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29472049 No.29472049 [Reply] [Original]

>one of many state courts forbids tether trading
>it will snowball and more states will forbids tether transactions later
>BTC skyrockets with these news because people are panic selling their tethers back into BTC
>they will soon cash out from BTC again into a stablecoin that isn't getting banned or fiat
>/biz/tards thinks this is bullish
Did I get that right?

>> No.29472130

It's over retarded bobo find another fud

>> No.29472202
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>> No.29472210

Dude they literally got banned in the financial capital of the world lol. Retards focus on the 18.5 million fine but fucking skip over the fact that nearly all hedge funds trade in new york, as well as exchanges.

Getting banned in New York is a big fucking deal.

>> No.29472258

you can literally just convert USDT to some other USD coin you fucking retard

>> No.29472307

The Jew cries out as he strikes you.

>> No.29472318

traditional finance doesn't use fucking tether you retard

>> No.29472320


>> No.29472366

"The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that we could have done better in publicly disclosing these events. Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices,"

>> No.29472375

Its true though. How many more states will follow and ban tether?

>> No.29472410

You think Hedgefunds trade in Tether? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.29472472

It's bullish

>> No.29472475

>Showed the reserve FUD was wrong
>Tether admitted to 0 wrong doing
>Tether can't be trialed again based on this
>More transparency on tether reserves
You have to be the biggest fucking autist in the world to think this is not good news

>> No.29472504
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none. if tether fud got shot down in NY then it has no hope of holding up anywhere else.
imagine being this smoothbrain and wasting 5 years of your life maing the worst bet in history.

>> No.29472586

This. Not sure if retards posting or fuders trolling. NY has always had retarded crypto laws and that hasn't stopped anything

>> No.29472698

They were never supposed to operate in NY in the first place, retarded bobos. In this court case they claimed that they don't operate in NY.

>> No.29472705

It didnt get 'shut down' it got banned from trading in the state which is as far as you can go with the attorney general. They literally imposed the biggest penalty you could've done for a commodity. Now they have precedence for it.

How many more states will ban tether?

>> No.29472710

why do I care? this isn't a big deal.
if the number says 1USDT = 1USD I don't care
i expect shady unethical practices from any bank.

>> No.29472732


>> No.29472777

how many other states banned large sodas?

>> No.29472809

Tether is not backed 1:1.

NY AG is letting you retards cash out silently.

>> No.29472831

fucking checked and bears fucking shrecked

>> No.29472837

Arent you guys wondering why the price of every crypto is tanking today? Could it be the whales and exchanges know something you dont?

>> No.29472841
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>Dude they literally got banned in the financial capital of the world lol

Even NYSE is planning to leave new york to move to florida with the rest of the boomers


>> No.29472883


>> No.29472936


>> No.29472953
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The absolute state of New York. You either pay wall street or you don't do business at all. Fuck 'em.

>> No.29472972

jew york is a fucking joke. they fucking shit on us left and right.
let them ban all crypto here idgaf, I use a vpn permanently, my funds are not tracked by any site with bitlicence.
so they fuck me with their bullshit, they don't get a dime of tax money.

fuck all jews, I pray everyday for a real, first holocaust. fuck all jews

>> No.29473026


>> No.29473054


The point is, every state will just copy+paste the NYAG case and ban and fine tether one by one.

>> No.29473111

thats really cool (didnt read) now get in the oven you cuck

>> No.29473134

f2pool manipulating and playing the short side. Whilst their cronies scoop up cheap BTCs

>> No.29473144


>> No.29473161

It was tanking because of this FUD and now it's going back because it's literally nothing. It's other bobos. Tether fud is dead

>> No.29473189
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"The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that we could have done better in publicly disclosing these events. Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices,"

>> No.29473211

Its hong kong based firm you ape

>> No.29473214
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oh yeah baby trips confirm jews are best served at 1500 degrees

>> No.29473255

absolutely not
nearly every state dislikes NY
there was a fucking morality battle between republican governor's vs dem governors on national news for all of 2020 covid
cuomo was the general of gay bullshit. no one gives a fuck about what he thinks or what his government says

>> No.29473277

Do the other states even give a shit about crypto?
New york I understand since it's the jewish capital and crypto is eating away some of their profits.

>> No.29473283

What do you use to on-ramp? I ask for academic purposes

>> No.29473355

/biz/ is now at the level of twitter
they see the tether news, don't read the statement only a tweet from tether and start thinking it will moon hard
this is the start of tether's downfall
if you can't recognize this you deserve to stay poor

>> No.29473411

other states will exploit this to get those funds out of new york. those funds don't want to be there anyways after 2020
these guys are still opening up new branches around the US

>> No.29473502

Can someone redpill me on why everyone uses tether and not USDC, DAI, or anything else

>> No.29473504

so what are tether holders doing right now?

>> No.29473531

>financial capital of the world
You wont need that where we're going.

>> No.29473545

The fuck is this shit that is exactly the opposite of what the NYAG found:

A Stablecoin Without Stability – Tethers Weren’t Fully Backed At All Times

The OAG’s investigation found that, starting no later than mid-2017, Tether had no access to banking, anywhere in the world, and so for periods of time held no reserves to back tethers in circulation at the rate of one dollar for every tether, contrary to its representations. In the face of persistent questions about whether the company actually held sufficient funds, Tether published a self-proclaimed ‘verification’ of its cash reserves, in 2017, that it characterized as “a good faith effort on our behalf to provide an interim analysis of our cash position.” In reality, however, the cash ostensibly backing tethers had only been placed in Tether’s account as of the very morning of the company’s ‘verification.’

On November 1, 2018, Tether publicized another self-proclaimed ‘verification’ of its cash reserve; this time at Deltec Bank & Trust Ltd. of the Bahamas. The announcement linked to a letter dated November 1, 2018, which stated that tethers were fully backed by cash, at one dollar for every one tether. However, the very next day, on November 2, 2018, Tether began to transfer funds out of its account, ultimately moving hundreds of millions of dollars from Tether’s bank accounts to Bitfinex’s accounts. And so, as of November 2, 2018 — one day after their latest ‘verification’ — tethers were again no longer backed one-to-one by U.S. dollars in a Tether bank account.

As of today, Tether represents that over 34 billion tethers have been issued and are outstanding and traded in the market.

>> No.29473569
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>Tether's primary bank doesn't have nearly enough money to back USDT
>Tether has not been audited by third parties
>the only two times Tether has published self audits, they put the money into the account the very same morning of the "audits" and removed it the next day
>Tether has not disclosed their losses
>Tether is basically a eurodollar printing machine
Tether is shady as fuck and should not be trusted.
>b-b-but muh price! To da mooon!!1!1!1
Moonbois get the rope. The entire market is gonna crash 2008-style eventually.

Short time bullish, long time crash. It's a terrible deal for us.

>> No.29473617

yes goy read our news sight, our advice is always reliable

>> No.29473619

>>More transparency on tether reserves
lmao if you believe this shit.
The moment they show what their reserves are crypto takes a swan dive back into 300 billion marketcap.

>> No.29473649
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Money bro! Tether FUD is officially OVER!

>> No.29473650
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No, this is just New York absolutely fucking themselves out of whatever hope they had left to participate in the 21st century economy. This just accelerates the move to Miami. Bill DeBlasio and his ilk will kill the city, and thus the state, DEAD.

>> No.29473706
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"The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that we could have done better in publicly disclosing these events. Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices,"

>> No.29473716

That's tether putting words in NYAG's mouth:

"The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that we could have done better in publicly disclosing these events," Tether said in a statement, adding it admits to no wroongdoing. "Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices."

NYAG was totally like this is a fucking scam but we only have jurisdiction over NY, look at their release.

>> No.29473790

ltc always to exchanges
usdc fiat conversion

>> No.29473793

kikes BTFO
crypto market EUPHORIC
unus sed LEO PUMPING
bear tears: FLOWING
bear cope prospects: EXTREMELY BULLISH

>> No.29473811
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FUD is over! Case closed! If you continue this shit then you are just a tinfoil head

>> No.29473832

Why doe hong kong get to print usd equivalents for free?

>> No.29473847

then why is the market crashing lol

>> No.29473860


>> No.29473873

fucking cringe

>> No.29473879


>> No.29473905
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>"The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that I could've done better instead of trying to take a stroll to the airport with a handgun, cash and a fake ID the day my wife was killed. Contrary to media speculation, after two and half months there was no finding that I, OJ Simpson, ever killed my wife, or planned to do so"

>> No.29473916

yes. you are correct.

Let these faggots get rekt

>> No.29473952

dumb nigger thinks that's from a news site it's straight from the NYAG press release you stupid faggot.


It's cryptoPUMP.com spinning this news 180 in the other direction

>> No.29473954

because btc was pumped as fuck?

>> No.29474008

the NYAG got bitch slapped
now COPE

>> No.29474086
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Because Chinese whales (mainly miners) met in a backroom during Chinese new year and they decided to crash the market because they spent to much money on new year, alcohol and hookers. So they placed shorts and started to sell all at the same time on exchanges rather then using OTC to crash the market and fill their shorts.

>> No.29474118

>some nigger AG from the commie shithole of NY is more reliable than a random new site
dont think so bud

>> No.29474161

Never thought I'd see the day people would side with chink money printing.
Enjoy your gains, but don't be the last one out.

The whole military industrial complex set up to guard jewish printing of USD and this hong kong chink scam think they can just do the same and get away with it scot free.


>> No.29474186

not enough pairs supported

>> No.29474247

>The most important city/state in the world stops trading


Pick one

>> No.29474312

No they won’t we all hate New York

>> No.29474315

Actually it's not really chink money printing more like chink counterfeiting of usd dollars at a time when the USA and China are about to go to fucking war with each other.

>> No.29474332

Chink exchanges don't pair USDC or DAI with most of their shit.

>> No.29474400

Read the actual document for a less biased version

Basically at times tethered wasn't fully backed in the past but for the next 2 years they'll have to report everything so for the next 2 years funds are safu

>> No.29474413

Full on day of the cope in here. The goyim won /biz/

>> No.29474533

Yeah best case scenario really. fudsters like myself just want to see what they're really backed by.

If they really have 35 billion usd then I'll be buying bitcoin myself . If it's unicorn farts and loans they made from bitfenix to tether however...

>> No.29474561

Tether was proven to be criminals, and you use them as a trustable source kek.

>> No.29474631

That's a quote from the defence lawyer, and the fact that twitter shills are quoting it as if the AG's office said it is rather disturbing.

>> No.29474638
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>> No.29474659


>how does one not trade in NY?

does the coin track IP addresses?

but seriously, I don't get how this works in practice...

>> No.29474669

this, but this market is retarded and doesn't seem to give a fuck

>> No.29474701

of course Tether is trying to make it seem like they won. When will you faggots stop supporting proven criminals?

>> No.29474762

Welcome to crypto, pump and dump misinformation central.
It's spilling over to stocks too cryptofags pumped MVIS all the way to $20.

>> No.29474887
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>> No.29474933

There's now a coordinated spin campaign on social media to spin this as positively as possible, and divert attention from two interesting findings:

1) That shady as fuck Deltec letter claiming they had 1.8bil in their accounts was not lying, BUT the money was moved in that morning and promptly moved out the next day.

2) Back when Tether had 600mil+ Tethers circulating, they only had 40mil+ USD in reserve. That's a 6% reserve ratio, so assuming that is still true now, they only have 2bil+ USD backing 34bil Tethers, a 32bil Tether deficit.

3) "Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices." <-- this fucking quote by a "FORMER PROSECUTOR" is being repeated many times but it's actually a former prosecutor and now defence lawyer for iFinex.

Short term we may bounce up, but I think this shit is looking very bad but the spin doctors are spraying a shitload of perfume and gold flakes on the bad news and making it look good.

>> No.29474972

How is it over? It got the biggest penalty the NY AG can ever get. Its forever banned in the state.

If anything, they just set a precedent for the entire nation.

>> No.29475064
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Get your meds

>> No.29475143

What? It's all in the NYAG findings bro. Look I still hold BTC but that doesn't mean I gotta swallow all the shit that Saylor, Pomp and gang try to feed me, jesus.

>> No.29475166

I see a lot of back and forth but can someone tell me straight if it's ok to use usdt in trading pairs or should I switch to a different stablecoin? The others don't seem as stable or have enough liquidity though...

>> No.29475171

What's so difficult to understand about this word "settled"

>> No.29475202

Hmm this is bullish tho... NGMI

>> No.29475243

You think tether is actually going to report their reserves?
A lot of us fudders are bitcoin purists we believe in transparency and decentralization, the exact opposite of tether inc.

>> No.29475257

>9 posts by this id, all denial statements
get the fuck back to twitter, paulo, nobody wants you here

>> No.29475262

They settled the one case in New York by banning Tether in the entire state. That is the biggest penalty the NY AG could've given.

How many more states will follow?

>> No.29475330

>Further, the companies must submit to mandatory reporting on core business functions. Specifically, both Bitfinex and Tether will need to report, on a quarterly basis, that they are properly segregating corporate and client accounts, including segregation of government-issued and virtual currency trading accounts by company executives, as well as submit to mandatory reporting regarding transfers of assets between and among Bitfinex and Tether entities. Additionally, Tether must offer public disclosures, by category, of the assets backing tethers, including disclosure of any loans or receivables to or from affiliated entities. The companies will also provide greater transparency and mandatory reporting regarding the use of non-bank “payment processors” or other entities used to transmit client funds
>Additionally, Tether must offer public disclosures, by category, of the assets backing tethers, including disclosure of any loans or receivables to or from affiliated entities.

This part is the death knell for Tether. No way they can maintain confidence with these disclosures.

>> No.29475375

I honestly don't think they'll do it.

>> No.29475497

I think they will, but it will be delayed as long as possible until they can figure out the next step. That's pretty consistent with their strategy so far: delay, kick the can down the road, worry about it later. In the meantime, I think going long on BTC (low/no leverage) is a good move.

>> No.29475592

None. No one gives a fuck about new cuck city.

>> No.29475613

They can print 18.5 million tether and buy bitcoin with it. And then sell that bitcoin for 18.5 million dollars and hand that over to new york.
Tether wins you lose.

>> No.29475651

the only way this is bearish is if you believe that this could limit somhow the ability to issue more USDT

>> No.29475665
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I did some serious research on Tether/iFinex and saw through the exaggerated FUD. However, I was still expecting a fine in the hundreds. 18mil is a joke, this is unbelievably bullshit.

>> No.29475738


>> No.29475772

Fines are just tickets for the rich to break the law. Always have been.
Tether fudders seethe.

>> No.29475843

Where is Grayscale located? In fact where are all the big funds located?

Thats no the point. 18.5 is a drop in the bucket. But the NY AG gave the biggest penalty they can give.

>> No.29475904

NYAG case over, settled with maximum penalty.

What's next? Passing of stable act?


>> No.29475906
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>> No.29475968

Paste that under the headline for a good meme.

>> No.29476121

Thanks anon, this whole euphoria also seems very unorganic. Who would have thought these are the real shills?

>> No.29476122

As someone who’s been pursued by the government before, you have to understand that they hire the best actors and writers. This could have very easily been a shakedown

>> No.29476302


Unironically yes, this will be the real death knell. Plus you can be sure all the Tether documents will make their way into deciding who gets hammered by the STABLE act.

>> No.29476659
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$18.5 fine what a joke this is literally NOTHING
Tether is forbidden from trading in NY —> who cares? Have u ever heard of USDC and who wanna live in NY anyway. Do u know that even cuckbase coins aren’t all available for trading in NY?
This is a precedent —-> state laws vary from state to state . A NY precedent would only apply to NY. NY have always had stupid financial laws

>> No.29476708

I genuinely hope its a LARP otherwise you're absolutely retarded
By settling while claiming having done 0 wrongdoings, thing the AG approved by settling ?
Are you all niggers on this board now ?

>> No.29476787
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>New York
>finanical capital of the world
2005 just called, it wants it's ideas back

>> No.29476964

Agreed, 18.5mil is slap on the wrist. But read the document:

1) Tether can now be proven to have committed fraud since way back in 2017, and questions will be raised about the 2020 prints sooner rather than later.

2) The actual document from the NYAG is pretty damning, and the "prove your reserves" clause may force Tether to burn tokens rather than print more.

>> No.29477140

>r*ddit spacing
>doesn't understand double jeopardy
>doesn't realise AG agreed to them claiming 0 wrongdoings
>Only thing that came out is 18mil fine and an obligation to show more transparency
And this is somehow a bad thing for wagie brains

>> No.29477295

It dumped BEFORE the news.
Not its pumping.

>> No.29477351
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A settlement doesn’t prove wrongdoing. Corps and entities settle all the time just to make stuff goes away bcs it’s cheaper than paying millions in legal fees . Why do u think insurance company pay people $10,000 to settle claims knowing very well that there is nothing wrong with them. For god sake stop larping. This is BULLISH!

>> No.29477388

it does the exact opposite even since Tether straight up said they claim no wrongdoings on twitter, it means the AG agreed to them doing so...

>> No.29477393

Uhh yeah almost like the big players get access to information before retail. Its crabbing.

>> No.29477395

>more denial and quoting official Tether twitter for confirmation and support
Ok CZ we get it, you need USDT to remain stable, now get back to twitter, faggot.

>> No.29477465

Do you realise these things are part of the settlement you fucking nigger IQ'd faggot ?
Do you think if the AG thought they were guilty he'd let them say they did absolutely nothing wrong ?
Fucking autist never gonna make it

>> No.29477517

Are you retarded. New York and California are laughed at by the rest of the country.

>> No.29477598

I base my conclusions on reading the actual AG document, not the Tether twitter and certainly not from paid shills who work in the employ of Square and its cronies.

>> No.29477649

you can only sell USDT if someone is willing to buy a cursed coin

>> No.29477670

>I have no arguments but I will keep thinking I'm right because I'm a walking dunning kruger midwit
Bet you also lost money in this bullrun, stay poor wagie brain.

>> No.29477791

Can someone explain why Tether is such a big deal when (arguably more trustworthy) alternatives such as TUSD and USDC exist?

>> No.29477795
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The proof that the AG thought that this is whole tether FUD was a nothing burger is that she agreed to $18 M settlement which is literally NOTHING. There were no criminal charges. Plebits and skonkers you are either larping or u are genuinely fucking retarded.

>> No.29478043

>There were no criminal charges.
There was no criminal charge. It was a civil suit

>The proof that the AG thought that this is whole tether FUD was a nothing burger
They gave the biggest penalty they could. NYAG only has jurisdiction over new york.

>> No.29478113

Who is the happy owner of those 2 gigantic plastic funbags ?

>> No.29478176

>may force Tether to burn tokens
they don't have the USD.

>> No.29478201

Why would anyone use tether instead of just trading bitcoin for fiat? Whats the point in a crypto that just follows a fiat anyway? Is it just to avoid a tax event or something? Availability on exchanges? sorry am n00b.

>> No.29478269

tether is 80% - 90% of crypto trading

>> No.29478273

>"Hey CZ, we gotta burn some USDT or we're all fucked. Send some back please."
>"Roger that Paulo, sending 10billion USDT your way. For the greater good."
>"For the greater good."

>> No.29478305
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>thinks this is bullish
Brainlet detected

>> No.29478307

Criminal charges might stem from a civil lawsuit. Even that it’s the largest penalty they can impose if u think $18 M for tether is a significant amount to Tether or bitfinex I really can’t help u

>> No.29478465

crypto was about fighting jewish money printing before it turned full on jewish money printing with tether

>> No.29478535

Just imagine being such a brainlet to trust chinks with ur money and trade on chink exchange

>> No.29478587

you're seriously this retarded?

>> No.29478608

Tether was made to get around anti money laundering and KYC laws. Then they figured people don't need all the reserves, all the time..

>> No.29478810

very interesting. seems super risky.

>> No.29479041

Shit analogy, OJ was clearly innocent and people who disagree are retarded

>> No.29479301

This nigger was getting cucked by the boyfriend of his wife and they were fucking in his house eating his food and driving his cars that he paid for.

>> No.29479371

>banned from continuing illegal activities
Good to know everyone involved with the AG is retarded.
What's different now? What has changed since August 2018? The only thing this accomplishes is making the AG office look like they're doing something, probably to distract from the scams they've been bribed to hide like the hundreds of billions NY banks launder for drug cartels.

>> No.29479579

Those states are americans.
It's literally mutts and jews decoupling from USDT, not USDT decoupling from USD

>> No.29479770

If wallstreet fags want to invest in tester, they will find a way. When money talks there is always a way. The USA has more states than Jew York. The world has more countries than the USA。how do you think Amazon & Co avoid taxes.

>implies they want to buy tether

>> No.29479976

But, why? Is it because all the exchanges offer only USDT pairs, and not TUSD/USDC pairs? Or is there another reason?

>> No.29480052

>financial capital of the world

not since 9/11 hahahahaha

>> No.29480081

>Is it just to avoid a tax event
That’s my understanding

>> No.29480134


"tethers were again no longer backed one-to-one by U.S. dollars in a Tether bank account." vs "The Attorney General’s Office concluded, in essence, that we could have done better in publicly disclosing these events. Contrary to online speculation, after two and half years there was no finding that Tether ever issued tethers without backing, or to manipulate crypto prices" kekw nice one tether

>> No.29480174

>New York bans it
New York kiked out several times before with cryptos, just look at the faggot that completely fucked exchanges and went to set up a firm for navigating the bullshit system he put up while in office
You don't live in New York if you want to get into crypto

>> No.29480220

>He actually thinks hedge funds are beholden to the same laws as mortals.

>> No.29480257

Tether gives tether loans to exchanges at a 90% discount. USDC doesn't give a discount.

Other reasons include that USDC is tied closely to USD so you have to meet US compliance n stuff.

>> No.29480437

wait hold up lol I meant 10% discount, 90% to par.

>> No.29480456


>> No.29480465

I see, so the reason we all use USDT is because it’s more beneficial to exchanges, not because it’s more beneficial to the customers per se?

>> No.29480521

>in a Tether bank account
Is the relevant qualifier. They always had enough funds in total to redeem all the tether. The AG never tries to deny this.

>> No.29480663

>The AG never tries to deny this.
They absolutely do you lying shill.

>> No.29480740

Tether is about avoiding KYC and providing an avenue for money laundering or capital flight for chinks from china or trades for Iran since they are restricted from SWIFT.

There's just more tether floating around than USDC and because of that it's more liquid.

>> No.29480959

Quote it retard. Every claim has a qualifier like "in bank accounts". They lost 850m but had the equivalent in other assets if needed. In a bankruptcy they would always have been able to pay out the tether holders.

>> No.29481022

they are, just read what the AG said and not what the tether fags wrote

>> No.29481032

If they're not allowed to operate in the state anymore then why do they have to file financial reports with the state?

>> No.29481126

>t paulo

>> No.29481130

it's a condition of their settlement.
If they break that it opens them to going to trial and for other agencies to open their own cases.

>> No.29481213

did you even read what you posted lol

>> No.29481436

>Biz reading anything

I read it, basically they are confirmed unbacked in 2017 and 2019 combined with a lot of what stuff.

>> No.29481737

What use is pretending to read something when you're illiterate? The settlement only says they misled people about their access to banking in 2017 and the existence of the lost 850 million. Instead of actually reading it you just made shit up.

>> No.29481931

Bitfinex'ed was a qtard magapede?!?

>> No.29482360

>it got banned from trading in the state
According to the documents they haven't traded in NY since August 2017.
>In August 2018, Bitfinex’s announced exclusion of U.S.-based individual users was expanded to include all U.S.-based entities

>> No.29482498

WTF I love Tether now.

>> No.29482562

Its a good investment but check out Machimo as well

>> No.29482693

holy kek

>> No.29482775

without tether bitcoin is worth $2500

>> No.29482925

have you heard of USDC? the institution backed jewcoin?

>> No.29482926

>By settling while claiming having done 0 wrongdoings
The AG did not claim they did 0 wrongdoings you retarded motherfucker. They literally published a list of Tether's wrongdoings and banned them from trading in that State.

That's the most they could do. Were you expecting the lawsuit to end with marines beheading Bitfinex' CEO on public TV or something?
>thing the AG approved by settling ?
"Settling" with a fine and a ban. Both parties knew Tether was guilty.

>> No.29482958

>other assets
Yeah, Bitfinex customer funds.

>> No.29483167

Yes, tether is a scam.
No, we don’t give a fuck.
we’ve known this forever
Traditional banking and printing fiat is a scam too, but it hasn’t crashed to 0

>> No.29483181

>other assets
Crypto assets are not a suitable backing you moron.

>> No.29483207

so basically banks kept fucking them over, and rather than panic people they told the public "everything is fine, funds safu" while behind the scenes they fixed it

tether fud is over, we're going to 300k

>> No.29483568

That's the real scandal. So why isn't there more focus on that instead of the most braindead fud imaginable?
Stablecoins take away from the market cap of other crypto, not the other way around. Nothing about the fud makes any sense. Only the dumbest, technically illiterate normie sheep fall for it.

>> No.29483651

it’s not over but yea we’re going up
we’re playing musical chairs with this market and always have been. nothing has changed, just be mindful of the eventual corrections and you’ll be alright

>> No.29483732

to be fair, NYDFS has been regulating crypto on the state level for 7 years now. This is what gives the NYAG the authority to crackdown on tether. Other states dont require Bitlicenses, so they really dont have standing.

Really ought to learn something about regulation.