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29472819 No.29472819 [Reply] [Original]

Has the following ever happened to you:

>Pick up shitcoin moonshot only available on DEX, things looking good, looks like it has a bit more steam in it for another 2x or so
>Go to sleep
>Wake up, down 70% and at best you break even


>The entire fucking market takes a dump overnight.

You want to know what fixes this anon? A fucking stop loss. You know how you set a stop loss? Using a trade bot.

Guess what loser, there is a new bot on the block that does exactly that, lives locally on your computer, and has been running on the ETH network for 65 days. All keys stored locally and encrypted exactly like Metamask. It JUST got released for BSC 3 days ago and is picking up some major steam.

Get enough to use it so you can avoid panic selling way late and actually have a good chance at making a profit swing trading if you don't suck.

tradebutlerbot dot app


>> No.29473100

I picked some of this up earlier during the flood of pink on the board. Are there any good guides? I'm a retard but I don't want to lose my tiny bags.

>> No.29473261

Scroll down once on their main page and there is a ~20 minute video with a setup guide. You deserve to lose your bags for needing to be spoonfed that hard.

>> No.29473466
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>> No.29473615

>Giving a bot access to your private keys


>> No.29473913

Keys are only local and never leave your machine. If you're worried about it bugging out and sending all your dog coins straight to CZ's wallet, just tie it to a separate smaller hot wallet. The dev hasn't pulled any shit so far and people have been using it on ETH for 2 months.

>> No.29474145

How many people on this board would even get use out of it? They spend all day following pajeet shill threads and losing their money to rug pulls. How would they be remotely intelligent enough to use a bot?

Also still not giving my keys to a bot.

>> No.29474325

>A bot is bad because people are too stupid to use it

Jesus christ. At this point I'd rather everyone except you use it and make money.

>> No.29474652
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Enjoy losing all your money to street shitters.

>> No.29474752

So if I read the site right, you just need to hold at minimum one token to use the program? Does that ever change?

>> No.29474973

So far it hasn't but the devs seem genuinely interested in people being able to use what they're spending all this time to develop. If the price moons, they've expressed that they will adjust the token requirements so it doesn't price people out.

Or they don't, you get it now while it's cheap, and the peasants don't get the option to do trading like a big boy.

>> No.29475360

Seems useful, I panic sold and lost 3k in an hour yesterday that this would have saved my ass on. Checking the videos out to see if it's not over my head.

>> No.29475486

Join the TG too, lots of useful info in the pins and the devs are super active.

t dot me/tradebutlerbot_chat

>> No.29475577

Can confirm this is legit. I don't use it myself, but it was made by YAX dev draukan.

>> No.29475615

Ugh I'll pass, I refuse to use telegram. If I can't figure it out I'll just be poor.

>> No.29475796

Join the Discord then

>> No.29475908

Another upshot for all you moonboys is that this is still low cap with a low number of holders. 1.8m market cap, locked liquidity. It pains me to even suggest you retards waste tokens you probably won't even use, but a 5x is basically a guarantee. ETH price is 4x what the BSC one is right now.

This is one of the first legitimate projects that isn't an exchange or yield farming on BSC to date. 99% of everything else being rug pulls.

>> No.29476101

Replacing telegram cringe with discord trannies sure is appealing. I like this though, at worst the fact that it actually does something puts it head and shoulders above most things on BSC.

>> No.29476344

Stop being such a channer contrarian. Checking the Discord is useful for gauging the level of discourse in the community and finding out what sort of people are interested in the project. You'd be surprised how easy it is to find low cap gems just by looking for high profile DeFi individuals in user lists.

>> No.29476928

How is this the first time I've seen this? Are people intentionally not talking about it so they can get an advantage?

>> No.29477107

>pink and purple IDs everywhere
Bobo is with you all.

>> No.29477228

Who knows. The telegram is relatively reserved and quiet. Nobody there seems particularly interested in shilling or marketing. I came across it while fucking around with SMOKE a bit before I got out.

>> No.29477564
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>> No.29478022

I only know about it through YAX and thought it was merely a program you could buy, had no idea it was a token. We are really that early.

>> No.29478542

Wtf is YAX? If they were shilling this I'd be curious to whatever else they know about.