring the same to occur a few generations in the future as everyone will forget why the crash of 20XX occurred. Never ending cycle.

>> No.29493872

There is no need to be so blatant about it. Just allow 1:1 conversion then implement that wealth tax they talk about, add in some negative interest rates to remove more money, and boom.

>> No.29494020

>you're going to shoot your mouth off about things you don't understand
ok boomer. Seriously though, why do all boomers talk like this? Every single one of you pretends to be a hardass. You're in the wrong neighborhood, faggot.

>> No.29494448

>Seriously though, why do all boomers talk like this?
Interesting linguistic pattern you pointed out there.

I'm not sure as to why, but I do know it is cringe. I think it stems from not having a good argument and resorting to intimidation and other obfuscation

>> No.29494547

Yes. They're becoming harder to obtain. We've stagnated in energy, microchips, precious metals, automotive, and construction. The only innovations to speak of have been mergers, acquisitions, and cost cutting.
>muh Tesla, muh VW
The battery tech has not advanced. The ai has gotten better, but regulatory hurdles still remain.
>muh nuclear muh green
Still inefficient or over-redesigned and regulated.
Since we have not increased the available supply of these things and continue to consume them, they will (or should) hoard the supply and suppliers.

>> No.29494961

>The battery tech has not advanced.
nano one

>> No.29495489

nothing is grosser than dehydrated people with white gunk all over their lips

like don't you feel that? wipe your lip off

>> No.29495678

Do you have an argument to address ownership and counterparty risk?

>check website
>"market opportunity"
>still uses Li, Ni, Co
>no earnings
>no production
>regulations generally timed for 2024 iirc
Nice innovation.

>> No.29496373

Because boomers are based on "I'm important and I demand respect" so they take everything as a slight on their honor

>> No.29496380
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>yeah i don't know why inflation is so good either
>kinda weird huh?
>I guess we accidentally won economics

The federal reserve chair, ladies and gentlemen.