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29485823 No.29485823 [Reply] [Original]

Hi frens, I’m thinking about to learn C++ first and python after to develop something in the blockchain world.
How to start with this stuff? Are there good guides?
Would you recommend other languages?
Also what Specs do I need for my setup? Thinking about updating my gear.
How long for C++ learning? 1-2 years?
Saw that python only takes 2-3 months

Last thread died

>> No.29486066
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Post in /g/ you fucking retard or on Reddit where you belong

>> No.29486174

Cringe... kys

>> No.29486241

python is the easiest language and the fastest to code for prototyping but it's shitty for anything that has to run fast. cpp is more powerful but harder than python. If you want to do blockchain shit you need to get cpp down if you want to start from scratch. if you don't go learn solidity and go coom to vitalik's gas fees.
also you don't need a fast computer to code unless you are doing machine learning or some shit.

>> No.29486865

>Take existing chain
>Slap different name on it
>Claim it'll do some ground braking stuff
>Hire pajeets to make memes and shill it everywhere

>> No.29487003


He's right fishy, this is not the right thyme or plaice

>> No.29487152

>How long for C++ learning? 1-2 years?
what do you consider "learning"
C++ and actually knowing it is a 8-10 year full time commitment.
C++ and being able to hack some shit together that "works" but you don't really understand 60% of is 1-2 years.

>> No.29487261

>it's shitty for anything that has to run fast
well, if you want to be optimum and close to the hardware, sure.
but fucking instagram is 100% python, its literally way way more than a prototpying languange

>> No.29487267

Int a = 10;
Int b = 20;
a = b;

What are the values in a and b?

>> No.29487386

kindly do the needful

>> No.29487493


All you need is python and solidity.

>> No.29487569

you havent used python since 2010, have you?

>> No.29487705

Nice 500$ meme course