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29435823 No.29435823 [Reply] [Original]

Do you smoke cigarettes?

>> No.29435898

they shrivel your dick up. notice how he crosses his legs.

>> No.29435927

No, it’s degenerate.

>> No.29436006
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Yeah how come

>> No.29436011

I use a fucking vape. I hate it so much. Im slowly cutting down on it. I've tried a lot of drugs back when I was crazy in college. Nicotine is the only one I cant fucking stop.

>> No.29436016

used to smoke 4-5 a day. i lit one up one day, and literally threw up. my body told me everything i needed to know

>> No.29436023

Disgusting cancer sticks make you look old as shit by the time your in your 30's, your breath stinks no matter what you do, and your life expectancy is about 30% less than those who don't smoke.

>> No.29436093
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Ahahahah that pic. Yeah I do unfortunately American spirits, usually the yellow ones but I’ll smoke the blues too

>> No.29436196

faggots lmao

i bet you think alcohol taste bad

>> No.29436232

They aren't even addictive pussies

>> No.29436260

>the blues

>> No.29436281

yeah but idk why really

>> No.29436355


I actually stopped so I could invest more into crypto.

>> No.29436410

No they’re for retarded weak-willed addicts
Imagine saying yes the first time someone pressured you into smoking a cigarette
fucking pussies

>> No.29436416

I used to but the health aspect of it wasn't what made me quit. It's the fact that I was spending so much fucking cash on that shit that could have been invested instead

>> No.29436462

maybe I'm just so cool I wanna die

>> No.29436505

I smoke like 7 joints a day and its terrible for my teeth and lungs, but I can always quit for a month and whiten my teeth and it goes back to normal - probably pushing my luck though

>> No.29436527

Yeah, brings me comfort knowning I'm dying sooner.

>> No.29436624

It does taste bad you dumb faggot. You're too busy trying to get it up while drunk with your prostitute to notice her cumbreath because you've been downing vodka.

>> No.29436636

20 a day, 20 years. It's my only vice though, I don't really drink much at home, just when I'm at the bar and that wouldn't be more than 3/4 times a week. Well, I'm having a whiskey right now but that's because of lockdown.
But I haven't done drugs in years and I never gambled. I mean, a joint doesn't count as drugs and I'll have a joint before bed every night, and I guess this is more investment than gambling.

But yeah, confirmed smoker but other than that, my body is fucking temple.

>> No.29436694
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>smokes cigarettes
>stays poor

>> No.29436743



>> No.29436768

The dark blue pack gives me withdrawal headaches after just one cig

So therefore based.

>> No.29436849

man, I'm like less than half his age and he's got wayy better hair than me.

>> No.29437029

He pays to keep it looking good

>> No.29437101

yeah, I also know that unless you're smoking disgusting shit with additives and keeping it in control then all the health shit is nonsense. I guess Im lucky but I only smoke once a day and sometimes two, sometimes never. Only buy Yellow American Spirit and its worth it because a single pack lasts me a month

>> No.29437115
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Smoke weed everyday

>> No.29437125

I think Hollywood has the highest percentage of smokers of any workforce in the country, it's fucking bizarre how everyone on a film set including the actors just smokes constantly

>> No.29437138

In australia it's like $31usd for a single pack of 30s. Having brand name smokes is for the rich man

>> No.29437177

My very first cigarette was at 24. I smoked an entire pack to prove to some people that I could and had no ill effects. I bought another pack the next day..next...and so on for 5 years. I have COPD and lymphoma now. Not sure if related. Will die but trying to watch ETH get to a certain value so I can sell it and leave the money for my wife and kid

>> No.29437180

Imagine not saying yes and staying a fucking loser

>> No.29437320

I had an easier time quitting meth than nicotine. How can such a mild sensation be so addictive?

>> No.29437373
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No and I never will, my mom is bad sick with cancer with many masses in her lungs as well as other organs. Seeing her cough up nasty phlegm for so many years, and now this has convinced me that it's just not worth it. Chew gum instead if you need something to pass the time, but please don't smoke anons.

>> No.29437443

sometimes i like some smoke.

>> No.29437494

Yeah I smoke Marlboro Reds but recently bought a pack of Lucky Strike Golds. I liked them, but I hated the filter so I got Lucky Strike Reds 100s and I can't even finish one! They taste really good though.

Disgusting. American Spirits all taste like lights to me and I have to suck really hard to get tabacco. If I were preteding to smoke cigs, I'd probably go with these.

You guys should invest in a Volcano. You'll smoke less weed and get even higher. Although they recently shot up in price...

>> No.29437592

bartenders would like to say hello

>> No.29437630

My gf doesn't swallow because it gives her mild nicotine poising and she gets dizzy and throws up. No joke, still can't quit

>> No.29437662

Hell yeah they’re heavy
Based blues brothers

>> No.29437689

I'm off them with about 2 weeks now after smoking for 5 years. No big deal but occasionally get cravings. I want to start again desu cos I wasn't even a heavy smoker in the first place

>> No.29437758


>> No.29437759

I smoke pole

>> No.29437788

>all the health shit is nonsense
anon, I...
my consumption is pretty much the same as yours but I'm not laboring under the illusion that this shit is anything but terrible for me

>> No.29437873

me too bro.. now about them beers, how much we spending on them brews? ipas/stouts/flemish red ales for me.

>$120-250 a week

>> No.29437890

i like nicotine but my last cigarette was this weekend. ill still keep a vape tho. the gum and little snus packets taste like absolute shit after 5 minutes and make me feel like vomiting

>> No.29437896
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>> No.29437904

Do you mix with tobacco or smoke blunts

>> No.29437930

exact same, train, fit AF, eat well, no booze, no drugs, cigs my only vice

>> No.29438010

You sound like you're just trying to convince yourself

>> No.29438067

Really? The marlboro reds feel very light to me

>> No.29438068

His dick was only 4 inches to begin with.

>> No.29438069

You mean chefs retard.

>> No.29438122
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Your gf also comes later than expected from work... don't worry about that.

>> No.29438394

its like my sister whose all terrified of covid and is "immunocompromised", does yoga but chain smokes since she was a teen and coughs up a lung on a regular basis
>b-but I need to smoke because otherwise I get cramps!
she has an excuse loaded for every vice too, its impossible to talk her out of it

>> No.29438454

Omg why are you mad such a stalker!!!! Stop being clingy!!! Trafiic sucks!!

>> No.29438497

do some research on anti tobacco compaigns and realize that all the things like cancer couldnt be replicated but was promoted just to fuck over the tobacco industry which im not against but was a major lie. Start asking basic questions like why some of the countries that have higher life expectancy also smoke way more than anyone else for example. Its not hard and this site is a perfect example http://www.smokingaloud.com/death.html
Theres also a book made by an aussie a while ago that I keep forgetting but he debunked all the anti tobacco shit with signatures from doctors that did the experiments and disagreed with the media assessments

>> No.29438508

no. smoking is for lower middle class white niggers.

>> No.29438686

I got his name again, Dr William Whitby. Read his shit

>> No.29438747

Snus. All day everyday. The healthiest way to consume tobacco, you can do it inside and a t work, which is key, and you don't have to spit.

>> No.29438782

general snus master race

>> No.29438806

Only high quality non Cuban cigars. Cigarettes are chemical trash.

>> No.29438827

I love it.
Gonna go smoke 100k.

>> No.29438835

I smoke socially now. I originally put away 3 or 4 cigarettes a day in my early 20's/late teens. I switched to vaping and became dramatically more addicted to nicotine than I ever was to cigarettes (it's so easy to vape and you don't feel it on your chest like ciggies, plus it tastes nice).
I quit vaping and now I'll often buy a pack of smokes if I'm heading out for a big drink or something, even thought they make the hangover twice as bad. I'd rather vape but I'm much more likely to pick it up again at home than I would cigarettes which are gross and make me feel as such.


>20 a day, 20 years
>Only drink when at a bar, which is 3/4 times a week
>A joint doesn't count as drugs
>Otherwise my body is a temple

Anon.. you're in dire need of a wake-up call.

>> No.29438871

Image being a slave of the nicotine jew

>> No.29438895
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No. I do use nicotine pouches sometimes. I'm on a break from them at the moment (I picked the worst time for a break)

>> No.29438913

I used to now and then but now they taste bad to be and make be feel bad

>> No.29438921

Not anymore. They're a waste of money. I could be buying stocks and crypto instead. Also not damaging my lungs. I love cigarettes but they're just not worth it.

>> No.29439007

Nah I quit sometime last year, now just vaping like a faggot

>> No.29439016

I would like to switch to cigars but fucking annoying to get lots of good shit without costing a bunch, I'm slowly switching to pipes though. Enjoy cigs and like the practicality but usually smell like ass and I hate how short they last, I like long smokes

>> No.29439018
File: 39 KB, 1080x254, 26469938-D065-42EC-95C3-195ED5BFF986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to smoke 2-3 cigs a day and stopped smoking all of the sudden. You faggots have no sense of will
21 year old fag here

>> No.29439020

I must be lucky I'm apparently a nicotine non responder or something. The only nicotine buzz I've ever felt was when I smoked two in a row or something and it made me feel dizzy and nauseated.

>> No.29439085


>> No.29439168

Ignoring the fact I doubt what you're saying, I literally only need to smoke two or three cigarettes to know how bad they are for me. If you're not a current smoker, you can/will feel the cigarettes on your chest for a day or two after having them. You can feel the slight effect they have had on your breathing.
To realise they're bad for you, you only have to listen to your body.

>> No.29439207

>tfw nobody got your joke
I laughed anon.

>> No.29439230

ok sam

>> No.29439291
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>> No.29439363

Acknowledging that there may be motivations to overstate the deleterious health effects of smoking, I think it's pretty safe to state that consumption of smoked tobacco does present risks, and that these are generally well-studied and supported over the period that the practice has been examined scientifically. Additionally, I don't need to be a scientist to observe that heavy or even moderate smokers I've encountered over the course of my life suffer from the same health conditions that are referenced by these studies. The link you provided doesn't even make the kind of broad argument you seem to take from it that tobacco consumption is not harmful - it merely aims to address what the author views as overstatements of these claims or distortions of the data that support them. It doesn't do this particularly compellingly, though, and I wouldn't say it's particularly well-sourced or even well-written.

>> No.29439411

I told a joke?

>> No.29439429

Anything by AJ Fernandez is fantastic and affordable, especially box pressed stuff.

>> No.29439500
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i am thirty years old and have never smoked anything ever

i never tried any "illicit" drugs either because i was too lazy to try and find a dealer and didn't feel like spending the money anyway

also i had no friends so no peer pressure

my main vice is junk food though which is still pretty damn bad

>> No.29439506

I smoke Crowns

they are only $6 a pack instead of $11 for marlb reds

>> No.29439530

i tried so hard to get addicted to vaping, everyday at amazon warehouse, vape before a i clock in, vape at break, vape at luch, vape at next break, vape on car home,

did it for one whole year. when i quit working at amzon i quit vaping same day, didnt even think about vaping ever again, still have the vape pens in the car probably without a charge.

>> No.29439550

>21 year old fag here
shut the fuck up kid
you dont know shit about the real world yet

>> No.29439737

>tfw been trying to limit my cigarette intake to just the weekends for the last few years
>almost went outside and smoked a cigarette just now to calm down from realizing I made $10k on the uni airdrop

God DAMN I miss getting a buzz and looking cool what the fuck else can I do anons?

>> No.29439760

suit yourself, by that logic though I guess you should stop working out if you determine everything on a hedonistic base of how good or bad your body feels. Literally everything you you know about cigs was spoonfed to you by propaganda paid by investors and the only reason you think its bad is because your brain has been conditioned to believe it is but fine, if you want to quit just make sure you dont use vapes either its the same shit just stop being a pussy and go cold turkey

>> No.29439778

thank you for the lungs full of mucus

>> No.29439864

wtf does brad have a microdick only dicklets can cross their legs like that

>> No.29439899

nice blogpost

>> No.29439954

Used to smoke half a pack a day and I miss it, I coped with a vape for a year until I got sick of replacing the cotton and just quit cold turkey. I still end up buying a pack, smoking half a cig, feeling bad then throwing it all in the garbage.

>> No.29440015
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thanks, i learned how to do it from reading your posts

may we blogpost together forever fren

>> No.29440111

Nice strawman, i originally didnt say tobacco is godlike I said that if you keep in check and smoked natural then its fine. The link wasnt a point of proof it was motivation to look this shit up because it displays the factors behind the anti tobacco campaigns not being altruistic at all. Like I said, to find the things that debunk everything ready on that doctor I was talking about,I read those and theyre good and have sources like I fucking said with the scientists who disagreed with the conclusion that it can cause lung cancer, he has 3 books I believe and can still be found online I believe, good luck ordering it anywhere. if you dont care like I told the other guy I dont give a shit im not going to stay up late at night to prove this to some random motherfucker online and I doubt you're going to read those books either

>> No.29440204

8.5 incher here and i cross my legs like that all the time

>> No.29440275

imagine being brad pitt and still wearing a face diaper
these people are not to be envied

>> No.29440436


>> No.29441157

I apologize, anon, you're obviously very smart and diligent and know how to critically examine sources for their rigor and any indications of bias. I'll defer to your judgment on such matters from now on =).

>> No.29441339

General white collective here

>> No.29442441
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>> No.29443215
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Learn how to spell
Only niggers and illegal immigrants have bad grammar you retard

>> No.29443267
File: 98 KB, 750x1197, 66B411B4-CDB2-49DA-9BC6-C1ECEEC828E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know about smoking though nigga

>> No.29443493

I keep all of my cans in the fridge at work for maximum efficiency

>> No.29443566
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, sing yesterday for me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a comfortable place to browse while smoking a cigarette.