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File: 106 KB, 622x653, Capture d’écran 2017-08-03 à 19.46.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2944439 No.2944439 [Reply] [Original]

Coinbase might add new coins/tokens soon.
What's your guess?

>> No.2944464

Kek I remember when Litecoin went from like $20 to $37 in a few minutes just because Coinbase added it. That was fun.

>> No.2944468


>> No.2944481

Let's speculate


>> No.2944486
File: 1.32 MB, 446x251, ANTIFA punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McKie is a faggot.

>> No.2944489

I'd say Stratis too.

>> No.2944494


>> No.2944495

bcc probably, not that it matters now KEK

>> No.2944505

seriously i'm buying NOW

>> No.2944506

Wish list:

>> No.2944518

hahahahahh faggots saying stratis.. most likely dash or monero

>> No.2944521

Man, I hope it's Monero.

>> No.2944529

I can't imagine Coinbase would add a privacy coin like Monero.

I mean what's the point?

>> No.2944538

Could add it to just GDAX.

>> No.2944539

Why else you think it's doing so well right now

>> No.2944558

Its either xrp or iota

>> No.2944562


>> No.2944571


>> No.2944575


>> No.2944585


>> No.2944590

Adds a dynamic system to add all coins but Bitcoin Cash.
I'm ok with this.

>> No.2944602


>> No.2944634


My wishlist:


>> No.2944836

It will be BAT

One of the Devs works for Coinbase

>> No.2944853


>> No.2944861

The Bean is about to sprout for real

>> No.2944873

>using coinbase after they stole your BCC

you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.2944876


>> No.2944892

>Leaving your coins on coinbase after they warned you for 2 months.

You deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.2944906

>using a website that explicitly scams you
>excuse it because they "warned" you

I bet you'll be fine if your children get raped in front of you as long as you're given prior warning too.

Stay cucked retarded faggot.

>> No.2944937

Its your money and its no one elses responsibility to tend to it. Blaming other people wont make you less poor.

Also thats why I carry a gun, always. My children are my responsibility and no one elses. I dont even have children.

>> No.2944951

>b-b-b-but they dindu nuffin!!! Blaming others makes you poor lol nocoiner!!

Get some more buzzwords.

Enjoy having your coins stolen by coinbase at any moment because they already set the precedent that obviously their brain dead users don
Kill yourself.

>> No.2944962

>2 months warning
>at any moment

Your own fault.

>> No.2944969


>> No.2944974

>hurrrrrrdurrr this can't EVER happen with any other coin

Fuck off coinbase damage control.

>> No.2944976

>having your coins stolen by coinbase at any moment

You mean "having your coins stolen after being polity told for 2 months that they planned to do it and urging people to take appropriate measures"

I wish more all """thieves""" were so forward, honest and polite.

>> No.2944984

Stay poor

>> No.2944986

You just seem like a dumb fucking retard, don't get angry at others because of your mental retardation, you turbo autist.

You were literally given months warning ahead of time, I don't even have anything on coinbase and I received MULTIPLE emails.

Suck a fat dick you assmad homosexual.

>> No.2944995

>coinbase sends their goons to damage control

Nothing suspicious here, fellow crypto users! I agree, coinbase is virtuous for warning us.

More than 50k in shitcoins and 1000 ETH. Stay mad retard.

Nice buzzword flinging coinbase damage control

>> No.2945008

Just how autistic are you? Fuck off back to ethtrader, your negativity and all around faggot behavior is not welcome here.

>> No.2945009
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>> No.2945012
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>> No.2945045
File: 336 KB, 454x476, Mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad

My BCH are transferring to bittrex right now. Because I watched my money.

>> No.2945049

>wow bro you're like chilling my mellow

Enjoy losing any of your coins at any moment because coinbase has proven their users are actually too a) retarded or b) weak willed to care.

>getting mad I'm calling out your exit scam exchange

You gonna be happy if they add BCC trading and still don't credit you? Kill yourself.

>> No.2945053

definitely monero and possibly stratis

>> No.2945059

Not a response to what I said, pajeet. I didn't mention BCH but I'm glad you're willing to accept coinbase theft at any moment.

I guess i wouldn't be so worried if I only had 100$ of coins anyway.

>> No.2945083

Nobody keeps their coins on coinbase you cock sucking bitch ass faggot. How do you not get this through your autistic skull?

>> No.2945090
File: 56 KB, 431x288, laughing facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you didnt mention BCH, because you lost all yours.

>> No.2945106

>coinbase damage control literally laughing about stealing coins from people
>everyone must be as retarded as me to use an exit scam exchange

I agree fellow crypto enthusiast, coinbase is BASED and white!

Another buzzword salad.

Kill yourself cuck.

>> No.2945124
File: 58 KB, 429x399, 1390021536389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad
>Trying to pretend he didnt lose all this BCH

Well im going to bed. Stay mad. Glad you lost your money, you earned it.

>> No.2945143

>calling me mad when you're the one who obviously is emotionally invested in an exit scam exchange and can't stop yourself from trying to get the last word.

Strangle yourself in your sleep.

>> No.2945163


"Know what this thread needs? Two idiots fighting over nothing" - You two idiots

>> No.2945199


>> No.2945395

id say monero has a good shot
the coin will definitely be well known, high daily volume and fairly stable. monero seems to be in the right position

>> No.2945506
File: 49 KB, 649x649, no sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what the fuck LindaCoin is? I see it spike and crash like crazy.

>> No.2945886
File: 150 KB, 1518x764, 534r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.2945921

Most likely some eth token, probably golem or augur tbqh

they should add ripple, but i doubt they want to deal with hyperledger coins

IOTA could be cool, but its too new i think

one thing is certain, they will NOT add a privacy coin like monero or pivx, they dont want to attract those kind of costumers and the government probably wont like it either, they have to keep their image clean for the average costumers, they dont want to be known as the place to get drug money

>> No.2945943


>> No.2945966

you should obviously and unironically do this

>> No.2945981

Bitcoin Cash and USDtether

screenshot this

>> No.2946108

They won't add monero. The IRS will come down on theirs asses so hard about it.

>> No.2946142

Bitcoin Cash woud be unbelievable, they have been claiming everywhere that Bitcoin Cash is just a fad and that it will blow over in a few days.

>> No.2946888

Why the FUCK would they add SIGT?

>> No.2946945
File: 178 KB, 491x713, 1501395016769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2946956


>> No.2946975

They're adding zcash.

>> No.2947102
File: 51 KB, 720x406, sunny904-1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you go to the 'accounts' page, you can see they have totally changed the UI in the last couple days, in what looks like a scheme that will support more coins. before it was big buttons for eth, btc, and ltc. now its a scrolling list with room to grow.

>> No.2947122

Ayyyyy more money for me

>> No.2947154

what do we think? coins that are supported by coinbase will most likely moon the instant it's announced... now to figure out which coins are selected...

>> No.2947389

Beat me to it!

>> No.2947405


>> No.2947449

Probably Strat since they're planning ICO support in the future which would heavily benefit Coinbase to sell them

>> No.2947622

They probably kept all of the BCC that their clients should have gotten. Now they are going to sell them.

>> No.2947630

There is literally only 1 that is 100% guarenteed to get added. Hope you hold it in Q4.

>> No.2947654

golem or augur most likely

coinbase have a hard on for ethereum and its tokens for some reason

>> No.2947657

They posted an announcement that you will be able to draw your bcc by jan 1st 2018.

Granted, I'm not sure what BCC will be worth then, but you will be able to draw it. Coinbased is worried about law suits.

>> No.2947668

it's overflowing out of the frame for me

>> No.2947701


Please, I want to be rich

>> No.2947748


SysCoin is the only logical answer.

>> No.2947751


>> No.2947758


its useless shit, ethereum had its ride

>> No.2947763
File: 225 KB, 398x397, 1496057286721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB most likely

>> No.2947859

#3 in market cap and close ties to banks. Low price so newbies will jump on it. Where do you think the 1 billion a month they are allowed to sell are going? Hint - CB is buying them in bulk.