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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 349 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210223-155142_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29484633 No.29484633 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of (nearly) my entire portfolio dumping when BTC does.

Shill me something that hasn't just copied the BTC graph the last few days

>inb4 rubic
Nearly doubled my portfolio swinging RBC, don't wanna FOMO back in

>> No.29484809

>that HAVEN'T dumped
so you wanna buy the top of something

>> No.29484878
File: 696 KB, 1200x1171, 1614036538136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Rubic. On the 25th rubic will be the first DEX to support limit orders. It will only work with ETH/RBC yet but it shows that the devs are competent and that they can fulfill their promises

>> No.29484904

>he's charging his phone

>> No.29484971

This. The only way a coin isn't dumping right now is because it's being pumped. Which means when the downtrend is over you'll get zero gains, maybe even lose some.

>> No.29485006
File: 376 KB, 426x607, 1614092806587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEF, dont tell I didn't warn you

>> No.29485025


>> No.29485034

We're in the middle of a bull market nothing you buy now will be the top, especially if it can hold strong through this BTC dip

>> No.29485121

BNT, SCRT and PIVX. They've all done quite well against BTC through all this.

>> No.29485293

Rubic is about to go crazy

>> No.29485334

I don't believe in shitcoins I just believe in ARPA

>> No.29485379
File: 880 KB, 967x1145, 6BACACAA-B94A-45A6-8325-B46B30BB32F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29485451

Your portfolio is missing RBC. Strongly suggest you get a 100k stack. That'll put you into 8 figure hell.

>> No.29485575

$WOO has been very very stable compared to everything else. I've already been shilling this before the dump, but this just shows how much potential this has.

>> No.29485597

$ROSE has the greatest foundation but its not being hyped

>> No.29485649

MAP Protocol ($MAP)

(Previously Marcopolo Protocol)

SoftBANK Invested on 2019: https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/19/11/ab14780477/marcopolo-protocol-map-a-peer-to-peer-e-cash-system-blockchain-project-was-invested-by-softbank

Only Polkadot Ecosystem project under 5mil Marketcap

Web3 Grant: https://medium.com/web3foundation/web3-foundation-grants-wave-8-recipients-6786e88a8ce4
(Look for MAP LABS)

2020 ETH Hackathon Winner: https://twitter.com/marcopologlobal/status/1336588553334128640?s=21

Listed on Bithumb recently (korean cex): https://twitter.com/bithumbofficial/status/1359338885898149892?s=21

Listed on Kucoin: https://www.kucoin.com/news/en-map-protocol-trading-competition-20000-in-map-to-be-won

Project has been developing since LATE 2019

Marketcap @ ~5mil Mcap —> https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/map-protocol/

>> No.29485788

Wouldnt buy that shitcoin unless it breaks its 3 weeks downtrend

>> No.29486047


You're investing in the wrong projects if you really believe that. Projects that were organically growing before the dump continued to do so during, or at least remained stable.

Not everyone is all-in on food/animal tokens with 30-50% losses. I have about 6 projects in my portfolio, and on average I only have 8% loss, which is less than what BTC lost in value.

And no, these do not include stablecoins.

>> No.29486178

This is what I mean
Now just tell me your coins anon

>> No.29486231

KSM is unironically dip-proof resistant. But calling it a shitcoin is a crime

>> No.29486264

a thousand times this, what most of /biz/ dont seem to understand is that there does exist a world of crypto besides pajeet shitcoins which provide absolute no value to anything besides being pumped and dumped

>> No.29486749

I literally made money during this dip because my portfolio is 70% KSM

>> No.29487547

shill me this

>> No.29487683
File: 2.06 MB, 720x1280, Frog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jupiter (Jup) just out a week or so ago went to 1.6 then hovered 1.2-1.5 for a while, it's at ~1 cent just now. 1 bil supply, white team under 1k hodlers atm. Locked liquidity so can't be rugged but could be vulnerable to pnd.

No idea wtf is does but I went in pretty heavy hoping for a moonshot.

>> No.29487774

Coins that add value also dumped desu
If anything it's mostly luck that a handful didn't, only SOL, FTM and KSM afaik

>> No.29487801

Shill me on this

>> No.29487890

Why on earth would you want a shitcoin that hasn't yet dumped instead of buying a good project cheap?

>> No.29487978

This thread is unironically a list of the current worst investments.

>> No.29488086

Yo my REEF stock doin a Lil sumn

>> No.29488119

If a project was good it wouldn't just dump whenever btc decides to

>> No.29488335


>> No.29488418

this type of comment scares me. How long have you been on /biz? Do I smell that Reddit stank?

>> No.29488445

max out on SOL and never look back

>> No.29488488

When it does it will be too late

>> No.29488552
