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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1280x720, iexec-rlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29429614 No.29429614 [Reply] [Original]

Most shameless team in crypto

>> No.29429644

Approximately $280,000,000 in funds and they don't spend a penny on marketing

>> No.29429822


>> No.29429977

Basically RLC will end up like PNK and STA

>> No.29429980

The market : already in the green
RLC : still trying to not dump more

>> No.29430012

They need it to buyback the coin when Amazon acquires them for the tech, announcement soon.

>> No.29430066
File: 73 KB, 478x688, lolol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The market : already in the green
>RLC : still trying to not dump more
bad fud

>> No.29430294
File: 642 KB, 904x884, Gillesnewcar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags don't get fooled.

>> No.29430365
File: 261 KB, 434x552, fallingman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bye frens..

>> No.29430586

That's an interesting thing. I suggested it to Blair on Telegram but he ignored me as usual.
It would help to maintain the price and they could subsidize developers to develop some dapps or deploy some data stores.

$280,000,000 in funds and they don't want to stake $25,000 to get listed on Bancor
$280,000,000 in funds and they don't want to hire a random pajeet group to develop some demos
$280,000,000 in funds and they don't want to buy some gay datasets to at least pretend that somebody is using that shitty data marketplace

I'm capitulating

>> No.29430723

I'm starting to think that they're trying to exit scam and get away with the money like some projects did during 2018~2020

>> No.29430785

>280 million

>> No.29430937

This is fucking bad like. Everything else rebounded but we keep dumping

>> No.29430967

they already got the money legally in 2017
they have no reason to exit scam, they only hold like 6 million RLC
it's nothing compared to their ETH stash

>> No.29431034
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1610253874922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is still dumping you gronk. we are dumping harder though. bout to kms

>> No.29431144

PNK bro here I feel your pain

>> No.29431233

You have 10 seconds to tell me what Blair does all day.
Because that retard doesn't do anything. There are a lot of shitty DEXes like Pancakeswap that you just have to lookup the contract and is done, I don't see iExec being listed in any of them

>> No.29431343

Been holding since 2017 and I’m starting to feel like a fool.

>> No.29431404

God the only way to make money with this shitcoin is to short it 16h/24h with leverage x10

>> No.29431461

This really is a shame, I'll never invest again in a crypto created by a scholar who has no clue how to run a business

>> No.29431588
File: 2.60 MB, 1799x1300, RLC Freedom .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to know what it's like to be free?

You'll never really know, unless you acquire RLC and hold with diamond hands.

RLC will make you free.

>> No.29431617

It was funny and exciting in the beginning when were waiting for the game changer movement.
I thought it would come after V5, then after eRLC, now we are waiting for the US opinion (it will probably pump it by 20% then dump 30% the next day)

>> No.29431662
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>> No.29431675
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>> No.29431719

Marketing is a waste of money
t. Marketer

>> No.29431769

You guys stop being negative, they managed to pull of a funny faceswap contest on Twitter, create a manual for how to send e-mails and create a calendrar, what more could you ask for?

>> No.29431771

There really is no reason to hold RLC while the marketplace is a desert

>> No.29431810

Not for crypto

>> No.29432118

Meant to be >>29431810

>> No.29432182

Approximately $280,000,000 in funds and Gilles spent at least $279,000,000 in tranny male prostitutes and coke

>> No.29432205
File: 408 KB, 945x745, NSMDO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29432260

>insecure shitcoin holder posts in a RLC thread for the 43827u5th time

>> No.29432374

Lmao aren't you pissed with that pathetic team?

>> No.29432413
File: 1.92 MB, 1949x1240, startingline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many senties for a ps5 in 3 months ?

>> No.29432583

Mostly but astroturfing in crypto isn’t. Look at shit like prq.

>> No.29432619

Organic growth > Overhyped growth
No use spending a bunch of money to get a group of mong investors who will dump at a 2x onboard.
It's the work behind the scenes that matters.

>> No.29432665

shut the fuck up blair

>> No.29432744

Someone shoud edit the xrp video where the bagholders walk and put the iexec logo on it.

>> No.29432844

At least XRP pumped at some point, RLC has never pumped due to binance whale manipulation

>> No.29432888

It’s true. Snake oil won’t last/work and I don’t care to get rich selling or investing in it. I would rather wait and earn from an honest investment.

>> No.29432910

They apparently spend 30% on marketing g

>> No.29432998

true, currently investing into Cryptex due to the same reason. They are full against the mindhive/astroturf mentality. Still low cap (4M). It won't moon over night, but will organically grow, since it's a good product with experienced team.

>> No.29433020

They're REALLY not spending anything on marketing

>> No.29433049

your'e retarded

>> No.29433090

>Organic growth
But there is no growth. Not a single company is using RLC.

>> No.29433181
File: 7 KB, 250x250, coffefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The diamond hands meme again? Where have I heard that before...

>> No.29433205

You’re a soulless bugperson who would screw someone over to benefit yourself.

>> No.29433289

It just doesn't stop

>> No.29433337

Yep they think that their product is so beautiful that they don't need marketing. Isn't that cute ?

>> No.29433384
File: 602 KB, 581x580, 1609998555414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no doubt iExec will be a game changing tech giant and holders will all be extremely rich one day but this dumping and the seemingly intentional spit in the face from the team has my hands getting shaky.

>> No.29433503

>announce enterprise marketplace in November
>spend $0 on marketing in 3 months except for a couple of tweets
>depends on the community to fill 100k quota
you seriously defending this? retard

>> No.29433678

This was pathetic. There are a lot of small/medium companies that could be using the marketplace right now, just give them some RLC and let them play
That's what shady projects like Cudos are doing

>> No.29433691

Stockholm syndrome

>> No.29433743

probably because cudos has 10 billion tokens of which 98% are centralized so they can do anything they want kek

>> No.29433823

this project is a sleeper, will it ever awake?

>> No.29433883

The team has 300 million in funds they could buy like the 40% of the supply at minimum

>> No.29433906

thats illegal

>> No.29433931

Karma is going to fuck you and the others in your group up. When your mothers dies in their sleep soon (No, replying won’t stop karma) you will know why. NSMDO!

>> No.29434041

Blair is such a retard, he's like one of my coworker. You're talking about something but he simply can't understand what you're talking about becuase he's a brainlet. You're talking about X but he thinks that you're talking about Y

>> No.29434138

Each day further from ATH

>> No.29434197


>> No.29434253

You will see

>> No.29434365

>he actually thinks there's a coordinated FUD group instead of just pissed off bagholders telling the truth
ok blair

>> No.29434522

I know that there's a retard who FUDs RLC all day.
But this is a legit thread.

>> No.29434645

Soon RLC will change from 2 dollar stable oil back to RLC tether stable oil. Did we miss the RLC bullrun by not selling at 2 dollars?

>> No.29434652
File: 1.60 MB, 864x1008, 1613348464303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only explanation is that the team fully expects to be the leading force in decentralised cloud computing and data security. This is why they don't give a fuck about us. The tech is there, the partnerships are there. We've already made it and it's just infuriating because memes are performing better than us.

>> No.29434796

He knows it's not a group, but in case a innocent newfag has the luck to fall here, it's better making them think that. Good sheeps don't see the bullet until the end.

>> No.29434806

or maybe they don't give a fuck about the project succeeding and it's just a hobby project and to give the impression that their ICO funds are legitimately earned.

>> No.29434839
File: 196 KB, 782x588, Req Coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, Coinbase could only choose one French token and they took pic related.

>> No.29434994

no because they've developed the tech you fucking brainlet.

>> No.29435045

tech that nobody uses yet. why? if it's so good tech?

>> No.29435139
File: 385 KB, 767x543, 1602823934362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29435178

a literal invoice project
the same project that Wikipedia France called lazy
the same project that lost million gambling on eth
got on noticed by coinbase before iexec

>> No.29435335

because we're early. Do you even know what you're holding?

>> No.29435404

Based on community efforts to create funny memes and release videos and their funny hopium this project deserves to be top 100 at least, so I can understand the frustration, why doesn't the team care about the Oiler community? Hopefully they will become some sort of backbone for cloud computering int he EU, that would be massive.

>> No.29435485

right but project is ready and e-rlc is live and so far no usage :( Never Appreciating Digital Oil

>> No.29435590

>before iexec
You're implying that iExec ever gets on Coinbase custody which is still a big IF.

>> No.29435727

Big opportunity to buy here.

>> No.29435730

Get fucked, you lot are doing the same to LINK so you can buy it cheaper. I fucking hate you bugs. Stop it with the ‘leave your country when you make it’ threads too ffs. Karma is coming.

>> No.29435827

Almost fomod into prq, please convince me why it's shit

>> No.29435996

the volume on binance lately has been crazy (for rlc)
its obvious someone is still accumulating
req got mentioned by coinbase and only has 6.8m while rlc is at 15m volume

you're weird bro

>> No.29436060


>> No.29436375
File: 375 KB, 750x776, 4DF19786-1CA6-4C55-95B1-17C0B9A050B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s a data tracker with a giant astroturfed marketing campaign... their twitter went from 700 to 45k followers since August, the GitHub has been hidden since August, it has no bitcoin talk, they make you fomo on announcements of announcements, they talk of NDAs constantly, the telegram is full of people talking about the price and not much else, the best partnership is some binance thing and the only evidence I’ve seen of it is a meme/advert with their name on it. They also faked a binance GitHub earlier by using a pull request. Maybe I am wrong and I hope I am as my friend has £14,000 invested. Honestly they are doing a good job even if I am right and it might still make you money but I’m 90% sure the project is snake oil and the growth is mostly astroturfed and won’t last. Up to you

>> No.29436460

Oh and 95% of it is being bought/sold through uniswap lol.

>> No.29436471
File: 367 KB, 1600x1066, oil barrons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your future oilers.
Embrace it.

>> No.29436545

1st feb when I saw that the partnerships were all bullshit I moved to Cudos.

I unironically feel safer with Cudos team

>> No.29436701

Also, the chinks are using their standard business model right now which is selling cheap knockoff shit to westerners while they use the profit to buy up valuable western resources, in this case good projects coins like LINK and RLC, etc. Which would explain the uptake in fud on them while utter garbage gets shilled to fuck. This is beyond pajeets in their mom’s basement. I wouldn’t be surprised if Russians/Slavs were involved too, they have some bug in them.

>> No.29436779

>implying I have ever had a job or ever will

>> No.29436835
File: 103 KB, 640x493, 97f08066bb2b86447e0d419898e1ca45 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ch-ch-checked anons. they dont need to spend a dollar on marketing because i am making RLC memes for free at this point.