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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29457955 No.29457955 [Reply] [Original]

How are we doing vesper bros? Will we survive a bear market?

>> No.29458076

I'm happy with yield so far.

>> No.29458129

All my savings are in this so I hope so

>> No.29458255

i am not really worried since i bought sub 20, i'm checking charts less and less. fuck it, either i make it or i don't.

>> No.29458274

I bought at $27 not too worried desu, it's a long term hold for me anyway

>> No.29458978

I am 60k deep in this shit bros.

>> No.29459005

wow, vesper has been hit hard

>> No.29459101

probably wont
i regret buying this

>> No.29459116

bought in at 35 and again at 49. Just gonna stake. Reminds me of YFI when it first came out

>> No.29459127


Why are you all pretending it's okay?

This complete shitcoin crabbed around $35 for several days after launch and then lost 50% of its value.

The product might be good and TVL is impressive, but let's be honest this coin is a total shitcoin. If we ever get back to $37 I will sell this absolute piece of shit at break even and never look back.

>> No.29459211

It's a dividend coin. Better use case than most.

>If we ever get back to $37
Will it happen?

>> No.29459239

it didn't lose 50% value though, I think ur getting emotional anon

>> No.29459377

it's a dividend coin with god-awful tokenomics. it will dump in value over time from inflation alone. there is a way better product much like this that isn't about hype and VC but I'm not going to shill it ITT. just dyor.

>> No.29459541
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its went up to $50 and now its $25

>> No.29459634


But it did. It spend a fraction of its time at $10. All the faggots who try to justify this is 'it's up 2x since launch' can just fucking kys.

The token is a total piece of shit. I should have listened to people here when they pointed out this shit launched with a $400m market cap which is ridiculous. This token is absolute pure trash and we got fucked in the ass by 'strategic investors'

Oh not to mention we're getting 700% inflation this year. I have honestly never been so cucked in my whole life and I pray I can get out of this complete shitcoin.

Thank god I literally only have 200 of these absolute pieces of garbage. You should all be absolutely seething that these faggots launched something, ripped off an idea which already exists, and did it so they could make their faggot friends a little bit richer.

>> No.29459652

>This complete shitcoin crabbed around $35 for several days after launch and then lost 50% of its value.

stop being retarded

>> No.29459691

>waah waaah it didn't immediately go 200x
>it dropped just like ANY OTHER COIN when bitcoin shat the bed
>it's a failure of a project
Kindly fuck off and take your $300 with you. This is a serious project with long term amazing potential, not your pump n dump of the week.

For everyone: just wait until the correction is over and we're gonna have an alt season that will pump everything to new ATH. Stop looking at charts for a couple of days.

>> No.29459701




Just be honest with us all that you're not happy or alternatively kys. I'm so furious that I'm literally fudding my own bags.

>> No.29459773

holy shit u faggots are insufferable
you were not aware that you could lose money in crypto? seriously u guys reek of shit

>> No.29459775


ermagerd guys I know we're one of the worst performing coins today but I swear it's going to be okay when muh alt szn comes around.


>> No.29459834

im not saying the price is going to go up, it probably wont, and youll get even more mad!!!
poor baby

>> No.29459836

Lmao sounds like you spent your entire villages food supply to buy in and now they're marching towards your mud hut with pitchforks

>> No.29459851


Yeah I don't care that I lost money. Technically I lost $30k in BTC today alone but that's fine, because it's BTC. This is some annoying corporate garbage designed purely to pump and dump on a higher scale. Look at the team's other failed projects.

>> No.29459919

>Look at the team's other failed projects.
omg you're so smart! i hadnt thought about this, you must have really done your own research big time. oh wait ur parroting some other nigger who also reeks of shit. cut your losses if you want to.

>> No.29459921


No I'm honestly just bored of you faggots who are also completely shook pretending it's okay and hoping someone else will buy your bags so you have to pretend it's fine whilst the building around you is burning to the ground.

>> No.29460342
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Jesus fucking christ what a new faggot. I can tell you never invested in any crypto project before


>> No.29460352

Man, the token has been out for about a week. It's not "burning to the ground," it tanked back to the launch price basically. Everything is tanking today in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.29460418

>it's a dividend coin with god-awful tokenomics
how can you say that when it is literally the only of the governance coins that actually give the holders almost all revenue

>> No.29460666

Most of these retards haven't even read the documentation/white paper. They blindly jumped in thinking they were gonna do a swingie and now they're screaming rape. I'm glad the market took a shit so we can watch the show.

>> No.29460775

because as I said, there's already another project similar to this that actually has built in buy pressure and burn pressure on top of the revenue. this is nice if you're staking in one of the token pools, but holding it or staking it is retarded.

>> No.29460812


Been in crypto for 4 years. This is just one of the biggest pieces of steaming corporate shit I have seen dumped on the crypto market. It's almost as bad as CEDEFI.

>> No.29460861

and yes, I feel way more comfy holding this than some other shitcoin
with Vesper I at least know we are not depending on retail investors for our only buying pressure. The protocol is currently generating about 50k per day, all used to market buy VSP and give it to stakers

>> No.29460937

>because as I said, there's already another project similar to this that actually has built in buy pressure and burn pressure on top of the revenue. this is nice if you're staking in one of the token pools, but holding it or staking it is retarded.
which one? nothing stops the holders from voting to implement burning on top of fee sharing in Vesper too.

>> No.29461281
File: 62 KB, 1242x621, 0F36EF2F-2AFF-4DE9-BA50-FEBED7C60855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me,mad that the refund from IRS didn’t hit yet
>Sad af watching crypto go to da moon
>market takes a fat shit and all cryptos are down 30%
>now happy I still haven’t gotten my money and missed out on getting rekt
>hopes Bitcoin falls more to buy cheap altcoins
>patiently waits for altcoin to finally come

>> No.29461617

Sure, but remember this:
>3.5M VSP (35%) is for Vesper team, advisors, and strategic partners, which is subject to vesting over twelve months.

I'll let you find it on your own. Check out 0xb1's wallet. He/they deposited 60 million dollars in value into Vesper's vaults, but bought none of the token itself. With us, he deposited only 10 million dollars into our first vault, but also bought close to a million worth of our token. And the first vault doesn't compare to Vesper at all in terms of APY. The second vault is launching this week, the third is still a few months from release. Real devs don't launch a subpar product just to ride the bull market.

>> No.29461975

>0xb1 drops 60 mill into vesper and didn't even buy a token. Vespers that good.
>Shits out only 10 mill for your magic token


>> No.29462106

i can't even sell because the gas fees are so high

>> No.29462143

me too

>> No.29462247

>the token is so good that he didn't buy a single one
Yep. And Vesper is a finalized product.

>> No.29462248

>3.5M VSP (35%) is for Vesper team, advisors, and strategic partners, which is subject to vesting over twelve months.
I don't see any problem with this. Only 1M of those went to investors/strategic partners

>I'll let you find it on your own. Check out 0xb1's wallet. He/they deposited 60 million dollars in value into Vesper's vaults, but bought none of the token itself.
I'm not going to find out on my own so either tell me or don't, I don't really care. But maybe you are talking about YAX since I know that 0xb1 likes that one. He also likes YFL, which hasn't performed too well lately
Also the fact that he deposited 60 million dollars means that he really does not need to buy the token because he is farming a ton of it. You can see he is not selling the farmed tokens, but rather putting them up as liquidity on UNI / Sushi

>Real devs don't launch a subpar product just to ride the bull market.
lol, they have been developing is since 2019, a lot before any bull market. Did you know that they actually postponed the launch by 3 weeks while the bullrun was in full power, because they wanted to make sure proper audits and testing were done on all vaults before release. There is nothing subpar about the product, Yaxis is not better in any way.

>> No.29462696

Weak shilling.

>> No.29463963

very weak