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29450410 No.29450410 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29450627

I already pulled the trigger tonight. i will not risk the trade of a lifetime on +/- 10% on entry. This will be multiple thousands of USD by EOY

>> No.29450905

Nice, Green ID. I got 32k in stablecoin, I'll just DCA over the next 24 hours.

>> No.29451118

If you get in quick you can probably get 100 AAVE.

>> No.29451219

I sold my AAVE at $346 or so. I plan on buying back in once we are $300 or less.

>> No.29451304
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Close enough?

>> No.29451433


>> No.29451511

I'll just buy more cake since I'd rather pay $.10 fees than $300

>> No.29451528

i just spent 1/3 of my btc stack to buy aave. if we dump more i will buy more. Maybe get some snx too.

>> No.29451622

will the aave token generate yield eventually? I admit the protocol itself looks quite juicy sirs

>> No.29451651

might take out an aave loan to buy some cake t.b.h.

>> No.29451684
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I've been hesitating on pulling the trigger for the last couple of days.

Shill me anons. That chart looks ugly.

>> No.29451736
File: 42 KB, 451x264, 20210222_134442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister bought 3 of these because of me when it was almost 500
She thinks I am retarded now

>> No.29451803

I’m waiting til 200

>> No.29451825

She will double her money within a few weeks max.

>> No.29451841

Audible kek

>> No.29451847

She'll think you're genius when it reaches 4 figures.

>> No.29451879

Unironically will never happen again

>> No.29452177

Is 100 AAVE enough to make it? Bought this shit when it was still Ethlend and am hodling like a squirrel with nuts in it's mouth

>> No.29452189

I might take an aave loan to buy some aave tokens....

>> No.29452249
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Naah, buying at $210

>> No.29452255
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This is why I don't shill shit to people I know. I don't even like talking about crypto aside from with fellow crypto degens.

>> No.29452326

I didn't even shill it technically, I just told her how I bought like 40 under 250
i told her I was probably going to sell around the top though

>> No.29452462

I expect around $2k AAVE at some stage to rival Maker (MKR), so you tell me?

>> No.29452634

How much AAVE for your sisters pussy?

>> No.29452670

One of the most straightforward use cases in defi. Anyone not buying right now pre eth 2.0... wow

>> No.29452673
File: 44 KB, 431x264, 20210222_135630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tall like that.
What's wrong with you

>> No.29452739

I split all my spare fiat this dip 50/50 AAVE/AVAX

>> No.29452744

aave would need like a 30 billion mcap to hit that, I don’t think that’s impossible but the whole market has to grow quite a bit more for that to be possible

>> No.29453031

So you are saying it's ineventible?

>> No.29453139

Why, do you have somewhere to be in 2 years?

>> No.29453368

fuck bought in at 416. thought that was bottom. ah well could be worse.

>> No.29453843
File: 226 KB, 958x2048, operaaave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psssst AAVE is now building on FTM.
Get in before it gets out

>> No.29453848
File: 38 KB, 1024x572, F9C3062C-EC44-43AA-B631-E0E4B80A841C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going all in on a governance token shitcoin

>> No.29455084
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But sir the fees!
Wait for BSC clone of aave instead

>> No.29455313
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Ahhhh getting pretty close to my $300 Entry :)

>> No.29455534

I've been all in since $80, like any reasonable person would.

>> No.29456144

I bought in at around at $200.

I love me some delicious dip.

Time to throw a few more chips in.

>> No.29456416

the bear market just began, buying at 300 is catching a falling knife. buy at 200

>> No.29456592
File: 48 KB, 463x562, ec0e4039fdc7243d88d5abca389a9f83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck it just keeps getting better, the more i shitpost on here without buying the more aave i get

>> No.29457410
File: 51 KB, 484x580, 78bdd1572fd931d3997d23ffcde9d808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so close to pulling the trigger.

>> No.29457710


>> No.29458256


>> No.29458537

I want to believe its a bounce, i feel sell pressure on BTC will continue. my target is 275 Trust.

>> No.29458616


>> No.29458649

I did it at 325 OP, felt like a safe bet

>> No.29458747

Who bought the dip?

>> No.29458791
File: 6 KB, 338x129, c6d7ddcacd95276f9bf0cff7d6f1c401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally do this but ethereum is but this makes it absolutely unfeasable.

>> No.29459868

This my who is poor forced me to buy him crypto. Telling me to help him out. Well guess who sold all his coins rn so when he woke up he wouldn't beat my ass. That's right me. Thankfully he doubled his portfolio