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File: 36 KB, 560x442, zyzz-before-and-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29445734 No.29445734 [Reply] [Original]

did it change your life? after getting /fit/ were you able to focus more on goals, life, business, and success? i've been in a bad place a lot lately and wonder if i should use my crypto gains to fund going to the gym for a year, or if i should stick to a tried and true NEET life where i'm constantly worrying if i'll make enough gains to pay bills for the next month.

is it worth it? if i sacrifice my savings i could potentially get /fit/ and healthy, but will the effect on my body and mind pay dividends? or would i just become a fit NEET?

>> No.29446010
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>> No.29446230

In my case getting fit did wonders for my mental wellbeing. Also you can workout for free. HIIT on a bike and calisthenics outside. Much better on your body.

>> No.29446235

This guy's an insipiration

>> No.29446255

People will treat you better
Esepcially whores
It's a good investment, you will have more dominance to leverage mogging other people and take their oportunities

>> No.29446307
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That two year period in 2011-13 where dead zyzz was bigger than wojack was a strange era in retrospect

>> No.29446313

I used to be depressed. Now I'm muscular and depressed.

>> No.29446432

getting fit literally changed my life, you have to make it a lifestyle though

>> No.29446782

That guy is dead

>> No.29446837

What ever happened to this dude

>> No.29446931

You fail to realize - what you leave behind lives on.

>> No.29446997


>> No.29447004

He got a hothead, but someone didn't get him outta here in time.

>> No.29447087

Murdered by his pimp Tim Sharky in a sauna.

>> No.29447150

Kek. Excellent stuff

>> No.29447199

unironically bought bitcoin to get juice, now im jacked and have 500k in crypto

>> No.29447417

I'm not shredded but I'm noticeably fit these days. It helps immensely with self confidence for me but not everybody needs that to feel confident so YMMV. At the end of the day carrying yourself with pride and feeling confident improve your day to day life greatly so if you need to get fit to achieve that then do it ASAP.

Fuck a gym tho. I just bought some weights and did home workouts. Also bought an exercise bike to use daily for like $100, upgraded once it became clear I would use it for real and not waste my money by buying something better.

>> No.29447435

getting fit teaches you to discipline via exercise and dieting. You have to commit to these to get the body you want. You are training your neural net that hard work pays off. Or you realize u cant do it and forget the whole thing.

If you decide to commit, people subconsciously treat you differently. You emit an alpha persona because u demonstrate you work hard at something. Like bonus social points for having good genes or a hobby.

You feel better about yourself too. If you get fat, the fat cells stay with you forever. You can diet but youll gain the weight back in a jiffy. Being fat is pretty gross, don't add to the statistic, you can prevent that by having exercise in your routine, and that will impact your metabolism years down the road. You are investing in your future health by staying fit. Think of the money saved on triple bypass surgeries.

Plus it feels good, clothes fit better, you become more of a main character than some coin trading NPC

If you are in your young 20s you should do it and make it a habit. Or dont and hope for some ultimate solution handed by medicine.

>> No.29447689

The only shitskin I have ever respected. Stop being a sad cunt, be a sick cunt.

>> No.29447820

He skipped cardio and his heart exploded because he had a defect.

>> No.29447887

he is immortalized

>> No.29447904
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Yes anon it changes so much. I got to university almost 4 years ago now, i'm finishing my bachelor's degree very soon and i'm quite happy thinking how things turned out.

I decided to go to uni in the second biggest city in my region, about 2 and a half hours from my home. I moved there with my girlfriend. Passed that year spending a lot of time with her. Time goes on and things change she is not there anymore. Now in second year of uni. I decide to go out more to activities and events with the people in my cohort. Some of them are chill. Meet new people, they present me to new people, and the cycle goes on.

And thats how i met my gymbros. We were not all gymbros, but once you motivate yourself, and most importantly, motivate others, things just start happening. Going to the gym with others is what changed my life. I started going to the gym with the boys 5 times a week. Doing real training, actually sweating my ass off over there. You need to be busting your ass for at least one hour. Over time, you just get jacked.

The hardest part was eating enough and going alone. When you are in bed and you get the text that they are waiting to go to the gym, you make yourself ready. If i can give one advice to anons that want to do it, focus on form as early as possible. Do it. If not you will break yourself after 6-12 months.

OP i was about as thick as the guy on the left of your picture before the gym. Towards the end i was as jacked as the guy on the right but most definitly not as cut. People respect you more. Girls look at you more. Guys seem a bit intimidated. You start receiving compliments. These were the things that did not happen to me, ans that did once I was 1 year deep in my work.

I think every single man should aspire to be able to step in front of a miror and see himself in top tier condition for at least a time in his life. My experience, do it while you are young anons. And watch out for injuries, treat them seriously.

>> No.29447920

everyone on this board is a pasty ass dyel virgin

>> No.29447980

Will autists on an Internet message board be posting about you when your dead? Hes alive in some capacity.

>> No.29447989

Dn rd nigger

>> No.29448000

I'm too short to lift without looking like I'm coping

5'5 btw

>> No.29448029

use words you uneducated fuck

>> No.29448075

You feel a hundred times better about yourself when you are fit.
Buy a home gym though, I lost all my fucking gains when the gyms closed due to the pandemic. Totally fucked my life up.

>> No.29448151

>after getting /fit/ were you able to focus more on goals
Very much so, yes. It taught me how to grind skills and gave me a lot of momentum. Now I can apply those skills to anything I want and it's very liberating. I only wish I had done it in my teens instead of my mid 20s.

>> No.29448165
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>> No.29448283

roids cost around $65 a 10ml vial of good stuff. blends cost around $100
you can get away with spending $10-15 a week on roids.
learn how to buy them online and don't put all your eggs into one shady online dealer. I'm not holding your hand through any of this but it's cheap af to be ripped.

>> No.29448339

yea you get all these bonuses but also the mental gains are unreal

i have a really tumultuos romantic relationship. like stress and fighting and bullshit all the time, and i have heart ache going on else where in my life. but when i go to the gym or i go to martial arts it all gets a little easier and i can sleep a little better and i get less angry and i can focus easier.

>> No.29448480

sounds like it's cheap to have small balls you fucking roid addict

>> No.29448542

This thread is simultaneously a call-sign and watering hole for low IQ normie scum, fundamentally.

Thankfully, this post won't even deter any of you absolute morons from leaving.

Keep picking things up and putting them back down again so you don't feel worthless, KEK.

>> No.29448546

100 percent if you made it get working out and achieve zyzz aesthetics right fucking now

>> No.29448550

Yes. More confident, more happy after a workout, people treat u better
Basically only upsides but u need to make it a habit

>> No.29448694

He left behind a lesson that abusing chemicals like a junkie for the sole purpose of wanting to look attractive for females is fucking retarded, beta, and shallow. And he died over that

Real men should not be concerned with what women think

He was more similar to a female than a male

>> No.29448767

stay salty you limp wrist. My balls are the size of your head and every after school special you watched about roids is fake and gay, gayer than Ben Affleck writhing on the floor roid raging gay.

>> No.29448846

I have hard flaccid and the guys in the discord say heavy lifting will stop me from curing it and I need to stay at home and do resistance stretching instead

>> No.29448908

Image unironically giving even one hundredth of a single fuck what the npc crowd thinks and letting that affect the way you live your one and only life.

Anyone who says "those are j-j-just bonus effects!" is kidding themselves if they're literally vouching for X on the back of "bonus effect Y" - your actions speak for themselves.

Find out who you are first, then, go forth and be it - asking others what to do and how to live is like choosing the KEK class and leaving the brightness on default while making your character.

>> No.29449172

ÇUCK class **
Shows how long it's been since I've posted, wtf is this word filter shit, is fourchan assimilated? Is this the newest addition of "le edgy containment forum"?

>> No.29449604

>Real men should not be concerned with what women think.
>He was more similar to a female than a male.
Looks like we've got a live one, boys!
I like your energy, kid; wanna see how a REAL MAN actually put it?
*clears throat*
You see? REAL MEN is just MEN, and 'should not' is really 'ARE NOT', I assume you are already aware that women are like sheep.l, that one is easy.

Stick around and you'll have this mob of drooling morons eating out of your hand — careful though, if you toss them pearls they might just bite off your fingers!

>> No.29449721

become a cute femboi trap instead

>> No.29449802

It's 8:45 AM, I'm eating breakfast and am about to make my way to the gym for fifth time past 7 days. It feels good and it is very worth it.

Best advice is to go there in the mornings, you'll have the rest of the day free to be productive.

>> No.29450164
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It depends on your height. If you’re 6’2 your life essentially becomes god mode. But if you’re short, people think your body is unattractive. When you’re lean and tanned, women will literally throw themselves at you. In clubs women will squeeze your ass, pull your shirt, try go feel your pecs. In bed they will lick your abs and scratch your back . Other men will respect you more due to the halo effect. Lifting has taught me the goal setting process aswell as a teen, and the use of visualization of your end goals. Most people who lift that I know are also motivated towards other things.

However there’s a big IF. If you are still autistic, it can make things harder. Because women will be intimidated by you.

>> No.29450188

where would he be right now if he didnt die?

>> No.29450301

turns out, gains doesnt make you rich unless you scam people into buying your shitty keto diet plan

>> No.29450345

I'm just going to be forever a boy and wear gym shorts and sandels my whole life

>> No.29450432
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thanks anon, all my friends who i hardly ever see are nerds though and could never be gym bros

> I moved there with my girlfriend. Passed that year spending a lot of time with her. Time goes on and things change she is not there anymore.

did you breaked up? i have only ever had one gf and still with her, haven't had sex in nearly a year. i love her, but i'm not attracted to her and can't admit it. i need to end it, but i can't. i love everything about her, i just can't get hard for her. feels so bad bros.

>> No.29450501

>If you are still autistic
Nigger this is 4chan we're all retarded here

>> No.29450536

stupid fucking zoomers. Zyzz lives forever in all of us. We all have a little bit of zyzz in us just waiting...

>> No.29450589

I'm 6"3' lanky wristlet

>> No.29450699

Yes I like the way teenage girls look at me

>> No.29450715

Probably fucking a woman with a feminine penis

>> No.29450746
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well said

>> No.29450762

that is quite sad

>> No.29450869
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>> No.29451051

Its worth it if you wanna be healthy but t b h if you go into it thinking your gonna turn into a 10/10 you might as well jut try getting surgery. Even my mom calls me hideous, I don't wanna exist anymore.

>> No.29451085

dude unironically looks hotter on the before pic

>> No.29451526
File: 32 KB, 495x619, A64154B0-B45D-4151-AC20-33CF60A30BE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find getting fit has a whole lot of positive feedback loops.

If you go to the gym, you want to get the most out of workout, therefore you eat better and sleep more and on a regular schedule.

And that trinity (regular exercise, good diet and plenty of sleep) is all you need to physically healthy.

The mind and body are not seperate, therefore healthy body equals healthy mind. If you have a healthy mind and body, there’s nothing you can’t do.

Getting /fit/ is probably the best thing you can do. What’s the point of of having millions of dollars if you feel like shit and your body is giving up on you.

>> No.29451771
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Did you know Da Vinci and Socrates were (probably) jacked and Lundgren received a Fulbright scholarship to study at MIT? Didn't think so.

>> No.29452128

Absolutely. Getting fit is just as important as having a sharp mind. The fact that society has seemingly made the two mutually exclusive really makes me think.
As other anons have said, it's a great positive feedback loop. People like to feel that they've accomplished something, and losing weight and gaining muscle feeds into that feeling.
Don't do it for anyone else, especially women, do it for yourself, because you want to be the best man you can be.

>> No.29452674

A man's dream will never die.

>> No.29452713

Steroids are not going to make you healthy.

>> No.29452902

be careful anon, I have a friend who is 28. He's dealing with problems with his dick, and he keeps getting back on steroids because he's addicted. It fucks with your emotions big time.

>> No.29453753

I was still repulsive after I did it so it didn't help me socially, not that I expected it to.
Being more physically capable feels pretty good though.

>> No.29453828

I still miss him bros. He was the king of shitposting. Every post on misc and biz should be archived for posterity

>> No.29453852

Same height as Jeff Nippard bro

>> No.29454087

It is worth it.
The strangest fucking thing is that other no-homo guys are nicer to you too. Everyone is nicer. You cruise through job interviews, everything involving face-to-face interaction with another person is easier.
That said, it will not cure your autism.

>> No.29454104

sigh, those prices are retarded


>> No.29454153

Zyzz leaves behind a legacy you couldn’t even dream of. You don’t even realize how much of an influence he’s left behind. Do you know where “we’re all gonna make it” and it’s variations came from?

>> No.29454442


Yes, it changed everything. It's every young man's duty to get fucking yoked. Easiest way to improve your life DRAMATICALLY. Hands down.

>> No.29454506


Just don't stroke out at 35, kek

>> No.29454595

buy home gym equipment for true neet life, you can do both. saves time, and its more comfy

>> No.29454625

Its worth it until you stop, then you will end up more depressed in the first place.

>> No.29454666

I got touched by a gay guy

>> No.29454727

>But if you’re short, people think your body is unattractive.
Retard take, look at Frank Zane. He mogs 99.9% of body builders and is short

>> No.29454936

I murdered my legs a few days ago....never skip leg day. Ups yr test, you can pig out guilt free, largest muscles. Take ibrophen for pain if needed for Doms

>> No.29455180

i lost all my gains during corona

>> No.29455405

>neglecting your health because the imaginary anon in your head says that you’re coping

>> No.29455591
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Yeah I got more guys interested in me. Still a forever alone crypto autist though.

>> No.29455694

What’s the difference between being intimidating in a hot way that turns women on vs being intimidating in a scary and offputting way?

>> No.29455806

you got fit doing what? lifting water bottles? what a fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.29455881

>caring what autists think about you on a chinese girl cartoon forum

>> No.29456174
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>Zyzz's mother worked in cardiology
>he died of a heart attack

Holy shit the irony

>> No.29456335

I don't know. I never was "not fit", since I started working out at 17. Don't know what it is like to live with a non-perfect, non-muscular body.

>> No.29456354

Lots of good responses here, like >>29447435 and >>29447904

Just want to add, as a skinny af dude who put on about 30 lbs of muscle, the most important thing is to follow a program. "Tooling around" in the gym can be a good way to get started, but to see results, you want to follow a program that someone smarter than you designed, which takes the thinking out of it

I recommend StrongLifts 5x5. You go in the gym 3x a week, do your lifts, and GTFO. Takes about 3 hours a week total. They also have an app, which I found helpful, because it literally tells you everything you have to do (loading, deloading, rest times, etc). Starting Strength is another option a lot of people like

>> No.29456476

He's immortal and live as God

>> No.29456696

Grow a beard and be a dwarven god

>> No.29456745

short answer, no.

>> No.29456762

He was a steroid user.

>> No.29457147


>> No.29457526

Off you go back to /soc/ and /gif/

>> No.29457851

Didn't this guy die while on high on cocaine when he was in a sauna with some Asian ladyboys?

>> No.29458073

>Plus it feels good, clothes fit better, you become more of a main character than some coin trading NPC

Love this analogy

>> No.29458190

suicide, transitioning might be good options for shorter bros

>> No.29458532
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>Zyzz has been dead for almost 10 years

>> No.29458795

Yes, being actually physically fit (not in the /fit/ meme way where GAINZ are the only important thing, even at the cost of your own health) does improve a lot of things such as your stamina, posture, concentration, confidence and general well being. However, if you exercise simply because you want to look good to whores you're never going to make it and you might as well rope yourself now.

>> No.29458804
File: 198 KB, 1080x891, 90158AE7-D28F-451D-9982-94F74B5BE2E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ten years /fit/
>never got laid
>got fat during shutdown
>ive gotten laid more in one month that ten years combined

my self-steem is shit now, i fuck the shit out of my chubby coworker tho

>> No.29458818

this is biz op

>> No.29458991

Honestly my life improved a lot because I was more disciplined had a good routine and benefited from looking / feeling great.

I would always get compliments about my body. I could tell that girls found me more attractive and they were intimidated by me which gave me the power.

Mental health improved as well. Sauna helped to take it to the next level.

Just do it anon. It’s seriously worth it. Don’t live your life fat. Get sexy and good looking. Take care of yourself ya know.

Confidence feels good.

>> No.29459208

lifting is pretty based I do calisthenics though as its nice to train outside and not be around a bunch of roid heads with acne

>> No.29459304

why would you care what other people think, thats how losers think. are you a loser anon?

>> No.29459375

I’ve been lifting since I was 19 btw. About 8 years. It takes time to build muscle and strength. You can get great results in a year but it’ll take time to really fill out. Like I can wear a L/xl shirt and completely fill out the arms and chest area. And if the shirt is tailored right it will be fitted and show off my tight abs.
Legs are well built. I have to buy athletic fit pants cus I squat and deadlift a lot. Before Corona I have had girls grab my ass. Even my girlfriends friend drunkenly felt me up when we were in an elevator.

Shits different when you’re good looking.

This year I got kinda fat cus of covid but I just got a gym set so I’m back to it.

>> No.29459453

dead shitcoin

>> No.29459515

I'm 90kg 1.84. not fit or anything but I do walk 5 km on weekdays and 10-15 every weekend. I'm more fit than most of my friends who go to the gym when I take them on a hike.

>> No.29459533

I had to kick out my best friend of 10 years (since we were 10) because he was on roids and started to assault myself and housemates for no reason besides he was angry. Haven't talked to him since.
He was fit as but we didn't respect him for his muscle and it drove him mad.

>> No.29459704

Why, not buy equipment for home?
I got myself some dumbbells, a kettlebell, a bike and a bench. For the price of about 6-10 months of gym subscription. I'm also an autistic faggot so if there are three people there it's two to many already.
Do I have all the fancy equipment a gym has, no. But there are many advantages.

You don't waste time traveling to the gym. Just 30 minutes there and back and you lost 1 hour out of the 24 you have. You have no excuses such as it is late. The gym is literally next to you. You can also do multiple times a day. Long-term it is cheaper.

On the downside you need to have discipline, otherwise you just threw money away. Some people need a massive faggot called personal trainer ordering them around the gym to do something otherwise they don't do shit.

>> No.29459756

>did it change your life?
I am happier, healthier and more confident in myself.
I didn't start banging 10's every week or become a millionaire because I have abs now.
I work out every day now, I am always happier after than before. All those negative thoughts get quieter.
I listened to Faras Zahabi on JRE one night, something clicked and the next day I started doing push ups and sit ups on my bedroom floor. I did that for months before graduating to more detailed things. Only recently do I think, while listening to that podcast, something he spoke about made me realise the connection between my body and my mind. How neglecting one was negatively effecting the other. I somehow arrived at the idea of "your body is your temple" through my own autistic thoughts.
He also spoke about working out to 75% and how intensity isn't good. How it kills your mental motivation to get up and go again tomorrow. So I try keep a good balance, overworking leads to future lazyness.