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29477711 No.29477711 [Reply] [Original]

You have exactly 24 hours to sell all of your crypto

>> No.29477830
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>Tether FUD in 2021

>> No.29477922

Is this real? Lmao, if so this is super bullish. The fuck are you talking about? $18,5m fine is chump-change, Tether confirmed too big to fail, all Tether FUD is now null and void.

>> No.29478038

>"gay" id
this is bullish, bitch

>> No.29478062
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>Tether FUD in 2021

>> No.29478159

in other words: the only point tether was undercollateralized was when they had a few hundred million illegally stolen from them by kike governments, and once again theres zero proof theyre undercollateralized at any other point

obvious insider sell event given the price of btc/testing 60k, but it already happened, the news became public and its no longer a sell event

>> No.29478202

>Tether fined 18m
>Admits to no wrong doings
>Settled with AG
>Cannot be sued about this again
>Accepted more transparency
>AG found that there never was a movement to prop up BTC pumping non-backed USDT
Faggots think this is somehow a bad thing

>> No.29478265
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>> No.29478313

sell the rumor buy the news

>> No.29478343
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>You have exactly 24 hours to sell all of your crypto

>> No.29478370


>> No.29478454
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>> No.29478474

>it will be 100% factually confirmed that Tether is fully backed for 2 years
Yeah this is VERY bad lmao

>> No.29478746


Just sold out all of my cryptocurrency holdings!!!

Thanks for providing us with the news sir!!!

>> No.29478879
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>one of crypto's most persistent fuds ends with a settlement
>"th-this is bad!"

Poor bobo.

>> No.29479056

This was just the beginning.

I recommend selling all of your cryptocurrency.

Tell yout friends to do the same

>> No.29480093

i aint selling nuffin

>> No.29480168

why don't they just pay $18.5m USDT?

>> No.29480988

sorry, gov mafia only accepts their own fake money

>> No.29481066

Honestly, bullish af

>> No.29481174

THIS.. bullish AF.
OP you're a fuckin' retard

>> No.29481298

holy fuck OP you got rekt

>> No.29481381

I only sell green, if I'm red it becomes a longterm hold. Even if it rugs.

>> No.29481476
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hedgies shorting fags are back time to buy boys lol

>> No.29481499


>> No.29481534

thats still a lot of nigger tax to pay for no wrongdoing
so anytime a shecoon in new york glares in your direction for any company incorporated anywhere in the world you can expect to pay 8 figures just if you are innocent
and only expect this to get worse as ny budget gets worse
and they dare call other people thieves and scammers

>> No.29481575

>on bullish news

>> No.29481579

you guys don't even try anymore on fud holy fuck how has this board fallen to pajeets and redditors

>> No.29481598

>Anything happens
>this is bullish as fuck

>> No.29481672

idc abt your dubs, gay ID
not selling

>> No.29481840

check'd, OP IS A FAGGOT

>> No.29482147

Dude. Raising 18.5M in actual USD, to pay the fine, crashed the market with no survivors. There's only like 200M tops propping this lottery up.

>> No.29483119

can someone spoonfeed the concept of tether to me? isn't it supposed to be a stablecoin tied to USD? wouldnt the inflation of the dollar cause its value to tank?

>> No.29483418
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>> No.29483539

SEC will never recover

>> No.29483782

> implying this doesn't set a precedent
> implying this doesn't open the doors for other jurisdictions prosecutors to rip into ifinex
> implying this is bullshit

>> No.29484145

Tether was found innocent of not having reserves retard.

>> No.29484215


>> No.29484365

NY is the first of many. You have been warned.

>> No.29484412
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>id: gay

>> No.29484494

thanks just bought more

>> No.29484546

Why? They settled without admitting wrongdoing. The audits they carried out satisfied the NY attorney general that nothing criminal happened.