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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2945609 No.2945609 [Reply] [Original]


Which is the real fork? Which will become the next bitcoin?

Will bitcoin truly collapse?

>> No.2945902

Need answers, biz

>> No.2945913

They're shitcoins man. Neither will have anything to do with BTC. Literally everyone will forget about them within like 2 month's time.

>> No.2945916

BCC is the future but wait for retards to dump over this week.

>> No.2945928

someone just absorbed the panic sell off pre-wallet opening...

im actually going to laugh when yall figure out that BCC is actually the real bitcoin.

if we wanted segwit to scale, wed use litecoin you fucking idiots.

8mb blocks = 8x better.

faggots btfo

>> No.2945934 [DELETED] 

BTC is here to stay as the standard. It might not be the best necessarily, but its globally known and accepted. Shit, most people who are aware of cryptocurrency don't even know there are alternatives to bitcoin, so anyone new coming into the game will head straight to it.

>> No.2945941

Isn't that BCH tho? Bitconnect is BCC

>> No.2945957

well, sure. were talking bitcoin cash... called bcc on bittrex where the vast majority of trading is taking place pre-wallet opening

>> No.2945969

Ok. But on coincap and other places bitcoin cash is BCH, why??

>> No.2945985

BCC is the superior bitcoin, dont let the btc maximalists tell you otherwise, it is more in line with Satoshi's model of bitcoin

however, it is in total control of the gooks, so it most likely will never replace bitcoin, they will fuck it up like always

>> No.2945987


Bitcoin cash for fast and cheap anonimous and secure decentralised transactions

Bitcoin settlement/core for corprate settlement and complex fintech constructions.

>> No.2945996

>Ok. But on coincap and other places bitcoin cash is BCH, why??
dude just quit crypto now if you cant figure this out. lol! jesus christ

>> No.2946033

that's rude he was asking a simple question

>> No.2946058

lel whad'ya mean you aren't an edgie teen with daddy issues like >>2945996 I mean so edgie le quit crypto can't into basic answers haha right!?!?!

>> No.2946094

Daaaad go back to redid and act grownup over there.

>> No.2946110

>someone just absorbed the panic sell off pre-wallet opening...

Dude it tanked like a motherfucker and who says it won't tank more.

Absorb my ass.

>> No.2946153
File: 33 KB, 400x267, two-girls-laughing-white-background-8038497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8mb blocks = 8x better.

>> No.2946221

>1gb blocks every 10 mins = 1000x better
No way to lose!
>no block limit = INFINITE POWERRRRR!

>> No.2946375

so ethereum

>> No.2946394

BTC is original bitcoin and will remain original bitcoin

BCH is fork of bitcoin for masses, it'll be there as cheaper substitution for plebs

>> No.2946419
File: 1.97 MB, 2504x1669, summerfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is any of these 2 altcoins BTC?

>> No.2946431

Copy paste from other thread

For everyone that isn't aware. This isn't just a hardfork. This is a fight for bitcoin.

/r/bitcoin will censor/ban the fuck out of you if you mention anything about bitcoin cash. Even went as far as some of the /r/bitcoin mods creating and running /r/bcash in an attempt to rebrand bitcoin cash because they know they aren't the true coin.

There's tons of fud coming from scared fanboys and corporate shills. They know bitcoin is getting overtaken and they know bitcoin cash is truer to satoshis vision more then they will ever be.

Bitcoin cash is the true bitcoin. Those censoring/manipulating little cunts at reddit and bitcointalk can fuck right off.

Everyone needs to spread the info on all the manipulation and censorship more

>> No.2946440

0.001 BCC has been deposited in your wallet by viaBTC

>> No.2946461

This. People wanted segwit because they were told it was a solution. What people really want is bitcoin to just fucking work.
The censorship and backroom meetings have been despicable.
Also if the (((miners))) wanted big blocks to centralize the system they would all be on a 32+mb blocksize chain already.
Big blocks don't directly incentivize anyone other than HDD manufacturers.

>> No.2946504


What is >>2946411

Nice pasta, mix it up a little.

>> No.2946664

haha the /btc fags are actually trying to astroturf /biz/? they are some of the most delusional weirdos I've ever seen.

>> No.2946690

why are you mentioning reddits? do you think anyone here gives a shit about censorship over there? both sides are idiots there.

>> No.2946713

It's kinda like when /pol/ says anyone who they disagree with is from Reddit.
Instead of godwin's law we should basically have "first person who's brought up reddit has lost the debate"

>> No.2946807

Funny before BCC there was Bitcore a Bitcoin fork with 20MB blocks 20x better?

>> No.2946820

>Bitcoin Settlement

Lmao this new meme makes me chuckle. Just subtle enough to enrage core cucks, but different enough from Bcash.

>> No.2946883

BTC will be more secure and more expensive to use

BCH will be less secure and less expensive to use

The problem here though is that a less secure blockchain should also be FASTER, which BCH is not. It inherits the old blocktimes from its secure older brother. Sure you can fit more Tx in a block but you still have to wait in 10 min increments if you wanted, for instance, to pay on the spot for your coffee or something. If it doesn't do that well, then why not just use a different altcoin that does?

>> No.2946908

Yep, Bitcore is going strong

>> No.2946914

Also this

BCH is a foregone conclusion, LTC does its job way better

>> No.2947030

Go to bed, Roger. We don't give a fuck about Reddit here. Your fork is as dead as you are.