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2945717 No.2945717 [Reply] [Original]

>BCC will rise to 0.4 again

>> No.2945729

I more think it will break its previous ATH and hit .5

>> No.2945734

i hope

i bought $15k worth at .39

>> No.2945754

I think you'll be glad you did.

>> No.2945802

Then I will get my investment back!
I bought 1 btc worth at .2, set a sell order of 2 bcc at .5
Then I will hold the rest until maybe it might moon. Or not.
Maybe just set them to 2 btc and forget about it.
But if it goes so high maybe there is something wrong with btc......

>> No.2945809

Is Bittrex allowing deposits now?

>> No.2945820

yes but the chinks stopped mining it, there is literally nobody mining bcc atm KEK

>> No.2945823


Yes but it may be hours if not a day before they arrive. Plenty of time to pump.

>> No.2945832

Doubtful. It's a broken chain and people are realizing this... that's the reason the price is plummeting.

Sorry but you got ripped off by the chinks.

>> No.2945841


$650 @ 0.29, $550 @.21

>> No.2945924

It won't - at least not for long - lemme copy paste what I wrote in another thread.

"Mining difficulty is now ~26% of BTC, which means BCH can never be worth more than 0.26 without a dramatic increase in hashpower on the BCH network. Since we're mining fast enough, this difficulty will stay for ~7 weeks until we get a normal retarget (2016 blocks), which means that the price will stay below or at ~0.26 unless hash power takes a dramatic shift. If it DOES take a dramatic shift, we're going to see some hilarious yo-yoing and this might kill both coins. Since there are certain agreements made as part of the NYA originally, this is unlikely to happen."

To add on to it,

Long term we might see an improvement, but the issue we have now is because there are two major SHA256 coins in direct competition, hashpower will dictate price because if there is a major shift in hashpower due to price swings, one or both coins could actually die. I think both coins need to modify their difficulty retargeting algorithm in order to coexist long term without eating each other alive. Either that, or BCH needs to be worth pennies compared to BTC, otherwise mining issues will continue. What we had with BCH the last few days (really long difficulty retargets and no blocks) will continue if the hashpower has to compete and yo-yos between chains (which will happen if someone defects from the NYA due to a major price increase).

Basically, BCH price will stay artificially low because of miners for at least 7 weeks, or it risks killing both coins.

>> No.2945990

Where are you getting 7 weeks from?

>> No.2946000

Last 10 block times averaged over 2016 blocks. That specific number is subject to change, but we've averaged ~1.6 blocks an hour. We'll get a clearer picture in the next few days, but it's looking like the current difficulty isn't changing so once we see the average we can extrapolate how long it would take to find 2016 blocks and retarget.

>> No.2946018

Hashpower will increase soon.


>> No.2946035

That article reinforces my thoughts. If hashpower flips over it will cause absolute hell because certain miners are essentially contractually obligated to not mine BCH due to the New York Agreement, unless the 2x part of SegWit2x doesn't activate.

The only potential curve ball other than a defector would be if a brand new kid on the block showed up and just started going HAM mining BCH

>> No.2946050

>contractually obligated to not mine BCH
What would the concequences of breaking this agreement be?
....Other than massive profit

>> No.2946068


Contractually obligated? Jesus this is what decentralized currency has become? Lawyers dictating terms of mining?

>> No.2946069

Their credibility would be dumpstered immediately and they'd never have any say in the future of Bitcoin. NYA included 99% of all major mining operators, developers, and plays. Considering they'd lose their entire business for a short term profit, it's unlikely they'd defect over a few bucks.

Would be fun to watch though. BCH drama isn't over, I'm awaiting some more ridiculous moves from whales and miners alike.

>> No.2946072

keep dreaming bitch ass nigga

>> No.2946082

Here's a short post on the NYA. It's more nuanced, but this might give you a small picture of why no one except ViaBTC and Bitcoin.com is mining BCH.


Some miners have sort of "loopholed" the agreement by mining both, and most people were okay with that (ViaBTC/Bitcoin.com), but the stipulation that was accepted was that users contributing to the pool would be given a choice of what to mine (the operators can't decide the split).

>> No.2946157

>Considering they'd lose their entire business for a short term profit, it's unlikely they'd defect over a few bucks.
True but wouldn't any defector currently be mining at 4x efficiency?
that's a pretty big incentive for a large enterprise.

>> No.2946178
File: 378 KB, 1200x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those Bcash bags are really heavy, aren't they?

>> No.2946204

Bitcoin cash doesn't implement any Bitcoin Banking retard. You could argue that's what LN is in a roundabout way but I don't have a dog in that fight.
Big blocks are winning and corecucks are getting scared.

>> No.2946212
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Soooo heavy not like I got free money or anything at all like that

>> No.2946219

>implying I didn't immediately dump the majority of my Bitcoin Cash at 0.35

You didn't even read my post you fucking retard.

>> No.2946237

4x efficiency but the difficulty is still high enough for 2016 to take up to 7 weeks vs 2. By that math alone they only gain ~50% advantage for a while and lose out on tons of future profits. No company will sink themselves for a few weeks of extra profit, I doubt any of them are so short sighted.

>> No.2946260


I've already taken good profits from Mr Wu shitcoins. Gonna stop before I get burnt.

>> No.2946264

unsafe coin is unsafe and unsecurable
dont be a stupid greedy nigger and risk security of the network out of being a greedy dumb nigger

>> No.2946275

Thanks for answering.
I'm not sure why you think the miners don't think BCC has a chance though. Defecting seems perfectly logical long term if miners just want to kill bitcoin core and reap incredible profits from buying up BCC during the dumps and then switching over their hashpower.
I'm clearly not them but to me it seems to be the obvious thing to do.

>> No.2946279

Have ANY of you big block fags ran your own node and secured your own tx?

>> No.2946290

do any of you big block fogs even know what it means to secure your own tx on the chain?

>> No.2946308

You say that like it's a difficult thing to do. Anyone who was running a full node before should be running both chains just in case.
BCC chain is still very small. Low risk high potential reward.

>> No.2946316
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Are you unironically illiterate?

t.retard who bought more on the exchange and now is bagholding

>this much damage control
Just give up pajeet. If Hal in 2010 already mentioned a secondary layer it is pretty much guaranteed that the LN was already in Satoshi's vision. How much is Roger paying you btw? Just want to know how cheap the fucker is

>> No.2946331

This. Who the hell trusts segwit at this point?

>> No.2946336

do you fags even science?

>> No.2946343
File: 8 KB, 200x200, ae983dd69a1157ab7f7342a6037b38f10d652402_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He dumped his bcc for $8

>> No.2946356

Biggest bullshit ever, contract?? Did someone buy up all the hashpower???

>> No.2946361

>add a bunch of supply to a static amount of demand
>surely it will go up
learn to cut your losses

>> No.2946363

I didn't dump anything, for me that centralized shitcoin doesn't even exist, its price is irrelevant

>> No.2946366

segwit is fine... review the code and work on it if you have a concern.

>> No.2946380

I never said it doesn't have a chance.

Small miners will certainly defect, and they SHOULD, but the major hashing companies part of the NYA and are obligated to stay as long as Bitcoin Core devs don't violate their part of the SegWit2x agreement.

The long term plan, assuming no major code changes into how mining works, will guarantee that the price hovers around the percentage of the difficulty of the other (ie: 26% is BCH diff compared to BTC, so the ceiling is currently around 0.26). If there's a flippening (which I don't foresee, but I don't care because I'm not particularly invested in one side and keep my options open), then it will reverse and BTC will be worth for ex X% of BCH proportional to the difficulty.

NYA basically keeps the BCH hashing power in check until something goes wrong with SegWit2x or there's a major defector. This is what Bitcoin Core got out of it. What big blockers got was that they guaranteed bigger blocks (2MB) tested on the main chain, but Jihan and crew decided to fork anyway despite getting what they want (because 2MB wasn't enough and they REALLY hate SegWit, also muh ASICBoost).

dumb frogposter

Look up the New York Agreement.

>> No.2946385

i love the
didnt read the code fags
saying segwit is scary lol
trust your big block bankers you dirty niggers

>> No.2946386

>BTC purist
>Not following the money
This is why you'll never make it lol

>> No.2946387

Where the fuck do you guys get this information?

I'm new to crypto, came here literally 2 days ago when BCC was skyrocketing and I wanted ez money
>I lost $100

>> No.2946396

NYA was made public at Consensus 2017, around May-June-ish.

>> No.2946400

you fags dont understand that TNYA isnt a contract

>> No.2946402

they can't even grasp the simple math that explains why nobody is mining Bcash right now (26% the difficulty but price<0.26 = lose money, nah it's "muh agreements"), they have zero chance of reading code or contributing anything to it

>> No.2946418

i dont have time to explain things u r to fucking lazy to learn about on your own
no free noob btc lessons

>> No.2946421

I'm talking about this kind of insight:
>Mining difficulty is now ~26% of BTC, which means BCH can never be worth more than 0.26 without a dramatic increase in hashpower on the BCH network. Since we're mining fast enough, this difficulty will stay for ~7 weeks until we get a normal retarget (2016 blocks), which means that the price will stay below or at ~0.26 unless hash power takes a dramatic shift. If it DOES take a dramatic shift, we're going to see some hilarious yo-yoing and this might kill both coins.

Do you lurk crypto forums or something?

>> No.2946430

Price is irrelevant if nobody can sell. Anyone mining BCC at all is taking a risk period.

>> No.2946442

>dumb frogposter
not an argument. Do you think you know what Satoshi's vision is better than Hal Finney? Fuck off moron

>>Not following the money
you are not following the money you brainwashed retard Pajeet.

>> No.2946454

Not a legally binding one, no. Political pressure can be even more powerful than a legal contract.

The NYA is literally crypto's version of the nuclear arms agreement in the real world.

No, you retard. The agreement is keeping the hashing power artificially low, which is why price is low. I think it would be low regardless, because personally I don't believe BCH will overtake BTC even in a more "free" market, but the agreement is effectively FORCING it.

No I literally just lurk /biz/ and crypto news sites, read relevant code, and draw my own conclusions.

You are literally retarded; and again, not an argument. I'm pro-Bitcoin Core and if you actually read anything I posted you'd have realized this. I don't care about your Core circlejerk.

>> No.2946456
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>Price is irrelevant if nobody can sell
and you think the price will improve once people can sell their Bcash on exchanges? Truly clueless..

>> No.2946458

Hahaha you must really be regretting selling instantly? Dumb Reddit fag

>> No.2946463


oh wow it's a theymos shill, what a fucking surprise!

>> No.2946464

ok one free noob tip. the only secure bit tx is one that you verify on your own node. so if you are exited about BCH run your own node and let me know how that works out for ya

>> No.2946476


As if Americans can even force Chinks to do anything, 10-1 the Chinks met with the Americans in NY, made an agreement, then secretly went home and schemed among themselves to do their own thing.

>> No.2946485

>and you think the price will improve
I didn't say that. I said that miners are already taking a huge risk mining on BCC. The price being under a difficulty threshold doesn't make it worse because even if the price rose nobody could sell.

>> No.2946487
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>You are literally retarded; and again, not an argument. I'm pro-Bitcoin Core and if you actually read anything I posted you'd have realized this. I don't care about your Core circlejerk.
wow we've got a smart jew here
>i-i-i'm one of the cool guys, nothing to see here
>ignore my r/btc propaganda, it's not how it looks
fuck off

keep projecting, and go back to your containment shithole

>> No.2946493

Bcash exists exactly because Jihan know that the NYA is worthless you fucking moron

>> No.2946494
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If Bitcoin was an anime Jihan would be my favorite villain (or vigilante depending on whose side you're on).

>> No.2946497

you dont have to be such a nigger about chinks to do science

>> No.2946502

>one chink disagrees with everyone else so it must be true

Yeah idk about that.

>> No.2946507

>The agreement is keeping the hashing power artificially low, which is why price is low.
you think this is how mining and prices work? now I know you're baiting....

>> No.2946513

It's normally the other way around (in almost every single case), because there aren't external factors that can manipulate hashrates so dramatically. Here there is an exception simply because there was a majority hashpower as part of the agreement.

>> No.2946528

im just glad "Satoshi"s vision" will lead the greedy niggers to a new banking platform

>> No.2946533
File: 20 KB, 273x306, 1444060530233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you literally retarded?
ok let me explain it in clear words for you.
We have fact A: the NYA is worthless
consequence 1 -> because pro-Core people know this, UASF gains traction to force miners hand. Miners capitulate and start signaling
consequence 2 -> Jihan know that it's over for him, Segwit will be activated and there won't be bigger blocks. Therefore he hardforks with Bcash and tries desperately to keep it running.

Is it clear enough for you now, brainlet? In all of this, one fact is clear: nobody ever believed the NYA to be worth anything.

>> No.2946547

>crypto news sites, read relevant code
Like what? What're the sources? Don't make me play 20 questions, asshole

>> No.2946555

He (and his partners) is a major player who played a very important role in building the infrastructure. He deserves more respect than he is getting.

>> No.2946557

>fact A

Gonna need some proof there before continuing. You really think all the major players will renege on 2x? I know faggots like Adam Back are trying to, but I have more faith in the agreement other than one retard. What would they gain from destroying the credibility of Bitcoin as a whole? The NYA was a compromise and both sides agreed on it. If 2x isn't activated, Core is fucked.

Literally browse /biz/ (and l e d d i t :^) ), and instead of just listening to the FUD/shilling, look at the actual sources and decide who is bullshitting yourself.

>> No.2946561

how is anyone even in btc or bch at the moment instead of eth. holy fuck, i was a bitcoin maximalist for years, but i bailed as soon as i understood what segwit really was. the coin is dead because of that backdoor and bch is literally a one coin level scam with only one guy mining it

>> No.2946562

TNYA was all about getting segwit and we will talk about the rest later lol
good software works in layers
it has for decades

>> No.2946564

I agree with this, but he's quite the character nonetheless.

>> No.2946580

NYA was about SegWit AND 2x, not just SegWit. If core goes full scumbag and doesn't activate 2MB blocks the entire ecosystem is in for an even bigger shit show than the creation of BCH turned out to be.

>> No.2946581

I can't wait for the Metropolis hard fork coming up for Eth

>> No.2946582

Antminers etc is still mining the BCC (Bitcoin Core) chain...

>> No.2946588

>Literally browse /biz/ (and l e d d i t :^) ), and instead of just listening to the FUD/shilling, look at the actual sources and decide who is bullshitting yourself.
You monster.

>> No.2946589

this wasnt an agreement with core you stupid faggot

>> No.2946608

It was an agreement to merge the changes into the Core branch. What are you talking about?

>> No.2946628

nobody just speaks for all of core you stupid fuck

>> No.2946634
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>TNYA was all about getting segwit and we will talk about the rest later lol
It was an attempt at weakening the UASF movement and claiming a compromise was reached. It was just a way for miners to pretend they had not lost their face. Jihan and Roger wanted the blocksize increase first and then Segwit, but it became clear they wouldn't be able to get that, not in such a short time, so they decided to fork off before UASF forced them to have a deadline. Thanks to Bcash there is even less need for a Segwit2x, they have proven that there is no need to increase blocks and nobody wants them lmao

>Gonna need some proof there before continuing
you fucking brainlet. The proof is all around you, just open your fucking eyes
> You really think all the major players will renege on 2x?
Yes, because it is useless and now the ones who whined like little bitches to have it have already forked off
> I know faggots like Adam Back are trying to
weren't you pro-Core? You showed your true self you lying jew
> I have more faith in the agreement other than one retard
There's no agreement you fucking moron
> What would they gain from destroying the credibility of Bitcoin as a whole?
>The NYA was a compromise and both sides agreed on it. If 2x isn't activated, Core is fucked.
I'll let one of the most impartial and expert people on Bitcoin give you an answer, pic related.
owned by Jihan

>> No.2946635

I never said they did. Rejecting 2x would be a group decision. What exactly is the problem here?

>> No.2946642

all the btc noobs r lyke
sorry maybe i misunderstood
yer all nigger faggots anyhow

>> No.2946648

I read your post wrong because your r/btc indoctrination made you mislabel things
BCC/BCH = bitcoin cash
BTC = Bitcoin (the one developed by Core)

I don't get the "antminers etc" ????
Antminers are mining equipment. Are you talking about a pool in particular? Jihan is behind many pools. The only ones mining Bcash are owned by Jihan, but of course he is not so retarded to stop mining the true Bitcoin at the same time.

>> No.2946650

Nothing about your post makes any sense. Adam Back is publicly trying to fuck over big blockers after previously having an agreement with them.

Jihan is mining core because he promised to unless 2x fails to activate, in which case he will be the first one to switch. Why is this so difficult to comprehend that there are faggots on both sides?

>> No.2946662

>Adam Back is publicly trying to fuck over big blockers after previously having an agreement with them.
nice fan-fic, is it on Amazon already? Stop falling for r/btc retardness. Actually, why the fuck are you here in the first place? Go back to r*ddit moron
>Jihan is mining core because he promised to unless 2x fails to activate, in which case he will be the first one to switch. Why is this so difficult to comprehend that there are faggots on both sides?
Are you unironically believing Jihan's words? Holy shit you can only be a paid shill, there is no other explanation. Literally almost everyone involved in Bcash is directly paid by Jihan, except the few brainwashed morons on r/btc

>> No.2946671

Adam tweeted hinting that he was now against 2x, saying we don't need it anymore despite the agreement.

Take theymos' dick out of your mouth for two seconds and draw your own conclusions from actual sources.

>> No.2946673


>> No.2946685
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>Adam tweeted hinting that he was now against 2x, saying we don't need it anymore despite the agreement.
He was never in favour of it you fucking moron, nobody was.
>Take theymos' dick out of your mouth for two seconds and draw your own conclusions from actual sources.
ahahah look at this pathetic r/btc shill. Take Roger's dick out of YOUR mouth. I am not the one repeating propaganda created for the exact purpose of astroturfing
You have to go back

>> No.2946729

You might be right about the Adam Back thing, I fell for the r/BTC meme. My apologies.

>> No.2946769

I'm kind of impressed at the blind ideological conviction people have to two stupid blockchains when both of their developers have already established they're only in it to enrich themselves at the expense of the other

And people invoking Satoshi's name like he's Thomas Jefferson, even though it's frankly his own fault things got this convoluted

>> No.2946778

It's such a shit show sometimes I wonder if it's alive for any reason other than that both sides are holding heavy bags, in which case this is literally one huge Ponzi.

>> No.2946938

>Doesn't realize it's called Bcash
Wow another dumbass, what a fucking surprise!

>> No.2946944

Let me guess, you're just pretending?

>> No.2946980

hope you sold nigga

>> No.2947046

The shills have discovered biz

>> No.2947412

all i want is a block chain i cant verify my own tx on. ty bcash

>> No.2947426

all our greedy nigger money are belong to bcash